HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-04-11, Page 1ZURICI1 RAL-D VOLUME 40, N. S ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 11, 1941. Bates; $1.25 in Canada, in advance ilea $1450 in U.S.A., in advance CHESTER L. SMITH, Publisher Patronize your local Merchant,and Read your Home Paper Leavitt's Theatre COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRECES C. E. Zurbrigg rigg ,R.0. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equiphnent at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN CODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP SEASON'S SPECIALS Get Your Special now! All Permanents Guaranteed. Croquinole waves a Specialty. Our main Special, a Eugene, with a deeper wave and a tighter curl regular $7.50 fo'r $5.00. Morning .special only, free shampoo with every finger wa,ye. Be ogre to call 159 for appointment aid avoid_ beim disaapobtect, Phone 159 Zurich for Appointments. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. Used Cars We have given you the Best Values in the past, Now with the amount of Trade -Ins arriving weekly We can give You BETTER VALUES THAN EVER! 1938 PLYMOUTH COACH, Trunk, very choice, Priced to seal at the price you would pay for a 1936 Car. 1936 CHEV. STAND. COACH, De Lux without kaee action. General Motors Heater, new 1940 License. 11939 DODGE DE LUX SEDAN, perfect inside and out. This Car takes only a $7.00 Livense (Like all Dodge Cars 1936 V8 COACH, Trunk, Hot Water Heater, Original Black Fea 43)- 1931-1930 Ford A. Coupes, 'with and without rumble seats (2) 1937 Chev. Stand. Coaches, without knee action, act'now 1938 Chev. Coach like new, priced to meet competition. 1937 Pontiac Coach $53&. 1934 Plymouth Coupe (2( 1930 Chev. Sedans. 1930 Ford Roadster. 1936 Plymouth Sedan. /029 Ford Coach $65.00. 193/ Chev. Sedan 1931 Chev. Coach 1933 V8 Sedan, new motor ,1030 Ford Coach. $160.09 (2) I927 Ford T. Coaches. 1933 Chev. 2 ton Truck 1928 Durant Sedan, new Tires and Iicense $75. Here is How You Save:—(1) No Finance Co. handles your Nota We Do. (2) No Saiesman's Commissions to add on the Price of the .Car You Buy. That is why we calm and DO Outsell all Competition. WARD F R ITZ EXETER — CYNT. Thursday, Friday, Saiuraay THREE UNIT SHOW Mexican Spitfire With Lupe Velez !and Leon (Errol Marshall of Meza City With GEORGE O'BRIEN Paramont News of the World Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Special. Feature GOLDEN BOY With William Holden, Adolph Menjou and Barbara Stannyc-:. Corning --April 118, 19, 20; HUNCH- ' iLaughton; April 22, 23, 1214 "Stan- , Isley and Livingstone," 'Starring SPENCER TRACY, under auspice of Caven !Presbyterian church Young People's Association. BACK 'cif Notre Dame, starring Chas Iii ...4.4400108 WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Garden Patch corn 17 -oz. 2 tins 17c Quick Quaker oats, large pkg 1 9c Choice Blue Rose Rice, 2 lbs. . 17c Hdicrest Shortening, 2 lbs. ................ ...... 27c Manning chocolate Mallo cookies,. per lb. 15c Salmon, fancy pink, 1 -ib. tin .............................. 17c Ovaltine small 38c. Med. per tin 58c P and G. white Naptha soap, 5 burs ........ 23c Sunlight Soap„ 4 bars ...................23c Castile floor want, 1 -Ib. tin 25c Blue Boy coffee, per Ib. .„._.. .......... . 35c Curtain Materials in newest Patterns and styles, in Plain or frilled. Frilled Curtains by pair, also Silk Curtains by pair at Rednced Prices. J. W. MER ER Phone 140 NOTICE On retiring from Business We wish to thank our friends and Customers for their gen- erous patronage during the thirty-five years we have been in business and we solicit a liberal share of your patronage for our successors. Mrs. R. N. Douglas, Blake -.,CARD 'SOF' THANKS Mr. Charles Reman wishes to gre- atly thank all friends and neegiubors, also Rev. C. B. Heckendorn for the kindness and assistance rendered dur- ing the illness and departure of his beloved companion. NOTICE WARNING— Riding bicycles on sidewalks in the Village is strictly prohibited by by- law. The Town Constable has been instructed to prosecute all persons found guilty of this offense. Heed this Warning! Bo Order! .Zurich Police Trustee Board wmomeista, THE NEW GOVERNOR GENERAL . The Earl of Athlone has been ap- pointed Governor-General of Canada Announcement ,was. made last week in London and Ottawa. The earl is expected some time in June and will be sworn in at a press con,ferenee.The new Governor-General succeeds Lord Tweedsmuir who died in Montreal on February 11 from effescts of a fall in his dressingeoonr at .Rideau hall. The Earl of Athlone is the youngest bro- ther of the Queen Mother Mary, and will celebrate his 66th birthday in April 14. The Countess of Athlone, Princess Alice, who will come to Can- ada with him, is a granddaug:.ter of Queen Victoria. Appointment of the new Governor General was made on the reconinrendation of the Dominion Government Premier !ting said. In Police Court Goderich On. Thursday Corald. Chill', a young Kirkton man and for- mer hank clerk, pleaded guilty to 13 chargee of issuing worthless checks, all under $25, and was sentenced to 6 months concurrent on each charge, the term also to run run concurrent with one of two years and six mon- ths in Portsmouth, he wilt betaken to Strathroy for more charges. A reckless driving charge has been pre- ferred against A. Garon, and care- less driving charges against T. Small and L. Brown, arising out of a re - emit accident on No. 4 highway, just south of Clinton in which Frank Fingland, K.C., Clinton lawyer, had. a leg painfully crushed. The cases were adjourned until April 25, One L.C.A. consuming charge brought a fine of $24.50. Assault and a disorder ly conduct charge brought $2 and Costs fine • 4 • r'1Vfisa Ethel Hess is spending a few *elm with her sister in Elmira. kr. Paul Hess who is a student of `l onto University, spent the week- end' at his home here. A goodly number of relatives at- tended the funeral of the late Charles Kalbfleisch in Detroit on Monday last The maple sap season is in full swing at present, and those engaged are busy gathering and boiling (town the sweets. Mr. and Mrs. Louis S'ehi'lbe enjoyed a pleasant week -end in. Godericb, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Volland, former residents of the Zurich (lietrict, 'The marriage -Look plact at St. Peter's parsonage, Zurich, by Rev. E Turkheim, on April 5th, of Miss Kertha Marie Cultbert of Woodstock to Mr. Wilfred Victor Wickham of London. Mr. C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O., will be at Hess's Jewellery Store Tuesday evening for examaning Eyes and fit- ting glasses. If you are in doubt a- bout your eyes why not call and have them thoroughly examined. -Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon is having progress made on her lot on the cor- ner. of Victoria street and the Prov- ino`iel Highway by having all the trees and brush removed, the digging of the cellar drain has also commenc- ed anti this likely writ soon !become a ,I3r ;.ce of busy activity in the erect- rcrn i•• -bhe anew reeldence planned. On Wediresday, April 17, the Zur- ich Pire ckle Club will stage a Bingo Party in. the Town Hall, Zurich. Fine prizes will be given. A very interest- ing feature will be the display of articles made in the community fog the Red Cross. Proceeds will be do- nated to the Zurieh and District Branch of the Red Cross Society. Ma. William Schrag has purchased the 1100 -acre 'farm on the Goshen line north of town from the execut- ors of the estate of his late father, Mr, Chris. Sohrag and has taken pos- session. An auction sale of the re- maining effects of the estate was held on the farm on Saturday. Mrs. C. Sclrrag and daughter Ruby are for. the present making their home with Mr. and !Mrs. S. M. Peachey, near Dashwood. ZURICH RED CROSS The Advisory Board of the Zurich and District Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society mat on Monday evening. The following articles made Eby Red Cross workers of the comm- unity, are ready for shipment: 6 abdominal binders, 13 surgeon's gowns, 8 slings, 6 hampton bed pads, 13 surgical dressings, 7'7i dozen prs. cocks, 24 prs. wristlets, sir sweaters, 24 scarfs, 10 pairs pyjamas and dressing gowns. [President E. M. Dagg received recently from Re41 Cross Headquarters .in Toronto, an acknowledgement of the receipt of the last shipment. Apparently all the articles shipped tad been very satis- factorily made. OBITUARY Late Chanes H. Kelhfeisch This week we are called to cronicle the departing of the late Charles H. Kalbfieisch, who was a former resi- dent of this district, being a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kalb- fleiseh, who lived at the 14th conces- sion, Hay before moving to Zurich. The late deceased was born on Oct ober 13th, 1871 and in December 3f 1902 was united in marriage to Mis- Matilda Steinbach. In 1905 the, moved to Detroit whore they have lived since. Unfortunately 'for thr past twenty years he was inflicter with diabetis, in the last 8 years hr lost is eyesight which proved a great handicap. The death took place in Detroit on March 28th and the fun- eral taking place on April let. Sur- viving besides his sorrowing widee• are four br'ath ra Tf'.Ann vC or e. .., g and Adolph of Detrot, and Fred C Kal'b(leisch of Zurich.. A goodly number of Zurich relatives attended the funeral in Detroit. Your Eyes! They Have are Important Hensall Minstrels And One Act Comedy "AGE REBELS • Produced by Special Arrangement with Samuel French (Canada) Lim- ited, Toronto, by local Talent. Sponsored by THE. HENSALL them Examined at Hess' ' !BRANCH of !the RED CROSS To be Presented in the TOWN HALL HENSALL .... Thursday and Friday April 18th and 19th At 8.15 p.m. Cast of 50. 8 End Men SPECIALLY ACTS ADMISSION 25c and 15c. Reserved Seat section 10c extra. Plan of Hall at Middleton's Drug Store Jewelery Store TUESDAY EVENING by C. E. Zurbrigg, Registered Optrometrist A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall • • • •. • • • • • 1 ••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• • • • • • • e • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • art,pringSamples THE OLD SAYING: `The Early Bird Catches the Worm' IS TRUE! With this Year's new samples... They are Won- derful quality and Patterns, that can't be beat ,* 4 4 3 ♦ 4 BUT ; The quantity is limited and the range is not as large as other years due to war conditions. So we advise you to snake your selection early for your new suit as our range at $24.95 is second to none. BE WISE AND CHOOSE • EARLY j VT. 11. IXoffan & Bon. EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• es. ••••••••f*a•••♦•y•••:• ad nnouncing! That we have taken over the Blake Store Business with complete Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Etc., Etc. We take this opportunity in Soliciting the Public's Patronage for which we.. greatly.. Thank., you in advance. Always a complete stock of fresh Groceries on hand GIVE US A CALL! Mt BLAKE STORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97