HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-04-11, Page 841101,nn ittGHT Our Grocery Specials SM.' 1 ED WALNIM ver. 11.1.-,..........-39c SHORTENING, "2111*. ifor .,,,,.....,,, ,,,,,, . , .. 27c JELL° 4 For • •,,,rPt..be.1114 I i•J iSde4 ,,, . , I.4.• ,,, 11,t COOKIES, 2 MA. *tor .,:.,,,,,,,..,.,.,. • t ....-.-111. 111.• ,•r. 19c 25cTics, 2 lbs. for ..,,,..,.,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.., I 74 23c , 5c COCOANUT, per ilb..,,, 14 4 l i • 4 • I • ..... 0 1. 25c VANILLA.. at • ..... f{,ati,44113“&t t 19c CANNED CORN at...... .. . .. ...,............. . 10c ORANGES, 2 Dozen 35c SALT, per Box ..••,•;• 44 • 4.4 .{ SWANSDOWN 'CAKE ',FLOUR 27c CALUMET B'Alf,11NG TOWDER J. G k 25c CHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED HONE 5S Huron lne Debentures 1)'• . A TRUST GillAIWITEED (CERTIFICATES Any Antoassit_ifor..!.;$130M00.. and over Accepted 3% per annurn,lidiftyealrly for 1 and 21,Years 3M % per asmenuf for'13, Raid 4 -Years.. ...... 316% per annutnffee5io20 Years. 1Informtion Front Andrew F.. Local ReipreseaativeZik Zurich 011141.0 414 4041410 denletif re SO 414041100 ante. ilARDWARE §EEDS Wire Fencing If yeti siEe thinking a doing dany Fencing Wilt year, be suEe and consult U.. Ausl,besokure it is the famous Firuatigence! and FURNITURE i,WROST FENCE . . . Sleety Sit. ezree aft* olf "go r . Me.1411424 vra owe ":171.114As. awn ter :La= 41040.tiwa ettar411100 011411814. ZURICH HERALD mit.ilqilieitioicq.1".111.11mitieliIlthilialle, • t' .,1 il • ,ZURICH'S Grocery Store Intaickiies, 14 Stottansdown 'Cake Flour per pkg. 29c cAW-M0 Calurnoit'lliking Powder 1-16. scan ..... Codfiih,11Llb. pkg. .. 5c Pomo 1.1111.1.111.. Kellog's Wholewheat biscuits 2 pkgs. 25c 'Chocolate',Cookies per lb. .- 15c Brooms, 6 string each 50c .Spinach, 2 cans 25c ,Menno Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 1111 1111! lillitulutoomplimminumiimiinimmilimll inimmigimutimiRmillitlill1111111111191111111110Nom,t ITEMS OF iOCA TRIEUS HAIRDRESSING 3/1x.aand'Airs. Will Schrag areon n�tor ti:ip10 Tndiana. Mr.:Malph Uttley spent Monday at f.London. Mr. -arid Mrs. Victor Dinnin were Sunday visitors on Sunday with.. the 'formei"s-parents at iCrernarty. 'Mrs. Schade of the Blue Water highway south, spent a few -weeles,t*ith.her'odaughters at London. Mr.. and Mrs. Roy Oliver and Mrs PlosSie Brown were 'Sunday visitors at' the -'home' Of "Mrsr. Chas. Weber. :Mr. Philip'Schade of the Blue Wat- er south is at.present in St. Joseph's HosPital, London, where he is recei- Ving• treatments. Mr. azid Mrsi C. L. Smith and Miss Cora :-Streets .motored to London Saturday eve.. spend the evening with thefornter's daughter, %Odle's Mae ..;Srdith. ViSitDur Salon for your EASTER SPECIALS Let us quote you on the very best and latest Permanents, that are pleas- ing and satisfactory and that will give you personality. Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store. For appoint- ments call us by phone 102, Zurich:. MRS. FRED THIELE, Proprietress. 1)0 YOU DARE TO KEEP A DIARY? An article disclosing startling facts for those who keen an intnnate re- cord of their lives -from legal, scien- tific and historical viewpoints -will be found:in-The American Weekly with the April la issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. This .article revears' that selence is studying whether it's Miss 'Margaret Hey has returned wise or focilish to list all our daily home frorn Clinton Hospital whereitexperiences. lBe sure to get. The she underwent an operation for ap-i•Detroit Sunday Times. rWe...are pleased to report! HAY COUNCIL that. Margaret .looks real well. The reviler monthly meeting of Mr. and Mrs.. R. F. Stade and son the CounCil of the Township of Hay oaiimmorpagarstmatairommaanapamsawomplin koritflth 9,110t ...4444114114. YOUR• Hardware and Furniture: STORE + 4 4 SLIGHTL' USED FURNITURE: • Forthe more conservative purchaser we can save • you many at dollar as we. have , fine assortment ; r: SligMy USecF tFumiture that 'sal-give•you -big value for your Money. Drop, in and look dame over ..and -tet. our MillatIMILZ: LIM' MIL -Mg YOUR SEASOBVS, RQUIREMETS.; We Always. Cain at Fula Line a the, Best; obi boer Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardsvarer,: Staves. Furnaces) andalL Mating, Equipments. LetUss - t Offer You. Geo& Suggestions *lug nthis., Line. ,., Some GoortUSediffeaters at Very Reasonable Prices t FURNITURE See Our Studio. Couches ,ratrli Dianette SUites A Fu1i Line of all the Home Requirements , Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonable Prices, quality, Con-. sidered. Let us, show you mar Beds. Springs. Mattress, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. a 4 4 4 4 Johnston. & Kaibileisch I Hardware & Furniture. •Phone 63 'f**441444+444.4444***********4444.441444++++4,44++++.4e 411111MMININI kaciMw Dead ant Disabled REMOVED PROMPTLY" Phone:. Collect:: Exeter 23& Seaf6rth 15 - DARLING andi LU Of CANADA\ LTD. Harold motored to. Detroit, after re- was held -in the Town Hall, Zurich, i ..+4.4eeeleue4,4.4.+++++++++++++++++++.1.44.e.t.-1.4.7,..4.4.4..4.4.4,4+++++++++ ceiving wordeof. the death of Mr. en Monda, April 1st, 1940, with alT 3; Charles -Kalbfleisch of that city. Mr. members present. The minutes .of the 1 + :and.Mrs..,Staderemained for the fun- Mardh '4-th meeting were adopted as- •erel. .Airs. liCalbfieisch returning to read. .After disposing of numerous t 4 Zurich With and intends to communications the following resoint-.E. i• ti• • - spendt.some.timet here. 1 ions ,were :passede• own Talk" Brea,€1-!- elee TRY ECKEL'S 4- The"laege-t.anow l.)anks which were .-.0ltravelentirecently have practically aillddisappearedeand it does one good tto again get:•yonrleet on the cement ...walieFe4xed •see,,.a.:bit of nature in the Z'novAng tffegr,assetand early dowers.. • That the plan prepared by S. W. .. 4- 4 also• +. H+ ▪ C OICE VARIETY OF CAKE,. PIES? AND.; Archibald, 0.1:S., of the Lake front of Peet of -Lt 31, L.R.W. con., Tp. of Hay, 'owned %y Mrs. Andrew Turn ' bull, .he 'approved 'by' the ,Council and the Reeve and Clerk be authorized ' said /S}an on 'behalf of the Township. ,Seerniaxlya larger number of the , That the resignation of Reinhold tranNents tare Visiting these parts Miller 'as assess." for 1940 'owing to illness be aecepted by the Council and Aince lthe -.Walkingithas become better, antlealthoughtthereeare no free meals . that W. H. Edigheffer be appointed handed tout, these nien of no home . assessor for 1940. f.raternity :are .given a night's keep That the auditors' report as pre- atnd Mr..ilohn ipublic is obliged to i prepared by Monteith & Monteith, "hand (out" the occa;.tional snack to chartered accountants be accepted by- &Tthe 'Council and that the Clerk have 75 copies printed for public distnb- wee/nem ution. That Monteith & Monteith, chart- 1111ats.2.1. _A. (Carilie, ':Stanley Town- ered accountants, be appointed to ship mii8hes tto Annoutlere ,the engage- meat og 'tiler ;Yernigest 'daughter, Mar- audit the Township accounts for the y garat Irian, 4eo ,Robert John Greer, arr1940.$150.00fixed . Remuneration to be - son of Ar. And StIrs. Jlobert Greer. idage tto take • place quietly mat Tax Collector be authorized The man to continue the collection of 1939 un- paid taxes and shall return the 'Colt- ector's Roll next regular meeting of the Council. That the Tender of Craig & Eisen - ions, the Seaerth.Speing Horse show bath for operating the Township f , and .dance has ;been topetponed and cru iher and trucking gravel onto the will be ballel ora reeesdaY, eY April 23; Township Roads for the season of Clinton. Fair, Thers0April 25th, Stratford marm4y .A.pril 18th. be accepted and Clerk prepare neces- 1940 at 58 cents per cubic yard flat Hensel], sattardv,, Apeil 127th and LICENSES AtlEtE ;DUE rBary contract forms and torn! for Radio and car Manses , expired tho a. e,xc;.vricushi.'oi;. by the contractors and the the end of the fiscal year for the Fed- runt no meals he given to transi- end of March. %b,d sof march is ents after April 1st. That upon the recommendation of eral Government and all federal lie the Departinent of Highways so as e Len hese ,,warideging ;lust. ret* .0010.4;(": 4( ite a is it worn o m • IP ot . • • oiro drib swim 6 mirna tLor zrn 11001,80 irdpRosotosa kap fleo • AIRIIMUNI4111111 PAINWS! PAINTS! We carry a 1111.1 jnc of the Weld KnowAl And Tried and Proved SbeKuriin-Williarns Pat s„ Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying iEnamels and Vannishnoor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in#41 sizes 3 Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and behalf :Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line ,)f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in kStock. STADE & WEIDOt zuRicH ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERV/CE reiaamploweeposnplogersksassnetalliteRilI000.16.4616Wiasemen. !I in Avail. FASKS ItO.S1IIBONED Owing ;to vesather and roaci.,condit- ifilses expire at that time. 'rhe On- Ieirio Government alto has. 1(4 fiscal ,ye.ar close the end of Mewl). and all cr licenses of 190 Mark .expired wgic the end of the month .of :March. The licenses for cars for 1.940 will .ocpline the end of the rea.x, D. talst ATIVAWA BOOSTS &MANES Qttteeeae-Approximaty 8300 (Goy exietne4telmployees will Azilitsclee Ingteet-, ntee.1:Y ry increases 4stiipg role Vat first4 y of the current fiseal ye.; lst. ,Total increases *Ill swell 14„ennual tcovernment sagary about $7.50)0. Of the coployeee sharing' in the inereasos about 2,000 reside in Ottave,i. and the reeneibder are sceettered all over the Doleinion. FIRST TIME ,1N MONTHS Gocimich—The :Teep. of W. WaWe anosh, in Htiron CAe had engaged, provincial snowplows ;to clear of 65' miles of snowbound 4t'ecle roads and coecessions. It is the +fat time in months these roads have Peen open. Wrilk,i still a few feet, of .411,9{W on the Ica& :hey were inva.s4ible. Psidents of sonea parts were ablja to 4to to Goderich Saturday for gie lirst 141119 ftl 1110.111:1V. to permit Township Road accounts for preceding month to he presented at regular monthly meeting of the CouriCil, the date of the ineetingeof the Council be fixed ,for the second Monday in each month instead of the first as formerly. That accounts covering payment: for Relief, Hay Telephone System and genes accounts be pab...tedd. as folloWs: Unemployment Relief: --L. Hen- drick, rent $5; W. %lay, alloveanee 410; H. Thiel, transients $33. • Hay Telephotkt Systera--Illiontefa & Monteith, au,tftt $35; Bell Telo. Co. toile Jan, to PA, f)&6,3; T. I. Man monthly salary 191.66; A. F' Hess, quarterrly salary 8750; EC01,13 Fire Ins. Co. insurance 7.20; E. R Guenther, cartage .50; Nor. Electric Co. rnatei)al 43.65; H: Cl. Hess /non- thly salary 175.00; Dept, Highways !Wailer licence $2. General Itccounts--tlVfonteith & Monteith audit and setting up new system $1140; A. F. Hess, •qusrterly salary 400; M.urlic, World 1 subs. $4 Treas. Huron Co.. hospital 11.25. Motion, that Council .adjourn to meet again on MOndaY, may 1.8t14& 1.80 0'09qk in the afternoon, A, I'', Iletis SW • t GOOS. 4e: All ingredients Use& am of the Highest Quality_ *, ALL CONFECTIONS - ICE CREAM t + Our Store wifi be- dose& ca ctz Weassesday, Evening. t Eckel's Ilaker,y - Zurich: I • Tel 110 +++4-e++++++++4 +++++ e++++4-*-I.,-a4s.E*4-4-44++441-14++++++++++ O 4444+44.4+++++++++++++++++4.H-444HK-4444444++++++++++4, *.r 4 - *r *1- .• +9. 3• f • • 4 4 Headquarters for .Ibilmr-Itfassvale Building Mktersils • Cut Your HALM_ Buy Storm Windows and Doors, LET US QUOTE YOUT KEPI -ACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE GARRY. A LARGE ASSORTED' smelt cer GLASS ON HND' AT • ALL TIMES.. AND WEL DOt YOURCLAZING WORK WHILE YOLf WAIT. ' I F. O. ICALBFLE,ISCH zuRtem ▪ PHONE 69 ••••+.44***44...444...twa++++++++44•44....&+++++4.6.44++44 1 MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS GENUINE PARTS wash lest on M.-1/. Iin- piements... Mower mid ander Knives grouts& while You wait -with cashernedum equipminit. Guaranteed Batteries at $'4 490 6:85 I % year battery guarantee . ••• • . • .. • _7.95 2 year battery guarantee 7-Jae1 Guaranteed ,440Q1 tires at . Visit the East End Service Station for City Serv. ice at Zurich prices. Cars and trucks property greased with 'Latest laydratic equipment. Tts„ GA OIL AlD GREASE SONS Res. 67 TeL Shop 149 O. KLOPP 8;