HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-04-04, Page 6Sunday School Lesson LESSON 1 AMOS PLEADS FOR JUSTICE Amos 5,7 Printed Text, Amos 5:1, 10.15,21-24 Golden Text: "Hate. the evil, "'and ..love the good, and establish jus- tice in the gate." Amos 5:15. THE LESSON 1N ITS SETTING Time -- About 760 B.C. Place — The prophecies of Amos were uttered at Bethel, twelve miles 'north of Jerusalem, and were prim- arily addressed to northern Israel. The word "Amos" means "bur- den" or "burden -bearer". The intro- duction to the book informs us that he lived during the days of Uzziah, the king of Judah, who reigned from 810 to 758 B.G. and of Jero- 'borm II, who reigned over Israel from 826 to 773 B.C. Amos thus was a contemporary of Hosea and of the greatest of 611 the prophets, Isaiah. Of the life of Amos we know noth- ing outside what is found in this • book, but his own writing reveals a very distinot and interesting char- acter. He was undoubtedly a pea- sant, 7.-•,,nging freer a poor and ab - setae family — a shepherd, and therefore a natural-born preacher. He lived close to nature, IN AMOS' DAY Amos affords us a picture of the actual condition of the people or the Northern Kingdom, The luxury of the rich was conspicuous, These luxuries, he says, were obtained by means which. he calls "violence and robbery"; by oppression of the ' poor and needy; by dishonest trail- ing; by taking bribes. The women showed themselves as cruel and hard-hearted as men. Public and private virtues alike had decayed. Humane laws were openly ignored. ' The poor man need not look for re- dress in the courts where justice • was openly bought and sold. PLEADS WITH ISRAEL Amos 5:1. Hear ye this ward that I take up for a lamentation over you, 0 house of Israel. Amos pleads ' with. Israel to seek the Lord, using the most powerful arguments he could command — that they would regain abundant life and the bless- ' Ings which the hearts of all men do really crave.10. They hate him that repro veth-In the gate, and they ab- hor him that speaketh uprightly. i 11. Forasmuch therefore as ye do trample upon the poor, and take exactions from him of wheat: ye have built houses of hewn stone, but ye shall not dwell in them; ye have planted pleasant vineyards, but ye shall not drink the wine thereof. 12. For I know how mani- fold are your transgressions, and how mighty are your sins — ye that afflict the just, that take a bribe, and that turn aside the needy in the gate from their right. 13, ' Therefore he that is prudent shall keep silence in such a time; for it is an evil time. It will be noticed in this denunciation of Israel's in- iquity that the sin which he re- probates most severely is the injus- tice of one class to another, of the oppression of the poor by those above them. THE GOOD MAN 14. Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live; and so Jahovah, the God of hosts, will be with you, as ye say. 15. Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish justice in the gate; it may be that Jehovah, the God of hosts, will be gracious unto the •eannant of Joseph. Israel is to seek the good that she might live. In Amos, goodness is the do- ing of justice in society, the secur- ing of fair play between man and man. The mau who would even try to live to himself could not be good in the Old Testament sense of the term, however many of the passive virtues he might possess. SIN IN THE HEART 21. I hate, I despise your •feasts, and I will take not delight in your solemn assemblies. 22. Yea, though ye offer me your burnt offerings and meal -offerings, I will not accept them; neither will I regard the peace -offerings of your fat beasts. 23. Take thou away from me the noise or thy songs: for I will not hear the melody of thy viols. 24, But let justice roll down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. What God is condemning hero is the hypocrisy of Israel, in taat she attempted to keep extern- ally the religlc,veattf-sys' Whit, ti were - uloid down by Moses, at the same time worshipping false gods of her oen areanon. Sacrifice, or any oth- er outward religious.observauce is tool, as such, either valued or de- manded by God; it is valued and demanded by him only at; the ex- pression of a right elate of heart, 'he prophets again and again take rescasion to point out to Israel /weir mistake, and to bring to mind ifee true nature of bMrlttlal relig- iose Today's Welsh Guards. Follow In Fathers' Footsteps • A detachment of the Welsh Guards is shown undergoing attack ex- ercises behnul the lines in France. They are working through the ruins : of a building that was riddled with shellfire in the 1914-1918 war. These 'Pommies are sons of the men who passed this way 25 years ago. • Old -Fashioned Dried Apples If Yours Are Not Keeping So Well Here's A Hint Trays are required on which to lay the fruit; these may be pur- chased, or may be constructed by nailing together, in a square, four wooden laths, and stretching wire gauze or cheese -cloth across the framework. - INTERMITTENT PROCESS Drying must be done only in a moderately warm oven; the spare heat of the oven or stove may be utilized after the cooking for the day is over. This probably means that the process cannot bias, centre -nous eacont]n- nous one, and that it will have. to be carried out on several evenings, but the fruit does not suffer to any appreciable extent. If an oil -heated or electric oven is available, the heat can . be regulated more easily, and the process can be carried out continuously or intermittently ac cording to the general use of the oven. The rack over a coal -range can also be used, provided the fruit is protected from dust, Apples on the whole stand rying well. The fruit must be carefully paled and cored with all blemishes removed, and cut into rings from x/, in. to 1-8 in. in thickness. The rings should be arranged in single layers ou the trays or threaded on sticks, which can -be laid across the trays, and placed near the kitchen fire -or in a cool`oven ata tempera- ture of not morethan 140 dggrees - St4kting Post Montreal has asignpost with ovals showing' the way to the North Pole, youth Pole, London a 11l Pirie. RAR!O REPORTER 111 By DAVE BOBBINS BETTER ON THE QUIZ And now NBC digs up one to make life a little more difficult for the menfolk. The super statisticians made a check on the Name it and Take It show, heard from WJZ each Friday afternoon at 5:00, and they discovered that the women are bet- ter on the Quiz programs than the men. Our married engineer says he could have told them the women are much better on the quiz, with- out them spending a lot of money to find out. FINE YOUNG PIANIST Daniel Ericourt, the • brilliant young French composer -pianist, will be heard again with the Columbia ooncert orchestra each Monday ev- ening at 10:30. This youthful muni cian's technique has been hailed by the world's best in the rahn of music ...who see in him the -pos- sible successor to the greatest pian- ist of them all -- Ignace Paderew- ski. AND COMEDY Humour is a fragile substance which, like a chameleon, -comes in various sizes and many colors. It ranks as a highly perishable com- modity -- hard to create and hard- er still to malutain. Humor . , . in all its shades ... is the keynote of Music and Manners, a sparkling half-hour of fun and melody that WOR. -Mutual offers from its New York studios every Monday evening at 8:30, Ernie Fiorito, one of the music world's best, waves his baton at a - fine band . . , Dawn Powell and Bud Hulick are the rollicking pair of Comics . , -, and the Eaton Boys Make 'up a quartet that radiates POS harmony. What more would you ask in a half-hour show? Dial in Music and Manners ... it's worth a listen. * * There's a new one on the NBC - Red network each evening at 7:15 that will thrill everyone who likes mystery. The program is ... I Love a Mystery . , . and it brings Bar- ton Yarborough, Walter Patterson and Michael Raffette to the micro- phone in a series of cracking good mystery tales. Try this one some evening when you feel like playing detective at • your own fireside. 4 M * And don't forget ... Talk of the Town ...from CKOC every Thurs- day night at 7:45. A program of the little towns that are the backbone of Ontario. Listen in . , . it might be from your town? a * T.HE WEEK IN RADIO And the weekly dialing . , . Sun- day ... Jack Benny from the NBC - Red network at 7 , .. Screen Guild Theatre via Columbia at 7:30.. . &Ionday ... With the Troops in England on the CBC chain at 8:30. Little 01' Hollywood from WJZ -Blue at' 8:00 . , . '"uesday . , . Mu- tiny on the High Seas from CKOC at 6:30Light Up and Listen to CFRB at X7:15 ... Fibber McGee and Molly from CBL at 9:30.. . Thursday ... Waltz Serenade over CBL at 7:00 ... CBC Opera Hour at.9:00 - , , Friday at 10;00, Wood- house and Hawkins from the CBC network . , . Saturday, the United States Today, Raymond Gram. Swing Talking, from c3 ... NBC Symphony at 10;00 t'zom CKOC CBIee - I-!mit.s Off Says King George Real Flying Man "He }snows His Stuff" Is TN - 'lute Paid by•Veteran British 'Aircraft Superintendent His Majesty is a real flying man; he knows his stuff." This homely tribute was paid the King by Jack Sturgess, 69, a veter- an aircraft superintendent, follow- ing a Royal tour of a British plant turning out Lysander planes for the Royal Air Force. s s ho walked around the shop tract ,turns out the two-seater gen- et'z11 seseity planes used for army eq o, lation duties, the King said It c ;riile.s. me book to Cranwell". 'fluor recalled that he was attach- ed to Cranwell Air Force Staff Col- lege in. 1917 and qualified as a pilot in,1919. He has kept abreast of air affairs since that time. There were many women work - ere: in the plant and the King Old them they were doing fine work for their country. He leaned over the sewing machine on which Mrs, A. 3'. Parry works 10' hours daily making airplane engine covers. She won a Royal smile with the con- uient that "this beats sewing at home." Keep , cede Out of;a �t SD S inion: Everything Is Being Done To Prevent Entry of This Agri- cultural Pest from.U. S. The menace of the Japanese beetle to agriculture was pointed out to a U, S. Farm and Home Week group at Cornell University recently by Professor P. A. Readio of the department of eutomology. ATTACKS FRUIT, FLOWERS AND TREES Among the more recently -intro- duced insect pests, this beetle stands out as the one likely to af- fect agriculture materially, he said. It is varied in its tastes, and at- tacks fruit and shade trees, vege- tables and flowers. Furthermore, its grubs live in the 'soil, feed ou grass roots, and cause serious damage to lawns and golf courses. "Introduced as recently as 1916, - the beetle has already advanced over a large area of eastern United States, and its further spread and permanent residence seem inevi tal,le. -It is already abundant in the southeastern part of New York and ,ming more numerous in nor- thern and western parts of the state." The Canadian government is using every means at its disposal to keep the pest out. of Canada. Bath -tab Tenors Easy On Towels For Some Reason Quiet Ba- thers Wear Them Out More Quickly she only lauglnel as Amertcaus cla- mored for passage home, But when the Amerioau Government. stamp- ed "not valid for travel in Europe" in her passport, she couldn't laugh that off. • VOR THEM, BENNY .GOODMAN Just the same, M' Duke si ued a contract•to sing and lead the band in the Park hotel of Istanbul, Tur- key, The United - Stales considers Trrkey in Ade. . •- „Under the slim brunette girl's guidance young Turks have become Expert "jitterbugs" and the all -refu- gee band ivhich•she conducts are swinging it in regular Benny Good• Man style. "Benny ,f,ioodman is the 401 ei the Tux ks I prefer'. Cuy , C emb rdo, 'but what 'ildit I do, 'sighs 11liss Duke. This CURIOUS By William •� �D Ferguson SMONBILL GETS ITS S FOOD BY WADING,', AND SWINGING ITS HLIGE SPOON - SHAPED BI LL- FP-0/NA SIDE TCD SIDE, THROUGH OUGH THE MUD ANCS WATER, AS IT ADVANCES. THE WORD MONK -EV" - COMES FRAM MONK//V, THE DIMINUTIVE OF /140/VA, AN ANIMAL OF THIS GROUP FROM WEST AFW' CA COPR. 15a7 CV HEA SERVICE', INC. Singing in the bathtub, despite the wear and tear on the neighbor's nerves, has been recommencled to save the wear and tear on bath- room linens, Scientists at the American Insti- tute of Laundering approved of the bathroom yodelling after research showed that it takes the place of a too -vigorous rubdown, . LIVES CAN TAKE IT "The silent bather is most like- ly to seize a bath towel, stretch it aa it never should have been stretched and seek new vigor by a strenuous rubdown," the institute reported. "The result is a bath tow- el that is ruined by having its body stretched out of shape and its threads torn." 'the institute concluded that "such•maltreatment ranks with shoe wiping and razor blade clean- ing' as chief causes of bath towel fatalities." Younger Turks Enjoy Swing American Girl Introduces Jitterbug Dancing in Istanbul Lo iiso 1 ttke is a 26 -year-old Am- erlceregirl who would rather teach •thfi<`'TurkS to jitterbug than return to the peace and security of her Park Avenue borne iu New York. Louise was singing in Paris boites when the war broke out, but eeel eafre 0 .-CI( iq,,6 • BEFORE THE DAYS OF TE' Fez-tRAPHS AND CHRONOMETERS, ASTRONO- MERS GOT THEIR., GREENWICH TIME. FROM THE . frlOO/00. THE spoonbill is closely related to the ibises, and dialers from them only in its peculiar beak. This bill is "a special adaption, designed for the capture of food, which consists of frogs, aquatic insects, mollusks, shellfish, and fishes. NEXT: What plays the chief role in the lives of fish, in the obtaining of food? ea MODERN IRiSH BARD 4 HORIZONTAL 1x7 Pictured Irish: writer. 11 Particular period. 12 To scoff. 14.Ditch. 16 Tract of waste land. 18 Viscous fluid, • 19 Mohammedan, nymph. 20 Tree, genus Ulmus. 21 To separate from others. 23 Wagon track. 24 Paid publicity 25 To obtain. 26 Mountain. 28 Southeast. • 29 Dejected. 30 Genus of grasses. 32 Bad. 35 Measure. 37 Rumor. 39 To direct. 40 Senior. 41 Long inlet, ' 42 Ell. 43 Beside. Answer to Previous Puzzle AL.I oo•R C ' ALICE AU :E ICO A AGE(:' j V22 17 19 25 - P MQT' ---M-' A GI C E I If\ E U DLL IA'. `AE�'tC�©LI;i , l ' WAWA I I IDIOM [[� 2s 31 ©AV ISA • 0 ®Er• L�Jlul• • • .::RA GLEES R 33 S1�• DO Nip K PAD OIUAf:7 3e 44 To give medi- cal care. 47 Red vege- tables. 50 Kind of chicken. 54 Otherwise. 57 Slack. 58 W, 60 He Wrote fine --. 61 He was more famous for writing —, VERTICAL • 1 To handle, A among the best in Irish circles. Hurried. Bast fiber, Street. In abundance. To toot gently To drink slowly. Form of "be." The color green. Majestically. Pointed ends. 2 Mohammedan 38 French gold priest. coin. 3 To rent. 39 Observed. •4 Provided. 45 Red flower. 5 Singing voice. 46 Discharged 6 Dinner. a gun. 7 Year. 47 Brought up. 8 Since. 48 Tramcar. 9 Auto trip. 49 Energy. 10 Mass of spores 51 To move on, 11 He helped 52•Bone. popularize 53 Copper. the Irish — 55 Behold. (pl.). 56 And. 33 Epoch. 58 South Africa. 15 He rated 59 African tribe. By .4 iLLAR WAT1•