HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-05-16, Page 4CO* IVO rN•MN•••Nni••••••••H••Mill ehei IM 1 Salt! Salt! All Farmers requiring Salt should leave their orders. with us no later than May 20th. Bring your empty bags, or leave your order before the proposed Tax is put on Salt... Act Now! SEED CLEANING We have an up-to-date Seed Cleaning Equipment that we use for Custom Cleaning, and invity the Farmers who have seed to clean to arrange with us for this Work. _' • PURINA, ROWE and PIONEER FEEDS • A Guaranteen Product that will greatly help your Stock and Poultry to Vigor and Production, which will mean greater Profits. Try it! L.Schilbe ..5s4 ) ••• x .,• a o o a seresenetuseensonsteneounnetto scievaswxatagsarauemegosteeleee e STANLEY TOWNSHIP Late William Carnie The death occurred on Saturday, Nay 4th of 'William Carnie, a lifelong 'resident of .Stanley. Ike was born on the farm where he died, on August 10th, 1874, the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carnie. Was sit member of Blake United Church, where he was superintendent of the 'Sunday School, also secy treas. of the Blake branch of the Bible Society. Besides his widow, formerly Elizabeth Nesbitt, of Belfast, Ireland; he is sur- vived by two sons, Robert and Will- iam. Adaughter, Eulalie died 11 yrs. ago. Mrs. J. M. Tough of Bayfield, 1 is a sister; another siter, Mrs. J. A. Douglas, lives at Hyde Park. A sis- ter, Mrs. D. ,Shepherd of Galt and a brother, J. A. Carrie, predeceased hint. The funeral was held on May 13th to Bay -field cemetery. A short service was held at the house and at Blake church. Rev. 3. R. Peters con- rlacted the service assisted by Rev. 'W. A. Bremner of Seaforth, and Rev J. Penrose of Exeter. The departed took a real interest in missionary work, especially in the support of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnston of Bolivia, S.A., former residents of , Blake. He was a man well read in i religion. as well as political and ec- onomic subjects, always striving to the uplift of humanity. The paul bear- ers were W. Sparks, S. Rohner, G. Campbell, M. ,Steckle, E. Stelck, N. • C"singerich. Thefune•ral was well at- tended. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. Oscar Ducharme Sr., one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of this Frenes Settlement parish, celebrated quietly on Wednes day last, May 8th his 91st birthday at the home of his son William. Coining to these wilds with his late parents from St. Therese Quebec, 83 years ago were he and his parents and oth- er setlers, squatted on small pieces of land, in the immediate locality where he now resides. Building their Homes near the lake at one of the most bea- utiful points along Lake Huron, and ae well the only one of its kind along t`=e. 'boarders of the lake the point 45::is called, Point "Aux Bouleau" (Birch Point) inheriting its name from nature, where tall whitebirch ii;:Ew and given by the early pioneers its name; or probably still earlier, by it: first explorers. Mr. Ducharme, who has a keen memory of his boy- hood days tells that from those trees they would peel bark and make drink ing cups. From this paint, they would travel to Goderich then only a burg, either by root on the shore -or in !email bark canoes where they would . do their trading. He tells of the only means they had to light up their houses was by tak- ii..g a piece of cloth saturated in fat air lard and rolled it into a twig and ;;laced it in a small vessel and started it burning. To -day, this grand old roan has seen generations come and t;o. He has seen the wilds cut down smd to -day clean, fertile fields. He has seen ancient farm .implements ge► and replaced by the most modern. tw.pe, and yes, he has seen the Hydro • wires stretch to his boy -hood home at Pointe Aux Rouleau where it flash- es its light in one of the most beauti- ful summer resorts on the borders of Lake Huron, this being the home of his son William where he has taken -.bode since the departure of his late wife two years ago. NOTES—Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jeff- rey of Detroit spent Sunday with the Ratter's sister, Miss Gertie Jeffrey who has been in Tilbury the past year has return- ed to her home for the summer. Messrs. ,Melvin and August Bedard :of Detroit spent Sunday with their parents on the Blue Water north. Mr. and Mrs. John Rau, Mr. and IVfrs . Norrnan Overholt of Drysdale -north were Sunday visitors with Mr. rand Mrs. H. Laporte. DASHWOOD Mise Grace Guenther of Kitchener ...spent tle• :a.'el E. 1't. t' Welt. of For': r rte fila -the week -end with his parents, Mr. drX+i 4 , V . Wt,g' Fred 1.reeereft. has .IrC'rpte(l a po-lit?nn with Chanrnan Son, pain - ,iter uelU ilt''Cural.o.C• In :4i111:01:.1l, _,_ r � � when:former extra-pricedraced gas buyers vy voted biga1oritthaty _... ,- _.._.---f-.NUNELUE SUNOCO GIVES US ---1'-f----- 1- ZURICH HER.A1.4,„ , ..... �. The Evangelical Ladies' Aid intend having a strawberry seeial on Weds nesday, June 2Gth. Howard lKlurnpp of Kitchener, sp- ent the week -end with his {parents. Mr, and Mr's. Joe Bruce, iMr, andMrs. John Snyder and 'Miss Grace Hayter and friend all of Windsor, Were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. (Hayter. Mrs. Lucinda, Mcisaac is spending a few weeks in Windsor and Detroit, 1VLrs. Sellery of Seaforth spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolf last week. Mr. Harry Hoffman spent Tuesday in Guelph. Mrs. T. Hoperoft spent a few days in Exeter last week. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. of the Evangelical church held their May meeting in the basement of theti church on Wednesday evening last with a good attendance. The theme of the meeting was ".Mother's Day". All; the mothers of the church were es -3 peeially invited. Mrs. D. Tiernan, con- venor of the group occupied the chair The program consisted of devotional exercises,vocal :010 byNancy Tre - , man, reading by Mrs.. C. Snell vocal duet by Miss Cath. Finlobeiner and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher. The chapter i in the study book was taken by Mrs. D. Tiernan and prayer was offered by Mrs. R. Miles. The president, Mrs, G. Wildfong took charge of the bus- iness. Following the usual report .by; the committees it was decided to j hold the annual 'Stra aberry Soci&. ' Tl (settee . in .charge and Mrs I Ie con 'r b n D. Tiernan, Mrs. D. Haugh, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. R. H. Taylor and Mrs. m1 tothe E. R. Guenther. The delegate W.M.S. Convention to be field at, Milverton are: Mv:. A. E. Oestreic 1.- er and Mrs. 3. M. Tiernan. 80 sick visits, 4 dainties and 3 bouquets to the shutins were reported. The June meeting Will again be held in the of Mrs in charge: '' be 1 a • and w31 evening R. H Taylor's group. At the .close 'of the :meeting a social half hour were en,jtayed. land tea was served by the group in -charge. Atili 'die old ideardv g t eara K ol' • i. `• l e is r•„ • kra:7111.1175 11364$. ho ro� ;44)44144 Ina „inn e S eg 1413/4 fail "Div t'ea (1 416 " ,its: jLa ``ol XPLODED AGAIN of i-" • f •� N .5. IN GASO VANTI-KNOCK "t/! POWER MILEAGE PICKUP ALL AROUND PERFORMANCE r. • `i wry r: • ..•..,'aJ 1'Y., • 4 ai " AST FALL an independent research organa. ration asked over 1400 motorists from Florida to Canada to test Nu -Blue Summa against extra -priced f asoline& These motorists voted 9 to 1 that Nae -Blue Sunoco equalled. or excelled the extra priced gasolines in road performance. - UST REciefi .Ya new surverweis made among - former premium game users ley another indepen- dent and unbiased reesearch. authority- After noting the performance ofT-BLUE SUNOCO in their ears— these motorists who formerly used extra priced gaso- lines voted by n brig nsalority that NU -BLUE SUNOCO, gives tlrern what theyawstt. most in a gasoline. , T.'. 4 tor hest results use Nu'-ahrn Sunoco toll strength, Don't dilute it with other gasoline& SOLD T L. A. PRANG vAd SON C .a ;. :”" aid' L. C. t Saler* icORICH �, NA1)1GEs C % a4Is and Harness; °t es at, rtCfi}'„�W .� A. E. AVELLE General Store w "A.%