HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-05-16, Page 7How Can 1? SY ANNE ASHLEY 0. How can I make a good clean- ing compound for washing painted walls? ,@.. .Dissolve one ounce of soap /lakes in 16 ounces (one pint) of 'water, and add about three ounces of turpehtine. Stir the mixture ree ,idly, and apply with a brush or a eponge. Q. .How can I prepare potatoes for boiling so that the skins will tome off easily? ' A. When preparing the potatoes for boiling, instead of peeling the whole potato, just peel a narrow strip entirely around the middle of each potato, lengthwise. When it :la cooked, the skin will slip off eas- ily. Q. How can 1 bleach a faded -wash dress entirely white? A. Dissolve a half cup of. cream of tartar in two gallons of water, and boil tb.e dress. Q. How eau I relieve tired feet? A. Add a tablespoonful of baking ttoda to a pint of common bran and put into a basin, dampening with sufficient wait water to form a thin paste. Put, the 'feet into this for ten or fifteen minutes. It affords great relief and will not blister. Q. How can I remove a fresh grease spot from a rug? ' A. Cover the spot with. blotting Taper and press with .a hot iron. Then cover the spot with magnes- ia, let remain for twenty-four hours and brush off. 'N-A$� .b-•Yi. ) - 9) W -b -d.4 -6 -M -O -b -u-4 4 -O -.F -V• EALT T ICS -u--r t.e-e t a-95-¢ •s - Thousands of Lives Saved by Education Canada gains thousands of new (citizens each year through a public health campaign, Children live now who would have died. in their first year of life had they been born a few years ago, vital statisties just published reveal. Soma idea of the strength of the lost generations" of former years le gained from a study of pensions send national health department sta- tistics. In 1926, out of every 1,000 Canadian children, 101 died in their ifirnt year of life. The latest figures available show that in 1938 the rate had been out to 63 deaths for every 1,000 births. HEALTH, EDUCATION "Interpreted in round figures," Maid Dr. Ernest Couture, the de- partment's director of maternal and child hygiene, "the foregoing sates signify that in 1938 we lost 20,916 babies, including those still- born. As to the reduction from 101 to 63 in the mortality rate, it also chows that each year we have sav- ed 13,000 lives." Improved public health facilities send public education to the need of proper medical care and sound hy- glen() are partly responsible for the vast improvement, the department believes. Prenatal care of the moth- er, proper attention at birth, and protection from disease after birth have played important roles in sav- ing thousands of very young Can- adians. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ' ways System for the 9 -day period ending April 30, 1940, were $5,620,850 as compared with -:-4,207,472 for the corresponding period of 1939, an in- crease of $1,413,378 01 %33.6% Copper exports from Canada during the first two months of 1940 amounted to 87,925,000 pounds compared with 74,957,800 pounds in the corresponding per- iod of 1939. OMEN WANTEO 38 to 52 years old. Woolen who are restless. moody, NERVOUS ---who :tear hot Bashes, dizzy spells--totake Lydia E. '1Ait en:as Vegetable Com- pound. Pizikhain's is famous for helping women during these "trying tines" due to functional irregulAri- ties. Get a bottle today from your dreaggtsti wowra TRICINGI Focal Points of Danger in Southeastern Europe Extension of the war to the Mediterranean last week, appeared more imminent as Allied and Italian naval forces gathered at strategic points prepared for instant action. The above map shows the danger points in Europe's uneasy southeast corner. Turkish troops were report- ed to be massing on the Greek and Bulgarian frontiers (1) while Nazi forces were reported marching near Yugoslavia and Hungary (2), and shipping tanks into Slovakia. Italian troops were also on the 'move (3) and had their fleet stationed off the Dodecanese Islands (4), Russian troops were reported near Hungary (5). Allied fleets had taken stations in the Aegean (6). Hungary was busy rounding up spies (7):. r R Y ..o-n--l---si-1-•F�- VE IYrU HE 11 R It was with considerable concern that the fishing club noticed that Smith, their champion teller of the best fishing stories, seemed to have forgotten his old habit after his marriage. At their annual dinner they con- fidently expected to hear once more the story of leis three-foot trout, but never a word came from Smith. The chairman decided to get to the bottom of the mystery. "Smith, old boy," he said, "tell us about the trout." • Smith shook his head. "I've given, up telling fishing stories," he said. "'Whatever for?". "It's like this," said Smith, with an air of gloom. "Every time I start- ed to tell one at home my wife gave me some wool to hold." Fair Young Miss — "Officer, these men are trying to flirt with me, Make the little one atop, The honeymoon was on the wane, and he thought it was time to get down to earth. As they faced each other across the supper -table, he said: "Darling, this steak tastes just like burnt leather." "Sweetheart," she murmured in a soft voice, "what strange things you've eaten in your life!" Friend: "How's business?" Scissors Grinder: "Pinel I've never seen things so dull!" Although it was Wiggins' first reception his buttiing was perfect. "Stand erect and announce the name of every person who comes to the door during the afternoon," Mrs. Van Ritzer had instructed him. Wiggins had been doing elegant- ly. .411 were present now but the guest of honor. He should arrive al- most any time, All eyes focused on Wiggins as he paused to announce the guest of honor. A hush fell over the big reception room, This was the great moment of Mrs. Can Ritter's most formai affair. Wiggins cleared his throat and" called in a firm,,voice: "Mister Yeagley, the Fuller Brush Man." Grandfather: "You don't know what it is to be old and bent." Grandson: "No, but I know what it is to be young and broke." What Makes Up The Human Body. Here is the chemical composi- tion of the human body by per- centages: Oxygen, 65%; Carbon 18%; Hydrogen 10%; Nitrogen 8%; Calcium 1,5%; Phosphorus 1%; Potassium 0,35%a; Sulphur 0.25%; Sodium 0.15%; Chlorine 0.15%; Mngnesium 0.05%; Iron 0.004%; Maganese 0.0003%; Io- dine 0.00004%. CREAM WANTED tfite are paying a real high price for cream F.O.B., Tor- onto. Write for particulars and cans. The Toronto Creamery The United Farmers Co-operative Co.• Ltd. Duke and George Streets TORONTO, Ontario. 111 IromutiJ r /NNNe se \/1 Just when you would ex- pect tire prices to go up, along comes Firestone and reduces prices on three popular lines of tires to the point where it would be absurd to look tiny further for tire bar. gams. Now everybody can afford Fijeatone utultlity. When you need tires come in to us first and see the genuine bar. gains we can offer you. IWhenever you need new tires First go to your nearest Firestone Denier. He has a tiro in every price class to suit every purse .. a tare that will terve you better and save. you money. -4t-0-111• 9) q^4-9.uhN ,i -4,-I.0-0.4.416-6 ++4,1).0-41. What Science Is Doing •. •' * fr �'.-a-•w v -a ••••• 1, 4 4 .,1.9) x -r -x. - VITAMIN E AiDS DEAF It has recently been discovered that deafness and roaring noises in the ears may be corrected by eating large amounts of Vitamin g, ,kbe fertility vitamin. DEFIES GR'.ViTY LAW A large metal cylinder which spins with stellar velocity in a vacuum chamber without visible means of, support is being used at the University of Virginia in the study of new chemicals and the pre- paration of vaccines to fight dis- ease, GERMS VS. GERMS Germs which feed on other germs and destroy them are described by two scientists of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. Bacteria which commonly are found in the soil aro natural antag- onists of-germs'causing several hie; mane diseases, they say, and exert a natural preventive effect against the ;spread of epidemics. • ARTIFICIAL ECLIPSE Pians to erect the world's highest astronomical observatory to house a new instrument for creating ar- tificial solar eclipses and possibly forecasting electrical disturbances like the one which crippled the world's communication services on Baster Sunday were announced last week by Harvard University, Called a "Coronagraph" it will al- low scientists at any time to study ?'solar prominences and the halo-like "corona" which have been observ- able hitherto only during total ec- lipses of the sun. Retail sales of new motor ve- hicles in Canada during 1939 am- ounted to 114,474 units valued at $1.25,967,521. CHEW AND BETTER? Water -power development in Canada has increased from 173,- 000 horse -power in 1900 to more than 8,100,000 horse -power in 1939; the latter figure represent- ing an estimated 'capital invest- ment of $1,640,000,000 in devel- opment, transmission and distri- bution. OPPORTUNITY Oa. 1'ARTICII'A9:ES in author- ized syndicate for grub -staking prospector; exceptional show- ing; being readily subscribed; no salesmen; no eon,niissions: no liability. For particulars write: ' Vatkins, Newtonbrook, : Ontario METAL Roof is FIREPROOF! Metal has never yet started a rue! Protect your valuable stock and crops with PEDLAR'S—made in the famous "Council Standard" Brand. "Good for a. LiFetinte—Sold with a 25 Year Guarantee" PEDLAR'S is stormproof and fireproof. Send dimensions of your building for our Free estimate of co:np1ete roofing job, including trimmings. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE LIMITED Established 1861 Head Office - Oshawa, Ont. Mfontxeal,Ottawa,Toronto,W innipeg,Calgary,V jicouver COUNCIL5TA50110 4.. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS WANTED LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANT - ed to sell Phillips Lightning Pro- 'eetive System. B. Phillips Comp- any Limited, 32 Osborne Avenue, Toronto. TOWN AND RURAL REPRESENT - styes wanted. Increase your earn- ings by handling one of the fin- est lines of oils,greases, tires, batteries. spark plugs, insects - cities, electric fence controllers, Arouse paints and roof coating materials. Write Warco Grease & 011 Limited, Toronto. AGENTS — EXCLUSIVE TERRI- tory — selling Hand Cleaner, Floor Wax, Automobile Polishes, Fly Spray — Big Profits, Waverly Company, Toronto. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Ili:ANGER LIMB CO., 124 WELLING - ton Street West, Toronto. Improv- ed Limbs without shoulder straps. Free catalogue. BAKERY EQTJIPMENT AKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment always on hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence invited. Hubbard Port. able Oven Co.. 103 Bathurst St,. Toronto. BABY CHICKS 'HERE'S WHY I THINK YOU should buy Baden chicks this Year. They are all high duality Government Approved chicks from bloodtested breeders and 'the pric- es are reasonable, Standard Qual- ity White Leghorns $8.95, Barred Rocks, New Hamps $9.45, 'White Rocks, White Wyandottes, Hybrids Barred Rocks x New Ramps, New Hamps x Barred Rocks, White Leghorns x Barred. Rocks $10.45. Big Egg Quality slightly higher. Day old cockerels, pullets, started chicks, capons, lower prices after May 22nd. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario. BARRED ROCK STARTED COCK- . erels bargains while they last, two week old $7.95, three week old $9,95, three to four week old $10.95, four to five week old $11.95, five to six week old $12.95. Capons specials five week old Barred Rocks 25c, Leghorns 20c, Rhode Island Reds 25e. Five week old New Hamps mixed 25c. Baden Electric Chick hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario. DON'T EISIC QUALITY TOP NOTCH otters you high quality chicks from earefuliy culled bloodtested breeders at rock bottom prices. Standard Quality White Leghorns 38.50, 00 per cent, Pullets $18.95, Barred Rooks $8.95, Pullets $14.75, New Ha'in.es $8.95 Pullets $15.75. White Rocks Hybrids Barred Rocks x New Hamps, New Ramps x 'Barred Rocks $0.95, Pullets 415.75. Large Egg Quality and Big- ger Profit Quality slightly high- er. Cockerels, started chicks look at these specials on Barred Rock cockerels while they last, two week old 38.90, three week old • 31L90, 4 to 5 week old 312.00, 5 to • 6 week old $13.90. Top Notch Chickeries, 'Guelph, Ontario. IT IS DANGEROUS TO BUY chicks on price alone, on the oth- er hand it is wasting your hard- earned money if you pay too much for high Quality chicks. Before you buy any chicits send for our gree catalogue and price list. Compare our prices. Double AA Quality Leghorns and New Harnp- nhires $9.70, Barred Rocks $10.20. 13 pure breds, 5 Hybrids to choose from, capons, started chloks and turkey poults. Free catalogue. Twaddie Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario. BABY rHICKS ARE CHEAPER IF they do more for you when mat - wed, EXTRA DOZENS of eggs in the A -targe grade, puts EXTRA ONEY in your. pocket. Trent irks are bred to do this for you and fill the basket too. Our 14th season, producing '7,000 ehicics weekly in ONE Gt)OD GRADE. Ton get our REST Barred Racks, White.Leghorns, New Hampshires, Hybrids Ti'or better reauits be- 'ome a "Trent (Thick Customer," Writs to Trent Illectr'ir., Hatchery, lsox 533W., Trenton, Ontario. CHEAP CHICKS CHEAP CHICKS ARE NOT AL - ways profitable, buy quality chicks at no higher price and be assured cfprofits from our blood - tested, government approved White Leghorns. Elmview Poultry Farm, Norham, Ontario. LARGE TYPE S. C. WHITE LEG - horns, 'L.E.S. Barred Rocks Rock x Leghorn Hybrids. Heavy Breed cockerels, Barred Rocks 36.50 per 100, Rock x Leghorn Hybrids $3.50 per 100. Send for catalogue and prices. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. EARLY JUNE BRAY CHICKS should be ordered now. Immed- late shipment New Hampshires, Leghorns, Barred Rocks, LS. x N. H., Black Minorcas. Real bar- gains started cockerels. Capons. Turkeys. Bray's will Pay. Bray Hatchery, 130 John North, Hamil- ton, Ontario. GOATS FOR SALE END MILK BILLS — BUY TWO Saanen goats. Milkers, fresh fif- teen up: yearlings fifteen, kids five, arrange appointment. E, G. McKean, Box 89, Thornhill, Ont. mar MRS. MOTORCYCLES FREE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE New rebuilt Bicycles $10 up. Used Motorcycles. Duke's, 625A Queen W.. Toronto. ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRIC MOTORS OF EVERY description, also V Belts and Pul- leys. Jones & Moore Electric, 296 Adelaide West, Toronto. ENT ERMINAT O R "DERPO" BUG KILLER, 95c, exter- minates bedbugs, moths, cock- roaches, crickets, fleas, lice. ticks. "DEBAT" Rat and Mouse Kilter 50c. harmless to humans, animals, fowl At Eatons, Simpsons, Ta.mbiyns, loc- al dealers, or Derpo Products, Tor- onto. I•'U>3Nl'r1?R1: FO1t SALE FURNITURE BARGAINS. FREE catalogue of new and .used furni- ture bargains sent on ,request. A11 goods sold on money -back guar- antee. Wholesale Furniture, 466 Bathurst Street, Toronto. 11O11SRS FOR SALE FOR SALE, REGISTERED CLYDES- dales, matched team black mares in foal, match bay team fillies, rising three and four. Two roan stallions, rising two. Peter Hattie, Route 1. Mount Forest, Ontario. 11113N WANTED A GOOD BUSINESS 'PAYING GOOD income and with future possibili- ties, Selling Familex Products men and women all over Canada have found the secret of success. Why don't you get in on it too? NO OBLIGATION. Ask for FREE catalogue describing 200 necessity products and plan. FAMTL37X Produets. 570 St. Clement St., MONTREAL. NURSERY SToC1r STRAWBERRY PLANTS, PREMIER $5.00 thousand. Burrill, Glen Mary, Parson's Beauty 34.00 per thousand, Darwin Cripps, No. 2. Acton. 73TGGEST $1.00 GARDEN! 20 DIP- ferent Perennial Plants (Delphin- ium, Pyrethrum, Sweetrocket, etc.) Barberry, Ninobark, Japonica Shrubs; Evergreen; Weeping Wil- low; 250 Seeds; Gayfoather Bulbs. Prepaid, Two orders 31.80. Dollar Nurseries, Fonthlll, Ontario. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used — New SPECIALIZING [N CtERI11i.T MO. TIMSS, I'O'WEIL,IINITS. Hydraulic 001505. Winches, 'Generators, Start- ers, 11Vegnetne, „nrboretors. Radiat- ors Exchange Service. Glans Satisfaction or reftintl, T;t' ' Ante Parts l'eronto. dSSUE NO. 20—'40 PERSONAL 1ULT TUDAL9.'U. SNUk'F. LAa1L1, inexpensively. Horne remedy. Testimonials. Uuurnnteed. Advice free P,airtleft•s Roc i. Winnl.npg PHOTOGRAPHY MAY SPECIAL! TRIAL ROLL OIC eight reprints, 15c, with advertise. ment. London Photo Service, Box 551, London, Ontario. QUILT 1'ATC1fik'S QUILTING PATCHES 5 LBS. $1.10, andt bi broadcloth, 3 tx 6 up nText le Jobbers, 20 Mand Street, Toronto. SEED OATS HOUR THOUSAND BUSHELS OF Early Seed Oats, O.A.O. No, 3 Var- iety. 4th prize Winter Seed Show. Toronto. First prize Provincial Seed Exhibition, Chatham. Firs^ prize Lambton County Seed Show, Alvinston. 75c. Robert 14facDona1:1, Brigden, Ontario. 1,500 BUSHELS ERl3AN VARIETY, 2nd prize Provincial Seed Exhibi- tion, Chatham; 2nd prize, Lambtoti County Seed Show, Alvinston. Grade 1. All seed prepared with Government approved cleaner and Carter Disc Grader, 83c. Robert MacDonald, Brigden, Ontario. Si'RINGER SPANIELS SPRINt4ER SPANIEL DOGS AND Puppies; registered, guaranteed the finest breeding. I can supply the best. W. L. Beaton, North Aug- uste, Ontario. STAMMERING PERMANENTLY CORRECTED — guaranteed if instructions follow- ed. New srientific method. Twenty- years' wentyyears' ezperienre. References, Ti. W. Hogue. 220 McDermot. WinnL pent TURKEY EGGS PTTREI3RED I3RONZE TT:131 t] Pings, free booklet raising: 11 --- 32.75. Wm. Campbell, Corn -s -a11. flntsrio. Route 1. LYONS' 1lEC0N llT1oXi1T) 1 f'nVETT' T4'k`. BARGAINS! $49. Beautiful living room outfit. Large 3 piece Chesterfield Suite. upholstered in brown mohair with figured reversible Marshall sprint; cushions, bridge lamp and silk shade, walnut end table, silk cush- ions table lamp and silk shade, and modern smoker, a real out- standing value. 324. Solid oak Dining Room Suite. large buffet, extension table and 6 leather upholstered chairs, eont- pletely refinished, $69, Modern solid oak dining room suite, large buffet, extension table china cabinet and 6 leather uphol- stered chairs, completely retin- ished. 389. room suite, completelywalnut refinishea large buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather seat chairs. $29. Chesterfield Suite, 3 pieces, up- holstered In repp material, rust shade, reversible Marshall spring cushions, perfect condition. $49, Kroehler Chesterfield Bed .Suite 3 pieces, upholstered in brown mohair figured reversible spring cushions, thoroughly recondition. ed. Complete with new mattress. 359. Modern Bed Room Suite, floor sample, in the new bleached wal- nut finish with round Venetian mirrors, dresser or vanity, chiffon- ier, full size bed, sagless spring and new mattress. $29. Smart Breakfast Suite in waI,- nut finish, buffet with cabinet top, extension Jack-knife leaf table, and 4 chairs. Lille new. 31296 Hoosier rcelain Kitchen Cabinet, slid - Large assortment of dressers, bads, stoves, odd chairs, chesterfields at ridiculously low prices to clear, LYONS FURNITURE Ca, 478 Yonge St. --Y-- Toronto Retail sales of gasoline in Can. ado during 1989 amounted to 807,666,000 g a l l o as compared! with 762,740,000 gallons in 1.9884