Zurich Herald, 1940-06-06, Page 7Earl, of Athlone Gives Tea Canteen To Canadians One of the first public appearances made by Canada's new Gov- treor-General, the Earl of Athlone following his appointment, was to present to the Y. M. C. A. a mobile tea canteen to be used in servicing Canadian troops at Aldershot and later in France. The Governor- General is shown here as he inspected the canteen before it was placed In service. HAVE YOU HEADDfl The vistior paid his green fee, Ifixed up a match, and went out 1s the first tee. Taking his stance, ,bre gave a wild swing and :Hissed completely. • "Would yon believe it !". he ex- glAimedto his opponent. "This course is -ht Yeast two inches low - ex than the one I usually play on." —o— Newspaper Reporter. — Have any of your childhood hopes been realised? Millionaire — Yes. 1,111rei gray another used to comb sa) llt+tir I always wished that I hadn't any. —0- 1Nhile a young mother Ives bathing her baby, a neighbor's tittle girl sante in and watched *he process. The child was hold- ing a doll minus an arm and leg, raid mush knocked about oiler - "How long have you had your baQby?" she asked the mother. "Three months." °My, but you've kept _ her vied" exclaimed the little girl. —0— Observed in a little coun- 9try store in Michigan: ae your llnOne "Yon need y tYl y I need mine, If we both get ours It will sure be fine, But if you get yours— And hold imine too What in this world am I to do?" —0— The fellow had just got back :deem Hollywood. He had been denied by the display of glam- our and bigness in the movie col- ony. "Eveething is done on a tre- rendrous scale," he related to friends. "I attended dinner at a a)ovie producer's tepee one even - tog and, instead of using ginger howls at the end of the -.�i the guests took shower What's more embarrass- ing for the office boy wino its caught at .the gerrte with Cite modern grandnmother who insisted On coining along. Pitcairn Island Census Returns Only 200 People Now Live on Island Colony Founded by Survivors of Mutiny on the as Bounty" Residents of Pitcairn Island, that was founded by the survivors of the mutiny on the Bounty, recently de- cided it was high time to take a census of their population. Pitcairn Island is a British pas- llession, but the census enunteea- Jon was forwarded to friends in Oakland, Calif., who for years have *apt up a correspondence with in- habitants of the island. The census return was signed by Edward Grant and lists the popu- lation as it has grown from 1790, the year the Bounty . mutineers :leaded there and founded the eol- itey: 45 AIARBUED COUPLES The island then had a pepu1a- Von of 21 which •eonsisted of Flet• Ober Christian who led the mutiny against Captain Blight of the Boun- ty; nine mutineers, five Tahitian )Mien; six Ti-'itian women and one There are 06 Christians, Grant reported, and 47 Warrens, The Is- land now has 45 married c'onpies. Grant reported that his etudl' fetted that 179 keys bad been born ejiere and 10 gins, u,stt' c Lt. "The removal of u?iwlee Idea Benne the state a books Ii a t t 111 4114x1 too the courts but to to ballot." yn —ROOM BAloe. Spend Twice As Much on Movies As On Higher Education in Canada, Statistics Show Canadians spend twice as much on movie's as they do on. higher ed- ucation, a statistical study of uni- versity and college revenues made by the Dominion Bureau of Statis- tics discloses. The amount spent on higher edu- cation in the Dominion for the pre- vious academie year is estimated as being approximately 17 million dollars. Three times this amount is required to produce newspapers and magazines in Canada. 17 MILLIONS YEARLY While there are wide variations in the sources of revenue in the various provinces, roughly speak- ing for the whole of the Dominion one-third of the $17,000,000 for the higher education comes from pro- vincial grants, one-third from stud- ent fees and the remaining third from endowment income and mis- cellaneous sources. "There are more than seven hundred kinds of flowering plants in the Arctic!' - Vi1 halltinr Ste#anseon,,: -F4H-r-i-Y-.1--f1'4FT•4 4.41-4 4I-• HEALTH !• TOPICS �j..af-�-f.M yt •t 41,-t 1 -.5 CC-* 4' V�• A-F•f •R-' Tared? Sluggish 7 That sluggish, half -tired feel - nig you have these days may be due to the fact you gained a few pounds during the win- ter. Or, extra weight or no, that you have' been eating too much, exercising and sleeping too little. Try Liquid Diet If you have been over -indulg- ing irr, rich food and fattening drinks, you alight begin your campaign with a twenty-four hour liquid diet. For one whole day, eat no solids. Have fruit juice and a clear, hot beverage for breakfast, milk or fruit juice in the mid- dle of the morning, clear soup, more fruit juice and a hot bev- erage for lunch, milk or vege- table juice in the middle of the afternoon, a dinner composed. solely of liquids and, if you are hungry at bedtime, another glass of milk 'or fruit juice. Also, be sure to drink at least six glasses of water during the liquid diet -day. . One Large Meal From then on until you are slimmer and feel like yourself again, try the one-large-nleal- a-day system. Have only fruit, one slice of toast and a hot beverage for breakfast; soup, a large green salad or a plate of vegetables and something to drink for lunch; one portion of anything you want for dinner. Or, if yen prefer, hare the large meal in the middle of the day, soup and salad for supper. HoweVeV, whether you eat the one large meal in tate mid- dle or at the end of the day, lie second portion of anything its allowed, Always try to leave the table feeling that yon could, if urged. manage to eat a little more, Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE Q, Is a girl permitted to astir Man to dance 'With 11ert A. Not Unless the Man is her hus- band, brother, brother-in-law, m- ein, or perhaps a childhood friend.. Q. When a bride's father is not living, whom should she ask to'. "give her away?" A. Usually the oldest male relat- ive. Q. When a man takes a girt to a. public dining room, should ,he pull out the chair for her? A. Yes, unless the waiter does so. - Q. Isn't it necessary for a person to have a great amount of both money and time in order to "shine" in the social world? A. Not all all. Johnson says: "Money and time are the heaviest hardens of life, and the unhappiest of all mortals are those who have more of either than they know how to use. Q. When a woman is going to stand in the receiving line for a tea at a clubbouse, should she wear hat and gloves? A. Yes. Q. How many courses constitute the formal luncheon? A. Four or five courses. How Can 1 BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove stains from xoarble? A. Mix a paste of benzine and,,: powdered soapstone. Spread this': over the marble and leave it over night. Wash off with warm water. If necessary, repeat the applica- tion. Q. How can I acid to the flavors of . tuna and salmon? A. Add finely chopped sweet pickles, hard -cooked eggs, diced celery, or cucumbers. Mix with sal- ad dressing or mayonnaise. Q. How can I keep moths out of rugs that are to be stored? A. Sprinkle the rugs with cay- enne pepper and roll them secure- ly ecurely in newspapers. Q. How. can i cora est acrd soil My garden? A. Although lime is not a plash - food, it is valuable as a means of correcting sour or acid soil condi- tion, and in making clay soils loos- er and more pliable. Q. How can I prevent odor when cooking cauliflower? A. Place a piece of stale bread on top of the cauliflower, after Pee - paring it for boiling in the usual matinee. Don't cover it. When done. remove the bread. Fighting Pilots Mostly Blue-eyed British Tests Show "Steely Gate" Distinguishes Aggres.' sive Aviators Good fighter pilots in the air us- ually have blue eyes. This is not a matter of mere --co Incidence. Scientific tests, carried out with the object of finding the ideal fighter -pilots have proved it. All pilots must be of good sound stock and must pass a strict medi- cal examination. This includes tests to find wb. ther the applicant can withstand the strain of flying in all climates and all altitudes. Eyesight must be first class with correct color vision and muscular balance. The ear, nose and throat exam- ination also is severe. Good hearing is essential, variations in the sound of the engine may be important, and a pilot must be able to b.ear messages coming through his ,ear- phones under -any conditions of noise. But it is the man's general char- acteristics which are the real poin- ters. Good fighter pilots vary a great deal in appearance — 3n their height •-- in chest measureme-tit and Irl purely physical characteris- ties — but they all have something in coronion. This is a duality which indicates good mental and physical stamina. As to whether the color of the candidate's •eyes is any real guide, medical authorities are doubtful hut while, brown or gray eyes go with a sympathetic temperament, the steely blue denote the indepen- dent, combative nature of the Ideal fighter pilot. A METAL Roof is FIREPROOF'1 Metal ltas never yet started a Ire! Protect Tont valuable stock and crops with PaDLAR113—nude in the famous "Council Standard" Brand. "Good for a Lifetime ---Sold with a IS Veer Guatontea' PJIttLAIUID js stormproof and firepttof. Send dimensions o your building for our EMS Frimate of complete roofing lob, including Wonsans. If4E PEDLAR $.00PLE LIMIt/ki A410747,14101 Heart Office . OMhdwa, Oni. Montreal,OrttWrn,'1'otonto,'Winnietg,C.higaley, secotrvtr �,ey w„na autititsvniioaaia i Need Rational Thinking To -day President of Dalhousie Lini- versity, N.S., Declares "Hyat• trice is Not Patriotism" 'University graduates were not infallible guides in times of great I;olitical crises when the principles were obscure but - as soon as prin- eiples were involved, "they know where the north star lies," president Carleton Stanley of 'Dalhousie Uni• versity said in his message to the graduating class. NO HYMNS OF HATE "What we need above all in these days le a Hard core of rational thinking. Hysterics is not pateiot- ism, Hymns of hate are 'not mill- - tary science. It is true that hyeter- ics and hatred and rain boasting are stirred up by war but they do not win a war," he said. Apartment Owner Kept Menagerie Kansas City police last week received a complaint from one of the tenants of Mary Pratt's apartment house. The complaint was based en Mrs, Pratt•'s Iove of animals and listed these animal dwellers in her flat. 1 2 -year old lion. 4 Shetland ponies. 1 goat. 1 police dog. 1 family of eats. re nnonkey. 2 owls. Police called on Mrs. Pratt who not only admitted posses- sion of the animals named but showed then with considerable pride to the officers. The ten- ants in the building, she said, "don't have to stay if they don't want to. The animals want to and are going .to." "it DOES taste good in a piper HANDY SEAL -TIGHT POUCH - 1i S0 I/x-ILB. "LOK-TOP" TlN • 60¢ also pecked in Pocket Tins r>r: OWN. E'RN. ONTAi1RIQ. -!-•!- e- e. 4--9-4-4- l .4.4-4 4.4, 4•(ra 4,4-4 4 4. ►- hat Science': Is Doing EXPLORING THE ATOM - , A camera device for explor ing the heart of the atom and getting a quick record of the results has been designed nr the 'University of Roehester. —0— H!A.RNESSfNG ATOMIC ENERGY Gano Dunn, president of Cooper Union and of the J. ti. White Engineering Corporation, _ predicts that atomic enemy will be used industrially within "the next 10 or 20 year s." . This revolutionary scientific advance has been made a certainty of the near future as a result of recent ex- periments ar• Columbia Uni- versity and the University n' Minnesota which resulted in Is• olation of TJ -235, an isotope of the heavy metal uranium, he said. "A new principle has been dsicovered," he said, "and when a new prineip e is discovered science moves swiftly along a. broad front." —0— EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS Extensive after-effects of the gireat Turkish - ear"thquake, of Dee. 27 have been reported by the Istanbul Observatory, Prin- cipal among these are floods. Many areas are still udder wat- er. There have been many viol- ent earthquakes subsequently, the most severe taking place on April 3. The series of earth- quakes has caused extensive changes in land revels and, as a result, courses of rivers have been changed, and in tome eas- es large areas have been con- verted into lakes. Strictly - honest end np eight man wanted) by To- ronto Bond house 'to intro- duce their representative in his community relative to the sale of a sound 5Va% inrestlnent. Sales exper- ience unnecessary, Perm• anent position ands monthly retaining fee. References exchanged. B o x 0, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. ,CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE EHTSIIS AGENTS WANTED LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANT - ed to sell Phillips Lightning Pro- tective System. B. Phillips Comp- any Limited, 32 Osborne Avenue, Toronto. °;7rOWN AND RURAL REPRESENT- , ntivos wanted. Increase your earn - _,1n a Ie handling" one of the tin- .. wit lines of oils. greases. tires, batteries, spark plugs, insecti- cides, electric fence controllers, house paints and roof coating materials. Write Warco Grease & Oil Limited, Toronto. WOW VOL CAN START A BUSI- ness from your home. No capital required. We supply everything, You handle only fast selling items. Commissions substantial. Free wholesale catalogue and selling plan. NEW ACE ENTERPRISES, 3 H. F. eta ):'ort. Winnipeg. IIAKER1' EQUIPMENT BAKERS' OVENS AND .fACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment nlways on hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence invited, Brubberd Port- able Oven Co„ 103 Bathurst St., Toronto. BA 11V CHICKS• di 73A13 X CHICKS ARE CITE A.PI3II rF they do more for you when mat- aaired, EXTRA DOZENS of eggs in the A. -large grade, puts EXTRA ]MONEY in your pocket. Trent Chicks are bred to do this for you and fill the basket too. Our 14th season, producing 7,000 ()bloke weekly in ONE GOOD GRADE. Y -get our BEST Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, New Hampshires, Hybrids. For better results be- come a "'trent ('hick Customer." Write to Trent :Electric. Hatchery, Box 533W„ 'Trenton, Ontario. PROMPT DI'iLIVTERY ON ALL T'OI'- tiler breeds. Send in your order to- day. chicles shipped the follnwin(• day. We have hatches every lion - day, Tues„ Wed., Thurs., and Friday. 13 pure breds, 5 hybrids to ehoose from. Started chicles, c'ap- ons, Turkey Moults. Prices for lst of ,Tune, Leghorns 55.70, De per cent pullets $1.5.40, enekerets 51.0((, New' TTt:mnshirr-s $9.79, mullets 516,40, eeickcrels $9,43, Berred Rocks $9.20, pullets $13.55. orlc- erels $5,55. Free rl,telo, ue. Tweddte• Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed. Fergus, Ontario, PUT TOI'R EMI"r17 BROODER house end stove to Work %vitt) Bray Turkeys, Order .Bray's day- old and started — prices reason- able — immediate shipment. And remember there's good June chick buying in Bray Leghorns, T.,S, x N.H. Barred Itocks, New 1 -Tamp - shires. Started chicks to order. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hatn- ilton, Ontario. NO DELA.71.3 IV*T7•E,N YOU ORDER Baden rhieka We can give you prompt delivery. All (*Alleles Gor- ernment Approved from bloodtcst- ed breeders, Standard Quality White Leghorns $5.75, 90 per rent. Pallets $15.45. (oc1e r:de 51,00, 'carred Rooks, New Htunpshires :$0.25, Pullets $14.95 Cockerels, New Ixampshires $6.50, ltarretl Roeles $6.75, White locks, Hy- hric15, Barred Rocks x New Retries, New 1tntnps ' x Barred :Rocks 410.25, Pullets $1.5.05, ('eek- erels $7.713. 'nig. Egg Quality slightly higher. Free re telogur. Baden Eleetrlc, Mink l.iatcltcry. Limited, .13t den. Ontario. TOP QUALITY CHICKS AT ttOCIC :Bottom prlres ftir aline, all from carefully culled blondte:ate;d stork, White Leghorns 38.25, 90 per cent:. Pullets $1045 C"ocicerels *1.. Bar - rod Rocks $5.75, Pullets $19.95, (;locket e is 36.90 New Humps 38.76, ' Pullets 314.95, Ceockercls et.2$, 'White Rocks. Hybrids, Barred Rooks x New TTanaps. New Itemps x :Barred Rooks $9.713, Pullets $14.95, Cockerels 37.90. Targe Egg; Quality one cent more. Bigger Profit two cents snore. Free often - tar. Prompt shipment. Top Notch Chlekceries, Guelph, Ontario. VOLT RECEIVE THE WORTH' OF Your money when you buy John- son's cbicka, theyre bred to ray and aro good table fowl, Prices for June and to end of season. Roch $ °ante, 40 per cent Pullets 17 ce ts, Cockerels ',2 cents, All are blood tsated, Rooks bred front O. T3. S. atoek. Leghorns The Barron :;train. Stele arrival guaranteed, a ens teseenteset etii;et wt qk ^" �, iii aToiltla BUS: QUALITY CHICKS, EASY Tt) raise, the stand-by of thousands of poultrykeepers year after year. Day old and started. Two hatches a week to take care of prompt shipment. Vigorous breeding stock. Selling Farms & Hatchery, Elmira, Ontario, Barn Roofing—Granary Lining SLFPEBT1'TE STEEL SSEETS COST less, cover more, last longer, leY faster, save sheathing. Buy now. - before war advances prices, direct from factory. Superior Products Limited, 15 Nelson Street, Sarnia. Ontario. tLVPTERii SELF -CHARGER WHY BUY NEW RADIO "13" BAT- teries? Guaranteed n) recharge old ones like new. $1.25 brings com- plete automatic self -charger aril full plan. Minrrd Monsen, Park- side, Sask. ELECTRIC ROTORS ELECTRIC MOTORS OF' EVERY description, also V Belts and Pul- leys. Jones & Moore Electric, 296 Adelaide West. Toronto. ExTERttI:vATORS DERPO RUG KILTER. F5c, EXTEi;. tranates bedbugs, moths, cock- toaches, crickets, fleas, lice, ticks. DERAT RAT AND MOI7SE KILLER 50e. Harmless to humans, animals, fowl. At Eaton's. Simpson's, Tam- nlyns, local dealers, or Derpo Pre- duets, Toronto. metre: rnte MOTORS • ATTENTION'. — ." I.P. :MOTORS, 60 or 25 stoic. 25.60, rebuilt guar- anteed. Spadin, Electric, 3s12 Spa- dina. Toronto. t'I-R N I'r l RE 1,0 itt SALM FURNITURE BARGAIN'S FREE eataingue of neer and used furni- ture br•rgeirs gent en request, All goods sold on r.tur,ry-bask guar - enter. Wholesale Furniture, 405 Bath:tr„t 4're r, 'Toronto, GROWERS, AT'rf1NTION! Frnn't GROWERS, GARDENERS. 'tVr ite to us for prices on your re- quirements of fruit and vegetable packages. The Oakville Basket ':o., Limited. Qokcillr. Ontario. CIOTti a wAr TED OUR SUCCESS IN SELLING HOT - els is really phenomenal. We will be pleased to have. an opportunity to try to sell yours, \Ve advertise in every paper in Ontario. For our terms write to Bert Weir & Sons. xtealtore, London, Ontario. s'rolir 12EGISTERED YOUNG ,TERSE Y Pull for sale, dans 655 lbs. of fat (Imp. Sire) 3100.0.0 Jersey heifer due to freshen. $75.00. Holstein Roll ICotyldy tie breeding 345.00. Harvey- :A:renew-4e Ear -Aston, Ont. '.ifei.S111.. FA net 1 Cl f'T.IINIEN'I'S Bowrnan Electric Herder FT'LT, GUARANTEED, 0 VOLTS, Disk regulator, HissIblew switch betters', insulctors, lines com- plete -- 410.00. )Enders wanted, Bowmen t;lectr'c Herder, Peters- burg, Ontario, 11'.T;N ll".N.bTED A GOOD 131-+INESS PAYING C40O1) theorem and with future t ossibill- tics, Stlling, Fain)lox Products men and women all over Canada have found the secret of snceess. Why don't you got in on it too: NO OBLTGA.TION. A21t for FREE catalogue describing 200 necessity Products and plan, FAINIII:.EX PR01)U(1TR, 570 St. Clement St., MONTREAL. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used — New Aromt.t1.IZ1\G 1711 REBUILT MO- VOUS, I'OWEiit.Iibr1'1'S, Hydraulic Itotiste, Winches, Generators. Start- er,(, Mugneloi's,;NO/ureters, Iiladint- otea es rexclutltge Sei'sdce, Ghent se fi{1(iefn° t ns of refatx(t. Le tato Plitt wottont©. 1'I;IISONAI, QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, EASILY', inexpensively. Home remedy. Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice free Rnt•tlett's T1nr 7. Winninon, PHOTO FINISHING FREE! YOU CAN NOW OWN A complete set of be: -r tiful silver- ware absolutely without cost, manufactured and g'. ,:ranteei tai- International Silver '.'cnipany. You may have this complete set a hso- lutely free by sendi- g ;our f`ima to Imperial. Send an order nolo and receive complete earticnl its of this amazing off, e. six or eight exposure films eevc;ered ,incl, printed 25c, or 8 rept .rtts 25e. 71us your choice of a fre e enlarger:slit in easel mount or f;ce sllverv;•c. 'ro get the best in ',:;r.lity and ser- vice send your fitne- to Imeer ia1 Photo Service, Stie'eee Toronto a. WATER 11 t'• WE ittTA.TtANT1;F. \i`.'_;r(al'R OR Nt) money. We use screens Ili all :ells where quick sand . +neouttt.rccl. Special plan for dug wells needing- curbing. saves half. Large sere -as for slug well with b acs! quick send. Wells «3rillecl. Send five dollars for making tests r,r ia'ating; w:. - ter. Tt..1. Ashton. le rt Hope, 'bit. LYONS' uyl "rSTAl1DINT. 1tAR(:iAINS R.ECONDITIONTII) F1ORNITCITE $28 L rge 3 -piece chesterfield Suite, upl nlrtered in figured repp Re- versible Marshall spring cushions. Completely reconditioned. $32 Beautiful brown mohair chester- field suite, 3 pieces. figured re- versible 'Marshall sprite; cushions, guaranteed perfectly .lean. 349 Modern 3 -piece c'hesterftetd Suite, floor sample. ap'holstered in novelty rem). buffet type,' re- versible Marshall ssneng. Cushions. reg. 589 value. $14.50 3-pieee Chesterf ci.R Suite. up- holstered in flgurc . Ism•p. Rever- sible Marshall spzing cushions. Perfectly clean. $39 Smart bedroom ends in rich walnut finish, dresser, chiffonier. fullsize bed, saglees spring, new mattress and pair p :ills. $21 •Simmons' Walnut finish steel bed, sagress high riser spring, new roll -edge mattress Ftld Marge 4v •l - nut finish dresser ,.eii, large mir- ror. $49 Modern bedroom seee in two- tone walnut finish Valley with fell length Vene.tien 1„irror, chif- fonier. full size ted eegiees sprint- and new mattress. :Perfect cotell- tior.. $59 Ilrrne', new floor ?ample bed- room suite, in ble: r hed walnut finish, dresser or venity, chiffon- ier. full size bed, s t:iese spring anti races mattress. $24 Large solid oak "Ening sui=t, buffet, extension tcbie and 6 lea- ther upholstered chs rs. $39 Mo,i( rn walnut einiah dinin>; suite. buffet, ext,:t c en table and 6 leather upholsteree shzt:1.s. Com- pletely refinished, 303 Apartment size "lining room suite. in walnut fir3st., buffet, ex- tension table, ebbe., rabinot and 6 leather stat e•ha.r<. Refinished. $69 Tieautiful Eng—lite talc dieing suite. lsrge buffer. •ii"Itta cabinet, extension table ams. 0 'heather up - heists -red chairs. 379 Rt ixtifnl walnut tthla; suite, large buffet, e`.t, salon t,3b1,•, china cabinet anti e "r, Lt1' uphol- stered ,stairs. Veriest. 5110 Large solid vs inet di•.int; suint. ,cost ne%c 1a(Aiwav-1y $2501. beautiful i,of!i', ottr1.>inn table, eh Ina es blee 1. r,t,rl 6lea- ther upholstered ''h, . t/twists.. iy renai,no. $29,50 smart e-04sc .tslio 5 uphclst. r. (1 in s.'i t, bone. ,pun material, studio melee e.tn twin beds. 2 'hairs to rt, ..t Gus..an- terd etre-Adis- 'ti:1 417.(0 Modern wattiait ,c11 les -al: - fast salts. Tluttet Lott end extension table. tied 4 eeears. 519.50 LCroehlcr (`11i st , r'. no . up- holstered its figurt with reversible ser t :-pled teh- inn4 and new lttattees . All goods tilorourt le r.^r:nsi r- ed, guaranteed nbs,:.ht s,e tr tt i'7 eai•ef'itlly crated for se 4'1'.r.h>t tit. oil rret i3t of ninny-.',, ? LYONS FURNITURE ' RE CO. 478 Yonge St...... Toronto ISSUE NO. 2X-2410