HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-04-18, Page 4',PAGE FOUR ZURICH osopp00000trooa rh4ro0 ►roPPOW O ROOt►uI ...S••r0rwiOt ti 9 ea Ready For Sparing in Implements Farm " to putyour Now is the time condition for the Spring Rush. Let us supply you with the required new parts.... Also carry Tudhope- Anderson Wheels and Skeins; ," Harrow Teeth; Cultivator Teeth, and all International Repairs. SEED CLEANING ",'e I::acre ata u-t'o•d{zte Seed Cleaning Equipment we .F e r",.:,i CLT.... ` Cleaning, g"•ted invity the 1...: -.o1 -..ave sec ti to n lean to arrang:.1 with us for this Work. F URIN.A, RO`°1'E and PIONEER FEEDS A (: M.iari,Inte ,....._4zct that will greatly help your i)c.t:lily. to Vigor and Production, which will mean greater Profits. Try it! 47 ii 3 r elei ' "Lei !+ ro'`ifj('" i":1)4.e n 1 t e ka r't:* c:y•5 as. ,"+S;"y:"±e4igiiekl 8tsE3'etta'.Gratmoati rive NER or one of Twelve Other Cash Prizes: 2nd Prize - $15 3rd Prize - $5 Ten Prizes - $1 Each Just complete the last line of this jingle: tended a hearty welcome to the vis- itors, who were lin charge of the devotional program, ivhich was pies- lded over 'by Mr. Harvey Keys, High- lights of the program: the topic by Mr. Elgin 'McKinley on Dx;. GAnfel'l of Labrador;" reading by Miss Mary tlIuethes, violin selections by John Keys and Edgar Smith, accompanied by Mrs, George Anderson, During a social time •gaxnes and contests were enjoyed and a delicious 1unerr Served. then all joined ;hands and .sang ",Sho- uld Auld Acquaintances be Forgot" and .the Mizpah benediction was re- peated in unison. !Greer-...-Carnie A quiet wedding was solemnized at the parsonage, Varna, on Tti;ettdaY April 9th, at 9 a,m., when Rey J, .R.' Peters united in :xiarriage li,l' Margaret Jean. Carne, daughter of Mrs, and the late James A. CaOie, ne Stanley, and Robert J. Preer,son Lie.. and Mr:;, .Root: Greer of .the Blue Water Highway. The .brise 'Wore a st','eet length chess of navy sheer Ith aeccssories to match.'"T;be, cou- ple were attended by 3.11SaeChfilotte Ilene Greer, sister of the groom, and Robt. M. Turner. After the 'ceremony the wedding party drove to the'heme or .;),Ir. and Mrs. G. E. W estlake,wliere a reception was hold and wedding breakfast served. The 'bridalc•; 1ple left amid showers of confe{h'dliand good wishes of friends for a',tri to Toronto and points north. The bride chose a navy coat ancl bat with,",rase accessories for travelling. The 'invited guests were Mr. and :Mrs. R Greer, M l:in, jean and Clifford, 7.4r.e and 1Y17*.:. G. ,S. Howard of Exeter welt? arid. aunt of the bride, whose 37th anniversary fell on the same day. On their return the happy couple will reside on the groom's farm on the. Blue Water Highway. Mr. George Denomme is quite ill at present. Mr. Ernest Denomme is in London taking treatments. Mr. Philip Denomme is taking treatment: in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. ;lir. Alex. Etue is also on the sick list. DASHW000 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Calfas of Sarnia called on friends here last Wednesday. Miss e•-tieda Restemeyer, R.N. of St. Joseph's Hospital London, spent the week -end with her parents. Mr. Herbert Restemeyer left on Monday for London where he has a:- . cepted a position with the Anderson !meat market for one year. Miss Vera Pollen of Exeter has accepted a positicn with Mr. E. R. Guenther as book-keeper t Mr. and Mrs. Archie- Bender of i Toronto spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bender. Mr. • and .12ss. Lloyd Edighoffer and fancily and Mr. Geo. Edighoffer of ,Mitchell were Sunday visitors with `relatives here. - The Play entitled "Here Comes :Charlie" which was held in Rader's garage last .week and was so well at - i tended, will be held in Zurich Town Bays Purity Maid: "If you don't want Hall, on Wednesday evening, April ...,...,e40,40.0.,:.,....:..y ",... ,.�r+. ,,,.. ;2Ai:1a at 8 p.m- Pitrity.Floutisthe.aneyou:shouirzchoosC, '' Aerre Solernae nos gt•.r te,.e�e ,'u For pies and all pastry, for cakes and new Hudson and has it .egtupped for for bread, -ambulance service. Howard Klurnpp of Kitchener, ' spent a few days with his parents, 1Mr.and Mrs. Theo. Klumpp. Mrs. Gottschalk who spent the win- ter with .her daughter Mrs. Hopkins in St. Thomas owing to ill health re- turned home on Saturday. Mr. Hop- i )sins returned to St. Thomas on Monday while Mrs. Hopkins will spend a week with her mother. Mr. Reinhold Miller who underwent • an operation in London Hospital, was able to be brought home on Monday. 1 Mr. Vern Becker who underwent ' an operation in London was trrought home on Sunday. Their friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Jane Guenther of Kitchener. Your Purity Flour dealer will give you complete details of this contest—ask him for free Recipe Booklet, to give you helpful suggestions. April 8,0h from a heart corr'di'tNin his 73rd year, He had been .contillted to his home since last November, 'In'. Ross was 'born on the London Rene near Brucefield, one of the original pioneers of Stanley. He received his education at the Safoi'th Collegiate Institute and later in Trinity Modica School, Toronto. He twice visited the Old Country taking post graduate HENSALL Mrs. Ross MacLean of Detroitn"- ent a few days .at the home of leer brother, G. Jackson who is` ill. Miss Emma Johnston and Mire Redd, who have been slx°nd- ing the past two months in Florida, returned home recently. Ir. and Mrs. Elgin Hayter and son of London were recent visitor- with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bell. Mrs. Wm. Consitt has been spend- ing several days at the home of her daughter Mrs. Orville .Smith, who is ill, at her home Parr Line. The public regret tolearn that Mi John Zuefle, on account •of ill health does not intend haying his usual greenhouse this spring and summer: which is a matter of much regret. l.rno'ld Bell, of Toronto was re re cent visitor here with his mot --her: eee,...,«,xkeeee,--.lest ...an she •aceon ana-: ,< ed him as far as ` aeax+.� �i, sea, there a few days before retrnint home. James A. Paterson recently motor• ed to Welland to attend a convention there of the O.B.R. for which he war, a representative for Huron -Perth He rcpoi is a splendid meeting ane that anoteee 'ting of the O.B.A. will be held here on the 16th April. Many Real Estate Changes Thee: eeee ' - ^.'t a great many changes n the past in real estate.Mr. W. 'Fa:rbirn has purchased the dwel- ling on Main st. from 3. W. Ortwein in which Mrs. ,Saundercock is resid- ing, and the property of the late H Soldan, in which Mr. and Mrs. W. A `elacLaren reside. also the proper.tr. . of the late Mrs. Keys and ithe dwell- ing of the Neilands Estate an whiei Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker reside. M• Frank Coleman has purchased the dwelling of Mrs. M. Eacrett in whic. Rev. and Mrs. Richardson reside ani a .Chiselhurst man has purchased the dwelling in which Mr. and Mrs. Wm !. Dabus reside. • Late John Coulter. There passed away on April 9th, one of Hensall,s oldest_ and most es- teemed residents in the person of Mr John M. Coulter in his 866th year, Born in Ieeilverton, the deceased was a carpenter by trade and had -been a resident of-Iensall for over sixt;, year;.:. Mr. Coulter had .been in fail- ing health for .the past few year suffering from a heart condit;;on aC� • :as taken ser iously ill land foiled to' rally. His wife and -a slaughter, Ida, predeceased him some years ago-, Sur- viving is one son, Dr. Samuel .Coulter of Toledo, Ohio, also fouc'bothers, Dr. W. J. Coulter, Toledo, Ohio; R. H. Coulter, Milverton; Wesley Cone ter, Mill bank, and Rev. Joseph 'Coul- ter of Sunderland. A public funeral service was held at thehome 'or, Thursday Pt 2 p.m.. conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook of ithe United chur- ch of which deceased was a member. Interment following in l,YtgTeggart's cemetery. courses ill Lorain, England and miinbo'rough Scotland. TURN WILD WEST • t rodeerich—A juvenile "wild west gang" has been broken up to Dun- gannet, 0urrrgan t n, it was revealed in juvenile court .here, The 'villige is riot served by railway and AVMS cut of trOM mo- tor rtraflict most of the winter, '•.go time must have hung heavily On the hands Thursday, A,jirf i tit; 1940 of alis) youths. Rob'billg elf ti*uiiIagtlq. post Office when 300 ittopperst z ere) stglOn by a Small boy 10gtight 'F•hibt\' to a climax. It was learncad• tater tillaii 100 of these coppers were to pa;et �`. for Its anvedofi' .22 rifle. Qat ,ftoy ayklek% made the rifle .is thought to ltrive pI'arrl?1 ned the theft, while another bay 1 w, was charge}d with a store robbery zrl volving a small amount of mens a .217 Jv;'1�6 Yc4R y4f:'vT raw : eco e e.. WEST PRICED FULL SOZED CAR IN CANADA See it -. Comfort-- Safety — Power -- Economy—All are combined in the new WILLYS for 1940, the car that has caught the fancy of motor show crowds everywhere. Created by engineers of long perienee, the 1940 WILLYS is built by an organization that has made satisfied buyers for 37 years. These engineers have built into the 1940 WILLYS power for sustained high speeds . for fast acceleration .. yet with gasoline economy— Lloyd W. Scotchmer, Bayfield. '.,s visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. P Guenther. For Sale ! Mr and Mrs. A. Bald; Mr. and Mrs A quantity of red clover hay for; 0. Bald of Kitchener spent the week sale, apply to William Rennie, Phone end with the former's daughter, Rev 83 r 18, Zurich. !and Mrs Luft Mrs. Bald Sr. was ob- ---- ~--'-" i liged to remain. a few days owing to FOR SALE an occident on the way near Elgin - field on Saturday evening. The rest were able to return to Kitchener ion McCormick -Deering 15-30 Tractor in Vionday, escaping with a bad shaking good shape. $450.00; Three Furrow Fleury Tractor Plow nearly new aap�Ir"• Hoag of Ingersoll has rented $115.00; Fertilizer' Drill 11 -Hoe Massey -Harris $90.00; Outthrow the Commercial Hotel from Mr. Ad - Disc Harrow 8 -ft, 16 plete IHC $25. Nand yi azcxi and takes possession :on --Geo. H. Beatty, ,McCormick -Deering Varna, Ont. STANLEY TOWNSHIP The many friend;: of Mr. Gordon Warning Notice re Corn Borer Itathwell will be pleased to know he is well enough to leave the hospital and is visiting his sister, Mrs. Wm. Mciesh, Varna. Trousseau Tea On the Saturday previous Mr:,, G. E. Westlake held a trousseau tea in honor of her sister Jean. Mrs Tames Allan of Iiensall and Mrs. G S. Howard of Exeter poured tea it the afternoon assisted .by Ilene Gree: :and Violet Turner, while Mrs. R Allan and :Mrs. C. H. Haugh o Brucef .ld :sted by 1'iary Snowd:.. end Be .ty Allan had charge i't niK hose assisting with the trou-:se: -ere Mrs, R. Grainger, Mary Snot len, Beulah Duchatirrne, MVlrs. iMiit ?ollock, Mrs. Logan :Cleave end Rut !less. Red Cress Busy The Vemira Red Cross •Society sh.il ed their t;iird ecipment to Toront week. This box contained t 3. s. Of :odes, 3 sailors' scarves and as i" pyjamas for the soldiers, a:. qu:its, fl dros:;es, 6 prs. bedroot ,pp•"rs, . 9 slips, 8 nighgowns, )Mrs. Ed. Brisson. emiste. 2 blouses and a pr, of pant c,.,tj of I•lillsgreen i t ^r the women and children of Fin. visiting with her daughter, Mrs. L.; land. Montague. Mrs. Prilip benomtnc is visiting , On Monday evening; April 15th:" with her children in -Detroit, 1 the Young People of Goshen Viiited Rev. Father 0. Martin spent a few thureh were the guests of the Bruce - All with his parents in Chatham. field Y.F.A. Mr, Archie Musrtard ex-. All corn growers, whether on the farm or elsewhere, arc hereby noti- fied that all corn stubble or other corn remnants, no matter where they may be, must :either be ploughed under completely or else gathered and burned before May 2eth, and that failure to do so leaves the offen- der liable to prosecution, or to having to pay the cost of sending men in to do the work. Remember, this law will be strictly enforced. L. Ceasa•-, Provincial Tntomotogist. Ross Johnston, County Inspector•. IDRYSDALE' Mr. and 'Mrs. Sounders of London Mr. and Mrs. Richard Etue of De- troit were Sunday visitors with their' father; Mr. Ed. Etue. Mrs, Frank Cor''iveau has reture • ed from London Hospital, much im proved in hea!1th. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Plante o Geee . • q"rn lacy vi :'tors wit Young People Entertained GENERAL NEWTS DIED AT KIPPEN • Alexander Monteith, prominent re "'dent of Kippen, died on Sunday at is home in his 74th year. Born ir Iullr^•t Twp" and r;5 years ago cam' reside on the Lon:lonreoa i 5u. orth of Kippers •where, he ,has sine' IVOA. He was very active in Kinpe:• luted Church and for 26 years war ecretary of the Sunday school ant' "or 13 years did not miss a .Sunday. iter' iving are his wife, one irothe nd throe sisters. The funeral ;vas o 'uesclay, conducted by Rev, E. I' ';`handler of Itippen, with with in terrnent in Baird'S Cemetery. Fir.' 14, 14. ROSS PASSE -5 Pugh i• T. Ross, M.D., e prominer1 :Seaortb.Doctor» died su(fcleitily`o Drive it - W. owners reporting up to 40 miles a gallon. They give_it new, lithe lines of beauty ... protective, all -steel body . . . safety glass in all Windows ... over -size hydraulic brakes. In Deluxe models, steer- ing post gearshift and ventilat- ing window 'strings. The new WILLYS for 1940 is 1owondisplay. You are cordially invited to enjoy a demonstra- tion ride today. WILLYS OF CANADA LIMITED, WINDSOR, ONTARIO J. W. McGee, Goderich, Distributor at rills Ev5+ �.?. S�'�7y ,�F� ,y, 'T 1'� antl � `y�!�h,Y�� in Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroem and ,arns 71 DURO Pressure Water System will furnishan ample supply of water -antler pressure to all parts of your home and farm. Without running wa1ere sanitary conveniences and modern facilities, so essential to health and happi- ness, are not available to your family. The cost of EMCO Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry fixtures and fittings' is very reasonable and can be spread over a period of time under our Easy Payment Plan. EMCO products are modernly finished, of high quality, and will give years of satisfactory, service. A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOM ---Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wall Lavatory with all Trimmings can be purchased for as little as 83.90i {Soil and iron pipe and fittings extra) THE DURO SPECIAL PUMP, shown above, has a capacity of 250 gals. per hour. With 25. gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor. it costs only 3�f1 STADE and WEIDO - Zurich EMPIRE BRASS MFG: CO.. LIMITED. LLONt ON. ONS`.. 140+ lTdil"!r VPINPUPEa VANCOUVER HAMILTON• TORONTOSilLd