HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-04-18, Page 3'ua-8-ate'-+,-.- HAa' QE w dl6 I� U IA?: A -A ! ll N R -B,-! -4. An exploration party, in. the in- terior of Brazil reached a point come hundred miles from Iquitos rafter a fortnight's hard going, and Were unfortunate enough to strike an area of dense jungle and steam- ing swamps. During the usual afternoon rest Hoar one of these, one member of the party noticed another pacing up and down, a worried look on his face. He stopped him and asked just -what was wI'ong. "You know," lie replied, serious- ly, "I keep thinking today's Thurs- day." Women never give away any secrets. They swap them. "Why don't you walk down the street instead of galloping round in the revolving door?" the hotel :porter asked a guest who had ex- plained that he was just taking a walk before breakfast to sharpen his appetite. "I mustn't go too far," said the guest. 'Tea expecting a telephone call any minute!" Hitler is said to be eating one meat a day as an 'example to the German public. Other re- ports say that the German pub - Re is eating one meal a clay es ' an example to Goering. They were having a busy day rankling and boiling ,plum puddings. "Mary," said the mistress, "just go and see if that large pudding is cooked. Stick a knife in it and see if it comes out clean." In a few minutes Mary returned. "The knife came out wonderfully clean, ma'am," she sal : smiling, "so Oi've stuck all the knives in. it." "Do you consider the defend- ant a reliable woman," asked the judge, "Has she a good rep- utation for veracity?" "My lord," replied the wit- ness, italess, "she has to get someone else to call her chickens at feeding -time. They won't be- Ileve her." How Can 1? BY ANNE. reit.' r:Y Q. How can I tighten loose chair rungs? A. Remove the rungs and slight- ly split the ends. Then insert small wooden wedges. The harder they are pressed into the holes, the tight- er they will fit. Q. How can I prevent the forma- tion of icing when making syrup? A, When the syrup is coming to a boil, add 1-3 teaspoon cream of tartar to every 2 cups of sugar us- ed. This will prevent the formation of icing, or turning back to sugar. Q. How can I clean zinc laundry tubs effectively? A. Scrub the tubs with coarse salt and paraffin. Q. How can I give immediate treatment to a sprain? A. Sprains may be relieved by plunging the affected part into wa- ter as hot as call be borne, keeping It hot for half -an -hour. Then bind firmly, but not tightly enough to 'cause discomfort, with adheeive We, The best thing to do lad t<9 1 IltY ! a physician apply the pand- ow gran Z then eclop t lis .r: brie n: Ease bee e�e (lo and mi e tug 14a appearancet A. Tay rubbing a little white vase. :lint[ into them with a soft cloth. oda,; until the wood had absorbed sli tips grease and taken on e, Melt iz .,�b0ut ' 2,000 persons in Vienna Me employed in plants making lckotit buttons, which are luinl- iiloibd rosettes or flowers worn by pedestrian," at night. 1 1940 Keynote is Naturalness Fashions Say:- ideal Figure is Stender, But Not Emaciated; New Coiffures Feature Real Straight Hair The new vogue for naturalness ought to make spring 1940 a great deal simpler for the beauty -minded. It's a season to wear a comfort- able foundation garment instead of a tightly -laced, wasp -waist cor- set; to wear your hair straight, if you find that it is becoming minus curls and swirls; to let it be its natural color. The ideal figure at the moment is slender, with a stretched, supple look between hipbones and the hol- lows underneath the arms. Atten- tion to rules for good posture, lim- bering and stretching exercises, diet if necessary, and a comfortable flexible foundation garment will ac- complish fine results in this direc- tion, LIFE MADE SIMPLER Some of the smartest hairdres- sers are advising chic patrons to try wearing their hair straight. If you have thin, fine hair and a long face, you won't even consider the Idea, of course. But if your features are pretty symmetrical, your hair thick and easy to manage, you most certainly will. Especially when you remind yourself that the s'1Yimvaing season isn't: far off. One new hair -do for uncurled locks features a smooth crown and sides and turned -under ends. An- other is parted in the middle with long ends at the back fashioned in a soft, rolled -looking figure eight. o -c -a -t, -r• -a -a -a-+4,-. Modern Etiquette BY RU(if:.NIA LEE Q. When a girl is attending a par- ty or a dance with a. young man, is she not privileged to suggest that they go home at a reasonable hour? A. Yes. This is no: only her priv- ilege, but her duty, as the man should not sta;gest it. However, she should. not saggest leaving when the affair is only half over. Q. How should one eat a sand- wich? A. Knife and fork are used for the open -face sandwich. The fingers are used for the regular sandwich, and it should - not be broken. Q. What is the birth stone for the month of April, and "its language"? A. The diamond, which stands for innocence and purity. Q. What is the best way to ex- tend invitations to a bridge party? A. If the party Is informal, invi- tations may be extended by tele- phone. Or one may send a visiting card, giving the date, time, and the place, and R. S. V. I'.. Q. When having luncheon with a friend in a public place, and you expect each to pay for his own meal, but this friend insists on pay- ing for both, what should you do? A. Do not argue, or make an issue of it. Let the friend pay, then you pay the next time, Q. When a hostess is giving a br,:idge party in a public room of a hotel, should she wear a hat? A, Yes. Calories and Color Usually a meal that is very color/i1 and pleasing to the eye is well balanced in calories and other /o$(i veneer, writes Mises Sadie i$. Chambers, food expert. Vegetables, 'A*hicga retain their col- or are more appetizing as well A containing all the vitamins, re cook vegetables such as beans and peas uncovered in rapidly boiling water. Soften the water in which you boil onions, caulii`low< and other White vegetables with a little cream of tartar added to tri-. bcil- in,e Water, Parcels For Overseas Men Should Be Carefully Packed, Wrapped and Address Slip Inserted ' Officials of. the Base Arn1Y Pt* ., Office, Canada, state that reports have been received from England to the affect that difficulty is beim; experienced in effecting delivery of parcels mailed from Canada to the members of the Canadian Active Service Force overseas, clue to the fact that flimsy wrapping paper ie being used on the, parcels, In a great many cases the wrappers are badly torn or entirely destroyer,-; leaving no indication whatsoever; to whom the parcels belong or had Gent them. IN HEAVY PAPER Thousands of parcels of all c1i remit shapes and sizes are bele mailed to troops oversew; rand the senders should beat in. Hind' that considerable handling is ueceisarily involved in connection ;with the sorting, bagging and shinnil g,af.the, parcels. It is essential, therefore; tltat.a,P`' the parcels are to beieltteted in good conditic i, Bare must he taken to see that they are careft}11y and securely packed to: e labia, them to''': withstand handling in a se malls, Several layers of heavy paper and strong twine should be used'izt the`, wrapping of the parcels, PROPER PACKING As an extra safeguard a slip also Should be enclosed in eaclr Parcel bearing the name and address of the SENDER, as well as Regimen- tal number, rank and name of the addressee, name of the Unit in full, the initials C'.A.S.T'., and the .words "c.o Base Post Office, Canada". Such a slip, furnishing a return ad- dress and the address in full of the person for whom the parcel was in- tended, would be valuable in case the wrapper containing the address was torn away. Those sending parcels are remind- ed that if a parcel is worth mailing, it merits proper packing. ;-.-odrry0r1AV ov,I-i• 4.•• -w �^P'�'?�#" HEALTH TOPICS Safeguard Health: A -Job For Women Canadian women have an im- portant role in winning the war by protecting�xthe health lines of �e lxv,,e,,. �rz'i,nl,, sir. 'CYo1 dbn. tSd:Lro"'o, general director of the Health League of Canada, declared in a rec'eiit address. "You are soldiers of the de- fence lines just as much as the soldiers in the Maginot line," Dr. Bates said. "Health is important enough in peace time, but in war time it becomes our primary pat- riotic duty to preserve and im- prove health." He told the group that next week will be "Toxoid Week." He cautioned women against thinking that the fight for safe mine was oxer. The public is not entirely von over to the value of pasteur:zaiion," he said. "Public education must continue. Safe nitik prevents disease and we must not rest on our oars now that the government has passed the pas- teurization law. Laws are of little use unless they are backed by an educated citizenry." —0^ MEASLES ARE SERIOUS Dr. J. W. Fraser, Kitchener (Ont.) medical officer of health, warned against treating measles lightly, when he addressed home nursing classes sponsored by the Red Cross. He scored the old idea that children should have certain so-called "children's diseases," and directed attention to re- search on immunization for such diseases. FREE CATALOG OF GOOD USED FURFI[TUPE Marvellous bargain prices' on /furniture we have taken in trade and reconditioned, If you event to refurieleh, practieplly ea good as new, in both 1o0ke and service, at n PRICE AWAY BELOW COST OF GOOD NEW FURNITURE, and FRLIIGU L' 'REPAID, write lar title cafe. tog. You can positively SAVE ItEA.TI MONEY. It east* you nothing to find out. Write TO - ROYAL 'CH ESTE RFI ELD urns Dept. W., 00 Richmond East Toronto WE OFFER YOU HEALTH Send for your FREE! copy Of our "i'a)niler Botanic Guide" and !earls how you can secure quick relief Prone alinsents of Sto1nach, Liver, Kidneys and Constipation. Reliable remedies. $Reasonably priced. Don't gamble with your L milted today. Pro- ducts Saskatoon, Sas!c. `MIDDLE AGE" WOMEN Thousands go thru this "trying timer by � k i ttg Piakhamrs•-Weft known forhelpine female hme- ticnal troubles Try di LYDIA E. P1NK 3 9 rS VEGETABLE CO,tils0U1W .+11.4 *.*-4-11.41.0 eN M.-yt+•n,••a.a 9'k «t•yp y, r,�;w. IWhut Science t. . ►, .p ••-ya,r'h 1 n.r/..,.•,y 41.4 414 1 dr 1 4 41-«1- MEASURE HUMAN VOLTAGE Scientists at last have measured in terms of voltage the electrical activity of human nerve cells. Dr. R. Lorente de No, of the Rockefeller Institute, told physic- ists at the California Institute of Technology, that a single nerve cell, by statistical treatment, has. been found to produce an elec- trical potential as much as 1.16 of a volt. Is Doing —.0.. -- STAVE OFF THROMBOSIS Men with bay -window stomachs who are threatened with coronary thrombosis, the heart trouble that kills high-pressure mental work- aers,"can stave off the disease by wearing. elastic belts to hold up tlseir` "adiposities." "Coronary death is really suffo- cat)on:: of the heart, The "pump" "Wig to receive enough oxygen from the coronary arteries which ` feed its muscles. WONDER MEDICINE A new remedy for pneumonia, which in its first trials on about 1,500 human beings in the last few months, has proved better than anything previously known, is announced. The drug is sulfathiazole, a "re- lative" of the recently discovered "wonder medicine" sulfanilamide, and is the second such "relative" to prove good for pneumonia. The first was sulfapyridine. Read For Relief From War -Strain Public libraries can contribute enormously to the "nerve ,tone" of the civilian population in war- time, Miss Winnifred Kydd, form- er deals of women at Queen's Una. versity, told the Ontario Library Association at its fortieth annual conference, Miss Kydd said reading exerted a steadying influence on nerves subjected to the strain of war. By keeping people informed and ex- panding their knowledge, she add- ed, it helped to prepare them for the pence to follow. CREAM• WANTED We Are paying a areal high price for cream F.O.B., Tor- onto. Write for particulars and came, The Toronto Creamery ,fThe United Fa:rnr,ers yo«opekative C o, Ltd. Duke and George Streets TORONTO, Ontario. 9 bowie/to-t& doe tieuwa, tow: xi'cnrsun-`d ,08 . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . i1(1t _+l'I'S 1•VJ.N' nD TCI1 BOOKS — NEW LINE just out. L'eautiful gold processed samples. Send 10c for packing, Salesmen mention territory want- ed, Agents! Act quickly. Paynes, Limited., Wallingford Building, Winnipeg. LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANT - ed to sell Phillips Lightning Pro- tective System. B. Phillips Comp- any Limited, 32 Osborne Avenue, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED 1011 UNIQUE, low-priced portable duplicator. Sells itself in stores, offices, churches, schools, clubs, etc. Dan- dy proposition for stationer or a. specialty man. Box 4, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, MEN — WOMEN! HERE'S WHAT • you've been waiting; for! A steady income -- finaueiai security for life — guaranteed you with a Fa-- milex Agency of your own. Inquire today without obligation, THE lk'AMILEX PRODUCTS. COMPANY. 570 St. ('lenient. Montreal. 'AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES TO DEALERS WIRD ARE INTER- ested in obtaining a source of sup- ply for a complete line of auto parts, accessories, tires, tubes, bat. teries, oils, etc, we .'an assure you the lowest possible wholesale pric- es; and place you in a position to be competitive to any large rata- logue mail order House. lou are under no obligations to inquire. Letters will be kept strictly con- . fidcntial. Dandee Auto Stores, 522 Yonge Street, Toronto. BABY CIIICIis ORDL'IR BABY CRICKS NOW. AT tractivo 1QP.RAI:aneacillnes gita "Ise —"mires, Austrolorps. Write for ,prices. 1Vingliam Hatchery, Wing, ham, Ontario. SENSATIONAL LOW PRICES ON Baden Iiigh Quality Government .Approved chicks. Savo money this Year. Baden's amazing rock bot- tom prices enables you to buy chicks at rices van aaffordyto pay. Standard you White Leghorns $8.95, 90 por rent. Pullets $18.95, Barred Rocks, Naw "lamps $9.45, Pullets $16.00, Cock- erels Barred Rocks Ge, Nelv'Temps Be, White Rocke, White Wyan- dottes, Light Sussex, Hybrids Bare red Reeks x New Ramps, Now "Tamps x Barred stocks, White Leghorns ic Barred Rocks $10.46, Pullets $16,90, Cockerels $6.95, Big Egg Quality slightly higher, Three week old Capons. Free circular, Baden Electric Chick Hatchery, Limited, Baden, Ontario. CHEAP CHICKS ARE NOT •1L - ways profitable, buy quality chicks at no higher price u.nd be assured of profits from our blood - tested, government approved White Leghorns. Eimviow Poultry Farm, Norham, Ontario, IT MAICES A DIFFERENCE IN profits the kind of chicks you buy now. Mrs. J. E. Purdy says "Rais- ed 214 Bray chicks, all marketed at 535 months .. - 5 to 7 lbs. drawn." Order Bray chicks early May, delivery now. Still bargains in started chicks. Brny Iiatchery-, 130 John N., Hamilton. FOUR DAY TRIP 2,071 MILES TO Fairview, Alberta, 306 miles north of Edmonton in the Peace River District and 297 Barred IRocks and White Rock chicks alive on ar- riva]. out of 300 ordered, writes Mr. Hector Girard. That's the lcind of chicks that have built up the Tweddle business, You too can have these chicks and at the low- est prices in our history made pos- aible by our enormous production and satisfied Customers. We have 13 pure breds, 5 cross brads to choose from. Three week old ca- pons, turkey pouits, and bargains on started chicles. Free 1940 cata- logue on request. Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. EGG TRAPS MORE monies FOR EGGS. ELTM- inate loss from emotes and breaks by packing in Keyes Treys (filler flats). 30 doz. large eggs packed 9n regular eases. Send for free Examples or 25e for enough for one case. Postage paid. Hawley Pro- ducts Ltd., 79 Elgin Street, Brant- ford, Ontario. SPECIAL! 10 1ItEl; MOCKS WITH EVERY 100 ORDERED; DE- livery your date; proven quality, blood -tested, White Leghorns 9e; ]Barred I1ocics, 10c, Guaranteed pullets, 90 per cent. 16c. Rideau Poultry Farm, Billings Bridge, Ont. CANADIAN POULTRY IuuVIuW CANADA'S OLDEST AND BEST Poultry magazine. A real ]yelp to any poultryman, large or small. Ohly $Loo per year. Sample Copy, 100, Canadian Poultry Review, 184M Adolaide Street West, Tor= 'onto. CHRONIC sUF176ItERS MEDICAL SPECIFICS FOR ANY ailment Write Inc all your symp- tonta H. 0, Sanders,Amherst, 17,S. GARDEN SPECIALS ASSORTED --- SIX FRUIT TREES $5.00. Six noses $8.00. Three hand- ' red Strawberries $6,00. Ie«lfty T{nur,herrirs $4,00, Cornplete Re. ;!clue t.'nts supplied. Cash with overt Burlington Nursery (.'n. Tile --e'en, ()Marin, ISSUE NO. 1G ----'4th ELECTRIC; MOTORS ELTOCTRP; MOTORS, NIOW AND :Rebuilt, also pulleys and V -belts. Jones do Moore Electric, 2.96 Adel- aide St. W,, Toronto, ELECTRIC' 5'l•.N(:Fi SHUR-SHOi'I% ELECTRIC FJONCER saves Canadian farmers 30 per cent. of fencing- costs. Two Shur - Shock models with the amazing new Diek Pulsator,. Outstanding value. Reliably guaranteed. Made in Nannie.. Write for cir.'ular or see aur dealer. J, i;, Hallman, I'etem'sburg, Ontario. I II,y1S APRIL ADVERTISING SPECIAL -- dollar value for 30c and advertise- ment. Roil developed, printed or eight reprints, with 'raft embos- sed enlargement 7 x 10. London Photo Service, Box 551, London, Ontario. FOR SALE TWO -UNIT MILKERS — New as low as $09; guaranteed rebuilts as low as $89; also amazing new Grade -A (5 parts replace up to 47 parts on others),free demon- stration, get our ofer and free Grade -A Guide. Box .Ti, Room X8-4, Sarnia, Ontario. FOUR POUNDS 'BURLEY AND Virginia Leaf $1.00, fifteen pounds $3.00. Pour pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco $L50. Postpaid. G. W. Jeffrey, Leamington, Ont. TAYLOR SAFE ALMOST NEW, outside dimensions 46" high, 29" wide, 28' deep, cost $336.00. Sell at half price. STUAEr3AI;.E13 fi ee lee. 'G4PD .f4 rIrt14141 : io. t'.;;ig1.11' Su' .knots?'' boat, N. O'Neill, f',reorgetown, Ontario, IND0013 WATER. TOILETS FOR FARM, SUBURBAN AND SUM - mer homes, where water facilities are not available, Government Home Improvement payments ar- ranged. Circular on request. Can- adian Sanitation Company, 67 York Street, Hamilton. IIERU-UXt0WING 55,000 CROP PRoax HALF ACRE — People everywhere are growing Ginseng and Golden Seal (Medi - eine herbs). Enormous profits! We supply seed. instructions, buy ev- ery pound. Particulars 10c (credit- ed), No triflers. Associated Herb Growers, Box 27`\r., St. Norbert, Manitoba. 11UGS 1011 S ALL•' ORCHARD VALLEY YORKSHIRES —Present offering — Males. Ser- viceable age and younger. Sows all ages bred or open. Sans J. Gal - laugher, Allieton, Ontario. IIOTI,LS WANTED 0171/ SUCCESS IN SELLING HOT - els is really phenomenal. We will be pleased to have an opportunity to try to sell yours. We advertise in every paper in Ontario. For our terns, write to Bert Weir & Sons, Realtors, London, Ontario. HUNTER'S BOURBONS EXHIBITION QUALITY, DESCEND - ants of our famous prize winners, two poets unrelated, Government approved, blood tested. R. D. Hun- ter & $nn. Exeter, Ontario, 11K1)11)AI, H1'AI TOL A REL.! EVES STOMACH and Liver troubles. Symptoms: Pains in right side, under shoul- der blades and across hips, indi- gestion, gas, constipation, gall trouble. Formula of doctor. Re- sults in one day! Price $5.00, Mrs, Goo. S. Alms, Toa 1073W Saska- toon. Sask. ECZEMA, RASHES, PIL.^1S, SURE Peet, completely relieved by Der- misoothe, the clean, powerful household ointment, 25c, at your local druggist, or mailed direct. Write for free sample. Twentieth Century. Remedies, 107 Hogarth Avenue, Toronto. IOMIIARASSED WITH PIMPLES OR Blackheads? A famous skin spec - lenses creme, will relieve you -- money-back guarantee. One dollar brings month's treatment. Pull simile instructions. llygeia Pro- ducts, London, Ontario. I'.OI'Itowvit FOIL. SAI,io XIUNDRE]) AND TWENTY ACRES, geed locality, soil and buildings. Daring orchard, close to canning factery, ('hureh and School, Cinr- ence Mallory, Bloomfiei<l, Ontario. trinI RED Ac1RPIS CLOSE TO PIC - ton, great running factory center; good locality, soil and buildings, Clarence -Mallory, Bloomfield.it, rues Pon s.A.I,E1 I'UIti;nPED WIREHAIRED FOX - terrier !tops, eight weeks old from shote Winning stock. Reasonable. A, N, Robinson, Stratford, Ont. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -- New 'tl"FCIALI'/,I;V(: IN Itleittl'11T 11110- 1()IIS, POW felt, UNI'T'S, It;odrtlulit+ (lectin, Wii,ehCs, (wencestst:a. Start. rr*, Alnane(osi, 'birhnrc(ors tittdthf• ors 1 itrhnnge Servs s, (skirt a(istaeiibu'I• i'Cfu"EI, Levy, 4ntt, I'at(s, i`ornut5, NGI1SERY STOCK (RASPBERRY — 20 VARIETIES IN - eluding Starlight, Chief, New- burgh, Latham, Viking., Lloyd raeorge, etc., $2.00 Per 100. 150 mix- ed Gladioli bulbs $1,00. Pine Grove Earm, Spencerville, Ont, OFFER "1.'O INVENTORS A.N OFFER -TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free, The Ramsay Co„ Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PleitSoNAI, QUIT TulLet.'t.'o, SNUJele. EASILY, inexpensively. Home remedy. Testimon1aIs. Gum aul eed. Advice free. 13aritetl's Ito% 1, tVirmtprg, STOP -TOBACCO. Special. Quit smok- ing, chewing tobacco, snuff, easily, quickly.. Complete guaantee treat- ment, 60c. Reliable Products, Box 251, Regina, Sask. ItillLIGiOUS "T.'LIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book sent free. Megiddo Mission. 13„ Rochester, New York. SALESMEN waaann:D MMIL1QSR DISTRIBUTOR - SALES- nien -- invest 550.00 and be your own boss; one sale per week beats working for someone else: cap- able hard workers earn 53,000 up. retail prices as IOW as $89, also amazing new machine by 36 -year- old company. State full experience. Box X, Room 8-4A, Sarnia, Ont. SEED FOR SALE, 5.e It.: ''t'xi'>"'w9.4'-1n4'V9') 505LA'$ dntot ",*+,r- .-,.,, .,:•.,•+,-.. Registered one. Golden Glow seed Born, grade one. Robert Peck, 111 - ver Canard, Ontario. SEPARATORS FOR SALE WORLD'S CHEAPEST TO BUY ANI) use -- the only American made se- parators with self-baleneing bowls, guaranteed never to getout of balance, "whirl drying", guar- anteed rebuilts as low as $38; free catalogs, better get an Anker- Holth than wish you had. Pox 13 Room 808-4, Sarnia, Ontario, TRACTOR POR SALE ALLIS (`T3AL,3.ifBS 20 85 TIRAC- tor in first class condition. Priced to sell. McCormick -Deering Agency Galr, Ontario. ' BARGAINLYONSS! HIGH CLASS RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Every article completely recondi- tioned, guaranteed absolutely ..iean and sold with a positive money -bad: guarantee. $19.50 3 -piece chesterfield E:uite, English tapestry, reversible Mar- shall Spring cushions. $24.00 smart XCroehler chesterfield suite, 3 pieces, upholstered in fig- ured velour, $27.00 large 3 -piece chesteefieid suite. brown repp material, figur- ed reversible Marshall spring cushions. Perfect. $35.00 beautiful brown mohair ches- terfield suite, large size, figured reversible Marshall spring ..ush- ions. $24.00 solid oak dining suite, buffet, table and 6 leather uphols.cred chairs. $49.00 English oak dining suite, 9 pieces, buffet, extension table, ca- binet, and 6 chairs. $2.4,00 Dinette suite, fumed oak, buf- fet, drop leaf table and 4 chairs. $59.00 Floor sample dining room suite, English oak, buffet, square extension table and 6 chairs, up- holstered in red mohair. $69.00 smart walnut finish dining suite, buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather uphol'tered eh airs, $80.00 solid walnut dining suite, large buffet. extension table, cab- inet and 6 leather upholstered chairs. $19.50 Bedroom suite, walnut finish dresser, steel bed, sagiess springs and new mattress. $39.00 smart bedroom suite in rich walnut. finish, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed, sagiess spring and new mattress. $49.00 floor sampio bedroom suite, modern dresser, with venetian mir- ror, chiffonier and full size bed, hi new bleached walnut finish, $69.00 eornplete modern bedroom suite in waterfall design, bleached walnut finish, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed, seglecs spring', new mattress and 2 pillows. $0.95 large dressers with 3 roomy drnwers. 510.50 walnut finish chiffonier, five dl•atvilereel s. $I bed, sagieAsIispring 1ons`and t new tmattress, full size. 58.95 pull-out remises complete with nett/ mattresses. $14.95 six pieces breakfast suite, buf- fet, drop leaf table and 4 chairs. 512.60 Singer drop head sewing Ma- chine, Perfect eoiiditlon, $9.50 kitchen cabinet with sliding Porcelain top, $6.50 good 8 burner gas stove with high back, guaranteed. Large assortment rugs, all sizes, in excellent condition at ridiculous- ly low ptines, See Ire for your summer Cottage furniture. We have the largest as- sortment of good reconeitiond 'here ntltttutte.rti at the lowest prices in Tor - LYONS 1'URNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. Toronto