HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-04-04, Page 7Gunner on Brit ah Bomber h A Busy Man -• A view of the "blister" on the tail of a British bomber, showing Mite 'gunner who operates the four machine-guns that are calculated to take care of an enemy attacking the rear of the plane.- The British Royal Air Force raids on the German naval and air base at the island of Sylt seem to have proven the efficacy of this defence, for only one British plane was reported lost in the raids. u w Can I BY ANN, ASH' E' Q. How can I avoid the neces- sity of tying the ends of the threads ' when hemming towels, tablecloths, sheets, and similar ar- ticles? A. After hemming these artic- les, turn around and stitch back for an inch or so, and it will not be necessary to tie the thread ends. Q. How can I treat new sash ,cords in order Wn make thein last much longer? A. Soak them in boiled linseed oil and allow them to dry thor- oughly before installing them. Q. How can I prevent gravy from becoming lumpy? A. Add a pinch of salt to the flour that is used for thickening, m , before mixing it with water. Q. How can I store blankets so that they will be mothproof? A. Before storing the blankets; see that they are thoroughly clean, then pack with moth balls and newspapers, leaving no cracks for' moths to enter. If properly done this is just as effective as moth- proof bags. Q. How can I remove a salad dressing stain front light silk ma- terial? A. This stain should be absorb- ed with flour or white talcum. Or, use a solvent such as carbon tetrachloride. .2.-0.4- • ,-F-t-"..:, ,F6-tR1--T L.•» A-•4•., , . d.•l-, +) Y that Somme ap e q, �'. Don ^t Is LOWERS BLOOD . PRESSURE Discovery was announced. last week of a chemical which brings quick relief to persons with high blood pressure. The substance is a body,regula- tor similar to insulin, the hormone which controls the use of sugar in the body. It has been isolated from the blood serum of oxen and has been used in the treatment of the disease in humans to bring exces- sive pumping of blood through the body's pipelines down to normal Within forty-eight hours. NEW ('SXYGEN .,MASK A new hip -pocket oxygen flask and a new face mask designed to save the lives. of lnilitary.,..fliers , are being perfected in the U. S. The new equipment is.designed to prevent a pilot inadvertently "committing suicide"- if he :a,cei- dentally opens his mouth at high altitudes. If a pilot flying an airplane at ASTHMA BRONCHITIS AND 1-OUGN, HANG ON COUGHS FITUDE COLDS YIELD FASTER TO the present "ceilings" of around 35,000 feet does not have oxygen he will (lie a quick violent death. The new type of mask, which resembles a hog's snout equipped with a sponge rubber valve, keeps both the nose and mouth covered, with oxygen fed from a pressure tank. ---•o-- Mme CURIE'S DAUGHTER Dr. Frederic Joliot and his wife, Mme. Irene Toliot-Curie, winners of the 1935 Nobel Prize in chemistry, have been awarded the 194:0 Barnard Gold Medal for meritorious service to science. They are co-workers in the Rad- ium Institute of Paris and pion- eers in the field of atom smash- ing. They discovered artificial radioactivity and were the first `to furnish proof of''the: possibility of ". n. f rniinoneelement into t1 `t 5 0 g a rit another. Mme. Toliot-Curie isthe daugh- ter i ter :Mine. Tale. 1Ta1 c Cnx e co - discoverer with her husband of indium. +.-.4. a..r ..•. E YOU e,1 99 ' Vet• -4.9.4 - K -e -t -N "1)o I understand you to say," asked t11e magistrate, `;that when you heard a' noise you got. out of ,bed,, turned pa the light, and went to the head of the stairs - that a burglar was at the foot of the stairs and you did not see him? Are you blinr' ?" ' "Must I tell the exact truth?" asked .the witness, as he blushed furiously. "'Yes, the truth and nothing but the truth." . "Well," replied the man, slowly, ''m'y wife'was'iu froh.t of me." "Wonder if i could .find a match for this coat:" ' "Burn the trousers too, while you're at it." An old farmer went to the den- tist to have an aching molar remov- ed. The operation: was completed; and the' patient 'then instructed the dentist to remove the nett one.. "It isn't necessary," explained the dentist, "That one only aches in sympathy." "Yank it out, then," .growled the farmer. "Darn such sympathy as that." • She: "I'd" like :Ito ask you a question:: , He: l"Ask it dear." She: "Am 1 the only girl , whesemoney -you, ever loved?" passenger in b1ts „t;'TS snlokiil7, permitted, conductor?" `' Conductor: '' Pas§enger "W'ell, where did. all these cigarette en.cls conte from?" Conductor: ".Prom: People Who didn't•.ask nuiysti.onS1" Miss Howler: "Did my voice fill the drawing room?"` Br. Bluntly: "No, it filled the refreshment room and the con; servatory." "Grandpa," said a little girl.; "I saw something this morning r•inn- ning across the kitchen floor with- out any legs. What do you think it i was?" Grandpa studied for a while and gave up. "What was it?" be asked, "Water:",sand the youu'; I riumphs ntly. • • •Y •�- N- area rp .,-r 1'1.4-4" ,•.11',-10.*** TOPICS ,j.q-11-4.4,4-4.V+4*'q 4 i **0.4 ire w ,*-4 !W 11, 'C'anadians' Life Span Increases Life span of the average.'Can adian has been increased in the last 100 years from 30 to 60 years, Dr. Gordon Pates, General Director of the Health League of Canada, claimed in a recent' ad. dress given in Toronto. He outlin- ed a glowing future for prey f ive medicine. Although it i a h.ew field, igen like Pastel Lister made such strides in y7d .ing the spread of disdase that=,lilt' mortality rate has been greatly decreased, he said. PREVENTION; COMES FIRST The idea of prevention is . corn ing to the fore as its possibilities' are made known, Dr. Bates de- Oared. The ancient Chinese paid their . doctors only when they were well, and Dr. Bates suggested that Cant aclians might %ve11 adopt the same principle. What would state medicine', mean to citizens? Would theme be too many doctors, and how \'Stains, .' they be paid? These ape quedt2ct' that are perplexing the rlledfel practice and the . layman tod But medical practice must cha -illness is an expensive luxur costing Canada one billion dollars annually. Dr. Bates suggested a'-'• re -organization along preventive lines, with health departments re-•. ceiving more than their present grant of seven million annually. ROBIN HOOD METHOD Canada's present system of medical practice, he stated, fol- lows the Robin Hood method, with the poor being given treatment"by excellent physicians, only at 'the cost of their self-respect. The rich pay well for good service, but the middle classes are in the most un- fortunate position of all, being ex- pected to pay although they real- ly cannot afford to do so. In Eng- land thirty years ago medical care was made readily available to everyone through the institution of Health Insurance. Under til:s system a large group of the popu- lation contributed to a gendral ' fund from which the doctor was paid a definite amount per patient per year, whether his . patient was well or sick. Modern Etiquette BY ROt;Eii 1 A LEE Q. when playing bridge, is a per- sonson ever justified in criticising the play of his or her partner? A. Newer. Tonder no Circumstanc- es should one do ,so. Nowhere is good breeding more noticeable than in sports and games. Q. Isn't it improper for two per- sons to shake hands across the table? A. es. However, if one person extends his hand across the table, the other person must accept it. Q. When a hostess is going to serve cocktails and knows that one pr two of her guests do not care for them, what should she do? A. The hostess should prepare to- mato juice, or something of the kind for these guests. Q. Isn't one justified in express- ing auger when the telephone ex- - CREAM WANTED We are paying a real high price for cream F.O.B., Tor- onto. Write for particulars and carts. The Toronto Creamery The United Farmers Co-operative Co. Ltd. Duke and George Streets TORONTO, Ontario. THIS BOOK IS FREE Tb` YOU ARE LOOKING FOR RE - lief from weaknesses of Stomach, Kidneys, Liver or other bodily ills, write for our 'I'`amily Botanic Guide". Thousands of Canadian customers praise these remedies, 1)o not delay -write to -day. IIPIALTTT PRODUCTS LIMITEDDept. M, Saskatoon, Sask, OLIN INSTANT EA Pram �N s set s s isit, P 5s5, R tot. i‘c - change repeatedly -gives oue the wrong. number?' A, No. "Anger manages alt things. badly." ' P.atienee,",;poise; • •Sud self control are virtues that we all .should try to cultivate. ' - Q. When a man is leaving the home pf his hostess, should he take special leave of his dinner partner 4, Yes, Ile should devote a few special words to his dinner part- ner. To the others, a good -night bow is s ' icient, 6. What is considered the most important tiling in the training of a child? A.. Obedience. Ideal Man: Tall Dark, Blue -Eyed William Smith College ,Geneva, N.Y.) girls like their escorts to be polite, but not too polite, tall, dark, blue-eyed and good dancers. A survey by the undergraduate newspaper at Hobart, neighboring mien's college, revealed the requis- ites • of a William Smith girl's "ideal." ' Some' of the comments were: A. beautiful waltzer, slightly on the "wackeY" side. His person.ality must be polished and he must be meticulously dressed. A11 wool and a yard wide are de- sirable qualities not to be overlook- ed by the alert girl. A nice line of conversation. But he must not be too coated nor too polished. He must dominate me and over- whelm me with finesse. Tall, dark and blue-eyed, A. boy, preferably dark, who doer( not talk too much ';o allow me time 4o say something. CLQ S FIEADVERTISEMENTS , AGEN'L'9 WANTED nann \fi N WANTED - INVEST $50,00 and be your own boss; .one sale per week beats working for someone else; capable, hard -wor- kers earn $3,000 up: amazing new machine by old-estabitshed comp- any. State sales experience in run. Address Room Ii'ASS, Anker-Holth Manufacturing Company, Sarnia, Ontario. AGENTS WANTED IN EACH TOWN Sell Vitamin 13-i that grows Daf- fodils as hig as salad plates. Roses five Welles across, Transplant without wilting. Approved for sale by the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Send $2,00 for complete kit and instructions. Big profIts, National Sanitary ProduSts, ited, Loudon, Ontario. :AIATi'II ]BOOKS - NEM LINE -- just out. Beautiful gob processed samples. Send 1.00 foe packing. Salesmen mention territ.iry want- ed :t• tints! Aet quickly. Paynes. Y iinit«.ci 'Wallingford ford .1 uildint , Winnipeg. EARN IIOC])1'.10 FOR YOUR i•.F- forte! Easy, interesting work in a district chosen by you. Products well-known throughout Canada - sure -sellers all, ,set started at once! Cy return 01011 drop a line to the Fnmilex Products Company. 570 Sr. clement, Montreal. nails CRICKS CORDER BABY t;II1CK.S NOW. AT - tractive prices on well bred Bar- red Rocks, White Leghorns, 1iamp- shires. Austrolorps. Write for prices. Wingham Hatchery, Wing- ham, inoham, Ontario. TOMBARROW mated to cockerels from U0. P and .onto winning e nning flock, 8c: pullets 1st Collins Poultry Farm, (Osnabruck Centre). Wales. Ont. WIGS, TOtl'l a ¶r1tl 3FORMA- • i Curls, tions, S -' ,� c tvtt.h s nils and d atl types of finest qu tlitt' Hair Goods. ' Write for illustrated catalogue. Confidential, terms arranged. Tor- onto Human Flair Supply Co., 525 )3athurat Street, Toronto. THE DB(L\NI) FOR IIAD)i;N Chicks is greater every year. The reason out +•us tuners are satisfied with our high quality Government Approved chicks from bloodtested breeders, and thr,r know they do not have to pay a big price to get Quality in Baden o•hleks. Compare our Quality, compare cur Standard Quality White Leghorn.:, $8,95, 90 per •rent. Pullets $13.95, Barred hooks, New liampslti( 4 $9.45, Pullers $1.6.911, cockerels $6.00. White hocks, White Wynn- dottes, Light; Sussex, Hybrids, Barred Meeks. x New Hamps,, New Ramps x Barred Rocks, s, Whitt Leghorns x hatred Rooks $10,45, Pullets. 910.90, Cockerel 56.95, 13ig .Egg Quality and Extra Select Quality slightly higher. Send for complete price list and eircular. Baden Electric( Cltick hatchery Ltd.,' Baden, Ontario, "BETTER I,Uels \w1TFI BRAS' ehicl s .. , fewer losses , .. through February lay 70-75 per cent.", writes 'Alts. )toy Allan, Pullets, chicks. coe.kerels, immediate ship- ment. Special bargains 2-3 week Piglets, rookerels. New Hampshire, Rocks, New 13ampshire r Barred Stocks, %Vltite and Columbian \Vy- andottes Leghorns,Rhode Island Reds, Capons Tal i ees. Order 40011 from Bray Hatchery, 130 John N•, Hamilton. LIKE THE AUTOMOBILE _\IANTT- faeturet, bigger demand, greater production enables us to give you more for your money. The consist. ently increasing_ demand for Twed- die Chicks has glade it necessary to add to hatching capacity year after year. Over a million chicks sold in 1939, we are prepared to ,hatch more In 1940 and most int - 'portant of all better chicks and at '. Ibwer prices, Send for free lilts- ±r•ated rtttalogue; Prices as low as 59.45, 'Cweddle .Chick hatcheries Litnited, Fergus, Ontario, 1IAi�ERY EQUIPMENT '13AXSF)JS' OVDNs A.NI) MACHIN- ''ery. also rebuilt equipment always on hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pohdence invited, Hubbard Port- e., Oven Co., 103 Bathurst St., 6'roronto. ' ' 11ASRi5Tltl -- 1111151D Ironic LEARN BASKETRY, INTSJRES'T- ing, educational, complete Instruc- tion, 25e, Free catalogue and reed - work instructions. Dominion Reed Supplies, Department \V., Toronto Ontario. CANADIAN' POULTRY REVIEW CANADA'S OLDEST AND BEST poultry magazine, A real help to any poultryman large or small. Only 51.00 an Oaa an year. ltrylllRevie v, i; 184 W. Adelaide Street, Toronto, COLLEGE'S, 'TRADE SC110015 LEARN SHORTHAND, TYPE'WRIT- ing, bookkeeping at home. Write Rome Study Institute, 554 Furby Street, Winnipeg, for partiettle,rs, EDUCATIONAL STUDENTS NOW ENROLLING POR courses in .Matrloulation, Short Story Journalism Shorthand and Speech Culture. Make use of your spare time. Write today. Canad- ian Correspondence College. (es. tahiished 1902), 229 Yonge Street Toronto. \IOTOBF El'.1:("pile)1 't10l'()a • NIJ\V AND Rebuilt also polleses and V -belts. Junes cit Moore 1 1 .c,•ie, 296 Adel- aide St. W., T.io )t,. ELECTRIC MOTORS :ANI) PUMPS. All sizes for farm eee. From 56,50 up, Write; Leff I -:e, trio, London, Ontario. Amur, ADVERTISING SPECIAL - dollar rine for 30o and advertise- ment. I;oll developed, printed or eight r••pri'9r., with craft em.bee- -ed •genl'n' 7 x 10. London PhotTrice. Hex 551. London, Onta rio E' Dooet WATER i'OII.E rs FOR FARM, SUBURBAN AND SUM - mer homes, :here water facilities are not available. Government Hume imp cvetnent payments ar- ranged. Circular ,.111 request. Can- adian SonitationCumpany, 67 York Street, Iiamilton. IIA.LTi:ii. CO? PR0LL10R DAN(;IlItol'S MILLS ALLOWED freedum of pasture with complete safety to our family. Write 'for parti,'ulars: The _Ashley Agency, 1769 Jattfferin St.. Toronto. Iflettlt_(;:ROWING 55.000 CROP FROM HALF ACRE - People everywhere are growing Ginseng and Golden. Seal (Medi- cine herbs). Enormous profits! We supply seed, instructions, buy ev- ery pound. Particulars 10c (credit- ed). No triflers. Associated Herb Growers, )sox 27W., St. Norbert, Manitoba. IfOIisES FOR SALE' eeepep`k: OF 3 t0 N 5 CLYDE STAT« lions, bay. brown and blank. Pric- ed right. Emerson Dill, Gadshili, Ontario, MAPLE SYRUP PARE MAPLE SYRUP IN ONE GAL_ 1on eans, 31.00 per 51111011, N. 13. Smith, South Roxron, Quebec, MEDICAL, 11191'ATUJLA RELIEVE: STUJLWB and Liver troubles. Symptoms: Pains an right side, under shoul- der blades and across hips, indi- gestion, gas, constipation, gall trouble. formula of doctor. Re- sults in one day! Price $5.00. Mrs, Geo, S. Almas, ,..ox le73W Saska- teem, Sack. BALD? UUING BALD? "BEACH'S Formula" grows ]fair rapidly, kills dandruff, stops felling hair, itch- ing seely. Eund:•eds of testimon- ials. Boxes 51.00, postpaid. Use half oontents, if not satisfied, re- turn the ,iflhl5i1 portion - your money refunded instantly. L. and B Leach, I3236' North Vancouver, B.C. Scalp specs to :,ts for 13 years, Our reputation p1 )teats you. EMr_U»t nAs;tEI) WITH PIMPLES or illat l l t e us".. \. fatuous skin spe- cialist's a will relieve yo'u -'- money.ba« k ,:;'ue r:J nt,'e. One dollar r t 'c brings ntr u.h treatment. Full sunpie in iruction5. Hygeia Prod- urts, London, Onterio. eli\NS FOR SAM,l) mem ') Et;ECS VOICE, LARGE kitts. Dark, silky, densely furred. Few bred females, 527.50. Ramona Mink llanoh, Markstuy. Ontario. oleleleit TO IN%zlx'r(/RS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free, The Ramsay Ca. Registered, Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. 1'ER1•'I`ME - selector, OFFER PERFUME MAILED PREPAID. English Tweed Perfume of unus- ual quality for discriminating peo- le, Today's most popular perfume. 51.00 value for 25o. Address to Devonshire Perfumes, 153 Sheri- dan Ave., Toronto. otee care a t, QULT Tu13.1t'C'U 4NUFL". EASILY, in ex pensively. 11')0)0 remedy, Testimonials, (Ju it'onteed. Advice free. Pnrlielt's floe 1, Wlunipeg, STOP -TOBACCO. Special. Quit smok- ing, ehewing tobacco, snuff, easily, quickly, Complete guaantee treat- ment, reatment, 00e. Reliable Products, Box 251, Regina, Sask. RELIGIOUS l'ELIJA1 COMING BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book sent free. Megiddo Mission, 12., Rochester, New York. During 1938 the nine dredges operated in the Yukon Consolidat. ed Gold Corporation handled 8,- 550,000 cubic yards of gravel, which yielded 60,055 fine ounces of gold and 14,413 fine ounces of silver. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used - New SPECIALIZOIOO IN 11111W1L'F 010 - TORS, POW1'nit.IJNS S, iEyalraUEfo lllole1e. Winehea, Generators. Start - era, Magnetos, Carburetors. itafIirtt. ors - Exelaonge Service, Glans -- Satisfaction or refund. Levy Auto Parts, 'Toronto. S17ED OA'T'S 3,1 ((TR THOUSAND BC SHISLS Ol? Early ted Oats, 0.A.C. NO. 3 Var- iety, frit prize Wiite Seed Show, 'Caroni -re Pirst prize Provincial ,Seed J9xhibition r hetn1nt. First prize Larnbton Count:. seed Show. alvinton. 75c. It be 't MacDonald. lerigden, Ontario. 1,500 B1'SFTFLS L'ItBA 4 VARIETY, 2nd prize, Provincial Seed Exhibi- tion, Chatham; 2n4.1 prize, Larnbton ('ounty Seed :,hews, Alvinston, Grade 1. All seed prepared with Government approeed cleaner and Ca.rter Disc Grader. 87e. Robert 1lai'Dotia)d. Drirde", Ontario. ERBAN - OATS, «=0VE1l.NMI0NT Grade No, 1, clean eeed, germina- tion 99 per cent. 75c- bushel, F.O.B. London. .t, e3. Murray, Wilton Grave, CJntarin. SPIISD 1'OIt KALE) 11OME CIIOWN SEEDS - GOVT. graded. Alfalfa, red clover, alsike. Timothy, sweet clover. Ask for prices and samples. The (aledon:a Milling Co. Ltd., r�alcdonia. STEM -RUST RESISTANT VAN - guard Oats, 3rd generation, regis- tered, No. 1. John 14. Stewart, Strathroy, Ontario. SLBERIAN COSSACK' ALFALFA. very hardy.. Number one, 520.00 10 bushel. Number two. 518.00. Bags 30e. Express prepaid. J. E. Muir, Ceylon, Ontario. SONG POEMS WA11`P108) RUSH POEMS FOR 1M:IEDIATJS consideration Outstanding offer if- accepted. A. et.l.ueCk, 7Ui Beach' _ive., Winnipeg, Iran. 'USED BOOKS, 3IAG9zeNeeS SEND FOR FREE LIST OF Goin, need fiction at bargain prices. Ad- venture, d- ventur mystery. 'r e stet romance b 1 the to beat modern and 'old time writers. State your favourite titles and authors, Largestto+. s y It of fiction in Canada. Book Et:change. 07e 13loor \Vest, Toronto. LYONS' sl'I1ING CLEARANCE S:aL10 DIGH CLASS OPecONDITIONED FL'R\ 11 I-Rk, Every article thoroughly recondi- tioned, guaranteed ubeolutely clean and .sold with a positive money-ba•.i( guarantee of satisfaceion, 324.oi1 Solid oak din111 ,cite, buffer. extension tr.ns,(n ta.hie and ti leather seat •!tai r. 539.00 NIne piece oak dining suite, buffet, extension table, china, cab- i•nethairsand 6 leether upholstc:•ed .. $49,170 Smart walnut finish dining suit e, buffet, exte0 e•'n table, chino e thin'ct, and 6 leether seat chairs. 568.00 Modern Eneeteh oak dining suite, perfect eiondition, buffet, es- :neion table, china .:0binet and 6 leather upholstered chairs. 572.1,0 Large nano, dining suite, buffet, extension i b1e, china e::h- 91Ut end 6 leather t (thairs. $89.04 13eiiutiful large solid \vaipnt suit(,, buffet, t rsi.,)n tabic, shine «abinet end e blue leather :It ',hairs. 55.71e Several solid •'- k. buffets In golden and fumed finishes. 58.5e Dalt and is Ulna:: finish china abinvts. 5 .;,0 x11(1 lip. 1)1.'1'e with lar, mirrors in oak, tt t and enam- el finishes. $12.95 Complete bet eetfit, steel b:ti. walnut tinish seglets spring and new mat rl•t1a$. 239.00 C.oulple.te bed room suite*. dresser, elliffonle: full size bed. sagless spring, and new mattr..sa. 1 erfeet condition. 545.00 Beautiful w eleeet bed roost suite, large vanity.chiffonier, 21)11 size hod and sagIese cluing. 559.90 Special floor sample modern 011110 in bleached walnut finish, waterfall desierr, venetian mir- rors. dresser of verity, chiffonier, full size bed, saglees spring, new mattress and pair of pillows. 519,110 Modernistic • bell room suite, in two-tone walnut large vanity, venetian m(rrot be .t chiffonier, full size bed and giess spring. Perfect. 52.95 Large chesterfield chairs, up- holstered in brown 'mohair, Mar. shall cushions. $3.50 Od(3 ohestcrfieltls:n mohair and i'epp covers, 11Iaroitcll reversible spring cushions. 51.4.00 Isroehler cheeterfleld bed, up- holstered in blue figured velour. 524.00 Smart 3 -piece Iiruehler ches- terfield suite, reversible spring cushions. Velour cover, all ovar. $27.00 Large $-piece brown mohair chesterfield suite, perfect condi- tion, figured reversible Marshall spring cushions. 535.00 Beautiful large 3 -piece brown mohair chesterfield suite (cost new approximatele - 5285). Rever- sible Marshall ,Bring cushions, Perfect condition. 58,95 Extra special. Brand new mat- tresses, filled with new, fluffy cotton, Well tufted, roll edge. All sizes. 30.93 Kitchen cabinets With roll fronts, sliding porcelain tops, var- Ions finishes. $4,50 Gas Stoves, 2, 3 and 4 -burners, with ovens. Guaranteed. May With Confidence Ali merchandise sold 11,1t11.n IiAsltivc n(oney-back guarantee of Isattsfae- tiort, . LYONS FIRM.' :'URI Co. 478 Yonge - Toronto ISSUE NO 14----'4O