HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-05-02, Page 1VOLUME 40„ HERALD ZURICH. THURSDAY MORN I•N Q, MAY 2, 1940. Rates: $1.25 in Canada, in acf tee $1,50 in U.S.A., in adeaserew CHESTER L. SMITH, PraleHe ycr Patronize your local Merchant, and Read your Home Paper COMFORTABLE PLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbkri ,R.o. OPTOMETRIST at EIRTER The Newest. Approve& Method .0 Eyeidght Testing. Used- Open .very Week Day Except Weelnetiky. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP SEASON'S SPECIALS Get Your Specaa'I ssawl AU Permanents Guaranteed. Croquinole waves a l reci y .Our main Special, a Eugene, with a deeper wave and a tighter curt regular $7.50 for $5.00. Morning special only, free shampoo vatrA every :finger wave. Be sure to call 159 for appal trneaxtt and avoid Wing disappointed. Phone 154, Zurich. for Appointments. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. K Used Cars We have givexu g+ om 'the Best Values in the past, Now with the amount -of Trade -Ins arriving weekly We can give You BETTER VALUES . THAN EVER! 1938 PLYMOUTH COACH, Trunk, very •choice, Priced ternell at:' the •peiee you woad pay for a 1136 Car. 1936 CHFV. S.TAl1diM COACH,.. De Lux •wi:th•ut knee action- General ction-.Gei al Motors Heerte.r, new 1940 License. ti93.9 •DODGE;. DEfelriliESEDANerpettlect anszd'e ,and anis: This,: ' `$T.1)0'iivez¢se iffiikea1ltlfedge Cars 1936 VS COM, Tema, 'Hot Water Neater, Original Black finish•; (3) 1.9a1-1.93# FbxcL A., Coiupres, with=and .ethaut rum.ble seats (2) 1937 `C1er.. Sts .& Coaciaaes,'Without 'kntee action, act now 1938 Chev. Coach, like? new, ,priced to 'meet -competition. 1937 Pontiac Coach ISS35. 1934 PIymouth. Coupe (2 ( 1930 C.heu: S'e€ia-aa. 1937 Chev. Sedan 1930 Ford Roadl;ter. 1931 Chev. Coach 1936 Ply" oath S:ec x. '1933 V8 Sedan, new motor 1929 Ford •Coacht $65.00_ 1930 Ford Coach $160.00 (2) 1927 lard, T. Coaches'. 1933 Chev. 2 ton Truck i'92R Duraut S'eilan,,• new Tires and license $75. Here is Haw Yat Swee:—(1)'No Finance Co- handles your Note We Ds_ (24 No Salesman's Commissions to add an the Price of the Car Yew B'ay. That is why we can and DO Outsell all CosaFe ifaam. WARD FRITZ .w4 WE, SELL VISE tIE6t!:ST 1FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Aylmer 'Golden Bantam corn, per tin ...-...._, _..Sc per .lb... .... _ ..._...._.43c Royal 1`ork. coffee,. ._..__. ? 1 c Fry's cocoa,, halfs„ per tin ..• ...... Heinz's catsup Ibrge per 'addle ...---.......-...........17c Durham corn starch per pkg.........-_.. .._ 9c Bee Hives com syrup 5.s ...., .39c 1.1ige ire::wank 2 dae:s ....,—...:-,....,,..4.e..._.1.5c Cascade pink salmon, 1-s per tin.: ` ......... 17 c . Snpcx Sudper s. pkg. ___ _._......,, ' 20c 2c • junket Fudge, p--er'^pkg. ...--......‘...?-",<,.0.4:- �5 Fiddy"s rriatches,> 3 :gs ' i { .-...,. C Soni 1 -lush, per tint .. 27c Noir-Such flocxr m; 1 a _ ...... .... �c Sherr ffs+ Luscit ku,s pa wr?er„ 3 pkgs.._._.....•.-•--•,._25c Aylmer peas,, per tim_..,... __ 10c Prunes„ large, sweet 2 Tibs. . , ,.._,...25c. Magic white lilted. 3 Sur -.. 25c Tea Bisk Neeci • pkg _._ .... 20c Children's Friss.*' printt 8 to 41 yrs. --- ..... Ladies House Dresses ,... J. W.MERN1&Mout Leavitt's Theatre: w, Exeter, Ont. Phon4135 Thursday, Friday, SatUrn1t Gulliver's '. Travels IN TECNIGOLOR A full length feature Cartoon.''''The most wonderful entertainment .the screen has ever known. ,Ttegu.r Admission. Special Saturday Matinee At 2.30 p.m. Admission—Public ,School 'Students: • 10c. Adults 25c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Two Features Fifth Avenue Girl Starring GINGER ROGERS Dr. and Mrs. A. J, Addison motored tb.London on Thursday. Miss Rose Albrecht has recently accepted a position at Grand Bend. Miss Eunice Swartz of Detroit was a visitor with her grandma, Mrs. Emily Fuss. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido, Mr. and Mee. J. Gal'bnan motored to Stratford on Sunday,' Mr. and Mrs..H. Eidt of Ingersol were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Chas. Starrett Kitchener visited at the home of her WESTERN sisters, the Misses Johnston. Miss S. Hyatt, R. N. of London, Corning — Swiss Family, Robinson's "Gone With the Wind." DANCE RECITAL Presented by Mrs. Russ. Broderick .. IN TOWN HALL - ZURICH At 8 o'clock on Saturday, May 4th. Presenting a cast of 30 pupils feat- uring tap, • toe, ballit, acrobatic •4nd novelty dances, also music and reld- ci� sags: A.Lesi�� featuring � 'Fu Sa tPr acrobatic dances . Admission: Adults 35c. Students 25c. Children under 0.2, •15c... ' NOTICE WEEKLY HALF HOLIDAY The Police Trustee Boars of Zur- ich has declared that the usual weekly half holiday be observed this summer beginning May 8th until the. last Wednesday in iSeptember. Business places.'will ibeclosed every Wednes- day afternoon. —.Zurich Police Trustees. • In Police Court Goderich, Ppr. 25—Charged that during 1988-'39 he converted to his own use an auto and $50 cash, prop- erty' of -the late W. McCausland, who drowned last summer in Lake Huron, J. B. Davis, Clinton salesman, pleaded mot guilty and elecccd trial by judge and jury. The preiiminarY trial 'was set over until May O. Ac- eused was admitted to $1,000 bail. Permit Canceled—Described in court as a "second Barney Oldfield," Geo. W. Leitch, a youth, was de,: cribed by - .a doctor :as not .being mentallyt,'cal . able 'of knowing right from wrong. He is• alleged ' to have taken a '&0i car from Reg. McGee's sales mere* Dec..21 .sad drove it to Clinton, 13 miles away. Since then he has been under medical care, and his driver's license was permanently eencefled Wni. Liquor, of Blyth, pair, a tine of $10 and costs rfor const :ming ;tenor in •a. ;labile place at Clinton on Nov. 12th dast. -called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Eickmeier one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kroft of De-. troit were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. L. Kraft of town. Mrs. C. H. Kaaabfieisch -of Detroit, Who has been staying at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. F. Stade, for a few weeks has returned to her home Miss Jean McQueen, and Sally Manson and friend from Hensall, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Menne Oesch one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wuinn, who 'save for -some twenty years been re- sidents at' PlatoSask.,• are here With `riends. .:vLr. *aline •'vc,ho is, a see r of Me. and • Mrs. :Martin vi urm of town, has not been enjoying his usual health of date and it is on this ac - :tot they • are spending the summer sere. Mr. and ,Mrs. Roland ,Geiger, idiss Pearl "Pfilee Mr. and Mrs. John E. Geseho; Mrs. H. G. Hess of town and .iYlrs. Chris. Hoist of Crediton, attended the funeral of the late Noah Geiger at Pigeon, Mich., on Friday. The late Noah Geiger bring a form- er resident of the Zurich district, indi was known by many of the older residents here. ROBBERS IN ZURICH The Village , woke up Saturday ;horning with the awed news staring at them that while all were in slum- berland around two o'clock, some real husky men were busy loading up the 300 -lb. safe in the local Silver - woods produce plant, and taking it out in the country to blow it up for its contents, which was the next fore- noon found by Haberer Bros. on the Babylon line in a bad blown up con- dition, but as could be expected the money therein was missing and all other papers were intact with the ex- -'eption of a few being scorched from `he high eeplosives. The money, which was covered by insurance was less than a hundred dollars. They also visited Rose'•s. service station, opened the cash box and relieved it of some silver, and then opened the lock on the gas pump and helped themselves 'to what gas their vehicle tank would hold. The same night the Centralia !creamery suffered a similar loss and !their safe carried away and low" up. Constables McCoy of God i Crich and Ferguson of Exeter invest- ivated the case. COMING TO: ;LEAVITT'S THEATRE Exeter, Ont. ',Gone With the Wind" Better than Birth of a Nation—Wal• tee Winchcil. ,t Titer three years we've• tivaited.% , .I 'was worth it. --Jimmy Fidler. • ' iiIl take you twenty years to forge it.--Hedda Hopper. :1 ll'liggest Show on earth—Boston Pos 'Something you live through. As yes - lived through the book.•--Atlant Journal. There's never been a Picture like it —New York Daily Mirror. 5 G,•teatestkMotion Picture terall the. _WATCH FOR DAT"m EASY CREDIT $1 WEEKLY BRIDAL WREATH 5 perfect diamonds of flashing brilliance in exquisite hand. carved setting. A. G. HESS USE YOUR CREDIT! For positive identification est the World's Finest Anthrax' ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta. Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling Cos, Feeds. Highest Cash Prices paid foot .Eggs on a graded basis. W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensali ••••••••••••••••••••••••!•••••••••♦•••••••••eoe••ee Z •• • • ., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 • ♦ • • • • • ♦ • • • ••♦ ♦ • • • MAY 4th TILL 12 NOON On SATURDAY a Special. Representative o W. R. JOHNSTON and CO. One of Canada's Largest Made to Measure Houses wilt be at our Store with a large rangy of the latest Spring and. Summer Samples Come. and see this splendid range and be; measured by one who will give you all the latest tips: in the Style of Clothing.. . 4 4� W 11; Iloffinan. az Son!, ♦ EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • • a••.• Pe....•••••e••••••••4 •♦♦♦••••••♦♦•••P•c•ir•••a&•o HYMENEAL Ducharme-Gooding . A pretty spring wedding was sol- emnized at the Sacred Heart Church, Parkhill, when Eleanor Gooding, ye - 'ingest daughter of Daniel and the 'Ste Mrs. Gooding was united in carriage to Byron Ducharene, sen'of . 'dIr. and Mrs. David Duel}arme ' o.f ?uri•ch. The bride was ,charming in white satin gown and Carred a :bou- quet of American bea>.ity teases and was attended by her sister, Margaret •s bridesmaid and Miss 'Kay Flanag- an as ,maid of honor. The flower girls, i1Mss Lena Whitton and Jean `Flanagan, were charming in pink and blue. The groom was attended itrJ his brother, Russell Ducharex>e, of Windsor and Donald Allen of - Den- field. After the •cetentony a :wedding :limier was served at the levee's home to 32 guests. Mr, and Mra. Byron buchartne left on a Motor trip et 5.30 p.m. tor Detroit,' On their re tutu they twill reside on Itivt rv'icw avenue, tendon, . , Clearance SALE Of SHOES We ..are Reducing Our Stock of Shoes. A Shoe 'for Everybody Big . and Srr>I;ali PRICES • .TO SUIT EVERY; PURSE We .Always Have Men's' Work Shoes on Hand Store. open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday' Evenings. TIE ur.►xr, STORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97