HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-04-04, Page 8Our Grocery Specials SHELLED WALNUTS, per. Lb. ....... . ....... .39c SHORTENING, 2 -lbs. for ........ . 27c FIGS, 2 lbs. for ..................... . ... . 23c JELLO4 For 19c COOKIES, 2 lbs. for ..... 25c SALT, per Box ....... . .................. ...................... 5c COCOANUT, per lb. ............................. .. . 25c VANILLA.. at .................................. 19c CANNED CORN at ....... . . ............................ 10c ORANGES, 2 Dozen 35c SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR CALUMH BAKIG POWDER tr•-1.7 CALUMET BAKING 27c J. GASCHO PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 • • .411311611MINIMIN.1110.110.11=1.1.11111111111, Huron & Erie Debentures CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Any Amount.. for.. $100.00.. and over Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 314% per annum for 3 and 4 Years. 3fi% per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative Zurich qiirareaderie Apia Me 11-930 ZURICH HERALD 0....aammaapaaorammaramplapsowstomatmemagga - • • • . iVollt I, ,,,11..iii oho, zuRiews Grocery Store Huskies, 2 pkgs. 14c Swansdown Cake Flour per pkg. 29c Calumet Baking Powder 1 -lb. can 25c Codfish, 1-113. pkg. 15c Kellog's wholewheat biscuits*, 25c CARKIn IAKING it POWDER Chocolate Cookies per lb Brooms, 6 string each Spinach, 2 cans 15c 50c 25c Menrm Oesch Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 'P 4444* 4,40.4*******...4.44.46 eletairew at 4.. *4.4.4..•++++4.4+ 4.1.++++.0 t 4 ,,.. i. + • YOUR • 11 + , ai l' Hardware and Furniture ti i• • 4. STORE t ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEKES. THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kuntz of Windsor were recent visitors at the Yitht Our Salon for your home of Mrs. A. Rose. :;EASTER SPECIALS Miss Doris Horner of London, was s quote you on the very best a recent visitor at her home on the an& "eSt Perm , anents that are pleas - L. 14th .Concession. Owing to unforseen circumstances the local Womens Institute tae been Postponed, the new date will .be an- men nounced in the near futurMRS. pp,ED. THIELEProprietress The recent .and light show - ere have relied the water shortage with some 'residents. in gi Sal - satisfactory ttird that will u personality. Hairdressing at rear of Store. For appoint - call us by phone 102, Zurich. .A. meeting of the Advisory Board of the Zurich Red Cross is called for Monday evening April 8, at 8 o'clock in the Council •Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cook, Mr. and \ Mrs. Lloyd Cook of Guelph motored up on Monday spending the day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Haberer recently attend- ed the monster skating carnival at Toronto. This is, we are told, the most outstanding event of its kind in Ontario. The conditon of the roads locally are improving nicely. The road to Hensall, which was a Tel shaking up - .. • YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a. Fa Line of the Best of t both Shelf and Heavv Stank Hardware: Stoves. 114 Furnaces, and a Heating Equipments. Let Us Offer You Good Suggesfions along this Line. e, Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices, FURNITURE See Our Studio Cbudaes and Dinnette Suites. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements Always keep a Good Stork of New and the very tatest: in Furniture at Very Reasonalle Prices', -9utity C,QW- 4 sidered. Let u$ show you ovir Bivis, Springs, Mattress, j/.. Dining Rootn Se % Q09.0ChatTS Rockers, Etc., •1 at 4 For the more. conservative purchaser we can save' '4 g 40, , '.'. you many a dollar asrtm13..a.v.At a fine assortment o1 Afr* ..- Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value ffac -*. your Money. Drop in and look these over and get our 1 Remarkable Low Pitices- - SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE - Johnston &Kalbileisch ELDER-VOISIN ee • e A quiet wedding was eolemnized i Hardware & sure Phone 63 9- Saturday evening. last Itt Hensall ited Church mara,T, when Rev. R. A. 1' 4, +++4444.1.44++++,4149#490/464444 44.4.41.****.414+++++.1.4•4.1-R. Brook united hi marriags Ihrothy Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Voisin, of Mt. Carmel, and Harold Gordon Edge, eldest son. of Mr. and. Mrs. Ben Elder, Hay TOwnship. The only attendants were Mr. and Mrs. John Farquhar. The bride looked charming in a street length dress of Skipper blue chiffon with a coat of raspberry shade with matching accesories. Following t he ceremony the happy couple left for a honeymoon trip to Detroit. HURON FARMERS MEET The United .Farmers Co -Operative of Huron held their •annual meeting. in the Hensall Town Hall with a spl- endid attendance present. Adaressing and almost too rough to go over, re tezei'gatillering were:. Mr. Newland now being improved with grading, and. McKerracher of the United and a few more days of sunshine, will be about as good aso one will see it in the summer. Transports ;are warned to carry only half a load during these weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger have rikei000•11101111611111111111011111111011.11101118111801111601116.6W11441.414001N6.40 HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE YOUR WINTER Hardware Needs Farmers -Coe-Operative of Toronto. During the meeting a considerable number of shares of the company were sold. Mr. Albert Hendrick, of Zurich, was appointed president, and Mr. Aneeew Bell, of Kippen, secret- ary and the board of directors ap- moved to their new home on the pointed includes Albert Hendrick, A. Bronson line, recently purchased B. Bell, J. C. Bell, Kippen; John from Mr. and Mrs. John Eckstein, Armstrong, Zurich; Wiliam Alexan- who have also moved to Zurich into der, Hensail; Bert Klopp, Zurich and the property purchased from Mrs. J. Blake Horner, Zurich. Routledge, who is at present with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Evangelical Church Birk at 'Guelph. We welcome Mr. The Lenten 'Season was brought to and Mrs. Eckstein as residents of a fitting climax in the Evangelical Zurich. Church during the week from Palm Assossisontemiiiiirmiur it a • to 6 YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? I Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob. I ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. COAL AND COKE Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL, for Your Heating Equipment., Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. • STADE & NEMO ZURiCH - ONT. QUALITY .0 PRICE a,. SERVICE I sommoostitaii.astshoot.toh wpooat 44.****/****440 Sunday to Easter. A Baptismal Sere A very happy event took place on Happy Birthday vice enriched the Palm Sunday morn - Tuesday evening April 2nd, when the ing worehip hour. Two infants, .Cam- eron Walter Addison, son of Dr. and Cern- children, grand. children and great grand children gathered at the home Mrs. Addison and Mary Elizabeth of Mr. and ;Mrs. Andrew Thiel in Lydia Geiger, daughter of Mr. and honor of Mr. Thiel's 80th birthday. Mrs. Delbert Geiger received the Numerous gifts were presented and Sacrament of Holy Baptism. the evening was enjoyed in a very On Thursday evening, March 21 pleasant way. Luncheon was served. there was a good attendance consid- The Herald joins the many friends eringthe adverse weather conditions in for: the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup - many happy birthdays with good wishing Mr. Thiel and his companion per. . A. worshipful atmosphere was rPated by the use of hymns and ..•Cr.ipture readings which pertainede•-• to struggle that Jesus had in the Garden of Gethsemane. The choir sang; "The Beautiful Garden of pray- er" and a trio, Mis. H. Hess, and the Wlisees Pearl Gabel and ,Shirley Kru- Dead and Disabled nimais REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235- Seaforth 15. DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. :fi• 81. + + • + • + + • 4 + health, New Pump Installed Mr. "James Leybourne of Fergus, instalation mechanic for the Beatty Company of that town, was in Zurich on Tuesday and Wednesday and artesian well owned by the village, ter Went." Rev. C. B. Hetekendorn eger sang, " stalling the new pump in the deep Into the Woods my Mac - The entire, nearly 300 feet of pip- ferred to the painting by Hoffman ing had to be lifted to make the net- of "The Triumph of Christ" which essary change of the pump. This new revealed -Chria's victory after his contraption now throws water when struggle in the Garden, the rods travel up and down, im-tead. A Good Friday morning service of up only as fOrMeliy. With the same sized motor and pump the cap- acity is almost doubly increased,as the old primp was throwing six. gale Ions per minute, the new pump is throwing approximately eleven gal - lone per minute travelling at the same speed. With this new iminp in good working order, the local water supply win be adequate for the ad- ditional new customers that will be hooked up this summer, as at the present time the old pump was op TRY ECICEL'S 4. 4. 4. .t 4. 4. . drew a group of faithful worshipper:, eager to meditate upon the Death of Christ upon the Cross. Through the medium of ;Hymns, .Scriptun, and a jef Meditation the fact of Christ's intenSe suffering and Sacrifice was very vividly impressed upon everyone Easter is always the occasion for an enlarged church attendanee. In spite of irnpassable roads this yew. was no exception. Those who could made their way to the church. All who attended the morning service orating at an average of eight hours had their lives spiritually enriches in twenty-four, and the new pump) when sixteen made a prblic confess ion of Christ by uniting with Hi, Church. The Choir under the leader - hip -sof Mrs, Hess sang: "0, Lamb of Cod." The Pastor brought a suitablt message for the occasion. The even- ing service was sponsored by the choir. This took the form -Of Lan. tirn slides showing. pictures of Christ e front His Triumphal Entry into Jos usatern until His Ascension. These slides were Mo.de. More effective be the Use of suitable .Stripture read- ings and..quiet music of hymns. Miss. Doris Hamilton, of' Landon gracious- ly assisted by ti/Wbg: two., 8thas. „will reduce this proportionately, but as to how the Hydro consumption will compare remains to be seen. Mr. Leybourne installed the old pump some seven years ago ana indeed did a real job of it as this pump has given undisturbed service an years, and although some wear is Shown;.but the old pimp looked good for some time to conic, but newer and improved inventions always take the place .of the older and obsolete equipments. We trust that the 110W Ptirip will give the same efficient ser- vice the old one. has all these yeays, 0 IP t n Talk" read also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE. PIES,.-. AND SWEET GOODS. All Ingredients Used, are of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS - ICE CREAM Our Store will be closed' each Wednesday Evening Eckel's Bakery - Zurich Telephone 100 ‘-• 7. 4 • 4- • 4.. • 4.- - 4 4. 4- - 4. • - 4 • - - 4- • 4- • 4- 44. - 4444.0f44-4.4-4-4-44.+++++++++++++ 4 4 + + 4. 4. + 4- 4 t I Buy Storm Windows and Doors + + Cut Your Fuel Bill in HALF! LET US QUOTE YOU! 4 4 4. 4 REPLACE THOSE WINDOW' PANES NOW. WE CARRY A 4' LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLIXSS W' IIAND AT ALL 4.. $ TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials 4 4• WAIT, 1 e. PHONE 69 a• LBFLEIS - ZURICH e: gientIMINisalp M ASSEY-HARRIS NEWS GENUINE Md. -H!. PARTS wcaic hest on M. -H. Im- plements... Mower and Bander Knives ground while you, wait with, carbarundum equipment. Guaranteed INatteries at $4.49 1 lh year battery guarantee .... ....... b.85 2 year battery guarantee a -plate .. 7.95 Guaranteed ,446,11; tires at 5.85 Visit the East End, Service Station for City Serv- ice at Zurich prices. Cars .rcral trucks properly greased; with latest hydialic equipment: GAS OIL AND GREASE Telt Shop 149 B. ROPY* ec••• SONS. Re,s. 67 'L;