HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-06-20, Page 1VOLUME 40, 1\61, ZUFH,OH, T H U R S PAY, ^•• - • d " 4is • sasse.„ ss, Patronize yo 10Cal 'COMFORTABLE LASSES At REASONABLE MIMS Q. E. Zarbrigg OPTOMETRIST at EXETER. The Newest. Approved Method, of Eyesight Testing Used every Week Day Except Wednesday. • *4%. blerchant,• Are You Suffering From Headaches? If So; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods. and Yequipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasona.ble Prices ETTY9ANNE EAUTY SHOP SEASON'S SPECIALS Get Thar Special now! All Permanents Guaranteed. CeOgninole waves a Specialty. Our main Special, a Eugene, with a deeper waVe%auel: a tighter curls regular $7.50 for $5.09. Morning special only; free 'shampoo with every finger wave. Be sure to call 159 for appointneent and avoid being disappointed. • I Phone 159 Zurich for Appointments. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. aaasepassees.assesaaa.eastesseassesseaseera D.rthil.,4,0NPO"P41, Pars Clean Up SALE Getting Ready For The 1941 Dodge 1938 PLYMOUTH 1936 COACH V8 COACH BLACK, WITH, HEATER VERY C71-1PICE -024= 1934- CHEVROLET COACH REFINISHED,DARK BLUE CREAM WHEELS_ 1939 CHEVROLET. COACH BLACK, LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW , 1937 DODGE DE LUX COACH. LOW 'MILEAGE 1931 1930 1'930 1929 1930 1937 CHEV- COACH CHEV. COACH FORD COUPE CHEV. SEDA1 FORD COACH DODGE COUPE Many Others to Choose From A ; ARD FRI Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 RiNg" 20, 19 4 O. . • • , Rates: $1.25 in $1.50 in USA., arra, .. s CHESTER L. SMITH,ePn our Io Special for Wednesday and Thur,s4'.;, day Two Features Monntain Rhythm With Jene Autrey Johnston was a Down In Arkansaw dpitea. one day last wee, With 'Weaver Brothers and Elviree ssel,Tera Decker, of Exeter, VIL18, Sunday visitor with her inother, Friday and Satufday Two Days Only. Two Features Each Dawn I Die Starring Geo. Raft and Jarnes Cayne: What A Life! With Jackie Cooper and Stander Lionel re Monday, Tuesday Wednesday' Two Features King of the Turf With Adolph Menjou MarYs visited at the home of Mrs. Chas. Weber for the week -end. 'itors at the home of :Ars. Emily Fuss. 'Miss Virginia Calhoun of Des ,troit, accompanied Miss Eunice. Mrs. C. 0. Smith and sons Gordon and Stanley of St. Joseph south, had i. most enjoyable motor trip to Mon - *ea), Quebec and other points of in- gt-pelk over the week -end. - Claea Decker in town. • ." 4y.sande:Miti. Roy Csirver, of • .St!' Mrs. J. Parke of Hensel]. Mr. and ••,‘:frS. ,Lloyd Hey -of Crediton; Mr. and Young in Heart :Ai ,eey„:riieeek-C'es rs.f.Asistin Hey of Detroit, were With Douglas Fahibanks, Janet dd guestgwith IVI,re. John Hey nor and Roly Young. d laret at their cottage, "Mar- cmar—G- ''''ar.etee" at Grand Bend. E. Turkheim Paetor and Me Klopp, as Layman attended nnual Synod meetings or the -dian Lutheran Church at Strat- rd during the p st week and over undays There v- re no services in • he Zurich Luther; a. church. .ire =74' Decoration Day Sunday, June 23rd, is Decoratio Day at- the Crediton cemetery an friends and citizens will sheet to pay tribute to their comrades who have passed beyond. Evangelical Church Mrs. Alex. 'Feet n• and daughter News Maine and son Lloyd and friend of London were guests at the forme.r's , Perfect weather conditions prevail: ed foil' the annual grave Decoration -ister, -the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jac --eee-erseseeeee-r----eseenesemeeeees-nen • 4.44, Day Service at the Bronson Cernet- Meidiner,also calling at the t••••••••••••*** ". .".....""+"*".4"1444"; 0-10.0OUR• .01V;i" perfect diamonds of -flashing btilfia.nce 'in exquisite hand - coved. setting. G. HESS- For positive identification the World's Finest Anthracititn ak for , BLUE COAL: • '40\1 AIsQ. Rosedale Alb ta At• Sernet-SolvaY Coke Miller- Creek. Glen itidger's Briquets. The; Ekt Fans Millin Co; • Feeds. Highesf Cash • Prices paictioat •:.:,•„;Engs On:a graded bashn •••': W. R. DAVIDSON • Pone 10 - 'ATA Hensall, from Michigan, Toronto and .otlier places near and far gathered to place their flowers on the graves of those relatives and friends who have jo;ns ed the great throng in the beyond. Memories of the joys and sorrows of the past -brought tears to many eyes. As the flowers were placed on the graves the Dashwood Memorial Band under the leadership of Mr. Harry Hoffman played a number of hymns. Prayer was offered by Rev. C. B. ITeckendorn. All proceeded to the beautiful school grounds adjacent to the Cemetery where an open air ser- vice was held. In the shade - of the heaut'fal trees a service ' of worship coesisted of, Hymns, .selections bythe Band, anthems by the Evangelical Church Choir with Mrs. H. G. Hess at the piano, scripttire reading, nrayer sod two addieases, hy Rev. II. E. • T.?.oppel of Dashwood arid ReV. H. E. '0 I •-• _neeeenereeen,„erTessaa-s-s.„..,--s......,......«.—e-aasessee-eess', - rovur of Toronto. An offering was sese. reete'ved for the upkeep' and beauti- -4y,w4 fication of the cerneterY. Mr. Roland q4A.IA' Geiger, the cemetery truetee .is to be .. . . .. g7,-. *1,-4- T 47':.. ' •ikf ,"" 44 : , ,• congratulated for keeping. the: ceinet- ery in euch 1. fine condition. Ai the Sanday morning SO r\li.0, P..(",". F. . I.. 'f'royer of Toronto, deliv- •ered the eermon. The Yonee T:'eonle proxested. their e arena elle nest Chuner: in the ? TK a ox Pre; i•ns t t? e i an Church. G a 0 0 el eh sis on ..Mondey nirbt. Pesiles the csreina , ...,,,e -V•• • ITIUSICtil numbers wero cssateihnted to the nropesem, Mrs. H. G. Rea end Shirley Krueger sang o cinet; the let- ter played severel r,;zino .solol au d a piano duet hv Mrs. Hese and Illiltere Dag. The "'lion Circles Served' a. lunch after: the 8ervice, - . • WE. SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Kellogg's Woe. Krispies, 2 pkgs. ..... . Salmon, fancy red Coloe Thalf,, per tin. 1 4c Miracle-D(44r -oz. jar .. ------------------------------------1 Fancy Biscuits Per lb.. 3 lbs. fbit Oxydol large. 24 - grant -- Royal York coffee, 1-1b. • Blue. Boy coffee„ 1:lb. Bee Hive corn syrup 5s. Heinz spaghetti, 2 Ens 25c -Birdseed per pkg.,. ....•••-•.. . a ... • 74c 13ird gravel per -pkg.. ... 10c Superior baking ,powder 16 -oz. 23c Chateau cheese, haTE ib. pkg. I ac Princess 'soap Bakes Grant size and large size, both for - .... .. 'Children's ankle socks . . ... ... 15c and 25c Ladies full fashioned flotse pair .. . '14c ..... 65n 49n .. 39c • Mi RNEY [-not* igte ."• „eense! • s/fsee Mr:harry Deters quietly spent his 80th anniversary at his old farm hom with his son, Mr. and ISI.rs. Garnet Deters. The former Mr. Daters is quite smart for his age, and although his eyesight is somewhat bleared ,he takes a great deal of enjoyment out of life. . Western Fair Cancelled London has decided to cancel the 'iWestern Fair for this sea on. This action is taken in co-operation. with .the Department of National Defense as the plant and equipment are nee Spired for military purpoees. .NO PAPER NEXT WEEK sWith next week the Zurich Herald is now forty years of age, and we are obeervingi this anniversary by taking the weekte holiday. So there will be no. paper next week. A goodly number of subscriners who first took the Herald forty yeare a- ig.6 are still subscribers and to these. we must vige special Thank Yon! at this time. Our next issue will be July 4th, and we hope to continue on serving' you. . TWO ARRTSTED Goderich----Accusad If the theft of a Red Cross bank &interning s2 odd, from a rural school on the Blue Wes- el: Highway, five miles south of Day - field, in Stanley •Toweehip, Arthur and Geerge Deeene Indians. were'ar- rested by Provincial Constable Lorne, Rutherford and lodged in county jail without bail. The Dextera, same name but no relation, ere alleged to have gained entrance through a window of the school and ere chargea with breaking and entering. Other articles also, are missing. The robbery occur-. redslast Monday. The ac -used were engaged cnttinge timer near by for a lumber firm. uramenttlizearonsinc..7-mtvrzmvx-,---alemaamzermisna 7) Grand Bend EVERY i>,II.GHT From Saturday June 22nd till Labor Day, Dancing to WILLIS TIPPING And His Cascade Music NICKEL. DANCING Amateurs. Look! 7 CONTEST Monday, June 24th. Special ,Cash Prizes for this Night: let, PriZe $10,00. 2nd 5.00 don the exhibitions are cancelled -ese COME ALONG—Mid WIN' .A. PRI Z8 they are WI% wod for ittilite-rx 'r- And- Drster in Final Orritcst poses, . FEWER FAIRS A' despatch 'last week said that whether fairs: tad exhibitions through but' Canada should be cancelled be- cause of the -,War appeared to be a matter of divided opinion. A survey indicated, hewever, that the annual fairs would be fewer in number and less axnbitieue in most provinces. J.A. Carroll, superintendent of agricultur- al societies in Ontario, came out stronglyin favor of retaining fairs, .paeticularly the agricultural exhibit - on two grounds; to, continue encouraging the fames, in better production methods, and to keep up the Morale of the farnelaig population 1 -To said practically all, exhirsitions in Ontario will be held. as usual except in ORM where necessary buildings are being used hy; the military math- oritiee. In Ottawa, Toronto and Lori,- • • • e • • • • • • • 6 • 1' • • 0 0 • • • •f-> • • 0 urn.me NEW SAMPLES JUST IN QUAN TI •'• % BE I.V.ISE AND SAVE! t).1 - S LIMITED DON'T WAIT PP -ROMP FL VI! r V_11:7 etease MeNaeile see EMBAL1111733S 73, • (44' 47, <VI o' • AND F.snr7F.AL DIRECTOIRS. .0117117111,gmememsages 4 YOU NOW REQUIRE Assorted Prints, Broadcloths, Aprons, House Dresses, Men's and Boy's Work Shirts, Overalls, Boots and Shoes, Misses and Children's Running Shoes WE HANDLE SCARFE'S PAINTS HARDWARE and HARNESS REPAIRS ..41 Hoes Rakes - Shovels - Forks - Etc. - Etc. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand TUE 11111A E STO E 1 Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. tt Phone: 11-97 misrmisIONMININelesassrosionamor=e4n,,,raun