HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-05-23, Page 6Defence lviinister Rogers Inspects R,C.A,F. While Abroad
Defence Minister Norman Rogers. is i(i,'tured here as lie inspected
units ofthe Royal Canadian Air Force at their' stil lit in the west f
England. '_ifr. Rogers was in England Tort! er•rurs; ;vitt!. . r l .t ,�,
w HAVE = i
Y(`11 1. :?,1
..t-.-e-ode-a-o-R- -4-4-> =.-«'.s-o••,.
A young elan was invited to a
dance. Having been accepted by
a pretty girl as a partner, the;
danced. together for some time;
after which the plan thanked her.
"It was lovely." he said, "and
I shall always remember it."
"1 see," said the girl. '"Ele-
phants never forget.'
getoutofalinelikethiso ne.
The film people had made the
picture from the book. That is,
they had almost made it. They
were on the last scene. And they
were stuck. They couldn't figure
out how to end it. Suggestion
after suggestion as to how to end
it was made, but none seemed to
be the right ending.
And then somebody got a won-
derful idea. A novel suggection-
something no one had thought of.
"Why not have the same end-
ing the book has"?" was the amaz-
ing suggestion.
-o -
New Cook: "How shall 1
cook the potatoes for dinner
tonight, madam?"
Mrs. Uppity: "With the
jackets on. It is a very for-
mal dinner l"
• A monologue is a conversation
between two people, such as man
and wife.
A worn. looks like a caterpillar
that has been shaved.
Petroleum is a sort of oil -cloth
used for covering floors.
. LighthTsu, a keepers have fety
opportunis for gardening.
15. -0--
Golf at Jasper
Good This Year
The Course Has Never Been
in Better Shape for the Sea-
son, Declares The Veteran
Greenkeeper at Famous
Mountain Resort
"Never helore in the many
long years 1 have been greens -
keeper, have I ever seen a golf
course come through a winter so
soundly true and even as did the
course at :Jasper this year," de-
clared W. H. "Bill" Brinkworth,
veteran greenskeeper at the fa-
mous mountain course as he pass-
ed through Winnipeg. "Every
greet). and fairway is already in
fine condition and we have been
cutting the greens for nearly
three weeks. With such a good
start, the course will be in excel-
lent shape for the heavy play it
is hound to receive this year," he
"Brink" has just spent a few
days at Minaki, where he has been
checking over the golf course.
His son, Gordon Brinkworth, has
been appointed greenskeeper
there this summer. Gordon spent
the last two years at Ilk Island
course, Alberta, and previous to
that had litany years tutelage un-
der his father at jasper'. He re-
ports considerable work to be
done at Minaki, but states the
course will be in good shape for
the opening near the end of June.
Mr. Brinkworth points out that
the course at Jasper wintered in
first class shape despite the lack
of snow during the winter. "The
country around Jasper was bare
of snow most of the winter. How-
ever, our elk fence kept the ani-
mals off the course and the grass
was given every chance to come
through. It has never been in
such uniformly good condition at
this time of year in its history,"
concluded the gulf expert.
Guest (at wedding): "It's
hard to Tose a beautiful
Father (with two yet to
go): "It's a lot harder to
Iose the homely ones."
Taking off his cap politely as
he entered the office, the mess-
enger handed over the note,
"That's all right, my boy," said
the recipient, "Just run back and
tell Mr, Jones that-"
"Sorry, sir," replied the lad.
'"bey employer said I was not to
Igo back till you give me the
money you owe him 1"
"Ohl" said the debtor. "I won-
der if he'll recognize you with a
Canadian National
Railways Earnings
The •gross revenues for the all-
• inclusive Canadian National Rails
ways for the week ending 11l-kyr
ig •Maa7,
Irill�, wore ,5e70,'r,y 4L
as compared with 3,516,7 70
f'ir the corresponding
week of H)81), an in-
crease of .- ... ..... 1,052,57S
or 'J.11?
1 °realty? Restless?
j r u eas yn si e a ed by
�Inn��11jr BaSllq. Anirbye$17y f.0-
]Hale functional dis-
orders and monthly distress? Then take
t.ydta E. Plnkham's Vegetable Corn -
pound, famous for over 00 years In
llwtping such rundown, weak, nervous
traditions. Made eapecirtllY for Women,
'ti9i40I wortm TRYINCir
,• A..,.,,.1
13Y 1100"h11 t A LEE
Q. In the social world, sloes the
rule to `return good for evil" ap-
A, This rule aliplies anywdtere •
and everywhere, As Tillotson puts
it, "A more glorious victory cannot
be gained over another man than
this, that when the injury began
on his part, 1lle kindness should 'be•
gin on ours."
Q. Is it neeessar to get a per-
son's consent before listing 11lzu
on some commit te •?
A. Yes.- It is inconsiderate to
place hila on the committee 'with-
out first asking his consent.
Q. Hoke should S112:lll ca.1ts .be
eaten at the table?
A. The fingers should `be,, tised to.
convey ilreni to the mouth:
Q. When a hostess sends, a man
an invitation to dinner, and the
invitation is Piot acknowledged;:
what should she do?
A. It aright be best to phone this
man and ask if be re•eeived the in-
vitation, as it is possible that
through no fault of anis he did not
receive ir. If he did, the average
hostess will never repeat the, itt
vI to tion.
Q. Would it be permeable to
write a bread-and-butter note, on,,
any kind of "thank you" note on
postal card?
A. No. The regular social station';
ery should be used.
Q. Are wedding guestsstipposed`
to call on the bride's. mother after
the wedding?
A. Yes, within
Britain Cutting
Butter Ration
a week or Wee,
x What Science
Because of the --cessation of
Danish supplies, Britons were told
last week by Lord Woolton, food
minister, to prepare for the re-
duction at an early date of the
butter ration from eight to four
ounces each week.
Butter fist was rationed at
four ounces weekly beginning
January 8, but the anlottnt was
increased to eight ounces weekly
on March 25.
Lord Woolton warned that the
sugar ration of 12 ounces each
week night be redueed also.
Three hundred wreck; which
have lain in Table Bay at Cape-
town, South Africa, for years tole
being bur'ietl in connection with
the city's $24,000,000 harbor pre -
jest for building a new civic and
shopping renter on reclaimed
land. The work is being done with
Is Doing
7'r r ... :.. ., •s- +. ,• ... a 1 -4 -.-
Prof. Joslyn Rogers of the Uni-
versity of Toronto, analyst for
the Ontario Government and well-
known criminologist, predicts that
much crime will be controlled
within a few years through com-
bined .knowledge of chemistry and
Prof. Rogers says that behavior
largely is the outcome of bodily
function and. contended that ab-
normal behavior plight be due to
abnormal functioning within a
body, which is in essence chem-
Isolation of a vitamin which
prevents and cures graying of
hair in animals is announced by a.
group of University of Wiscon-
sin biochemists. The scientists
said they had not determined def-
initely whether the vitamin also
would be effective ill treating hu
Stan beings to maintain or restore
the youthful color of their hale.
Experimental quantities of the
pure vitamin were removed from
$+'Y'M'Y'�r•Y.t#-a'Q s -.e „{,9.. p 143,E 1.4
How Cu y; I
Q, How can s smooth a curd:r'
cnatartl �?
A. l3ea't up a raw egg and slowly
beat the. curdled ct:staed into it.
Q. How can T reign en Axminster
A. .Stretch the rug tight and
tacit face down on ti floor, or some
flat surface, Sprinkle with a sol•
utirn Made. ' y sealtiil, and a's-
:solving ?.i pound of flake glue in
1./2-galion of wilt.: l' L=.t tick rug
dry at least one c1:1y. Care should
be taken not to p rt on so much
ging that it w''' .how ea the right
Q. Ilan can 1 wash vegetables
moat satisfactorily?
A, Try 151eg an ordinary tetl-
sllakAl around 52V01•111 times in the
22111(r,incl wit liftedout the
vegetables wile be li itiit and el ,
Q, k101V • 1r I cause a kerosene
lamp or lantern ` ''- e a much
brighter light?
A. ' adding tt small pinch of
salt .to :the oil in the bowl.
Q, How can 1 prevent bugs and
wOeMS ,iii my window boxes?
A. Bugs and worms can be pre-
vented by heating the earth for
window boxes or potted plants
the oven before using. White'
wash the inside of window boxes
before- filling with earth to keep
out insects and to keep the boxes
froth rotting.
Ontai i.o to Carry
011. Usual Surveys
Paul Leduc, Minister of Mines
of Ontario, has announced that
geological investigations will be
carried out by his department this
summer. These investigations will
include surveys of new prospect-
ing fields, examination of deposits
of strategic minerals and detailed
study in some of the mining
camps.. r~
Party assistants have been ap-
pointed and include 27 students
from the Department of Geology
and Mining Engineering at On-
tario universities.
"'1',he two most difficult prob
lotus yet unsolved by enediesi:
science" said Dr, Russell I,. Cec l
of New York, last week, "are tri -e
berculosis and the virus diseases,
the latter group including
myelitis, encephalitis, influenza
and the common cold."
Dr. Tracy J. Putnam said that
epilepsy was now the commonest
diseases of the nervous system,
and that 500,000 people in the
United States are subject to,.con-
vulsions. He said that the prob-
lem "looked pretty erinpromiiing
a decade ago" hot that pbysiciana
now t1'e "beginning to get Some-
where with it."
More Educated
Police Force
London, Ontario's police eon)
mission has decided to raise ,tht:
educational standards of. the city '
police force. The colmmnissioner°s'
went on record favoring nlatticai(-
lation as the ntinilntan educatioiV.
al requirement for all new moil
taken on the .force.
This decision came as the soul-
mission approved the appointment
of James R. House of London,
as a member of the police force,
Chief Down said that House has
his nlatr'ictllation.
it DOES taste good in a pipe!"
"LQK-TOP" TIN 00; .'
alis r packed in Porker Tins
iWi-Dab-:tar. re .4; 0.444-. 4
Use Essential Foods
For War -Time Health
"Every housewife can do her
bit -'- and help others do theirs -
by keeping her family's health at
a high level," --Canadian Medical
Thus ends the introduction 031
the inside front cover of a new
booklet just now coming off the
preses, entitled "Food for 'Health
in Peace and War."
Prepared by. the nutrition ex-
perts of the Canadian Medical
Assn., and embodying knowledge
gained after years of study and
research, including the very lat-
est, the booklet is published by
the leading life insurance eom-
panies in Canada.
Weekly Food Budget
It is written in the simplest
language, and instead of ramb-
ling on about vitamins and cal-
ories - about' which the average
housewife knows very little of
practical use in the kitchen --
quickly turns into a set of week-
ly food budgets for single pee -
sons, children, and various size
families. So many quarts of milk,
pounds of cheese, bread and so
forth, for a family of five. Cost,
$8.95 - on the basis of city
prices. For those living on the,
land, the quantities are given ita
pounds and fractions of a pound.
It all boils clown to this Eat
fleet the kind and amount o1 food
required to maintain normal die -
ease -resisting health, then add
whatever you wish or can afford
aftee that. But GET THE ESSEN-
TIALS -- and thwart the germs
that may descend on the world al
did the 'Flu in 1919.
Recently, in Toronto, 1:)r. Fred-
erick E. Tindall, chairman of the.
Committee of Nutrition, Canad-
ian Medical Association, in a na-
tion-wide radio broadcast stated
that .it every Canadian would eat
the proper foods in the proper
quantities (set: forth in the book-
let) the consumption of Can-
ediall-growls foods : would be in-
creased by 12 per cent.
"Dead Man"Pays
Taxes in Winnipeg
A "dead elan" walked into
Winnipeg's civic offices one day
last week and paid his taxes.
When he gave his name, a clerk
dug out his file and said:
"Say, we've got you down an
`dead.' We've sent out your tax
bill for this year and last, and
ecah tinge the post office has re-
turned it narked 'deceased'."
"Dead nothing," replied the
thoroughly alive "corpse" as he
paid two years' taxes after
smoothing out a change -of -ad-
dress tangle.
ed to sell Phillips Lightning Pro-
'Why W to money on wood 5 7 gTet that blowiR0o�
buildings withMhTAL or permanence,proteetionInd economy.
l'eller's11Tu-Roofinttre "CouncitStattdard" Brand, is Guatshteed
'for 25 Yeats. Send dimensions of your building for our 11ree
c,tlmete of complete c0st.
Polder and i+rices err aPPitcaldatt,
Irsiasuslcrl 1161
1415d Office Oandwa, Ont.
Montreal Orta'a TorontoWinnipeg Calgary V:ahcoover
tttives wanted. Increase your earn-
ings by handling one of the fin-
est lines of oils, greases, tires,
batteries, sparge plugs, insecti-
cides, electric fence controllers.
Nouse paints and roof coating
materials. Write \\Tare° Crease &
Oil Limited, Toronto.
NOW 10t' CAN ST:\T11' A 1317141-
ness from your holm.. No capital
rear:Wed, We supply everything.
You handle only fast selling items.
Commissions 51rbsLantial, Free
wholesale catalogue and selling
Irl:. 1'. 813 fort, Winnipeg.
AIt'1'll•'JCJA( J.111li:S
1ieNCP `R t. AI O CO., 124 1W18:I.1..I1C,-
ton Street West. Toronto. Improv-
ed Limbs \VIt11eut shoulder sirups.
1''1'ee catalogue.
11 Al*1n1tY 1.11:1.10 :11EN'I'
ery, also rebuilt equipment always
on hand. emsarrIange.
pondence t•
able Oven Cu.. POR Bathurst St..
_ABY C'I-L1CIiy ARE (11 t 1V en Imat-
8 they do more for y i
llred 10Na:11A DOZENS of este:Rn
the A -large grade, p
%TONEY in your pocket. Trent
Ohicks are bred to do this for -
s ttnd fill the basket
to oD1i4h
'Weeklyin ONE GOOD GlADI/.
get :out BEST Barred Rocks,'
1\Publ ,tegliorns, New .11an0Ps1111t1 -
111)1(05 Vol' better results
(ie0111e a. ".Brent tl.tlick (lmsL°mer.'
'Write. Co 'Vreut Electric illattlicry,
5n3\\ „ Trenton,
(0 fact �high YOU'VE
•-nt to pay ext
15 shirks 14 exploded. ..edos�als
1540 ctlack [ol1
by 1'0110 back f°r more chicks. This
is proof of quality. 'Send for oi11'
prices. fiends \A Quality White
1,et-horny, New pathos $11.70. Bar-
red mores $10.20, 35 other larlet-
s to choose from. Clowns tart; e'
points, freer tiatugllr, 'I'tv
C'lnolt llateberies l,inliird, Fergus
'MAKE 'MONEY wrrit eteveruNts
Bray rh1t'1 ' 1 Order
(2,1ickl do -
livery'. N
l:o, 1.y, i. , e horn: Order T 9.
;1.11. anti ti tt.k ,\T "tot l ts, Tune d e
li1•rm 111itgalns started
Order Turkey 1,1101. l'deli
v4(Bray (hicks - good
ls1,,' "Did wonderfully welt" F.
V 1it'it}' .USI.° IYIC L'H, 1tr111lPllrl'1',
sal Pity. Bray Ila 101
'Bray 1111101(5
1.30 ,TOIn S1. N., Hamilton. Ont.
T S'1X
"'ALL LINING heeler. Mom.. vlio (1
(Jut'. lobo rr l•rtverl 140. �'liu'1
Rocks trod 50 Now 1lamps
.lsn rJ
hind lura s111. "Pop Not+iit
t"hicT:s are from carefully culled
end blood tested breeders ')'hey
are sold at the right prlee. Stand-
ard Quality Legborns $8 50': ite
Iter rent, 1'01 toe $1tl.o5:.C.orirrrrls
too, 'stirred . Tioelcs 58.110, T'il� tis
11,5,r'c1r1,el•'1531n�,� ZretYl
rt, dCrillers 515,75, nr:r
White; 1
q Il
2olio a $15r,forke1eTs ,..0
'Large 1E:n anality
add 005 rrttl,
rigger er Profit add two cents, tow-
er Top priors
No lel! Clltor frltlir. Vren en l I11, Guelph, Ont.
Before poll'•hing furnitture, first
go over it with it 17'ece of cheese-
cloth writilg out of 1101 water,
then apply polish. This gives ex-
cellent reoul'tsr
should know. When you buy Baden
chicks you get high etuality Gov-
ernment Approved chicks from
blood -tested breeders and sold at
the eftectght Ma 229nd aw Sta idards bo \Vhite
I.eghorns 88.75, 90 per cent. Pul-
lets $18.45. Barred Rocks, NOW
1lampshires $9.05, Pullets $14.95,
Barred hock cockerels $0.75, New
Hampshire cockerels 84.75, White
Reeks, Hybrids Bared Rocks x
New :tramps, New Ramps x Bar-
red Rooks 510,25, Pullets 515.95,
Cockerels 57.75• Big Egg Quality
and Extra Select slightly higher.
Sttu•t'ed eb.111(5 Capons. Baden lel-
ectrie Chick Hatchery Ltd., )ha -
(10n. Ontario.
('A'r't'I,1II FOIL SA tal
1r111C[S I ultEr1 'stem I1 ortie5 ie „le
anti heifers for stir prit ed rea-
s0ltab1e. Wilbert May, Route 2•
Orangeville, Ontnrio.
011:21 1' NV M: ft o'i
'FOR ;1.21.11 - 13.00S111 P. MAI 1,
waggon, one atthree quarters
y'trd 1ttpaeit2'.Almost 11CwBar
gain for cash. Apply t'. 11. Logos,
:\ft•Faa•lalse Street. Peterborough,
C)ntn ri0,
ELECTRIC 51010011S
Ir:t C fill.1.C' \loTo'rts ' (1T'• EMERY.
dcacription, also \' Belts and Pul-
leys. Jones & Moore Electric,
Adelaide. \\est. Toronto.
"0J,Ri'0" BUG K.i(4L,T311. 85c exter-
minates bedbugs, moths rocic-
rrttche.s, crickets. fleas, Bee. tints.
Ii lesRat
to `atndlM' Molise Killer
At leatnns. Simpsons. 'ramhlyns, Inn -
a1 dealers. or Dever. Products, Tor-
11(111 ( AT.11
111 ACRES. 11.\(131' S1E1('TiON;
well fenced, drained 'rill( house
town..Tnhi l cal runt( harm nnuhl.islnllte1•0112
r: 11 OW 111(S. ANI 1 '('t'1OA
1,11 11.1'17 (l1 0W1Erts, (1 2.1 D1 N l 7135.
'\Vrit1 to is Por utiles on ynut r-
qutrellents or Trutt and t -e7 etnhele
riil ,ilei Ied .1O:11ClInsltei
1 i 11e nlc-vilOntario.
ir0'fr11,S 1Y A\T1;1)
(11711 SUCCESS IN S11i,1,1NI; 1-141T.
MR is really pitenemenal We 1ci11
be pleased in hat'el all nnnOriilu1ly
111 try 'to nr11 yours. 11'taadvertise,
111 1\''ry paper in pitta yin, Vol, our
terIYtE writ(' to 'Pert \Veit .4 Suns.
T;enitol•s, 1,01111011. ontnri1.
I•'P (N I .rI111I 11.1 I,t,AI \S 1111-11+2
catalogue ur t 1now 111111 used ruled'.
11110 hitt. , 't.,• ten 01 l e•(Irlest. All
woods sold on 11(1 I e $ -71.1111. 7111nr-
(111t,'e, Wholes:11. I4 urnititre,
lnthllrst :11 reel. 'Toronto.
IT) p. lIXr'I 1 r 11N'r T'T1StitAiTS Tlt\'
either; \((•111)21'- 1 tine" for milder
Asthma or; "AsI1111111-T.at for se-
vt:rrt Anthill. 1'1111\'ilive ) Our$' lf,
order 21' bottle front. Asthlnn-
'((111 Lsbolntor)r=, 1111 Vatrt111 1.1..
1Tn1nillon. Ontario.
1'0%1274 1 x'N A 1
'4‘,tJL1Tuli42ll!t,`O, SNUFF. EASI1.\"
Tr ,.rrs�iVel".
frame remedy,
1. �tT
rat+I. l.
i esrimop
frtle. T,arliall's f,n1 1 Winr(dr)eR.
Used -•-• New
51)1;3:1[1.l1 1y . 1v It 1.101 1 I 610-
1 ,1111, (-:0•OINI 1'$, fly"' ea
lingers, \A in11res, f enerlllor,., 14rrtrl-
erg% lr (1(1)11 in :,11,((('41117 (04141.
6" ('.1tlto,os;t' 50,t1 Ire. 01004 -,-
Saiiktner10,, or rEf(lntlr Les.;•••,A'oto
1,'w.41lttii*;s y '+DX.lt441ls • .
0. .
tiURS1•lltY S'J'0L'l
01(0SIr1ST 51.00 L1ARDL'N! 20 ll1I'-
Perent Perennial Plants (Delphin-
10111. Pyrethrum, Sweetrocitet,
etc.) Barberry, Nlnebark, Japonica
low;s: Evergreen;SGayfeatle)' Fiuleeping bs,
Prep 250
Prepaid. Two orders 81.80. Dollar
Nurseries. T'ontillll, Ontario.
complete set of beautiful silver-
ware absolutely without rest,
lllanufaetured and guaranteed by
International Silver Company. you
may have this complete set abso-
lutely free by sending Your Mins
to Imperial. Send an order now
and receive complete Particulars
of this amazing offer. Six or eight
exposure films developed and
printed 25c, or 8 reprints 25e. »1un
your choice of a 'free enlargement
in easel mount or free silverware.
To get the host in quality and ser -
vire send your films to Imperial
,Phots Service, Station J., Toronto
eY ight reprints, ts, l c, 121(1) adv erti
menta London Photo .Service, Box
551, London, Ontario.
QUILTING PATCHES 5 t.177; 51.10.
postpaid. Washfast cotton print
and broadcloth, e x 6 up. Textile
Jobbers 20 \Saud Street. Toronto,
Palnilex Quality Products becoming
better known every day, we need
more salesmen to insure the best
1085111e service to satisfied eus-
tourers, .Any active and honest.
man can make a living selling 200
necessities which faring repeat or-
ders by themselves. There is NI)
Holt with our Suecessful 1'11111.
Ask for T 1'377+. patningua and in-
formation. leA 111(0 (20MJ -YNJi,
vie St, cement til,. MONTREAL.
1n1,14'(rN I1'r10Nui) 101'11NI'l'T)iltf!1
519. T-leaniil'u1 living room outfit.
Large " plena Chesterfield Suite,
uploistel•e(1 in brown mohair with
fi711110d reversible Marshall spring;'
cushions bridge lamp anti silk
shade. walnut end treble, sills eus1-
'ions ta1(1e 'lamp and sill( shade.
and modern 51001(er, a real out-
standing value.
52liargelilbuffet. extension t Mine- table Land
0 loather ipholstored )lairs, 11002
alc 5Gsilyne.:,rg11IU[Iet eIt
vtlnl on t1 11;1 able
china caidoet and o loather up101.
sterol! chairs, ('omplel.ely rel'in-
489,15 11,.-(111.11)11 solid lvainut dining
room suite, completely 1el'iniThed,
inrge bttfl'ci., extension table, chin's
valtittet and 6 leatiel• sent chairs,.
5211. Chusttrfteld Suite, novas, tt»-
holetirrnrl In repo material, rust
Marla• irtrrs[bl"? it(11t•ahn11 spring
rtrsll[0hs, T1'' 1 1l,l((liltO11.
.549. TCroelllrr ('1111,70rl'leld lied Suite
3 pieces. upilnlstnred [1 brown
mohair figured reversible spring
cushions, thoroughly recondition,.
rd, 'C0tnpltte with new Mattress.
020. Modern Bert ltenrn Suite, floor
01111.1(110 in the now bleached
"Lj. jlii'�l >}al)1 ra,'tkul,, shivier
111'rn 3 of `Pvl•1 �1 1i1,.1
ter. full the hod, sapless spring'
and now mattress,
823. S
ETIst Saito n [p
1 ifillsh uff,t with cabinet. top,
leaf trrl)
~; ensi°n is
c unit
51`'.98d T4ktccoiersICn at, sill: -
log porcelain top,
T tinge assortment of dressers, 11505, 1
stoves, and Hiait. r•healertlelds at
ridiculously Intl" priors h1 olenr.
478 Votige St. - Toronto
VNO/ 2i,'"-41..