HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-05-02, Page 7at it ;uf 44.444. Mussolini Steps Into the •Warlight" Again After a period of silence during which the most astute foreign ob- servers could not say whether he would support Germany or the Allies, Premier Mussolini is once more taking a warlike stand. Last week he appeared to be pondering whether or not to plunge Italy into war. He is pictured here delivering his most recent martial speech in Rome. A fat maI1, riding to his home on a crowded bus remembered quite suddenly that he had two five -dollar bills in his coat pock- et. Thrusting his hand into the; -pocket, he was surprised to fin(] the• hand 'of a fellow -passenger. "So," he shouted, angrily, "pick- ing n'ly pockets, eh?" "Let go my hand!" bellowed the ether. "Thief!" shouted the fat man. "Rat!" hissed the thin man. Then a timid -looking mall in their vicinity said, "If you two gentlemen don't mind taking your hands out of my po.',ter, I'll get elf at the next step." _-0--- "Grace is surely not going to marry that living skeleton *F a man. He's nothing but skin and bones." "Why not? He'll make her a rattling good husband." _.--')— A young doctor returned to his dative village and galled up 7n the old family physician. "I suppose you intend to tpe)- +ialize," remarked the latter. . "Oh. yes," replied the young span; "in the diseases of the nose; :for the ears and throat are too complicated to be combined with the nose for purposes of study and treatment." Thereupon the family physician inquired: "Which nostril are y.1 concentrating on?" What's in a name? Well, it'll be a Icing time before any British baby is christen- ed Adolf. --0-- Three men, tired of the world, went to live on the top of a moun- tain. A year passed, and one of theme said, "It's peaceful up here, isn't it?" Another year passed and the second elan said, "Yes," Another year passed, and the third man said, "If you two chat- ter like this I shall have to go —0— Shocked Old Lady: "And en the way up here we pass- ed twenty-five people in (parked cars!" Young Hostess: "Oh, I'nn sure you're mistaken. It must lhave been an even number." Takeo. to Morgue 'Dead' Man Sore A. "dead" man picked up on a downtown Montreal street last week turned out to be very much chive when they got him to the morgue—in fact, he protested. "Hey! get me out of here Buick," yelled 44 -year-old Adrien -Chaumont when he revived a few minutes after being .carried into the morgue building, near where le collapsed during a sudden at- taek of illness. After first-aid treatment, Chan - Mont was removed to hospital in i c ssal am hula )c . Demand For Seed Grain Very Heavy !lot Ontario This Year, Depart- ment of Agriculture Reports Iieavle:st. th gland in years foe ,oche seed grain Was r(rpol'ted fre)h)1 many part~ of the province by -he Ontario Department of Agriculture in its weekly report. Most Durham County farihle:mss with seed 10 sell havo disposed of practically all their supplies. T'r'ee .noventent of seed in all oti2•.ae wheat -growing sections was report - •+(I and gluantities were said to be plentiful. Wheat has come through the win- ter in excellent simea, it is rowel: - awl it was gieen extra protection ay additional snow in April. At the same time, snow and rain has held sap planting of the tier crop. Considerable increase in the am- ount or fibre flex to be grown in the Godrh•ieh district was noted, einem and new stenlines are conning; well in Norfolk. .b pM � ® o zmiezaceii Is oing HEART PAIN EASED 'Use of a newly -developed oxy- gen mask has resulted in the dis- covery that inhalation of oxygen :n high concentrations (SO to 100 per cent) produ.ees "dramatic" e'oatelllelht of intense heart pa!tl, --1)^ SAVES AMPUTATIONS 'necessity for limb amputations because• of the tearing of big blood vessels niay be obviated by the use of heparin, an anti -coagu- lant extracted from beef lungs, Dr. Gordon Murray of the Uni- versity of Toronto said last week. Experiments with it promise mir- acles in saving limbs of soldier, who have big blood vessels torn by gunshot wounds. --o- • — MAGNETISM KILLS BACTERIA. Use of high frequency current to kill. bacteria and fermentation molts is being tested with suc- cessful results at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Milk was placed in the magnetic field pro- duced by the high frequency cur- rent and it was found that it kills aii kinds of bacteria. Similar ef- .fects have been achieved by pass- ing the currents through the milk. —p— COLD VACCINE FORETOLD A vaccine giving immunity from the common cold may be perfect- ed within the next few years. Dr. Russell L. Cecil, professor of clinical medicine at Cornell University, said that "evidence is already at hand to ind i ate that immunization against the influ- enza virus is feasible and effec- tive." --o— VITAMINS FROM ELEMENTS The -United States Department of Agriculture has found in nat- ure; gas, coal, acetylene, lime- stone and water the raw materials for making man's hormones. The discovery promises a cheap source of a class of remedies, vit- al to life and health, which at pre- sent are among the scarcest ant most expensive on the druggist's shelves. helves. • A STRONG, 25 -YEAR ROOFING Why waste money on wood shingles that brae? Roof your buildings with METALfor permanence. protection aid economy. 1Pediet'st/tt-Itoofin the "CouncilStandatd"" frand,is Guaranteed for 25 Years, Send dimeasioas of your building for out Free estimate of complete cost, Polder arra prices on ai)pticati m. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE GUAM Established 1861 Head Office- Oshawa, Ont. antte'l Ottawa TorontoWinelpeg Ce➢sant 1 , • • •-4••. 0 -44 - [LOW Cun 1? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I "easily clean soiled shots on wall paper? A. Sprinkle some starch liberally on a damp cloth and apl7ly to the paper, using a circular motion. there are some partieularly bad spots, go over theta several tinges. Q. How can I make neat holes In a leather belt? A. Heat a steel knitting needle red hot arid burn in the necessary bole; this makes a professional- ](meting job. Q. How +raa I keep cut sections ('f .t, bake ft•esll? A. 'Take two slices of bread and istiek, • these against the freshly -cut' slp-faee of the -cake by means of t)OThpieks. Q. Iiow can I wash a chamois Shin and prevent its hardening? A. When washing the chamois. put a few drops of ammonia into a basin of water and rinse. Do not wring„ but dry quickly in the sun or over a fire, rubbing well with the hands to prevent its harden- ing. Q. How can I clean painted wood- work effectively? A. Boil two or three onions they- ouiddy, and the water in which. they are boiled will clean painted woodwork very nicely, leaving the surface clean and glossy; no soap i5 required. -* wa-.v..m•-x-a-c-a-a-tt )A. Moder;: tzette 731' ROBEIt t A LEE Q. Is it pernissable to call a per- son by his nickname? A. Yes, if you are well acquaint- ed with this person, and know that he does not object. A girl who has just met a young man should never address him as Bud, Junior, Shorty or Recl. Q. What is the average time that e hould elapse between an engage- ment announcement and the wel- ding?? A. The average time is six t') eir;Iht weeks. Q. When giving an in ormal -din- ner, how should the hostess Iet her guests -know where to sit?.. A. The hostess should stand at her place and tell each one. Q, Is one ever permitted to use a toothpick, when in the company of others? A. Never. If some particle has lodged in a tooth and it is very un- comfortable, one should leave the room and attend to it. Q. What aro the most important things about a "thank you" note? A. The two most essential things are that it be written promptly, and that it has the ring of sincer- ity. 6. In leaving a public dining room with a girl, should the man allow the girl to go first? A. Yes. Tho girl precedes, On some 50 deep reconnaissance flights made by night by the Royal Air Force only four aircraft are known to have been lost through enemy action. CREA WANTED We are paying a real high price for cream F.O.E., Tor- onto. Write for particulars - and cans. The Toronto Creamery The United Farmers Co-operative Co. Ltd. Duke and George Streets TORONTO, Ontario. UPIMMIEINall • ttention! JSED TRUCK BUYERS It will pay you to see Ont- ario's largest assorted stock of good Used Trucks. Write, phone or call at G. TRU Factory Retail Branch 208 Spaciina Ave. Toronto Phone WA. 1831 Open Evenings European Farm Areas Analyzed Bulgaria, Lithuania, Yugosla- via, Rumania and Poland Are Most Heavily Agricultur, 1 — Northern Europe Chiefly in- dustrial An analysls prepared by the In- tt'-national Institute of Agriculture at Rome shows that the Farm Axis In. }Europe, as it may be called, is a line extending frcai Great Britain on the northwest to Bulgaria on the south-east, representing the range from the }highly industrial to the ag- ricultural areas. Along this line is found an increasing proportion of the population occupied .in agricul- ture, with the arinimuiu of 6 per cent for Great Britain, then Bel- gium with 17 par cent, Germany 29 per cent, Hungary G'3 per cent, Yugoslavia, 779 per cent, to Bulgar- ia, with the maximum of 81 per cent. BULGARIA AdOS'T AGRARIA N in the other large a.grieuitural , countries in Europe, the percent- ages are: France 36, Jtaly 48, Spain 56, -and Rumania 78, while in the• more northern countries the pro- : portions are: holland 21 per cent, Norway 29 per Gent, Sweden 36 per cent, Latvia 66 and Lithuania 77. In the group or-;hi'af agricultural countries, more than three -quar'ter's of the occupied population is engag- ed in -agriculture. This group in- cludes Bulgaria, Lithuania, • Yugo- slavia, Rnmania an' Poland. This is "agrarian Europe par excel- lence. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues for the all- inclusive ltinclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the week ending April 14, 1940, were 54,097,320 .as compared with 3,515,534 for the corresponding week of 1939, an in- crease of 581,786 or 16.5%. CLASSIFIE ADVERTISEMENTS At;1•)N'rs W .VEER .`1'iiUTNI;tic, ]ROD AGENT WANT-' ed to sell Phillips Lightning fo•n- tective System. 13. Phillips Comp- any Limited, $2 Osborne Avenue, Toronto. Argl•JNTS \VAN'TF:1) FOR UNIQUE, low-priced portable duplicator. Sells itself i'1 ,toes, offices; ehurs:hc •haola clubs etc. I)an- dy promvAltion for m. tioner or a specialty man. 1, )4 4, 73 Adelaide Street West. Toronto. Just Released From Pawn ill':N'r nOI'rS LATEST STYLES and colour... +•,•-t when new up =0 $73.nn, re -:1 opportunity for yn17 to plrk up eIr Spring suit for Just the small charges against' them which run as low sa 38., $10., $12. Coyne in :end se,e Its when in 111.` city. A11 e's,tualian outfit and 1 do moan ''7t1+v}ian. Hughl(s 1'rrulin'� lost. ;:i : Y.mge, Toronto, I)ntnrlu. -tR FIb'I(•IAt. LIMBS HANGER. L131I3 t'O.. 124 Wit:LLING- t,.rl Street \\,•st. 17, -Ionto. Improv- ed Limb, without ::boulder straps. Free ,•atalo0'u• . BAKERY EQUIPMENT I:AKLI.h OVENS .AND 11I1.CHIN- cr•y, also rebuilt equipment always on hated. Terns arranged. Corres- pondence invited. H'.ubbard Port- able ()VonCo„ 103 Bathurst St" .Toronto. - BABY CIHICKS ORDER BABY CRICKS NOW. .T - tractive prices on tvell bred Bar- red Rocks, White Leghorns, Hamp- shi1'e.% Austrolorps, Write for prices. \Vinilh:Im IRltchery, Wing - ham, Ontario. CHEAP CHICKS CIIEAP t'11.1C14.13 ARE, NOT AL - ways profitable, buy gtictlity chicks at no higher price and ha assured of profits from our blood - tested, government approved White Leghorns. Eltut•iew Poultry Farm, Norham, Ontario. "131ST 1 EVER. BOUGHT," SAY. Mrs. V. Dicker of her Bay chicks. Prompt shipment of Bray Barred Rock, New Hampshire, Columbian '\Vyandottes, Brown Leghorns: also started cockerels send capon Bray Hatchery. 130 Je,hn St. N., Hamilton, AMAZING IS THE UNr.,Y \VOltil for Top Notch 12.40 Chicks. Better than eves• and lower in price. Send for May price list. Standard quality non -sexed Leghorns $8.10, Barred Rocks, New Hamps, 38.25, White .Recess, .Hybrids Barred Rocks • x New Ramps, New Ramps x !Barred Rocks $9.95, 90 per sent. Pullets Leghorns $16.95, Barred Rooks $14.75, New Hamps, Hybrids 311.75 Cockerels Leghorns two giente, New Humps 35.00, Barred Rooks 37.00. White Rocks, Hybrids 67.73, Large Egg Quality, }Bigger Profit. Quality slightly higher. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. TWED.DLE HAS UNLOCKED THE door to opportunity and thrown • away the key. Act quickly hut take time to compare the duality Of Tweddle Chicks, gond also see the money You can Save. (gigantic production 55,000 to 60,01,0 chicks (hatched every week) enables us to sell for less. 18 varieties to choose from. Day-old chicks, start- ed chicks, three, 'week old capon,, turkey pouits, J''ree 1940 cata- logue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, 'Fergus, Onterio. THEY. ARE GOING ]'AST! DON'T miss these bargains, Just Barred Rocks and New Hamps left. Stan- dard Quality ten days old Barred Rock pullets $18.40, non -sexed 311.45, cockerels $7.91, Now Hemp cockerels$5 95two-week-old, „ add one cent, three -week-old add four cents, 131g Egg Quality add one seat. Extra Select add tW,) cents. Big cockerel special while they last, T3arrrd hocks' and New Hamps three to four -week-old Barred Reeks Standard Quality 310.95, New lumps $9.95. Baden Electric ('hick Hatchery Limited, 33htden, Ontario. EG( 'r1tAI'S MO1R.I7 MONEY FOlt EGGS. J.ELLI- inate loss 'from cracks and breaks by packing; in Keyes Treys (filler MIAs). ,30 cion. large egg's packed in regular cases. Send Por free samples or 25e for enough for one ease. Postage paid. Hawley Pro. duets Ltd., 79 Elgin Street, Brant- ford, Ontario, QUICK ACTION TS WHAT 'COLI want with chicles now. Bray is ready With 18 varieties, Started chicks, capons. For egg or meat Markets. Tnunedi tte shipment. lint order sooty. l;ray hatchery, 1130 John N., Hamilton. •- III T U)S MEXICAN Tlgl:):. PLOW1L7.S. GOR- efeous bloom, in pink, red, yellow, eta, all Summer, 6 bulbs for 25e. 'Postpaid, 77it 11 catalogue rare plants and bulbs, (Garden Guild Bulb Dept. Toronto 12. BICYCLES, li9OTORC1'CLI,S (BEE ILrh ,rnA .ED CATALOGUE lhnv rebuilt. liicv,.les 31e tip. reed 'ltfotoreyclea. 'Duke's, 631A Queen 'WW'., Toronto. ISSUE N07 18- "'40 ' 1)IS).{.r'0 ET'(: KILLER. DERPt' 171 (1 KIreeeeit, 350. •'xterin- inat,-s bedbugs., moths, ceekroacY.- es, :I•iek,•t$, fleas, list ticks. "DEBAT" ltnt and Moue Killer 50'x, fowl. At Eatons, Simvons, 'r rube ns, loc- al dealers, or Lo rpo Products, Tor- onto. (1ARI)),N SPEC/ALS ASSO1','I11) — STN FRTI11' TREES 93,usi, Six Roses 53.)0. Three hund- red 1trawber.iss 36.0. ]Fifty Itn:?peerries 34,10. '_ompiete R - cluirements supplied. Cash with nrd :z. I3ttriirfi't071 Nurser$ •_o., 131111ingion. (13 `e.--_._...__....._ F'1 LMS APRIL ADVErtT1SING SPECIAL --- doller value for 30e and advertise- ment, Roll •lac l op'd, printed or eight reprints, with craft embos- sed enlerg"nae1't 7 x 10. London Photo Service, Dee. 531, London, 0ntarin, F'Olt SA 1.)s0 FURNITURE BAItc AIN., FRET. e:atnln rue of 31011 and used furni- ture bargains sent un request. All goods sold on money -back guar - ante, 'Wholesale Furniture, 460) Bathurst Street, Toronto). FOR SALE? TWO -UNIT '9217I ERS New as low as $99: guaranteed rebullts as low es 3811; also amazing new Grade -A (5 parts replace up to 47 parts on others), free demon- stration, get our offer and free " Grade -A Guide. Box K. Room X8-•1, Sarnia, Ontario. FOUR POTTNI)$ meeee 5y AND Virginia Leaf $1,00, fifteen pounds 33.00. Four pounds Virginia Leaf i',igarette Tobaeco $1,50. Postpaid. G. \\-. Jeffrey, Leamingtotl_Ont. HOGS FOR Si.LE ORCHARD VALLJ,T YORKSHIRES ---Present offering — Males. Ser- yi cable age and yea:Igor. Sows all 441405, bred o1' ellen, Beata J. Gal. Iauehor. e)ntario. )t0'rELS ev.t t't'I•'.1) .OUR SU('CI:SS IN SF.LI,TNG HOT - els is rswily phenomenal. We will be pleased to have an opportunity to try to sell yours. We. advertise in every paper in Ontario. For our terms, write to Bert 'Weir & Sons. Ilprl.ltors, London, Ontario. Iroutsi•:S FOR 5.11,1: FOR. S_\LE, IBLA('K PEftCHERON - Stallion, three e Bare old. by that well known stallion Prince Degas. This is a very onvetanding horse, Clarence Vernitlyea. R.77. 5, Belle - Ontario. SIEDirA I, ECZEMA, RASHES, TILES, 80131e Feet, completely relieved by Der- misoothe. the clean, powerful household ointment, 25e. at your local druggist, or mltiled direet. Write for free sample. Twentieth Century Remedies. 107 Hogarth Avenue. Tornnio NURSERY STOCK STRAWBERRY PLANTS, PREMIER 35.00 thousand. Burrill, Glen Mary, Parson's Beauty $4.00 per thousand. Darwin Cripps. No. 2, Acton. BIGGEST 31,00 GA17DI'1NI 20 DIF- ferent Perennial Plants (Delphin- ium, Pyrethrum, Sweotrocket, ete.) Barberry, Ninebark, Japonica Shrubs: Evergreen: Weeping Wil- low; 250 Seeds; Gayfeather Bulbs. Prepaid Two orders 31,80, Dollar Nurseries, la'onthill, Ontario. ic C'Itsrenv STOCK SIX ONE DOLLAR OTFI)ns --- Po'traid — 6 vu-ieties Hardy- Phlox; 6 varieties Perennials; 6 Perennials for Rock (Marden, 12 varieties Iris; 8 bulbs harden Lit les: 50 No. 1 Gladioli, mixed: all 6 lots 55.00, Express paid. Catalogue on request. Forward gardens, iro- gll0is, Ontario. PUPS FOR SALES PLTRLT3REIr) WIREIHAIRED FOX - terrier pups, eight weeks old from show winning stook. Reasonable. A. N. 11.00inann. Stretford, Ont. PERSONAL IT 'I'O13Al4'0 SbItN'N 1'vAJiL1. Inexpensively .:Horne remedy. Teel intim Inls (in.)tttnleed Advice fres flartlett'+ t1n- 1 'Caton/nog PHOTOGRAPHY 11Ai' ' 4t CTA Tt TRIAL ROLL IIOR eight reprints, 153', with advertise- ment. London Photo Service, Box 551. London, Ontario. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -••'- New 11t'b1CI:li.I'ZI:\ IN IttEft t'Il:I' 510 - TORS, I'05VI0I-I.U11rI7'S. i13drnulte Ioist+r, f htchCA, 0CAearntoc..1, Start- ers, Magnetos, 'atr•1lttretllrta Ils+dln(- ors Exehnnge Son, :or, 0105', .- Sr,tl§fuu(ion or rerun'], Levy Ant(' t'nrte, trOret)to. PROPERTY FOIL SALE COUNTRY STORE AND DWELLING in Welland County. Ontario. Im- mediate possession. J. Page, Crys- tal Beach, Ontario. (t.I'ILT PATCHES QUILTING PATCHES 5 I.T3S. $1,10, postpaid. Washfs.st cotton print and broadcloth, 3 :1 6 up. Textile Jobbers, 20 Maud Street, Toronto. Sleep? FOR. SALE 44444 1„500 BTT5H171:,.1•' ERMAN' VARIi:'.rl, 2nd prize Provinoiol Deed Exhibi- tion, c'hatham; and prize, Lambton County' Seed Show, AMvinston. (Trade 1. All seed prepared with Government approved cleaner and carter Disc Grader, Inc. Robert MacDonald, Brig'di•a, Ontario. 1.1RB_\N OATS, ('F.TCTIFIEI) NO. 1 7t" per bushel Begs free. Joh„ Alexander, Roes( Z, Georgetown. Ontario. VANGUARD OATS. 11T.t4. $1.25 131)S. Vanguard Oats. No. 1 $1.110 bus. Erban Oats reg. 31.15 bus. Erban i)ats No. 1 900 bus., .t laska Oats., No. 1 $10. bus., (30.1 .er Oats No. ' er.S.. lite bus..Victory Oats, No. a b 95c,us„ bits0.A-„ .(V.icNoo,ry 5l est ', 1 l7a.rie3 it , 31.25 bus., 0 A c. Ne. 1 $1.00 bus., Noharla N .1 Batley $1. bus., Barley Velvet ;\o, 1 $1.0 hug. All P.0.T3., Toronto. Bags Frey :l.a1t for catalogue. Kelley's Seeds, 772 Dovercourt Bone, Toronto. RELIGIOUS "ELIJAI3 C 0 31 I : n 11EF )1777 Christ." Wonderful b.eclt sent Fre(;. Megiddo erission, Itoche:itEr. New }'nil:. RL-'LI(:T0I7'r GODS WAY OF SALVATION lit'OK- let for the to r. ' mailed free and postpaid 1dd...., ssi los le:u. Killarney, Manitoba, SALES HEN W OANT1011 MILK.EIR DISI R.Tit"roe - ti.1i,G1S- men — invest S:,+l,t, .,10 be your own bels: one eel.. 1•cr week bens working for sohteut,e eine: cal)- able. hard workers earn 33,000 les,. retail prices as torr as $89. ale:' amazing new machine by 36-year- (sld , inpeny. Suite full experience, Box 1- , Rnc,n) 8-4A, Sarnie, Ont. STPAIIIFEER1Nq. PERMANENTLY COIIRECTED ---. guaranteed if lnstrtl•:tions follow- ed. New scientific method. Twenty Years' experien,:t:, References. H. W. Bogue, 220 MCDerrrot, Winn,. pee. LYONS' BARGAINS! HiGal CLASS RECONDITIONED Ell RN ITT Rl$ 335 Large 3 pies,: Chesterfield Suite, upholstered in brown mohair fig- ured reversible Marshall spring cushions. 324 Apartment size 3 piece ]'epi) Chesterfield Suite. 'Marshall 0u517 - 1011s, thoroughly clean, 932 Beautiful Kreeehler 3 piece ches- terfield Suite, upholstered in fig- ured blue jacquard. Perfect condi- tion. 31.9 Large 3 piece Chesterfield Suite. upholstered in figured brown repo with reversible Marshall sprint; ettshione. 325 ::olid oak dining; room ':nit", rempletely refinished, buffet, ex- tension table and 6 leather seat- chnir'e:. 339 Complete 9 piece solid oak Din - Our Suite, buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather uphol- stered chairs. 369 Modern 9 piece walnut finish Dining Suite, completely refinish- ed, buffet, extension table, china. cabinet and 6 leather upholstered "i B ('bnih'• el'. utiPul lite se walnut dining stile perfect condition, large buf.. fet, extension t.ab10, china cabinet and 6 leather sent chairs, 389 Smart bedroom suite in walnut finish. drrsser, chiff,',' l full size bed, sagless spring and new mat- tress. 319 Simmons hoed in walnut finish, sagle.s spring, new mattress and large dresser. 349 Modern bedroom suite in deck, two-tone walnut finish, large van- ity, Venetian mirror. chiffonier• full size lied, sagees spring and 1107'' matt Tess. 359 Beautiful modern bedroom suite in rich bleached walnut. finish, large dresser o1 7(117'5: chiffonier. full size bed, s 1 less spring 3711d mnttl,00. Floor v•imh,l, 311.95 Combination des' nd •'hest in walnut finish with 3 large drawers and desk eemp.rtment, $8.95 Large .. r 7 a9, 1trnr. , ines e , g in walnut finish 1.1t1t 'tame inir- rnrs end 3 deep drew -7e. 312.59 Lara;(' donide 17., l,inn, e..'e- $8.95 inetsIittirerhollilin .end n frt)irh , hi1 70 : 1 1. 0hdlrl41 porcela fuilh Ilu tops, in oakeile cel 31 (01 SB,. 9) Guaranteed , and ,u ne stoves with highs she17 e g 31.4.95 1i1'eieklf:lst x1117 ,', (l,.r,•e�, 1' t'• fen., 1110(7 lent t�h1¢ anis 4 tbnirt enamel finish 36.55 Largo chestclfitle -hairs, 7.hni11st,1711.gl+drini};n churshio(717.3n:- 11 100171, M: All goods thoroughly r ,-editing,•-,71 and sold with a positive 1a r y -b.., .,x gn11117131e r: of antisfacti.e,. b'1'Ite 14" our new free illnetnl,( c 1177,1111.7,' hundreds of 'ober ]Kest nlnl- Ing Vlelt1, 73 11l 11ew 1111.7 ,o1,(iitie: ed fnrultur,'. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. — Toronto