HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-04-11, Page 4ZURICH P4FRAm
2nd Prize415 3rd Prize -$5 Ten Prizes $1 Each
3. All entries must be Postmarked
net later than Saturday, May 4th,
. Entries will be judged for origi-
nality saad sincerity of expression•
SinptY write each entry on one side
of a sheet of paper. Print your name
and addresa, and also the name of
your Purity Flour dealer, clearly.
Z. Send ias The judges' decision Will be final.
n many entries to this
contest as you wish, but each entry 6. This contest starts Monday, April
must be accompanied by the Purity 8th. Mail your entriea, not later
Seal cut from a hag of Purity Flour thaw Saturday, May 4th, 1940, to
(or reasonable facsimile) or a receipted Purity Flour Contest Department,
pales slip from your dealer showing Western Canada Flour Mills Co.,
you have purchased a bag of Purity Limited, 293 MacPleareou Avenue,
Flour. Toronto.
That last line might go like this:
Use Purity Flour, and you'll come out ahead.
But try your skill—and remember this is a local contest, restrieted
to tl.e counties of Huron, Bruce, Grey, Perth, Wellington and
Waterloo. You have a really good chance to win!
Get a free Purity Flour recipe booklet from your dealer. The win-
ning idea might just pop up at youl Send in your entriee early.
11. Complete the last line of the
jingle beginning:
Says Purity Maid: "If you dose want
lo lase,
Purity Flour le the one you should
For pies and all pastry, for robes end
for brew?,
Ready For Spring?
business of the month was then trans-
acted. 27 nick visits and 3 bouquets
were sent to the sick !reporter. The
ineeting for May will .be in charge of
group two with Mrs, D. Tiernan as
group leaden
The Dashwood Red Cross Unit4sent
the following .artieles to Exeter for
their March shipment: 5 quilts, 8 sur-
geon's gowns, 8 surgeon& caps, 6
bed jackets, 1 pr. pyjamas, 2 panties,
45 prs. socks, 3 sweaters, 2 pr. wrist-
lets, 2 pr. broadcast wristlets, 10
wash .eloths and a scarf.
The choir of the Evangelical chureh
met in the basement on Wednesday
evening for bhe election or .o.incere,
which resulted as follows: Pres. Mrs.
•Lavine. Kellerman; Vice -Pres., Cath-
erine Finkbeiner, Secy Treas., Mrs.A.
Kellerman; Leader, aVirs. M. Tiernan;
Asst. Harry Hoffman; Organist, Mrs.
A. E. Oestreicher; asst., Gertrude.
G'oderich were Sunday eve visitors it
the Mousseau home.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Denomme of De-:
trodt spent the week -end with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Denomme:
Butchering and quilting is the ord-
er of the day. 4 quiltings were held
on Tuesday.
The auction sale of the effects of
Mrs. Victoria Denomine was held on
Tuesday and was largely attended, the
sale being successful.
The ice on lake Huron is practic-
ally all gone.
Spring seems here to stay, as the
wild geese are becoming quite plenti-
The Blue Water Highway is now
in fine condition as the big .banks of
snow have melted away.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
(Intended for last week)
Mr. Francis Ducharme of Maymont
who has been in this neighbor-
hood for the past three years, Ieft on
Friday last for his former home,
where he will be engaged with his
parents in fanning.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Laporte, and
Mrs. Rernie Jeffrey spent the past
week in Detroit visiting friends and
Mrs. Percy Bedard of the 14th con. est resident, on Sunday observed her I
visited with her parents, Mr. and i 89th hinthdaY. The day was quietly i
Mrs. James Masse of the Blue Water
.family present. Mrs. Johnston is: last
had been in failing health for the
spent with only the members of her 1811'
still smart and keeps up with the tun- an months. Born on the homestead,
,Pointe Aux Bouleau. spent a few
es, her memory being excellent and. 11' eon., of Hay Township she spent
days in Courtaight the past week. she is a great reader. Her all her life there until comsihng to Hen
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard of the
I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bourn of Tee- consists of three daughters, Mrs. .a...
family. sal.. I 29 years. ago, ...whe.re. e. has r.e-
s___,Ided_eve.r since. ,btkrvrving is a Stse-
Otroit and Mr. Jean. Contra of Mon., T. Douglas of Hyde Park; Mrs. Parke. ter, Mrs. Rumball of Toronto. Fun-
penSunday an . . ose vis and Miss Margaret Johnston, of •Heie- eras ar„_ch was held from her late
1 iting with their mother and others. sail, and a son, Nifilllam of Kennem hem.
e Saturday last, conducted ey
' treal s t . St J ph - -
Rev. Wm. Weir, pastor of Cannel
Milton? Ortwein of London, was a
recent visitor with his parents here.
Man Lettie Love has returned to
Toronto alter visiting her parents,
Mr. and: Mr& Wm. Love.
Mrs.. Wira. Dabus has been confined
to her room suffering from an attack
of pleurinnt ,Inet 'is somewhat impro-
Dr. Harty Joynt of Byron and Dr:
• Wrm. Tonnt of Brockville were visit-
ors. milli their mother, Mrs. .Alice
Miss Hazel Thompson has returned
to her deities at Parry Sound after
holdaying with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Thompson,
Fliffernis of George Jackson regret to
hear that he is in a serious condition
suffering from a stroke.
The congregation of the United
church held a delightful banquet at
wlinch the members of the choir were
guests. The tables were very attract -1
ive Baster colors and decorations.
The board of stewards of the church:
served at the table to about fifty.
Mr; W. 0. Goodwin moved a, vote of
• thanks nehich was seconded Dy Dr. L
G. Saline. Rev. Brook gave a very
fine address after whch the evening
was spent in games and a social hour
• Birthday Celebrated
Mrs. John Johnston, Hensall's Old-
• Thuts&y, April 11th, VW,
Asmtvlomourimamgmas..4.9gat Mil4MSEMEMIWTOMMIPPPerf wt!!!!!!„„,,,,
fRE 110111EST.EA1)
"You're making big improvements,'
John... did you come into)* legacy?", ,
No sir, I got a Home Improvement
Loan from the Bank of Montreal- Al
simple natter— no fuss or bother.
The rates are low, and: Era paying it
back by ifistalments."
Horne Improvement Loans ... obtainable.
at $3.25 per $100 repayable in twelve
monthly instalments. For borrowers with
seasonal incomes repayment may be- made in inlet
convenient periodic instalments. Ask ilisr our foidet.
'444 iwrosil• mho** iasall accommaik elea aisteihmel • - A
Zurich Branch: E. M. KIAGG, Manager
I attended to the free show given in Through Window. Prenhyterian church, of which denea-
i A large number from this vicinity Horse Crashes
While delivering milk, the hoarse of sed was a valued member.
Zurich on Monday evening last. The Oliver Rowcliffe slipped in the icy
i weather was all that could be exp- sidewalk when the lines caught thr-
ectedWater south let% en Sunday to.spen,d ough bhe holes in the front at .. the
the animel to Crash
into the plate glass window of Harry
MacMillan's butcher shop, breaking
the entire front nvndow.
for a night's outing and many
took advantage while the going was wagon, causing
good after .bon 'marooned m snow
banks for a few weeks.
Mrs. Maurice Masse 4af the Blue
a few days in .Clinton, 'with Mr. and
Mrs. Laurence Denornme.
Mrs. Josiah Sararas who spent two
weeks visiting relatives in New
Hamburg, and other places has re-
turned to her home on Sunday last.
Mr. Frank Jeffrey who has spent
the winter months in Windsor, retur-
ned to his home recently in Beaver-
; town.
1, Miss Veronique Sapha who is em -
1 ployed by Mrs. Kuno Hartman of the
1 Goshen line, spent Sunday evening
•11 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Sopha of the Blue Water north.
• Mrs. Rachel Denomme of Windsor
is spending a few weeks in this nei-
.: .
Rev. H. A. Kellerman, of Waterloo
1 and Norman of Kitchener spent Fri-
day with relatives here.
'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Itoutledge
of Ingersoll spent Sunday with 1*.
and Mrs. Philip Fassoid.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mueller, Mr.
. Chris Burmeister and Harold Kraft,
spent the week -end at the home of
Miss Gertrude Minke at Chesley.
Mrs. J. C. Reid and Phyllis are
moving their househol d effects to
Thedfoed this week- where they will
make their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Restemeyer is
remodelling the house they remodel-
ing the house they recently purehased
from the Pfile Estate.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin .Mueller have
• moved nto Mark Brokenshire's house
. formerly occupied by Leonard Ben-
i der.
• 1 Mrs. E. Tiernan moved Into the
So house she recently purchased from
• the Ey. Rader Estate.
1 Mrs. Vernon Schatz who under-
• 1went an .operation in London hospin
nieely. ial we; able to be brought home on
Mrs. Hess of Zurich is at :present Tuesday Her Her friends hope for a
at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Ward
speedy recovery.
Porrest.The Evnngelicat Ladies Aid held
1 their April meeting in the basement
[of the church on Wednesday, April
1 3rd. The newly elected president Mrs
G. Wildfong 'occupied the chair. After
Sorry to report that Mrs. Frank I
piCorriveau is at St. Joseph Hospital ; the devotional exercises the follow -
London. i ing program was given: Iteacling by
Mrs. C. .Snell, piano solo by Name:
Mn and Mrs. Bruce Bossenberry : Tiernan, temperance reading by Mrs,
of Grand Bend, were Sunday visitor., . E. Gaiser, voeal solo by Mrs. J. M .
at the home of Mrs. josgall. i Tiernan. The chapter in the steal
Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Plante rdThook was given •by Ms. G. Link. Tit, ,
Now is the time to put your Farm Implements in
condition for the Spring Rush. Let us supply you
with the required new parts.... Also carry Tudhope-
Anderson Wheels and Skeins; .. Harrow Teeth;
Cultivator Teeth, and all International Repairs.
We have an up-to-date Seed Cleaning Equipment
that we use for Custom Cleaning, and invity the
Farmers who have seed to clean to arrange with us
for this Work.
A Guaranteen Product that will greatly help your
Stock and Poultry to Vigor and Production, which
will mean greater Profits. Try it!
L. Schilbe & Son
6011100011.099600,11141006.4100040060 eapotoeft0osakeetotwata****eitiet
We are pleased to hear the fine
voice of the spring birds again after
so many months absence during the
Mrs. Win. MeLatitlan and little da-
ughter Marilyn spent a few days re-
cently at the home of her mother,
Mrs. John Baker.
On Tuesday, April 2rid the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Ward Forrest was
gladdened when 4 little boy was horn.
Roth mother and baby ars doing
Late Miss Mary MacGregor
Ont of Hensall's oldest residents1which Albert Sage, of ,Stratford, sued
passed away at her home Thursday !the town of iSeaforth fur S7,000.The
last in the person of Miss Mary Mac- action arose from a i which Sage
Gregor in her 86th year. The deceas-i suffered on a Seafortli street on July
Ittle last year. Hie hip wasbroken anit
!le spent several weeks in hospital
and even yet uses crutehes.
Lead Pencil Accident
• Percy Hewett, who looks after the
highway Mining east and west. front
Russeldale to the Blue Water High --
way, while :making up his books, met
with a peculiar accident. He ran thee
sharp point of a lead pencil into the• .
fleshy peefk of his thurilb, the 'emir
breaking- off and remaining embedd•.-4
ed. He eeceived medical attention..
Damage Suit
Judgment was reserved -b1S. an act-
ion before Mr. Justice Roakeh in Sup-
reme Court sittings at ,Stratford in
Still a Good Shot
Redmond McDonald, 56, a native
of G4rich, sem of 'the late Daniell
McDenald, fOrreier comity court anel
Surrogate (Count clerk was huriett.
Hie body being taken there from Ara
Que., where deceased was lose
sated as engineer for the federal litkre
estry department. Surviving are hi*
wife and two sisters. The funeral was
held te Maitland cemetery, Gotteriobt.
Here's Whaelialit Buyers"ffiss
Only local taxes extra:
Prices subject to change
without notice.
110 EXTRA cliAttae FOR MSC Bandy Shift et steering wheel;
Dash.Locking Safety I lood, hinged at front so wind Ckn't Lift it;
New Sealed Beans treadtsmes; New Cuehion-Action Door
Latches; AlltEOAM SEAT CUSHIONS (small extra cost in
Hudson Six closed models, standard in ail others).
And at small extra cost: Overdrive and Weather- Master
Fresh Air and Heat Control.
GREATER Mill (1821/4 inches from front
of grille to rear of body) ... mors seat
room all around, mid Iiiggest seems for
CREATIlt ECONOIST than ever proved by
any other full-sized car -a certified 1940
record. No need to sacrifice room for
CANADA'S SAFEST CAD, with Patented
Double -Safe Brakes -"double -safe" be-
cause, should hydraulics fail (as they cam
itt any car), you just push farther OP At
same foot pedal and stop. A third braking
system is provided by the easy -melon,
parking bilks, tp undcr the thhth.
MOE POWER ... 7 more horsepower than
the nearest of the "other three," and the
smoothest of them all.
EASIER INDMC, with finest type Independ-
ent Front 'Wheel Coil Springing and true
Center -Point Steering. Plus the seemlinese
end added safety of Patented Auto -Poise
Front Wheel Control.
IDIFATEN ENDURANCE. .. 20,000 miles in 12
days, under official supervision! A torture
test no other stock cat -At any price eier
Conte in today drive a Hudson Six ....
onest amazing fewest priced ear ever bent!
Beginning With the Lowest. Sixes or Eights ... Every Popular Body Typo Entre Wide RceS. of Co/ore cruet
Upholstery. Whatever Price You Plan to Pay, Sae Your Nucleon Dealer For MORE. CAR FOR YOUR MONEY