HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-04-25, Page 1HERA VOLUME 40, No, 25 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 40;19441' Rates; $1.25 in Canada, in advance $1,50 in U.S.A., in advance CHESTER L. SMITH, Publisher Patronize your local Merchant, and Read your Home Paper COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrtgg OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods an a Equipment a! A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN G ODE RI CH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP SEASON'S SPECIALS Get 'Vour Special now! All Permanents Guaranteed. Croquinole waves a Specialty. Our main Special, a Eugene, with a deeper wave and a tighter curl regular $7.50 for $5.qo.. Morning special only, free she:I-moo with every finger wave. Be sure tetU 159 for appointment and avoid being disappointed, Phone 159 Zurich for Appointments. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. Used Cars We have given you the Best Values in the past, Now with the amount of Trade -Ins arriving weekly We can give You BETTER VALUES THAN EVER! 1938 PLYMOUTH COACH, Trunk, very choice, Priced to sell at the price you would pay for a 1936 Car. 1936 MEV.. STAND. .COACH, De Lux -without knee action. General Motors Heater, new 1940 License. 11939 DODGE DE LUX SEDAN, perfect inside and out. This. Car takes only a $7.00 Livense (Like all Dodge Cars 1936 V8 COACH, T-runk, Hot Water Heater, Original Blalek Finish (3) 1931-1930 Ford A. Coupes, with and without rumble seats (2) 1937 Chev. Stand. Coaches, without knee action, act now 1938 Chev. Coach like new, priced to meet competition, 1937 Pontiac Coach $535. 1934 Plymouth Coupe (2( 1930 Chev. Sedans. 1931 Chev. Sedan 1930 Ford Roadster. 1931 Chev. Coach 1936 Plymouth Sedan. 1933 V8 Sedan, new motor 1929 Ford Coach $65.00. 1930 Ford Coach $160.00 (2) 1927 Ford T. Coaches. 1933 Chev. ton. Truck 1928 Durant Sedan, new Tires and license $75. Here is How You Save:—(1) No Finance Co. handles your Note We Do. (2) No Salesman's Commissions to add on the Price of the Car You Buy. That is why we can and DO Outsell all Competition. WARD FRITZ WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Fancy red Cohoe Salmon, golden net per tin......2 5c Hillcrest shortening, 2 lbs. 93c Eagle Brand condensed milk per tin i 8c Del Maiz niblets corn, 2 tins 25c P and G. white Naptha soap, 4 cakes I 7c Kleenex, 2 pkgs. ... Heinz cooked spaghetti, 2 tins .. Oxydol large pkg. Kirks Castile soap, 4cakes Coffee, Blue Boy, I -ib. pkg. Ginger Snaps, per lb. Quaker puffed wheat and puffed rice IViacroni ready cut 2 lbs. jello Powders, per pkg. Calumet Baking Powder 12 -oz. .... ... ....... 9c 25c 15c 24c I4c 35c 10c 3 pkgs....23c. .I0c .... 5c Ladies' House Dresses I 00 Frilled Curtains, plain color or cream with colored patterns 95c to $1.95, Silk Curtains at pair .... 1.50 to 2.25 J. W. ME N R R 1 -"bone 140 Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thursday, Friday, Saturnay Two Features Hop -Along, Cassidy'. William Boyd in Santa --Fee, Marshall Tellivision Spy Starring Welliarn -Henry Special Saturday Matinee, commenc-. ing at 2.30 p.m.. Escape to Paradise Starring Bob Breen and Kent Taylor Disney Te.cnicoler .Cartoon OFFICER DUCK Admission -Children 10c. Adults 25c Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Twe Features Hard to Get Starring Dick Powell The Dead End Kids ON DRESS PARADE Coming—Gulliver's Travells, Swiss Family, Robinson, Gone With the Wind. DANCE RECITAL Presented by Mrs. Russ. Broderick MOO `4.76717A3fr Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. .Hagan and 4nghter Of ,Seaforth were Tuesday ViSitors in town. )..47, and Mr. Roy Oliver a Lon- dn were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Chas. Weber. Mr. Roy Weber of Hensall was a Sunday visitor V th his parents, Mr. and Mr. Louis Wber. Mr. Flossie Brown who has been inLondon for some time has return- ed to her home in Zurieh where she intends remaining for the preent. Mr. and Mr. Samuel Gascho of, gal-Eatn attended the funeral of the :bit Conrad Truemner on Tueday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dieterich and Mr. E. Ruby of Kitchener were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and MN. Win. S. Ruby. 4111.. Moses Erb of town hastaken down the stable at tha rear• • of his dWelling and will use the material in the &minion of a garage. Wiss Gertrude Schade of London ,was avisitor this week at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Shade, Blue Water Hieway. Mn. and Mrs. Aaron Denomme have rented the dwelling quarters a- boe Merner's store and intend mov- , Ti iL PHONE YOUR 0 RI.DAL WREATH 5 perfect damonds of flashing brilliance in equisite hand: carved setting. A. G. HESS •ing therein shortly. JosephPoster •of the Babylon '411 n TOWN HALL - Z.1.3RIC1-1 0; 'a' d who recently sold his farm. stick and Implernents has purchased At 8 o7.cloek on :Ithh'el.dwelling property lab. "Lamse St, - Ai-Aled by the jacobe estate and tic-, Saturday, May 4th. cupied by Mr. Adrian Denomrne. Presenting a cast of 30 pupils feat- uring tap, toe, .ballit, acrobatic and novelty dances, also -music and read- ings. Also featuring Tuck Sisters, acrobatic dances. Admission: Adults 35e. Students 25c. Children under 42, 15c. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truemner arid family wish to greatly thank the neighbors and friends ,for the kind assistance and sympathy extended in their sad .bereavement; .also those that loaned their car, the beautiful floral tObutes, and to Rev. C. IL neekendorn for his serices. • • • OBITUARY • • • • Late Conrad Truemner The community was shocked on Sunday morning to learn of tha e.*Pa ll Trupincer of the 14th concesio, 'The Lariy Bird Catches the Worm' 4, very sudden passing. of Mr. Coma l t .40 Hay Township. The departing freerIS TRUE! • this life took place while the domes- ed and his son Hilton were grooming 4. Won - the horses in the morning, and as . With this Year's new samples... They are Won- they wer going about their work and ee chatting with it, Hilton noticed that * derful quality and Patterns, that can't be beat For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek, Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling Co. Feeds. Highest Cash Prices paid foe .Eggs on a graded. basis. W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel,' --y ...°64.44•4"G"a'4*""h**4,Q e **** *8 4.4 4.4, evo 4 4-1,4. New Spring Samples THE OLD SAYING: 4 • 4 4 • • 4 the horse that his father was groom, mg -sprang back in its stall, and be immediately went over and his father was lying helpless on the floor, and after removing the horse ass:stance was at once called and the almost lifeless body ea/Had to the house where life soon .had fled away. Mr. Trueinner who had reached the age ing his rounds this week in Zurich. N, Assessor W. IL Edighoffer is mak- born on the homestead, on the to of 77 3•els, 2 months and 6 days, We cannot at present tell what ", G;:naly moved to the 14th con. Hay, 4' 4. • 4. 4. 4. 4. tax notice will look like in the fall, oshen line south of Zurih, till tho but most of as are satisfied with ow the farm now owned by Mr. NVm. T. • assessment being acceptable. Wile/nner, anti in 1891 he wes ivar- Were at Coaerich Clerk A. F. Hess, members of the Hay Township Couneil w.:‘1 as ilea to Catherine &hale, who pre- aeceased ten yoma ago. Aiter their marriage they .n. -ed oa the fine 01st farm where he Sunday. Me. members of former Couneils other witnesses wore at (toderIch on Thursday and Friday of last week attending the county court when ac- tion, W. Alexander and I). • Stewart vereais the Township of Hay, was heard. The case concerns the recov- ery of rests levied against the plain tiffs on a drainage ntititon, and was postponed until the latter part or June. eu....aih............owriamorztamreee.aoarmtataaesNtlirirk COMING TO: LEAVITT'S THEATRE Exeter, Ont. "Gone With the Wind" Truenmer was indeod a nt type citizen, a straight fol.aad man in business, a good neighbor, and was a very 'good farmer, taking special pride in all farm products, tor year he !followd the local fall fairs with the /tet of seed grains, fruit, peal - try and (specially horses and hoaor- ably taking many prizes wth his good quality of products, he seeming to have the ablity to know juet when an article of live stock was right.This tradition is being .carried on by his son Hilton in later years. Decetsed was a very attentive and devoted member of the Evangelie.al church and when possibly attended services and Sabbath echool. Truly he will be missed not alone in the home but in the community. Surviving besides hi only son Hilton, are two grand- children, &Iva and Elwood; a broth- er, •Mr, 'William T. and a sister, Mrs. Wm. ISehade, both of Hay Twp., the ones predeceased are John Truenmer of Pigeon, Mich; Mrs. Jos. Kt.Tcher of Elkton, Mich; and Mrs. Gaiser of Shiplta. The remains were laid to rest on Tuesday afternoon with ser- VieeS in the Zurich Evangelical church interment in Bronson line .cemetery. 14v. C..' B. Heckendarn, his pastor officiated. The floral tributes were, very ibeatiful, and the life of kind- ness and good citizenship will Tong be remembered in :the 11 OM and neigh- borhood. The funeral was largely attended. Frienls. and relatives were present from Listowell, Milveaton, Elmira, Kitchener, London, Crediton, Pigeon and Elkton, Welt Better than Birth of a Nation—Wal- ter Winehen. For three years we've -waited... was worth it—jimmy Fidler. st. Will take you twenty years to forget Hopper. Biggest Show on earth—Boston Post Something you live through. As you lived .through the hook.---Atianta JOU va.M. There's never ,been a Pieture like it. -New York Daily iMirror. Greatest IVIotion Picture of all time. —WATCH . FOR DATES! BUT The quantity is limited and the range is not as large as other years due to war conditions. So we advise you to make your selection early for y-o.ur new suit as our range at $24.93 is second to none. BE WISE AND CHOOSE EARLY 181 • • r . EMBALMERS AND FUNER AI DIRECTORS 42111114111111~2111elliMate@MOOMMeWitervermairesseamemeegzeisatiallallt. AND SEE OUR NEW Broadcloths, Prints, Aprons, and Housedresses Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on hand We have many New Lines of Hardware, Etc. just arriving. Also many Harness Repairs. BE SURE AND VISIT OUR BARGAIN COUNTER. • T lz STOft F Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97 411111.01111.191110111111111011111.4141.1110111110111101101111WMOMONOPOINIMINIVPHOMPIPMMAIMINIMIMINIONNOW • • • • 1