Zurich Herald, 1940-06-13, Page 7• , ee• Toa Had Small Comforts lin 4,44.444.44.44.4444....„4.4.44 Midst of Battle Cheese Factories Work Feverishly • e '4elseeere."7-, • • ef.- -,,fe'..114;13`4 • ,::::Stree4tese. "t% mattiesS'and some hits of furniture made this British patrol Lam- f•otable as 'thee' rested in a litteredLouvain Street. This photo was .i&& before the Allied troops were withdrawn from the city, RAVE .1Y011 HEARD? 44 -0 -0.1 -4 -Or -,4040410.44-a-44.40101,41-,-1.4 The recruit wag disappointed in kis uniform, 'It seemed to El M- ir:here. ' Ile was still trying to wake the buttons of his tunic meet when he !passed the colonel on the parade *round. And In h• preoccupation, ke forgot to salute. °Puli yourself together," said tate colonel. "Dont you know you're wearing the King's uniform?" 'Oh, that's it," said the recruit. innew it wasn't meant for me." "What causes the flight cf tirae?" "It's probably urged on by the Spur of the moment." "I'ra glad to find you as you ere,' amid the old friend. "Your great wealth hasn't changed you." 'Well," replied the Candid. mil- lionaire, "it has changed me in one rm now eccentric where I Itieed to be vaigar, and delightfully 'witty where I used to be rude." Teacher: "Your estray on ''Our Cat' Is word for word the *me am your brother'ee" - Jimmy: "Yes, sir, it's the very same cat." The old lady had made the ern- eortunate young clerk fetch roll after roil of linoleore, until he had displayed everything in the etore. "What did you say it was for, Amadora?" he asked at last In dee- 'Ob, didn't I tell you?' replied the customer, brightly. "It's for ihe bottom of the .canery cage," "I wonder -Why rich folks so often marry rich folks?" •--..-'91.1.ecause they have so much Atnerest in common." tniKow did you 'manage to live to to 107, lir. Whosis?" 'Well, you see, I refrained from smoking, drinking, took plenty of exesvise and stayed out in the JIresh 'Well, I had an uncle who did all . et! Those things, but he died at 57." you see, he didn't do them )(mg enough." Most Unflattering Posture Defects Feminine posture, according Elizabeth MacDonald, lectur- or of New York City, can effec- unflatteringl3r—be di- vided into five classifications. Any number of college girls, Ike declared, can be pegged as fonows: (1) Collapsed stomach; (2) "Tummy -ache" postur e; (8) Barrel shapes; (4) Stomach wrinkles; (5) swallowed watek- melon postures. Miss MacDonald's college ley- reS have proved effective. Carefree, co-eds rktened in sil- ence while she listed what's wrong with them. C.•N. Pa.ssenger Staff Changes Changes in the staff of the C a n a d i an National Railways passenger department were an- nounced by H. C. Dourlier, gen- eral passenger agent of the Na- tional System. The changes mere brought about through the recent death of C. E. Walker, city passenger and ticket agent, at Windsor; which post is now filled by G. H. Walker, former city passenger and ticket agent, at St. Catharines. The position made vacant by the promotion of Mr. Walker to Windsor is being filled by K. M. Dyson, Islip occupied a similar position at Belleville. Announcement of the new city passenger and ticket agent, at Belleville, was expect- ed shortly. All appointments 'be- came effective on June 5th. e 1$ • 44 ,0-0-04-0-m4440- a -4k 44t, 44.0-0 .0 • •-o-4 !What Sciencei Is !Poing 0- 4-0-0 .04.01-6.0 .4-0 -0 4 -0 -+0 - BEATS T N T 100 TIMES The U.S. Senate naval commit- tee said last week that "a reput- able scientist" had reported discov- ery of an explosive approximately 100 times more powerful than TNT, most destructive of explosives us- ed in the first Great War. -- POISON FOR INSANITY Insane persons are being restor- ed to normal with one of the (lea - hest poisons known to man. The American Pryebiatric Asso- ciation last week heard that cur- are, used by South American Ind- ians on their spear and arrow heads to kill men and animals within a few minutes, can now be prescrib- ed safely in medical treatment. it serves as a preliminary drug in the shock treatment of persons angering from schizophrenia and other mental diseases. The treatment came from witch doctors In the Amazon jungles. •OR SEWING UP TISSUES •Development of a new method of blood vOasel surgery in which su- gar rods are used as "darning eggs" in sewing together the deli- cate tissues has been announced at the University of Chicago. By this method, the two ends of the ruptur- ed vessel are threaded on to a slen- der rod of sugar, coated with a thin Um of oil to support •the tis- sues. Thus held together, the two ends can be sewn With "over and over" stitches. SAFES Proteet ;Ivor BOOKS and CASH front FIRE' alma .TDIEVES. We have n size and type of Safe, or Cabinet. for any nursose. Visa err write tee nrlees, rte. to Dept. W. LIMITEO TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 'Front St. 'E., Toronto Established 1$i A STRONG, 25 -YEAR ROOFING Why waste money on wood shingles that keg? Roof rout buildings wi di METAL for permanence, protection end economy. Pedlar's Nu -Roof in the "CouneilStanderd" Wand, i Guaranteed foe 25Yew, f;4:4,ci digac-.:ioss 0 roar boilrling For our Free otirnAte or cosatatts COSt iO4--"-••••• • Parka. a,il rkes Of$ bntei PErnmt PEOPt1 1861 • -.a/.50 t r'tn• • •- iafeetetcal 01A71 TOrtab 'Winnipeg CAlscry VoneouOT • 1 odern Etiquette BY ROSEAU' A LEE Q. if a waiter, a taxi driver, someone similar, asks for a lar rip then offered, what should 40? A, Refuse to give it. The size 02 a tip is entrely optional with. the one who gives it, and one Who would demand more than offered would deseree nothing. Q. Isn't it poor manners for one person to monopolize a conversa- t ion ? A. Yes. No matter if this person is a good conversatIonalist, he us- unity develops into a bore. Q. When a person is talking and is suddenly- forced to sneeze, should he apologize? A. Merely say, "Excase me." Q. Isn't it permissable for a young man in love to display anY jealousy when in the company of ethers? A. No. A. jealous person is never happy. One person wrote, "Itis said that Jealousy is love, but 1 deur, it; for though Jealousy be prodn'te-a''' ed by love, as ashes are by lire, yoq; jealousy extinguishes love as ash•e. es smother the flame." Q. Is it necessary to Introduce a ten -year-old child to adults? A. It is not exactly necessary, but It is excellent training for the child. G. What is the symbolism of gar- denias? A. Refinement. 0 -1141. -4 -4 -0.044444440 -44,4* -0..40-0.4.-0-0- 1 AO , ' „ 1 t.. -.F. - ®w Cun. EY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove oil ma from wall paper? • A. Apply a pastem ade of e water and- pipe clay, leave it over night, then brush'it off in. t morning. Q. How can I select a good park; Ing knife? A. Be sure, when buying a paring knife, to .select one with the blade running through the center of the handle and held by rivets. It is the stronger kind. Q. ITow can I prevent cat sick- ness? A. If one is inclined to 'become nauseated when riding on a .street car or train, try this preventive:. Beat the white of an egg stiff,' thane add the juice of one lemon anti a little sugar. Take this before. start- ing the journey and it wilI usually • prevent any sicknees. Q. How can I remove mud stains from a garment? A, If a brisk brushing does not entirely remcaLe mud stains from a garment, nib the spots with a raw potato. This seldom falls. Q. What is a good disinfectant ler the kitchen sink? . A. Two tablespoons of aramomatee end a gallon of boiling water, pourtg ed down the sink while the solitA' tion is still very hot, proves a very, good disinfectant. Q. How can I clean a. mirror pro. perly, to make the glass beautiful ly bright? A. Rub the mirror with a ball �f suet paper slightly dampened with; methylated spirits; then with e.•:t +taster, on whicli a little -whiting has been sprinkled, andefinally po- lish with a clean paper or a' wash leather. With several universities affiliat- ed with conservatories of mnsie, Mr. Gibbon argued it would be prac- tical for professors of English and music to co-operate in' illustrating •such lyrics of any period as may have been adapted for singing. HARNESS & COLLARS. Farmers Attention — Cons ul your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our factories — Harness, Horse Collars, Sweat Fads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling , Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E. Toronte MIK aim 101 tROM1111e51 lay. 0m0*,1.404ra LADIES' ,weerweacteeeermotes "...!1$16tir7aties"P"ati774VAT *rime!. quality CANDID .CADIEFIA, eta, "lye* hbaolodoly Eros toy kolNno only 24 bOttlok perfume at rodeo., phew,, ram nadirs kit an,tootrtiont /ant tree, Betirst ith your Werk ue • • neing woof, IeloVr.„1112011j/41010.1 /1111 we CIft Comparif hoiddsfored, 6431 11‘derini1o1 5vOn0o, Itonleo421, .--- 104.440.404.4.44.404,00404440.00040.044,4‘0444.4000 Eastern •Ontario Most of Them Are Working at Capac• ity to Supply Foreign and 00. tt meo Needs !;,ifee A survey in the Eastere Ontario cheeee-prodneing district around Belleville indicated last week that practically all factories are working at capacity. District dairymen ex- pressed belief they would supply at least a portion of the 78,400,000 pounds of cheese recently ordered ,by the British government, to be delivered at a set price of 1e cents it DOW, f,o.b. Montreal. SWITCH TO UNCOLORED The effect of British preference for uncolored cheese is noted on the Belleville board .A premium of 14-eent was offered for the uneol- emed variety and this is believed to be responsible for many factories evritch.ing entirely to making un- • colored. Domestic trade, however, has always shown a marked prefer - owe for colored. Fred Mallory, sueretary of the Belleville hoard, commented the 14 - cent price offered little margin of • profit for the buyer sinee last week's price was 13 9-15 cents, and that left only 740 to cover the cost of -wiring boxes for shipment, and handling' and transportation ebarg- eS. .0.40,44,44.404440 r 4,0 40,0440 -0-0,4,0•104'.0.7 HEALTH: TOPICS e, .0^5,1-11,1•11, PREVENT 'TOOTH DECAY Perhaps the greatest advance that has been Made in dentine), in the hundred years of its exist- ence has bean in public eclucatiou of the necessity for cleaning teeth In order to prevent decay, It is dif- ficult for wis to realize that the toothbrusb and 'heap dentifrice' are themselves of fairly modern or- igin. The first thothbrushes were made of horse hair or pieces of cloth or linen, sometimes of sponge. SAD STATISTICS The I1SA of the toothhrueh is still In Its infancy, according to state's. - tics, •for ft is estimated that 70 per cent. of the population Of North .9.Meriea have never had their teeth examined and about 00 per eent. bave never brushed their teeth'. • The idea of filling teeth and pre- serving theni instead of pulling theta Out isealeo an introduction of the last century. The old dentists used to ase coins, gold and silver and lead; wherever they could get it, for tooth filling; the introduc- tion of plaster and enamel is ered- ited TO Laurie. of Edinnergb, about /654. A few tiovee added to Tegera.ble otep will give it a delicious flavor. SPOTLIGHT ON OGDEN'S Ogden's Fine Cut is In the spotlight of popularity with rolle your -owners every- ' where, because it hasti the fragrance and the 6atooth flavourthat makes every cigarette you roll with it a emooth- er, cooler, more satisclog cigarg5 ' Ash O rt ee's1,---r tirree lo d" Zsto—e ten Ogd.W't Cue Plug etee•ee. ...CLASSIFIED /UWE TEMENTLC AGENTS WANTED ..„ LIGHTNING ROD AGENT %STANT. ed to sell Phillips Lightning Pro- tective System. D. Phillips Comp- , any Limited. 32 Osborne Avenue. • 'Toronto. ' AGENTS WANTED TO REPRES- ,• ent "The Old Reliable Foothill Nurseries." Exclusive territory in ' town or country. Liberal terms paid weekly. Handsome free out- • ,:fits. Stone and 'Wellington, Tor- onto. Atnet.TlarN InfiGENTLY REQUIRES TRAINED • mere capable of maintaining and building aircraft. Canada's largest Aviation Training School offers courses in Flight Training, Air- craft Mechanics and Aircraft Welding which should assure in- telligent, capable men of future in an industry- which will develop Indeelnitely; not fade away when the war is over. Look to your fut- ure. particulars from Leav- ens Brothers, Barker Airport, or Island Airport, Toronto. Phone Ieeenwooe 3831. 'BAKERY EQADPMENT BAKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment always 41:Yrt hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence invited. I3.'ubbard Port- able Oven Co., 103 Bathurst St, 'Toronto. CHICICS YOU RECEIVE TITE WORTH Or your money when you buy John- son's chicks, they are bred to lay and are good. table fowl. Prices for June and, to end of season. Itoeks 8 'ent, 90 per tient Pullets 17 cents, Cockerels 2 cents. All are blood tested: Rocks bred from O. 13. S. stack. Leghoens The Barron Strain. Sate arrival guaranteed. 30 per cent with order. J. D. Jen- son, Fergus, Onterio. PROMPT -.DELIVERY ON HIGH quality chicks from carefully eel- . led bloodtested stock Standerd Quality White Leghorns 8$.25. 50 Per cent. Pullets $16.45, Cockerels, i•'ite$1.00, Barred Rocks 88.75, Millets ...31.3.95, Cockerels $6.90. N w 58,75. Pullets $14.95. Coek- e nerels KV, White ltorks, Hybrids xtarred Roelts x New Hampe. New • Ramps x Barred Rocks $9.75, Put- ' lets $14.93, Cockerel$7.90, 'Large er,gg* Quality add one cent, 'Bigger • Profit add two cents, started chicks, capons. Free eireuler. Top Notch Chi.clecries. (luelpb, Ont. ell)LD„ THAT ORDER TINTIL IOU •• cheek...these new low prieee ef- nefeetiee .Tune 2:'nd, Standard Quee- n,- ity White Leghorns $8.25, 91., per cent. Pullets $15.e5, CIonkerels $1,00, Barred Roeke. New Iremps $8.75, Pullets S11.55. New Hemp Coelterels Kee, Barred Rock ockerels $0.75. White 'Reeks, White Wyandottes, Light Sussex Hybrids Barred Rocks e New Hamps New Ramps x Derred Itoence, White Leghorne x Barred Roelcs $9.75, Pullets $11.9.5. Coek- erels 27.75. Started chleke. et1P- ona Write for prices on der -old end started turkeys. lleden 'Mee - tree Chiek Hatchery, Limited. Ba- tten, On 1 :trio. /...ATTNG AT 4-41e MONTHS. • Weighing four end a helf to five • and e. belt pounds at 4 nmeths. That'e what linty MIA toners write. Don't hesitate to buy Suite Bray chicks, Add to your flocks, or' start la with Bray's, Watch • them grow. Fine June breeds are Leghoens, Newhampshire L.S. x N. H. Started chicks to order. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Ham- . liton, Ont. • STARTED CHICle: BARGAINS — Large type Pennsylvania Leghorn ebicke, day old $7.95 per 100. put. lets $15.00, Barred Rooks, Rock .Leghorn Hybrids $7.95, pullets $13.00. 2 weeks old pullets 23c, 4 weeks old anybreed 30'. Special mating pullete 2o per chick more. Lakeview Poultry Farm, 'Wein Bios., 'Exeter, Ontario. LARGE TYPE TOM BARRON LEG - horn. mixer) chicks $0.95, pullets guaranteed 50 per cent. $14.95 per 100. Barred Rocks. Rock x Red :Hybrids, flock x Leghorn Hybrids mixed chicks $7.95, pullets 812,95. 5 'week old pullets 25e, 6 weeks old 35c. Exeter Chick Eatehery, ENC. ter, Ontario, BUY QUALITY ctetC/CS, EASY TO reise, the stand-by of thousands fnoultrykeepers year after year, • ewilty old and started.' Two hatches • *, week to take care of prompt shipment. 'Vigorous breeding Stock, Sailing Farms & Hatchery*, Ontario. Sem Roofing—Granary Lining IfillPERTI'M STEEL SHEETS COST lees, cover more, last longer, lay fester, save sheathing. Buy now before War advances priors, direet from factory. Superior Preducte Limited, 15 Nelson Street, Sarnia, Onterio. RI LT, FOR saree TEATILTN(.1, SHORT 1 Pull. S. A. 1,;,..4ter A.B. f, Oeletille, 'Ontario,. IcteeTlert SELF -CHARGER WHY RUT NEW RADIO "B" EAT - Tories? Guaranteed to recharge old onus like mew. 51.25 brings co/II-- plc-le automatic self-ebarger and full plan. Minard elt,nsen, Park- side, Sask. EXTERMLNATORS DRItPO BUG KILLER. 85c, EXTER. rninates bedbugs, moths, emili• roaches, crickets, fleas, lice, tieke. DERA.T RAT AND MOUSE KILLER 50c. learailess to humans, animals. fowl. At Eaton's, Simpson's, Tam- blyns, local dealers, or Derpo Pro- ducts, Toronto. ELECTRIG inoTORS ATTENTION! — H.P. MOTORS, 60 or 25 cycle, $5.50, rebuilt. guer- anteed. Spadina Electric, 302 Sree dine, Toronto. FA.itet SPECIAL BARGAINS WHILE THEY Last — all equipment recondition- ed and guaranteed. Demonstrating and•Jtebuilt Melotte Cream SePar- eters: Electric Grinders; Grinders7 Hammer Mills: Letz Roughage Mills: Diesel Engines, all sizes: Gasoline Engines; Electric Light- lng Plants; Tina and Link Har- rows; Washing Machines: Coal and Wood Stoves: Water PumPs and Pressure Systems: Eleetrie ..leloor Polishers: Aerated Milk Coolers; Fractional Horsepowfr Motors; Write inc *odor. S. A. lee - Ter, Stewart Ste Toronto. lekfterS Fon SALE ONTARTO GUELPH DISTRICT: ONE HUNT, - red acres, FOTO rlitt nt farm. "Weil built. on splendid water. Hydro. Meal location. full equiPmeon Spring, seeding done. Must sell to loss estate. Woods Farm Ageney, Fergue, Ontario. • — teLowlete Lov Kee leXCELLENT VARIETIES LARGO Dehlins, $1.00 poetpaid. 100 beet,- tlful gladiolus. Flowering size el- batrosn, — ph•erdy — other beau- ties. e2.00, peetpeirt Waft SCOTTAND. Onterin. tellICNITT.'WE FOR SALE runNITURE reenteArNS FREE. eatalogue of TIC07 end used terni- ture bargains .sent on request. AU /Teeth, seed on moeey-back guar - ante -e. Wholesale- Furniture, 406 'Re rburst !=treg t, Toronto. GROWERS. ATTENTION° teretetT OARDENERS. Write to us for stresses on your re- eult•etnents of feuit and vegetable Packet:tete The Oakville Basket Limited, Ovesville. Ontario. tforreLe eteeNTED 01111 Sr:on:PISS IN SELLING HOT. els Is really phenomenal. We will be pleascd to 'have an opportunity to kry to sell yours,. We advertise itt every paper in Ontario. For our forme write to Bert Weir & Sons, Realtor:a, Londor. Ontario. MACH.. FARM kitelPLE5fENTS Bowman Mectric Herder FULL GU.ARANTnno, 6 VOLTS, Disk regulator, 'High -Low switch battery, I:1st/Inters. Price com- plete — $10.00. Dealers wanted. Bowman Metre Herder, Peters- burg. Ontario. MUSICA.r, litEtlitIREMENrTS LET 'US LOOK AFTER YOUR 11176 - teal requirements. Music. inetru- aeeessoriee. Broadway Mu- sic. 2375 Tonge Sr., Toronto. PRIPCON QUIT TotAcco. eNuFP. EASILY: 1»ee pensively. Home remedy. Teetimenie Is, Ono renteed, A dviee eree. Beetletee Floe 1 Winnipeg. SALESMEN WANTED FAMILEX QUA.T_ATT PRODUCTS becoming better known every day we need morc salesmen to in- eure the hest possible service to satisfied customers. Any active end honest men can make a liv- ing selling* 200 necessities which bring repeat orders by themselves. There is NO RISK with our sue, eessful plan. Ask for FREE' eatti- logue and information: P'SlITLEX COMPANY. 870 St. Clement St., IvLONTIlT2kT4, Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -- New SPECIALUZIN(3 letentillielP MO- TORS, VOWIIIRAINITS, IDTdAntPlIe Molsts, Wireless, D•enerators, Start - re, Magnetos, Ilarlorretors, Ors -- EneMange Servlee, Glettro SntistOellon or refund. Leer Auto Votrtt, Troxente. 1 PHOTO FINISEIIINO FREE! YOU CAN • NOW OWN -A complete set of beattiful elver - ware absolutely .. without cost,' manufactured and guaranteel. by International Silver Company. You may have this complete set eleso- lately free by sending your films to Imperial. Send an order now' and receive complete narticeriars of this amazing offer. Sex or sight exposure films developed and printed 25c, or 8 repr.ete 25e plus your choice of a free tulargement in easel mount or free eilve. are. To get the best in re:nifty an. ser- vice send your films to Tin:serial Photo Service, Stetter 7., Teesetto 0. TURKEY ronelce TT:REETS—JUNE IS mra for turkeys. We een eeppie eel), with the hest that reone;.* wilt buy. Three breeds, Pronze. :ear- boun Reds, White Halland. *.wo grades Extra Profit end eten•ial Mating. Send for pr -e min eree turkey folder, tells eon 11 to feed and raise Turkees. nene prices now in effete en teeelte Grade "A" Leghorre $S.75 'yew Pfamas 31.70, Barred. B'eke leee. :Free CittalOgN0. TWt'a.61e •'1.7.*ek HatehF ries Limited. nereue. 7nt. TurtIettiv POP r.Te BRAY TtninErs amorey. Fine day -ole ci 0 s'. on hard. They'll tai- ntt1 2I011- that your eleitits ar, renge. Order now. Le, se 1.3t, leten, Hamilton. Ontario. WATER w-Vietes WE GUARA.NTIeE \V 25[ nee. No money. We use AP!.,4:0t,', i b. ale -veils where quick send •-ni 70.- 01121: • Special pian for den curbing, saves half. Lrpe s" ns for dug well with heel quick ;,,n4,d. "Wenn drilled. Serie. five ..I elars for making tests or lientine ter, I:. J. Ashton, Per ll'opc LYONS' ot:TSTANDING 04 ritqtrAIN'• neecoleiletTliUhle re Ern. NTTI TJt $29 Large 3 -piece Oh(eterfleld upholstered in figneed rep.,. Re- versible Marshall eyneng ten...nuns. Complete 1t reconditiorn d. $32 Eeautiftxl bropatieeysta 3 ,, versible. Marshall spring cueeems, guaranteed perfectly Oran. $49 Modern 3 -piece Chesteefield - Suite, floor sample, uptioteeered in novelty repp. beffet tyre re- versible Marshall epe ;14: eue.tiene, reg. $89 value. $14.50 3.plece Chesterrienii Stine, up- holstered in figured repo. ni.ever.. silale Marshall spine g euelions. Perfectly clean. 339 Smart bedroom vette ir rich walnut finish, dresser, chif7enier, full size bed, eaglene spring', slew, mattress and pair pillows. $21 Simmons' walnut finish eteel bed, seglees high riser serine, new 2 -ell -edge Inattross reed larg • wal- nut finish dresser with lures mir- ror. 449 Modern bedroom seite in twee tone '1%' ChM t Ctniab, 1. anity -vith tull length Venetiea mirrot. ehif- tonier, full size bed, Nag:lees enrinll atitoidn.new mattress. Perfect ianie d *ss Timed new floor sample bed- room suite, in bleaehed welnut finish, dresser or vanity, einPfon- ler. full size bed, segless epring and new mattress. $24 Large solid oak dinews, suite, buffet, extension table and thcr upholstered ehaire, $39 Modern walnut 'finish Ilineng suite. buffet, extension tab)• and 6 leather upholstered enttirs. Zoete Pletely refinished. 303 Apartment size etintngeoom suite, in walnut finieh, buffte ex- tcnsion table, china eablnet and 6 leather seat chain. Refleished. $59 :Beautiful English oelt dining suite, large buffet, ehlint crainet, extension table awl 11 leat11.,r up- holstered °hairs. $79 Beautiful walnut dielng • ;mite, large buffet, extension chine cabinetand 0 leather stored ehairs. Perfeet, $119 Largo solid weeet lening snit?, (toet new • uppnet roXitelar $250), beautiful buffet, tx1,,Inifirx table, ehina eablr.ec. and tht r up bolsi erea tThIC!Cie le refinished. $20,50 Smart 3-prece ettelio tulle, upholstered in •stripe holt material. Studio mrecet. inte. twin becle, 2 011A itt t Cearan- teed perfectly clear $17.50 Modern W411111:2 lilt till ...r..?2tik_ fast suite. Buffet uth ,ebinet top nit Pe tension 1able, eel 4 ...ealre. $19.50 te.roehier D:‘,1 Up- holstered in figurt0 blue ""^Oolor with reversible eprineefilled *ash. ions, A1)(1 lleIV =Wry f•:;,' All goods thoromeleie te eon e. ed. gueranteed absollreee eke .. end Nue fully era td for ,,,fe aent en reeeipt or LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. — "Toronto ISSUE NO. 24.---'40 4