Zurich Herald, 1940-04-11, Page 7Great Lakes Cities And Towns Prepare For Boom In 1940 Shipping • The biggest great lakes slipping season of the past decade is expected this year as shipyards get busy repairing odit a i. Ino freighters ofut of a big slake boat, men arefor the vement of ore, sl own laying out coal, steel stone,Steel sforl and a new tfreighter at Detroit. Modern Etiquette BY ROBBERTA LEE . 6-4P•e 411-4-4-4-0-41,4§- Q. Is smoking a question of 'mor- als? A. No, but it surely is a question of manners. Neither a man nor a woman should smoke where there 2s a possibility of it being objec- tionable. And the person who delib- erately or thoughtlessly directs a aloud of sumo? across a table into another person's face really de- 1 nerves a reprimand. Q. Isn't it bad taste to "talk over" a hand of bridge that has been just played, or a rubber, calling atten- tion to mistakes, and discussing how it was played? A. Yes. This is very boring to a great many people. One should for- get it and concentrate on the next band. Q. How should Sean. Norton, who is eighteen, be introduced to Mrs. Marshall, who is sixty? A. "Mrs. Marshall, this is Jean Norton." Q. Should a wedding guest con- i,atulate the groom, even when this guest fess that the groom is making an unfortunate marriage? A. Yes. In the first place, the guest may be entirely wrong in his opinion; second, if he is correct in his judgment the poor groom will soon find it out and should be made es happy as possible for the short time of his disillusionment. Q. What is a good toast for a friend of the bridegroom to offer to the bride at a wedding reception? A. "God bless the bride. She pick- ed icked the best man of the lot of us." Q. Is it all right to serve pie at a formal dinner? A. No; it is not done. -4-41,-.1- 1 -8-4- ' ,+,-l-s-u-*.iso+-o••►A•+•-atiy What Sciences L,..„1(_s UOIng.ro--o-c. .r-!• 4-4` o. 4 ... 4 -0 -t*-t• C. N. R. Revenues Show Increase The gross revenues of the all- inclusive -Canadian National Rail- ways for the week ending March 7, 1940 were e $4,095,938 as compared with 3,254,635 for the corresponding week of 1939, an in- crease of ATOMS -- AND CREAM SEPARATOR Scientistshave taken the "old- fashioned" cream separator into the laboratory and put it to vain - able use as well as giving it a new name, it was disclosed at McGill University by Prof. 3. W. Beams of the Rouss Physical Laboratory, University of Virginia, who last eek gave a scientific lecture on "The High Speed Centrifuge." The high speed centrifuge goes to work on molecules just as does a eream separator on milk, The mole- cules are fed into the machine. The heavy molecules are slung by the centrifugal force to the outside of the cylinder. The lighter molecules remain closer to the centre of the machine. It is thus possible to act- ually ctually separate heavier molecules from lighter ones. This achieve- ment is of value in determining the ?molecular weights. Among its oth- er uses is determination of the vel- ocity of light. CAN PRODUCE GIANTS Determination of the chemical structure and composition of the vitamin essential for normal growth is announced. Known as panthothenie acid, the vitamin Is so powerfal a,ml. aid to u trail development that one ounce In U6'e mixt 0 00 tons of testing 7G 00 s would multiply the cell Count by Pour. It is expeoted that with the Vitamin placed at the disposal of Medical science it 111l take ire place ell a. stinmuiant to growth zed eeS a let'eventive and r lnreti'ire for 1141324n n dl e'ase4, 841,803 or 25.8% .� .• o o. e� a ®•+ s k.• CuHow n 17 SY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove old wa11 pa- per easily? A. An excellent method for re- moving old wall paper is to put a cup of vinegar into a bucket of hot water and wet the walls thoroughly with this solution. The paper will readily peel off. Q. How can I whiten my teeth? A. Apply peroxide of hydrogen di- luted iluted with one-half water. Or, clean with prepared chalk and orris root every morning and evening. Q. How can I cool a dish of pud- ding, ter any other hot food, quick- ly? ' A. Set the dish in a pan of cold water which has been liberally salt- ed. Q. How can I clean white window shades? A. Unroll the shade and spread on a sheet on the floor. Scrub with -a soft cloth dipped in magnesia and water. Treat both sides in the same way, Allow to remain on the sheet until dry. Q. How can I prepare a dand- ruff remedy? A. Dissolve one ounce of flour of sulphur in one quart of soft water. Do not use it until it is thoroughly mixed and settled. Apply it at night. Q. How can I make a good frost- ing and filling for cup cake? A. Take two pounds of sifted powdered sugar and moisten it to the right consistency with orange juice. Fish Clocked By Speedometer We have a fair idea bow fast most animals run and birds fly, but only hazy notions about the speeds of fish. Earl Thompson, a Nova Scotia angler, has devised a special speedometer which regis- ters speed in miles per hour as his line runs out; This invention should be of value to scientists in- vestigating marine life, for with it they will be able to gauge the speeds of ocean monsters like whales, sharks and swordfish. Mr. Thompson was asked that summer to collaborate• with the Boston Na- tural History Museum, and his tnost interesting catch was a 60 lb. tuna, which raced out to sea with the line at 44 miles an hour. In < the summer he hopes to find` mut what an 800 pounder will do. Barley production in Canada for 1939 according to the seeond official estimate is now placed at 103228,0.00 bushels, an increase of 4,017,000 bushels over the estim- ate made in September, 1939. The barley production in 1938 was 102,242,000 bushels. .e.-E-A-a-s-+-e-4-4-1,0-.-.-o-4-e-"-.-4-4 -.- ,-o-«+ nadiffif Monty ick �t° lr P qv sit relief tray Robingpf ecaema• pimples, Ash. loses foot, setalee4 Icabirs, reaves And other externally Ogled don troubie% tine et�rld-f,,monat, cooling, tut:- Maio, old D.D.D. i'rtpciption. Greaaelete, infest. Soothes irritation And quloklq steps intone) its. $5e trial bottle prefectt, or ono'beolt. . your *velvet today for P , a, PRi;BCMFT1ON. - HAVE YOU HEARD? The young Air force officer had just crashed into a telegraph pole and wire, pole, and every- thing was draped around him. As helpers rushed to his aid and began to untangle him, from the wreckage, he reached out his bends feebly, fingered the wires, and whispered: "Thank Heaven, I've lived a. clean life — they've given me a Jlxta3rp.fs —0— "Waiter, the oyster in this stew is not enough even to flavor it." " 'Deed, suh, he wasn't put in to flavah de stew. He's jos' supposed to christen it." —0— He was showing a friend around his ultra -modern house. "There are lots of points about it that I like," said the candid friend, "and there are some that R do not understand. Why, fo stance, the round hole in the front door?" "Oh, that's for circular letters." Canvasser: "Can I interest you in a vacuum -cleaner?" Maid: "No. We ain't got no vacuums." EALTH TOPICS 0.4.0-•w .Y •. u •P. 4.4 TURNIP FDR ULCERS The old-fashioned turnip, one of. the commonest of vegetables, bus acquired a new dignity in the eyes of the medical profession before whom it is uow being advocated in juice form for the treatment of Pep- tic and duodenal ul.:. rs. This novel use of the turnip is outlined in the Canadian Medical Assot:iation Jour- nal. The turnip juice is made by cua ting Off the top of a turnip, hollow- ing out the turnip, filling the hol- low with brown sugar and standing the vegetable upright. Next day tate sugar will have dissolved in the juice which it has extracted from the turnip tissue. It is claimed by some that this turnip is even more effective in view of freshness than orange juice. —0— Charles II of England once ask- ed Stillingfleett, the famous cler- gyman, why he read his sermons from manuscript. "Why do you read your speech- es from the throne?" countered the minister. "Because," replied the King, "I have asked the people so often for money I am ashamed to look them in the face." — 0-- T h e pessimist fearfully asks, "Is there any milk in the pitcher?" The optimist confidently says, "Please pass the cream." —0— "Well, Pat," remarked the fore- mast, "I'm sorry you're leaving the works. Aren't the wages satis- factory?" "The wages are all right," returned Pat, "But T keep having a guilty feeling all the time." "About what?" "I'm all the time thinking I'm doing a horse out of a job." Barley production in Canada for 1939, according to the second official estimate, is now placed at 103,226,000 bushels, an increase of 4,017,000 bushels over the es- timate made in September, 1939. The barley production in 1933 was 102,242,000 bushels. nS VIGILANCE VS. CANCER A high percentage of cancer eas- e:: can be cured if properly treated to the early stages of the disease, according to Dr. Grantley W. Tay- lor of Harvard Medical School. The problem at present, he said, is to educate the public into seek- ing advice for symptoms which may be suggestive of cancer and to in- struct the profession in early recog- nition of the disease and in the pro- per surgical and radiation treat- ments necessary to effect a cure. WEARY NT ��Cerves due t o nob a "monthly" pain should find stress "womnn's friend" in Lydin 8!. Pink- laam's Vegetable Compound. Try W ETABia LydaE.Pinkham4 VEGS mif�r�t►l s Use Domeitic Food Surplus Director of Women's Activit- les at Canadian National Ex- hibition, Mrs. H. M. Aitken, Urges Women of Dominion to Place More Apple and Pork Products on Home Tables In an address before the women's division of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies at Toron- to last week the women of Canada were advised by Mrs. Henry Mun- dell Aitken as to how they can make a very valuable if indirect contribution to Canada's war effort. Mrs, Aitken, in dealing with the question of food surpluses, exhort- ed the home -makers to utilize ap- ples for apple cause, apple sauce cake, apple pudding, apple pie and apple butter. Conditions in Europe have caused an over -supply of this fine Canadian fruit. CHOPS AND TENDIdRLOIN To the amazement of most of her hearers, Mrs. Aitken listed pork ehops and pork tenderloin among the surpluses and pointed out that with thousands of tons of hams and bacon being shipped to England there would be need for the remain- ing pork products to be consumed at home. An innovation at the Canadian National Exhibition this year will be a class for Boy Scout cooks.. The culinary products of the Snouts will be judged together with those of the women. Mrs. Aitken is director of women's activities at the Exhib- ition. DIRECT TO OGDEN' ! o v • for better rolling Count on Ogden's Fine Cut to direct you to greater enjoyment in. rolling your own. This mellow, fragrant cigarette tobacco gets four star rating in any company. There is no "stand-in" for a cigarette you roll yourself with Ogden's. Particularly when you use the best papers —"Chantecler" or "Vogue". Pipe - Smokers !-- Ask For Ogden's Cur L'lug Out of 11 kinds of milk listed by the United States department of agriculture, reindeer milk is richest—it has 22 per cent butter. - fat. 0CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS WANTED . kfiL1 ER MEN WANTED — INVEST $50.00 and be your own boss; one sale per week beats working for wor- kerss someo ne 000?up;o amazing w machine by old -established comp- any. State sales experience in full. .Address Room FA2, Anker-Holth Manufacturing Company, Sarnia, Ontario. SALESMEN, DOUBLE 'YOUR EARN- ings selling full, part time our lVacuum Cleaner. eans llatfabres, chesterfields, ears, etc. Send $L25 for sample and sales plan. Rex Cleaner Co., 209 Mayfair Ave., Winnipeg, Man. MEN! WOMEN! HERE'S WHAT you've been waiting for! A steady income — financial security for life — guaranteed you with a Fa- amilex Agency of your own. Inquire today without obligation, The Pa- rallax Products Company, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. • 11AnY CHICKS JOHNSON'S CHICKS ARE ONE grade, the best we can produce, all breeders are bioodtested and culled. Bred to Lay Barred Rocks and large S. C. White Leghorns, Barron pii , Rocksi 10 Prices 90 pert cent pullets 17 cents, cockerels 8 cents. Leghorns 10 cents, 90 per cent. pullets 20 cents. cockerels 2 cents. Safe arrival guaranteed. 10 per cent books your order. Circular on request. J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ontario. ORDER BABY CHICKS NOW. AT - tractive prices on well bred Bar- red Rocks, White Leghorns, Tramp - shires, Austrolorps. Write for OtWin oham Hatchery, Wing- ham, 1i,J,.RGE TOM BARRON LEGHORNS and contests vinningfrom flocr.0. P. 8c; pullets 16e; Collins Poultry Farm, (Osnabruck Centre), Wales, WIGS. TOUPES, TR ANSFORIVTA- tions, Switches, Curls, and all types of ftneet quality Ilair Goods. Write for illustrated . catalogue. Tor- onto HairSupply Co., Confidential, gged. T528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. .&ND AGAIN THE PUBLIC ARE buying Baden Chicks. Orders are 25 per cent. ahead of last year. The public has compared all prices and all chicks, and are choosing knotCks sein eecause they theY willcurhigh qual- ityity Government Approved chicks at rock bottom prices. We have day old non -sexed, pullets and cockerels, two and three-week old started chicks, three 'week old ca- pons, and all popular breeds to hoose from. White Leghorns as low as $8.95, Barred Rocks, New SIamps $9.45. Free circular. Baden Electric Chick hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario. WE HAVE THIS FOLLOWING breeds to choose front. White Leg - horns, Minor :c as, Barred Rocks, New Hamp- shires, Rhode Island Reds, White Rooks, White Wyandotte,, Light Sussex, Jersey, Black Giants, Black Australorps, Hybrids, Black Min- orcas X White Lughorns Barred Roars X New Ilantps. New Ramps X Barred Rocks, White Leghorns X Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X New damps. Prices start at $9.45 for non -sexed chicks, Free ' +ta- Tweddlo FerOntario. Limited, gt s, BRAY QU ALITV IS '.CHI: BUY - word for pouitrykeepers in March buying. Immediate delivery chicks, pullets. cockerels. New Hamp- shires, Barred and White Rocks, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, White and Columbian Wyandottes. Turkeys.vchicks: I7atebery, 1210 Jto ohn N.. Hnmtiton. U)iITISU COLUMBIA SOUTH CENTRAI, VANCOUVER IS - land has the ideal climate to pro- duce fine seeds and bulbs com- mercially. For information regard-, Ing suitable land, write James Affleck, Nanalmo, RC. BAKERY EQVII'11LENm MS B.AIT' OVENS AND MA:CHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment always on hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence invited. Httbbard Port- able Oven Co„ 108 Bathurst St., 'Toronto. _ EDUCATIONAL -;'1'Ul)ENTS NOW ENROLLING POR courses iim Matriculation, Short rt Story* Journalism, Shorthand and Speech Culture. Make use of your spare time. Write today. Canad- ian Correspondence rollego. (cs- tabilahed 1902), 229 Vence Street. Toronto. OARS, NEW AND USED MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS. LTD; Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Ply- mouth dealers: three locations, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, 2040 Yonge Street, 1225 Danforth Ave. Our used cars snake us many friends. COLLEGES, TRADE SCHOOLS LEARN SHORTHAND, TYPEWRIT- Ing, bookkeeping at home. Write Home Study Institute, 654 Furby Street, Winnipeg. for particulars. FARM EQtiIP_MENT FANNING MILL (KLINE) FARM- ers say best seed grader; wild oat separator, also screening repairs. Testimonials. Kline Manufactur- ing, Islington, Ontario. FILMS TRIAL SPECIAL — SEND NEGA- tive, this advertisement and 10c for three prints and 5 x 7 enlarge- ment, or roll and 25c for eight prints, 5 x 7 enlargement. London Photo Service, Box 551, London. Ont. Established 1919. HORSES FOR 17ALE NUMBER GOOD HORSES, MATCH - n coeJ0iienit, teams, bAnnh Route 4, Guelph. MEDICAL _' A GOOD SPRINGTONIC. KIPP'S Herb Tablets. Twenty-five cents. All Drug Stores or Maltby':, Tor- onto Ten. HEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH and Liver troubles. Symptoms: Pains in right side, under shoul- der blades and across hips, indi- gestion, gas. oonstipatlon, gall trouble: Formula of doctor. Re- sultso.ih S. AlmasaBos Price $5.00. OSasl Saska- toon, Saslc. BALD? GOING BALD? "BEACH'S Formula" grows hair rapidly, kills dandruff, stops falling hair, itch- iais. scalp. $1.00, epostpaiof dstinon- Use half contents, 1f not satisfied, re- turn the unused portion — your money refunded instantly. L. and B. Beach, B2362, North Vancouver, Ii.C. Scalp specialists for 13 years. Our reputation protects you. EMBARRASSED WITH PIMPLES or Blackheads? A. famous skin ape- ciallst's creme, will relieve you— money back guarantee. One dollar brings month's treatment. Full simple instructions. Hygeia Pro- ducts, London, Ontario. ASTI-IMAI FOR EXCELLENT RE - sults use: "Asthma -Tone" in mild- er Asthma; or 'Asthma -Lax," in 1 ttaZike e u'e i-s:heal reli a•gecl lunge. invigorate body. Price $L00. 'Write Asthma -Tone Laboratories, 410 Barton East, Hamilton. 11IINIiS I+'OR SALE PURE QUEBEC. CHOICE, LARGE kitts. Dark, silky, densely furred. Few females, tta MkRanch, Mrk y, Onarrio. OFFER TO IN'CFJN'VORS RESORT PROPERTY MUSKOKA, HALF MILE LAKE frontage, 450 acres, two dwelling houses, overlooking lake, excel- lent site for tourist camps, ser- vice statin . etc,, thousalti -•ae sr"----- wood, pulp, r'umbt:r, numerous out- side buildings, hydro at door, own- er in poor health, $4.000.00 as run- ning concern or $3,500 cash. N. Boyce, 11 St. Clarens St., Toren - to.. AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Infer. enation sent free. The Ramsey Ca• Registered. Patent Attorneys.' 273 I3alllc Street, tlttnwn, Canada. PERFUME — st I+ICIAte OPI FER PERFUME MAILED PREPA.ID. English Tweed Perfume of unus- ual quality for discriminating peo- ple. Today's most popular perfume. $1.00 value for 25c. Address to Devonshire Perfumes, 153 Sheri- - dan Ave, Toronto. QUIT 7.Y)13At4'U: Sertiele EASILY. TestinanleIs.y. Outer iplecd.rAdvdi e erne Ile el lett'. I•tnv 1 Winnipeg. ... 11E10[6101'S "ELiJAII 0 0 111 N G BEFORE Christ." Wonderful boolt sent free. Megiddo Mission, IL, Rochester, New York. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used — New SPECIALIZING iN RI'1ltb11,70 1110- 7i'0I15, 1'(liB'EIr•I1NIT:i, Hydraulic! • a iYo[Ntta, tLVincbes. Generators Start- er*, MMagnetos,tiartauretor$, Ibtart- taaatlnt. ors Exehaauge Servlee, Glans .-.. 3Intit tnetion or refund. Levy !Into llama. Toronto.,.. S. ISSUE NO. 12—'40 SEED FUR SALE WRITE FOR OUR FREE 1940 SEED catalogue: containing most com- plete list flower and vegetable needs. Priced for market garden - Seed and garden lovers, Ontario. CARLOT OR LESS OF COMMER- ciat or Certified Apex,. Renown, Thatcher, Registered Marquis, le- eecat. Vanguard or Laurel HullssOsA.. No. 21 Barley, Hannshen, or Regal, Bi- son or Redwing flax. Crested Wheat, Alfalfa, Sweet Clover. Parkland Brome, Western nye. All Selected quality, most complete stock of all field seeds. Ask foe our prices before you secure your seed requirements. Satisfactior. guaranteed. odets& Nur- sery Farms. Newfield Seed HOME GROWN SEEDS GOVT. graded. Alfalfa, red clover, alsike. Timothy, sweet clover. Ask for Milling Co. samples. Ltd., CaledoniCa.ledonia i;SED AND NEW PLL'MItLNG BATHS. SINKS. TOILETS, SOIL pipe, boilers, furnaces, radiators, etc. Lowest prices, guaranteed. Catalogue furnished. Math Plumb- ing Supplies, 921 St, Lawrence. Montreal. I?SED BOOKS, BFAGAZINES SET OF GOOD ND d fiction at gaE in prices. Ad- venture, mystery, romance by the best modern and old time writers. State your favourite titles and authors. Largest stork of fiction in Canada. Book Exchange, 870 Bioor West Toronto. LYONS 478 Yonge St., Toronto CLEA,ItA.NCE SALE RECONDITIONED FURNI'I'IJ51E A11 Used Furniture is comPlotehf reconditioned, guaranteed thorough- ly clean, and sold with positive money -back guarantee of satisfac- tion. $i4.00 e eb CHESTER: - field b, reversible sprfill.: cushions. $19.50 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, pieces brown repp material, Mar- shall construction. 829.00 3 -PIECE CHESTERFIELD Suite, upholstered in English tap. estry, reversible Marshall spring cushions. 93h0. 7.50 BEAUTIFUL Chests f eld • Ste, BROWN piece . figured reversible Marshall sprint:: 'ushions. $35.00 10 -PIECE LIVIN(3 ROOM Outfit, comprising 3 piece velour chesterfield suite, bridge lamp and shade, walnut end table, 'able lamp and shade, silk .:ushion anti modern smoker. $2bufeOltDtable, ROOM suite,buffet, extension table,x leather upholstered chairs. Per- fect. $35.01 9-BlECE OAIC DINING 1'tOO1 suite, largo buffet, extension table. china cabinet and 6 leather seat chairs. $69.00 BEAUTIFUL 9 -PIECE IaIN- ing Suite, rich walnut finish, large fnd6eathe ettetslrl� uphols cab- inet te eo chairs. 885.00 SOLID WALNUT n1NLNG• suite, (cost new approximately. $225), largo buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather seat chairs. $49.00 MODERN OAIC DINETTE suite, buffet, extension table, and. 4 chairs with embussed leather seats. Perfect. $sinOSMART -to rine eealnut finish. Dresser, chiffonier and full size bed. Litre new. $49.00 COMPLETE BEDROOM suite, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed, sagless spring and new mat- tress. $59.00 FLOOR SAMPLE MODI tI bedroom suite in bleached walnut finish, with Venetian mirrors. .Dresser, chiffonier. full size bed, *legless spring and mattress. All brand new. $9,50 KITCHEN CADINi TS IN ALL, finishes. $15.05 6 PIECE BREAKFAST sum,: (theme,. •�t encu and 4 chairs, buffet, table or sate merchandise receipt of MOIVIF- ite mniey and k guarantee d sailefee- tion. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. Toronto