HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-05-02, Page 8fos.019 Elurr Roo Covering • .‘ ARE READY TO :S. PL. YOUR WANTS IN ALL THE V;;‘,1A0.00g: 0.00R, • i;'!'•: Olr ' ":•,•• .COVERINGS AT LOWEST POSS!BLE! 4 Yard 2 Yard 3 Yard 3 Yard 2 Yard 2 Yard PRICES. Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Linoleums Inlaids Congoleum. Feltal. Rexoletun Rexfelt. And all Sizes in Linoleum, Congoleum and Feltol Rugs. SEE OUR DISPLAY! J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 • Huron & Erie. Debentures CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Any Amount.. for.. $100.00.. and over Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 31.4. % per annum for 3 and 4 Years. 3 W7, per annum for 5 to 10 Year' s. Free Information From In 1 - ; . • Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative Zurich CI I 111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111illgi It IIII1101 • ZURICH HERALD - zuRte Grocery S ore Peerless 'wheat puffs 16 -oz. pkg. Kellogg's corn flakes, '2 large pigs. ... °01id ‘a3!.1 poon4 Master wheat flakes, 54b. pkg 25 Derry Malt (like ovaltine) 1-1b. can Falcon catsup 14 -oz. bottle Hershey's *cocoa, 1-1b. can. Soap Flakes, 5 -lb. box 10c -- 29c ..35c Menno Oesch Zurich Phone 165 .43 EGGS WANTED. mum ono imommonon»wimp wino woommtly mi iffiniS OF Litt;AL INIIthL M. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson. o• f Egmondville were visitors in town one day last week. Mrs„ Russell Broderick of I:tensely is giving a dance recital in. the town. hall on Saturday evening. M. :Catherine Rader andson. Fred of Dashwood were Sunday visitors in tawn.. Mr. and Mrs. Gid Koehler and 'Miss Nora Balkwill were !Sunday visitors to Hayfield. • Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ehnes of De- troit were Sunday visitors at the Will iarns home. Mr. nand Mrs. S. E. Faust of 'Mit- chell were visitors at the home of IMr. and Mrs. W.. H. Ileffroan. Warmer weather' was 'really brou- ght in over the week -end and it is mere seasonable far May lst. Mrs. W. F: Finkbeirea- arid 'daugh- ter Min Hazel :of Stratford *were ;Sunday visitors at the! ,home of rdr. and Mrs. W. H. }Lotman. • Mr. Ed. Brenner; and Mrs. .FloYcl Cook of Kitchener 'Spent !Sun- day at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. John Brenner. ; • e Mrs. Wm. McGregor of Kippert vias a Saturday 'Visitor with liegeparentao Lr.Wand Jana •Oeseh. Farriers tire busy puttin in. the epring •seeding -and the land warks. .up nicely, the showers on Wednesday are greatly' "helping •the grass awl wheat :and softening the land. Mr. Clayton litiffman, .Mr. and :Mrs -Clarence Hoffman and Bobbie, .of Galt, accompanied • by Miss Merle Preeter of Kitehener, were .Sunday visitors with relatives here. Mrs. Oscar Koehler and children, ShirIey'and •HerOld of near Hensall, and Miss Beatrice . Ma.re,on, of the Goshen line ',:north, motored •to Tor- onto on re:Imlay.' While in the city they attended tne wedding of Miss Shirley, .which took place on Tuesday! in that city. The water piping project for 'this' summer is now completed, and a goodly number again availed them- selves of having it put in their homes and what a satisfaction to have good clean and approved water flowing from a fanset right in the home. • I ess of the meeting was the krecison to Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Heckendorni sponsor a. young farmers' foal club and little Lois left on Monday, noon d for farmers' Sons •of Zurich distriet for Hamilton, where Mrs. Hecken- of ages 11'2 ito 20 inclusive, nem - don. and Lois will remain for •the week while Mr. Heckendorn 'will at; tend. the annual Conference at Wat, erloo which begins on WednesdaY noon with the chairman being Bi4op G. E. Epp, of Naperville, Et Ir. A. Melick is appginted as ley delegw etc for Zurich congregation. CRUSADERS' ROMANTIC CAST- LES LOST TO CHRISTENDOM. • • Read, in .timely article in , American Weekly with the ?Ik/lay issue •of The Detroit Times, how ,gi- gentle fortresses which the ;defenders of the Cross built in their wars to wrest from the Moslems Spots made y the Savior, have becorne•pawns in the game of world politics and are being handed back to the Turks. Bo sure to 'get The Detroit Sunday ****4141144168416001.409.44.0114141141V1H104441640a4MMIliaalagegaeacoies HARDWARE — WEDS Etnd FURNITURE Wire Fencing If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! FROST FENCE • for long lije. Come in and ace out stack et Frost Farrn Fence . the finest we're ere, had. Heavily galvanised by spacial Frost Wears for ot liftetiroo. We can quote you attracting pridoe. TIGHT t L0011 ZINC BONDED ar snarly* MOW here OM SAWS YOU 1401401 PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the 'Well Kriowii' and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams.. Paints, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and' Varnishes; FlOor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes A • Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line „A heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ' - , :::_:: • . • - ..L. - STADE & WEIDO1 - -ZURICH - ONT. .. - PRICE . SERVICE ' 1 LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every WedneedaY) Butter, dairy '2iSic Butter, creamery ......-............ 30 Eggs dozen ... ..... .E8'.,, 16, 14,.12 Wheat, bushel 82 Oats, bush , — .1... 40 Barley, bush. ..,— • 55 Buckwheat, Bush • • ..... ,55 Flour, cwt. ....1 ..... ...,....2.10-3t20 Bran and Shorts, tom ..-.... — .25.00 Potatoes, 75 -lb. bag . 7.5e Live Hogs, cwt. S..90 ,1•1111111.111MINI THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING Visit Our Salem for your SPRING AND =men SPECIALS Let us quote yen on, the. very best and latest Permanents; that are pleas- ing and satiefaetery and that will give you personality; Hairdressing Salon at rear, of' Stot:e For appoint- ments call us. by phone /02, Zurich. MRS. FRED warEtt, Proprietress Thurgitm litt44 ttul, 1.940 egernatsaeeerngeantra....eeee• ...ea.eems le•o•tene 1 + *4040$4001.4440.4.9e***P.11.,14.4004604•41.140.040/01•40+444.11.4.44414"11+.110, ' + + r : 1 tr Hata ,, ,, ,,:„., .,,,,,,cri, k ei 4 0 0 .. 0 : . . . . ,,: •:•wli•til.Nt.;.1 4 • ,,,,r I 31 ( 4 r 1 ' )-J .T•- crj..: ,,t 41, 1-! We:'.efilw4yAA Cary- a Full Line oi the' Besi of i.... .1.44. el, ,.,., ? . .., Ytia - -„SASON S REOUIltI01041t4 0, botii,::SigierMefreivv Staple - Hardwarot•-_'::-4teitik.. t Furnaces, . ''Stire ail. Heating EquipraintS:' '''' Let, Us Offer You l Good Suggestions . along this Line.. ,. Some Goodlledfleaters at Very ReasenahleTiica* 1. '.:YOUR • are: and: Flynitio40 4. 4 4- FURNITURE See Ourr Strodio Couches and Dimzeite Suites A Fullitiim of all the Home Requirements Always keep,a, Good Stock of New and the very.1...a.test in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices,. quality:Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress. Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the mire conservative purchaser we can save you many a dollar as we have a fine- a,ssortrnent al Slightly Used: tFurniture that will give you big value for your Money:. Drop in and look these over and get our' Remarka.ble Low Prices. jOhnStO. & lialbfleiseh • I Hardware lc Furniture. Phone 63 et 11Z lt4.44+44++4,44++++.0.4+,004**4444.4.+4.44+4444.44.4444.64.44 g maseiesseemeAssmeasomelm vont annwasnr- • Dead and Disabled Animals • REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone:, Collect: Exeter 211S. Seaforth 15 1:ViRUNG and CO. Of CANADA LTD. interloinztor, ; end had had, nine, ,end - men which Rept the crowd n eontim- ""L'444"1"144++++++++4++++t+144feleiel4+++++++++++++44444-ti; itiznilitausgtrhetiserilemsausnLieRalandnittsztoparit: 444: , ,: 1 ' ' ' , t iSt, YEW Blarellee Weldtk. , + .y..-- Pay ..- Rent! t ,. strem-r OF ttAR* BOYS r + ......— Toronto--Lontario youths can do * f i director of farm, . , training fpr,,ilie;: I 1L;ait'',,Q*4rf4'U' 4tif.ittig:L441.. -'' -.Y.uossur OlviWri' -th' •tio:kYrrkt s'itotilrillteEaNsywMc.olfthlayy• .-:'° i • • their:bit on like "food front" during ...4 the war, according to Alex,/ftelaren : Ai' Ontario department :of lebor,„,cerlin le says' there is a tremendous shortage.•.: . ., .„rarneote. . of iferro. help .in the office. At the lo, •CaY.1. in and see nor new type of i present time there is a: definite short- 4 f Af BLOCK FLOOR , .3 i 1 age: of boys for farm work, he said. '. Since March. 1, I could have placed ' 150 more boys if ,I had them. More 2 than 140 youth • halve 'been placed •4 if Al a Very Low 'Price. sines that timee. • ORGANIZE FOAL CLUB . A meeting of •ofacers !and ,direetorls 'of the• Zurich. A.:gricultu,ra: ,Society was held non Menday ;afternoon last with William Decker, president inthe chair, and E. F. Klopp !recording pro- ceedings. A.gricultural Re/presentative 3. C. Shearer Was present in..= ad- visory .capacity and the main •busin- hership committee was appointed. They are: Arthur Weber, Dashwood, • chairman • William Decker, Roland Geiger, Iiiillton Truerriner, Zurich. • 30 DIE IN TRAIN WRECK . . The death toil in the derailment of the New Yerk Central Lake Shore Limited Fat Little Falls, N.Y.., on Sun- day was set at 30 las authorities plan- ned three separate investigations into one of, the word railroad disastene in U.S. hi•story. The torowded llospilai in Viet Mohawk Vailery corantunity, re- ported 33 !of the approximate"' 100 hunt were under, 'observation and Ceat some were in serious condition. Nice and bright weather has been • greeting,„us this week, but those cold • winds Ifroen the north make one Times.• shiver regardless of the warm ean. BALL CLUB ORGANIZE , "• The sun and winds are drying Off The Heneali intermediate 'baseball the land niCeiy, and talready one • . elub •organized for ii'le 1940 seaeon, S• ees fanners• out on the land. cheosing for their president, Dr..D.. 111 CountY Court . h; ,secy-treas., Morris Tudor; exec- Goderich—Williarn Atexandf,lr, for - ADJOURNED BY COURT G. Steer; ice pies, E. ,Gascho,, Zur- dor, E. L. Miekle, R. E. SInLiCick,L. mer, plaintiff in. a civil ,eounty..court 0'13rien and E. Yunglylut. Mr• Stan. ,tglaillgr ha ToVenehip of Hayt:friVoly- leg less than $500, eomplettid l'is tive, T. C. Joyrit, R. Steer. N. Tn. mannter "or the' dence on Friday night after rie,arl ''w e' ted y third consecutive year for the local 10:houre in the witness etand; speead team; P'S.461tonit, E. L. fiVfiekle; coach over two days., April 18 rand 19. le; grounds tom. W. Frasfr Judge K.Illloran adjourned the case E. L. MickTudor. 'Walter until June 24 with over a score of L. Hedden, Moiris 'eirbairn and John !Shepherd were witneeeei skill to be heard. Alexan- noointed tio be in charge of the .e...e .forced to pay by distraint to let is' seeking !to ;recover monies he • z eHeneall''S iay. en.eineering cots en a drain, for ting Ito have some of gate. A motion. was oarried at 'the .am,oiel. . heid, one. by the municipality and one eillichhe was a, petitioner, but which was ;never built. Two tax sales were me games staged on the urielt v y the county to satisfy unpaid taxes ASSIST RED CROSS '. 111 the Alexander farm Which bad The llensal( town he'd was, teed to .)een asSesee.d againtt his term by ape ..-.'y list Thursday and li'riclay re,eon Of the proposed drainage veinngs when he presentation of xherne. Alexander maiittairis that the he Timis/an Minarets., gave. tlier Show tinuoiduanty acted illegally in al1 its • ith a east of 50, E. L. IVISekla WM proceedings, from stort to finieh, • 4. PHOI4E 60 044444/44444•++++++44++++++++++++4, f•+++++++++++++++404 0. (P‘ /A \ ; FLEISCIT ZURICH r • . I 7-7377.7773.7? ,•1; ofE,,TODAT calls for energy and atth 4d hirer, oneloreribof the food ener,gy Castredii' sn.sr in fact, bread should be the bask food in the diet of every cAtia4ginAosg work calls forquidcorsisstained energy. Bread is unusually rich in carbohydrates and, with its modern milk formula, is a source of protein' equal to meat in muscle building and repair. • Bread tempts and satisfies your appetite-- makes you • more fit for present-day emergencies. Est „Ai , mote of itl YOU* OMER'S SKIM. scientific equipment—and the finest 'ingredients—give you a loaf maw- passa is wholesomeness and dancions (boor. •ew•'.110.01'0•:".4 , r;!,..a)