HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-05-16, Page 1a VOLUME ;, N007, Pair Y _ , U Ott i CH, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 16, 44 Rates: $1.25 in Canada, in advance' $1.50' in T7"S.,A., in advancer, CHESTER L, SMITH, Publisher ize your local Merohantffi and. your Home Paper. ^COMFORTABLE USES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zu.rbrigg ,B.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER Th. Newest. Approved Melhnj af Eyesight Testing Used. Opals emery� Week Day Except W'edrsesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? i'f so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICIH -- ONT. Good Glasses at Reasanal;le Prices BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP SEASON'S SPECIALS Ctoquinole waGeY t our S '! A now/ Permanents Guaranteed. deeper wave and a tighter til regularahe c $7 50for $5.00. Eugene Morning special only, free shampoo with every finger wave. Be sure to ca11 15) for appointment atter avoid beingiisa,ppehtej. Phone 159 Zuriich. for Appointments. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prep. Used Cars We have given you the Best Values in the past, Now with the amount of Trade Ins arriving weekly We can give Yoti BETTER VALUES THAN EVER! 1938 PLYMOUTH COACH, Trunk, very c'la`m, Priced to sell at tee p•- ^e. you, would pay for a 1936 Car. 1936 CHEV. STAND. COACH, De Lux wetly:tut knee action. Gene'ra'l Motors Heater, new 1940 License. 11939 DODGE DE' LUX SEDAN, perfect inside and out. This Car takes n ay'a $7.110 Livense (Like all Dodge Cars 1936 VS *MACK, Trunk Het Water Heater, Original Black.,, (3) 1931 4930 'tt. A. : •,.apes, with and without rumble seats (2) 193'7 Cher_ StasxL %leaches, without knee action, act now 1938 Chev. Coach liTre new, priced to meet competition. 1937 Ponfxe Coach Std. 1934 Plymouth Coupe (2( 1930 Chevy. Set'Fa.vrs.. 1931 Chev, Sedan 1930 Ford Roadster. 1931 Chev. Coach 1936 Plymouth Sedan. 1933 V8 Sedan, new motor 1929 FosTe. Coach, MAO_ 1930 Ford Coach $160.00 (2) 1927 Ford T. Onaches. 1933 Chev. 2 ton Truck 1328 Durant Sera, :nzea, Tires and license $75. Here is Haw You Save:•—(1))1Ntax t sante Co. handles your Note We Do. (2) NO Sadesanserek Comm.cnias *ns to add on the Price of •the Caw You Buy.. illzeet'is wily we can and DO Outsell all WARD FRITZ eel WE: sag. ITIE BEST FOR LESS Specials, for Thursday, Friday and Saturday a• Pork and Beans-,, large tin .......... ..... 8c _.. , 23c 17c 25c .25.c 17c 23c 49c 35c 25c Jelly Powders. per pkg. ...._ .5c Sweet pickles 28 -oz, per jar ....__..._,..__... Mixed Biscuits,, per lb. Grape Fruit Jute;. 2 tins Hillcrest Shortening, 2 ]lbs. Red River Cereal;,.. T e'pkg. • Salmonx, fancy pink, per tin ............... .....u..:_. P. and G. Soap, 5 cakes for ... Coffee,, Royal York, per Ib. Coffee, Blue Boy, per lb. Cubs Cereal;, 2 pkgs ....... . Ladies" House Dresses at _.... Ladies' Fullfaslioined. Hoe, ,at pr.. 69c Colored dotted serirn J. W. MERNI3R me Leaviti's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 13 Thursday, Friday, Saturday 'Ave Features The Rules of The Sea Starring DOUGLAS FAIRB.ANK,S A Thousand Dollar •'sl' Touchdown; Starring JOE E. BROWN And MARTHA RAY Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday We Features Hold That Co-ed Starring JACK HEALY JOHNiBARRYI:VIORE & JOAN DAVh Western • Starring ROY RO,GERS MOTHER'S DAY In the Evangelical Church Mother's Day was fittingly observ- ed in the !Evangelical Church on Sun- day, both morning and evening. The Sermon subject in the morning was "The Chrietaan Hoare." 1n the Sun cele_,yik, The local Red Cross Workers will meet on Thursday evening May 16th. Mr, and Mrs. Abram Eckel of .Platsvjile'' were in town a few days over rehe week -end. •Mrs. 'Carl Burn of Milverton is vis- iting with :her parents, Mr; and Mrs. Je W. Merrier. and Mrs. W. B. Bryce and 011ie were Sunday visitors in Sar - 1 Re .Police Trustees are having a wither of improvements made to e 'defcted sidewalks about town. Nle. James Ballantyne M.L.A. who Eras east of Remelt, called in town stet -,Tuesday. „ Mr. and Mrs:,, Walter Eckel return. IM ed on Monday from Caledonia where they attended the funeral of Mrs. ekel's father. Out school •ball club are having an -interesting series of games, on Tues- day they ,won from Hensel', waffle on !T'hursday lost to Exeter. Pleased to report that Mr. Fred Gainer, who has been ill :.t the home cif" his daughter, .Mrs. Ferd. riaiierer Of town, is impro\ ed. Mr. and Mrs. Jo3eplr Campbell of Fairgrove, Mich., were in town Sun- day, they visited with the former's cousin, Mr. Wm. Lemont at London. Mr. and Mrs. Meton Hey and dau- day= School session a specia'.bly prep- ghter Marylan Dee of Royal Oak, ared order of worshipwas v.lowea• Mich; Mr. and iMr.. Lloyd Hey of The theme was, "Having Christ in i Cnrediton were Sunday visitors with our homes". Appropriate hymns and' their mother here. scripture readings were included. A i1 and Mrs. A. C. Levy,Wilbert :story, "Our Unseen Guest" was•re'a arid. Margaret Levy of Clinton;Cf twMr.. by 'Miss Olive O'Brien. Mr. Oscar-;.r.„and Mrs. Martin C1Inc of town; Mr Greib the assistant. superintendent 'Mrs. Carl McClinchey and fam- presided. The rain did not keep theY''Cxamarty •and . iVir. and 12rs.: members and friends of the chtl qIr t(Non Worm of the West were Sun- PHONE YOUR O �. l R FOR • BRIDAL WREATH 5 perfect diamonds of flashing brilliance in exquisite hand. carved setting. A. G. HESS USE YOUR CREDIT! f For positive identification o the World's Finest Anthracits ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling �,,. Feeds. Highest Cash Prices paid falx .Eggs on a graded basis. W. R. DAVIDSON __ Pone 10 ' - Hensall ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • ults • :. awa. c'for 'reit evening d - '.. �• e' . ,err+vuitlri; r+�• ,e..a..-:.�.-. Y'„', _..r . �. air�:f"�Y►:'..aa.,,r .,0 y g service A.wlie aerie' Branson line. f 2aiannet3 service • was' given by ;fig � � r young ladies of the church. The or- School Music Festival gin • of Mother's Lay was told by Hem, the Music Concert at the Betty Dietz. Helve Truemner read the l Town Hall, Zurich, Monday evening scripture lesson. A reading "The Ar- May 20th l This Concert is in aid tists' Mother" by Katheleen HayA the Red 'Crass. It will be given b1 Ar - group of boys—Gordon Hess, Jack the ,pupils of district schools and is O'Brien, !Ross 'Gascho, Ralph Krueger made possible ,by the efforts of the Stuart t)ietz and Billy .O'Brien sang following music ,teachers: Mr.:Goul- a. Mother's Day hymn, "My Best Girl' , ding a E'xuta ;; Mr Gill of Grand Bend, and Mr.. Rennie of Hensel]. Tributes were paid 'to our Mothers by Dorothy O'Brien and Newel Gei- ger. Mrs. P. Gingerich, responded on behalf of the matooheoroos000 00 behalf of the mothers. Alpha Meyers OBITUARY Mrs. Ida: Mwatague Passes Mrs. Ida Montague,: a lifelong rest- .' -very effectively recited "Somebody's dent of Drysdale on the Blue Water Mothei." The prayer for the offHighway, and a member of one of the ering was given by Shirley Krueger; best known families of the French Puth Brown read a paper on 'Mother' I Settlement, passed away in London Hospital on Friday, May 10th in her 48th year. Mrs. Montagne who has not •been in the best of health for some time, although being faithful to her church dities of organist of St. Peter's church for the past seven years, presiding there en Monday previous to her passing away. She became, quite ill and was taken to London for treatinent but an Friday passed peacefully away. It ries her great faith in God and her church that kept her active till the last few days. Surviving is a son, Louis, at :Noire also two sisters, Elizabeth and Mary Gelinas, of Drysdale; three brothers, Arthur Gelinas, of A]vin- ston; Joseph, of Hay, north of Zurich and Leo Gelinas of Fielding, Sask. The funerall sexntu¢te: was held at the e sidenee, Drysdale on 'Monday, at 9 a.m.,•.proceeding to. St. Peter's Church Drysdale, where immediate high plass Wes sung by Rev. Father 0. Martin. Cc intneruent• ery. feillowed' in St. Peter's mt Late John Neuschwanger ureter called a well.. and favourably Te112wn resident of the comanunity on SXixxday, May: 112th to the person of Jethn Neuschwangei, aged 78 years and 18 days. The deceased had not been enjoying the Test of health the !past few months, being ailing eon- 'sideri bee and was recently taken to LEAVITT'S THEATRE London Hospital for treatments and was then returned to his home on ' the Blind Line, Hay where he passed peacefully away on Sunday. He was i a big strong man in his prime and; was a of a very cheerful disposition and enjoyed humor and happiness i;et his days to which he well contributed his share, Born on the Blind Line, in the neighborhood that he recently lived, but after his marriage moved to Stephen Township for 21 teem, then returning to the Zrrich district, his wvife predeceased in 19x2 • Sear'iv- ing are a son, 'Peter at home, five daughters: ]Mrs. Ed. Reinhei't, Hay Township; Amelia at London; reieda at home, Mrs. Jacob Deichert end Mrs John Rader of Hay Twp. Ono i',rother Mr, Henry Neuselzwangex of Dash- wood. The funer& is being held on Wtelnesday afternoon to St. Peter e, Lutheran elilit'oh tor aervice, into.]•. Afternoon showing .1.45 p.m. Ment follat itng.en the Lutheran cibin- I vnnln ; „hot Fn i' 8.00, 'l .m, etery, Rev, v, Tttxkkenn oft,eibt1llg, The entire .group of gials sang an ..ppropiate num'ter. The !benediction 1• ayer was offeren by Doris Meyers. The beautiful service was closed with the singing of "God Save the King." The entire service was planned and :ably .directed by Mrs. Hess. The church was beautifully decorated with ]lowers and plants. All the.,ser- vice,, of the day were exceptionally well attended. Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND OPENING DANCES May 24th and 25th YOUR OWN HIT BAND! WILLIS TIPPING And His Cascade Music Admission 50c. Dancing Free APPINSIMmollIONIMIIIMMO Exeter, Ont. "Gone With the Wind" MAY -29th and 30th IN TEcN100LOR, Starring CLARKE GABEL, and VIVIAN LEIGH Reserved Seats will be on Sale an M.O,N,)AI', MAY 20th, at Robinson's Drug Store ALL SEATS RESERVED—After- noon prices 75c; Evening Prices' 81, • • NEW SAMPLES • • • • JUST IN • • • • • • • • QUANTITIES LIMITED • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • VT. IL lloffman • • • • • ••*•••••••••••Ptse•c estoe. e•-• 4, .40.44$ 064**444.0rm•64,6 hit DON'T WAIT B.E WISE AND SAVE! 3011 EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • • 1 X fix clearance SALE Of SHOES We are Reducing Our Stock of Shoes.. A • Shoe for Everybody Big and Small PRICES TO SUIT EVERY PURSE We Always Have Men's Work Shoes on Hand Store open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings. THE BLAKE STORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97