HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-05-02, Page 51.10 a2tosieeila40,, BUSINESS CARDS LEGA1. Put Your Want, Foir Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Me. in this DUDLEY E. HOLMES _ Column. THE DEW - DROP - INN BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- QUICK AND LIGHT LUNCHESARY P)PUSL]iC, ETC. Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Soft Drinks, OFFICE—At Court House Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc. GODERICE -- ONTARIO Special Attention to Coulees' and Court Work. ilia'. Holmes may be consulted at Tassalerich by Phone, and Phone aijarges reversed. DENTAL • Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH !every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DAMI-WOOD Every Monday, Tuesday 'e W edaesday. ,rid and VE'I'..,ERINAR1A.N Or. W. B. COXOHI, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON ?Office with Residence, Main Street, Oppeeite Drug Stere Zurich Pilate -9 A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V .Sc.' Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All ij yes ,of domestic anima treated principles, by the most modern Charges ,reasonable. Day or night Balls proneptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hennels. Office on Main Street, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. I-IENSALL. • LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size pr artiele to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will "snake no? argesres , doe, a ,Been- tiered. el xltared. e ARTHURWEBER--Dashwood Phone 18-57• PRODUCE F arrn produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT 1VI AItIiET Let Us supply you with the eery Choice of Fresh and cor- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., ]idways on hand. Kept fresh in Electric. Refrigeratzo>I Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins Yungbl tt & Son INSURANCE LICENSED POOL ROOM HAROLD OVERHOLT Used Car For Sale 1932 Chev. Coaeb;lgood tires and in ,hood condrtioe, ler' .'qujcle epic, Will' teade Ffl o'L'� pay tBox 263, or phone 41, Zurich.. •",.'. CP ' FOW4D A bag of roiled oats between Zur- ich and Blind Line. Owner can have same by :paying for adv. Apply to Herald Office. FLOUR FOR SALE 24LBS. 1'•A.S•TRY FLOUR at the Zurich Flour Mill and Eckel's Bakery for 55c, tf41 COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE At HOTEL BARNS, DASHWOOD On SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1940 At 1.30 p.m. Farmers, Dealers and Buyers are requested to kiting in .their articles ,for sale. This should .be a good th'.' to buy and selI grass cattle alai pigs. Terms — Strictly Cash. Fred Hoag; Auctioneer & Proprietor FOR SALE YES! WE AGAIN have Healthy, Husk WHITE LEGHO•RN -CI-HICKS for you. Phone 93 r 17. Bruce J. Klopp. tf41 FOR QUICK SALE About 200 ,'bushels of oats, apply to Mrs. Mabel Snider, .7. -hone 41, Zurich. Warning Notice re,Corn Borer All,Ucorn • growers, whether on the farm or elsewhere, are hereby noti- fied that all corn stubble ' or other corn remnants, no matter where they may be, .must, either be ploughed' lender ebmplete1' Orelse gathered ,axl:. ;learno4 hefoxe 111Ia ' 2tstIi; and that -failure to: dodo'lea'ves'the offen- der liable to prosecution, or to having to pay the •cost of sending men in to do the week. Renielnber, this law will be staidly` enforced.: • ' L. Ceasar, Provincial Tntomorogist. Ross Johrnrton, County Inspector. FOR SALE John Deere 15x27 1934 model trac- tor in good condition. Also a Ford - son 1932 model in good condition. Laurence, Regier, •phone 83r5 Zurich Automobile Insurance Tariff and nen-tariff rates gladly quoted without obligation. Special rates 'to all' fartiters plus 20% dis- count (advance'wint'er storage rates) Except residents en paved highways Farmers' preferred risks 5 -ib P. L. 1-11i:: rate $9. yearly. Let the. Riser'. ance Comliany do the worrying should you be unfortunate enough to be, in- volved in a liability- claim. Do not wait until you have had an accident.' ,0. W. HABEIRER. Zurich. „. • Electric Fencers - SAVE 75-85% of Fencing Cost with a S11 R SHOCK.. Two new Shux Sh' t,+�.'rte Tee trie F`ence'rs. S,enior ur 11Io, IG �, 1$:io complet , .ftqr .model $1.' complete. 2" Amy' gu4antee. Try ;Shur -Shock Electric .!'lancer for 301 ys aitll if yot are ;nut satisfied, return tbe;Vitt, anal yoour money will be refunded. For Sale by: W. J. Clarke, Varna.' Bruce IMcClinehey, Jurict. Attention! Farmers! We are in a position to supply you with Choice Seed Grains, also Clover; Seeds, at reasonable prices. W. E. Reid, (Bean..D,ealer) Phone 87 Dashwood,' Opt, 291.21 Western Farmers' Mutual' . Ylieather Insurance doe inch Garage i' OF WOODSTO CK. nit LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS.. KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1930, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash- in Bisalt and Bonds $2.73,613.47. Pates—K50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E.. F. KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also. Dealer in Lightn- iing Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Colne and ,purchase your Aut- omotive Requirements from 'urich's oldest Established garage and Service Station. Wt can supply all your needs. 'ilxgiert Automobile repairing, with the latest testing instrum- nts, Acytelene Welding Tires 3atteries, Oils, Greases and Zepair s. B -A Gasoline in three Grades Give Us a Call! Ho, MOUSSEAU .t'hene: Dag 161..'~;. Night, 4't IOCAI NEW, ZURICH Mr. Utttey has left for Lon- don where he has a position. A special rcapresentative of oare,lof Canada's largest Made to Measure Houses -wilt be at Hoffman's ;shop; on Saturday morning. Read the at1've Mr. and Mrs. George Fee ' and son Charles ofHensal'1 were visitees at the home of Mx. and Mrs. Wm. ,Johnston.: . Miss Jean Hoxriea; of London, w, s a Sunday visitor tai. the :home of • her parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Blake Ho- ver 14th on. Mrs Benj 1Surerus of the ;14th •cot!. 'recently celebrated her 89th !birthda: and she is enjeying fair health if.or her age. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred. Ings of Varna and Mrs. J. W. Horner os town were, recent guests at the home of •Mrs. E. K umer and family, 14th con. Mr. and Mrs. Wan. S. Johnston, ••1 Mrs. Whitney Brokenshire c", •o,'-•11 a motor drive to Sarnia on Sunday. and Mrs. Mex. Hyde of near Kiippen were Sunday vieitors at the home. of IMr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck 14th con., Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Theo. Wagner and son of Guelph were recent visitors at the Wrgner home of town. Mrs. Flossie &own who has recent- ly returned from London has accept- ed a position in C ascho'.s general store. r Miss Ruth Witmer who has been staying at the home of her sister,Mrs Wcl1s of Goderich, for some time, hes returned to her home, Babylon line, Mrs. Emmerson Gabe 1 of the Bronson line is visiting relatives and friends at Shakespeare and Kitchen- er this week. Miss Mae Smith who is attending Western Univeraiy, London, .spent a few pleasant hours with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith,Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. 'Scachty and sons of Detroit were Sunday guests at the home of ,the former's daughter, Mr, and Mrs. ,Howard Klopp. Mr. A. E. Hamilton and Doris of London visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Galster on Sunday. 1VIr. Joseph Foster 'who has recently old •out on the Babylon line, has moved his household contents to his home which he recently purchased on Louisa street from the Jacobe estate. We welcome Mr. Foster, ,aa, a. resid- ent of Zu1 ich, The Zurich Branch of the Woin ens' Institute are having as, their, guests and entertainers on Monday evening, May Gth, the ladies of Hen- sel]. Branch of the W. I. Don't for, get it sate at S p.m. The roll call is the names of all any children. All ladies are welcome. A Layman Appointed Mr. G. S. Howard by vote of Pres- bytery on Tuesday was elected Lay! Commissioner to the General. Coun- j cil of the United Church to be held! in •Winniipeg, Man. Mr. Howard was also re-elected Representative of Huron Presbytery to the Lay Associ- ation of London Conference.—Exeter Times -Advocate. Attended Banquet Cllr. Harold Stade of town, who has been. the efficient and popular goalie of the Seaforth Beavers Hock- ey Meant this winter, -attended. their Banquet and Euchre -Dance in Car- dno's Hall Seaforth on Monday even- The- evening's • program was featured by the presentatibn of Sig- net gold rings to earl} player by Mr. W. A. Heeviet, Secretaxy•.ef? the O.fl. ' • chair TAO* ' ' NEW Spring Footwear! AT Datars' Shoe Store Smartly Styed, in Patent, Calf, Suede and Kid—Built to suit and et—for Men, Women and Children. ALL VERY REASONABLY PRICED Also A large Supply of Men's Work Shoes in leather and panco soles at lowest Cash Prices. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PAT- RONAGE. E. J. DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing; Trunks, Club Bags, and Suitcases ST. PETER'S r.vangelical Lutheran Churcl, • ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World. Friday, 8h—Luther League. hursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—German Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. F. TUERK.HEIM, Pastor, EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Minister. Mrs. H. G. Hess, Organist. MAY 5, !CONFERENCE SUNDAY All Services Withdrawn O 0 AT WATERLOO: 10.30 a.m. Ordination Sermon, Bishop G. E. Epp. 2.30 p.m. Ordination Service. 3.00 p.m. Missionary Rally., Dr. W. L. Bollman. 7.30 p.m. Sermon, Bishop G. E. Ep'. PRODUCE . WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give us a trial MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 Zurich. pt4'39 3,5 . :. FOR'.. SALE 10 new onion Crates for quick sole Aplyeto Conrod Keller, Zurich. AMBULANCE .SERVICE I have recently added to my eee•p- ment a new automobile su�ita!•ly equipped with a cot for 'ambulance work to convey sick patients. T. HARRY HOFFFMAN, Funeral, and Ambulance Service, Phone 70, Dashwood. — Day and Night Service.' FOR SALE McCormick -Deering 15-30 Tractor in good shape $450.00; . Three Furrow Fleury Tractor Plow . nearly new $115.00; Fertilizer Drill i1 -Hoe Massey -Harris, $90.00; Outthrow Disc Harrow 8 -ft, 16 plate IHC $25. --(leo. H. Beatty, McCormick -Deering Varna, Ont. CASH Hrses. Charges: R.R.3. A., while Mr. 1..• J. Mulqueen eeee man of the !Canadian Olfini is Board made a suitable address. Then gat •Car- :lno's hall the presentation taok,.,place of -each player receiving' a'valuable leather Jacket and also a belt. The evening was pleasantly spent there after in dancing and Euchre. The Seaforth team had the best season of hockey for some tine, and the town can well be ploud of their .stalwarts who went far into the 'finals, • U11111111111UII11111111111111111101$11UIIIUlU11111111111111l111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111U1111III1111111;111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1111111111111UIIIIlll1111$11111UI1U1111411111allit$11I111411EN IIDIDDIIIIIHIIDIDIillll!IIIIIIIVDI�!'lililDl NOW! IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines! HES the Repair Man I!HIHW1Iill! IU!II!111111lIIIMUll IIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111g11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1111NI11111U11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11 11111111111111111 W / NEW Flambeau Red CASE Tractor NEW ERFORMAMCE NEW CONVENIENCE Local Dealer--ALVIN RAU, Zurich, \ NEW LOW UPKEEP Phone 98r6. ZURICH CREAMERY Deliver your Cream to the Zurich Creamery and ob- tain correct weight, test and Highest Market Price. We pay 2 cents premium per lb• butterfat for all Cream de- livered to the plant. We also buy and pay. cash for your Eggs and Poultry according to grade. We are Loci! Agents for the Viking Separator. Let us Demonstrate thys high quality Separator for you! THE ZURICH CREAMERY 1 2 3 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. Durable materials, expert work- manship and sturdy construction are featured in theViking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold continues to give satisfaction. Seven Models --One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., LIMITED 6 Montreal High quality bowl—closer skim- ming—more profit. Perfect neckbearing —• assuring years of dependable service of the mechanism. Proven durability. 1 1 TUI IIIIIIII 111111 IIIIIIIII IIIUIif 111111111111111111 I II 1111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIllll111111111IIIIIIIIIII1111IIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIII IIII{I1111I]IIUI!IIIIIIIIIIIUIIII WANTED for Dead Animals and Fox Phone 47x15, Reverse all Jack Williams, Dashwood . -50,39 KICKED BY HORSE Whoa John Payne of Exeter, was delivering groceries the other' morn- ing with a horsedrawn vehicle, e buc- kle broke and the horse (became fri- g etened. A kick from the animal re- sulted in a compound fracture. to• Mr. Payne's leg. The injured man was taken ,to London. KLOPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A'Gat 'known to every motorist. Why take chances, irk "jnfeiiiot' Gas when you can buy Good Gas. at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian L..ubrication, using 7 kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Ancor! nes Grease Cars Expert R.epairizg We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Tip your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and i\Lost Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the warmer weather and better roads soon to be here! HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection Zurich Drug Store QUALITY DRUGS School Supplies Stationery This Year's Stock \ 16 -oz. - 25c. • of Formaldehyde 8 oz. 15c SHIPPING:' FEVER VACINE 10 Doses 75c. An Assortment of Toilet Articles at C and ' 15c. 'WM nT'v?a Excellent Assortment: Diamond Dyes, Putman Dyes, Sunset *Soap Dyes, and Tintex for Tinting and Dying. EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES Dr1J A AddisonProprietor 111111 II{ 11111 III1111111111111111111111111111it1111111 11111111111111111011111 1111 IU IIIIIIi111M11111111I11IIUI111111I1U 1!II11I1111tl11111111 • '1