HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-03-28, Page 5I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111uU111111111111UIII1111111111111111111N11111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111YIIIl1111i1111111111111111111ilr m lu Ififch'l i x1 11 NOW! IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body W004 Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants .in these Lines t HESS, the Repair Man uuiEHEEH mommuoumlllmlmhmllu111I111111t1111111111111IIIIi1111111111111111111111111111NII1111111111111111111111l1lil ililfl1lilillillillill81ill1111111111111111111111111111111111Hi11111111•111101/1111GAlIKI.. givraUT,, 9.34,0 zU PAG1t nem gUJCARDS IPut YourWant, Fes'SaleLEGAL 1 Lost, Found, Etc4 Ads inthis Column. DUDLEY' E.Hor iES r,IARRIS'1'ERs SnLtCLTOR. NOT.: TBE DEW - DROP - INN ARF PP1UBLIC. ETC. QUICK. AND LIGHr1 LUNCHES " OFFICE ---At Court Worm illot Dogs, Hamburgers, Soft Drinks, r- • GODERICII—owititle al baecos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc. Special Attention to Cuuncel surd 14ICENSED POOL ROOM Court 'Wads.. HAROLD OVERHOLT fir. Holmes may be co rutted ett; Goderich by Phone. and Phene chargees rarer. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. B. D. Da B. DENTAL SURGEON M DEITZ BWCK EUR'ICEI every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLErirs HIIoC DASI,IWQOD Every Monday, Tuesday awl Wednesday. • FOR QUICK SALE A quantity of good Feed oats for quick sale. Apply to Mrs. Mabel. Snider, Phone 41, Zurich. NOTICE Your Piano Reasonable Dashwood. Tuned and .Cleaned. Rates. Phone53r13, G. W. GOX. tf35 Attention! Farmers! We are in a position to supply you with Choice Seed Grains, also Clover Seeds, at reasonable prices. W. E. Reid, (Bean Dealer) Phone 87 Dashwood, Ont. 29-12t S months old, accreded blood testes'. and good color. Sired by "Matchless VETERINARIAN 'ClarionCLIFFORDHppy to; ElMatadorf Stock Farm. Varna, Or. W. B. COXON, SAL Sc. FOR SALE SHORTHORN BULLS from 9 to 14 VETERINARY SURGEON Street, 'Office wOppoithi e Dela Ste Zurich tattle --9&. Campbell, V.S. ELV.Sc. Graduate of OntarioVery College, lint* amity Toronto. AB diseases ofdst modems principles, Charges ge eneldm Day or night sells promptly atteflSs& est. Also Bre- adet: of Scottish, leaders- Inverness . Kennels. Office on Mein Street, opposite Tows SOL Phone IIF MENSALL. LICENSE • For ' Huron 1 AM 114 A POSITION regardless • duct any Auctionre ; Sade. rdless as to size or article to'nen.I your business, and if not satisfied 'will . make no charges for Services 'l en- ' tiered. glisvood A.RTfUIt INEBES"'- Mone 1S=b7. Ont SAWING WOOD Y. have good equipment to do all kinds of wood buzzing. Apply to Elgin. Weigand, Phone 58r11, Dash- woorrd., pt44 WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Tirscs. Phone 47r15, Reverse all .charges. ;rack Williams, Dashwood, R.tit.3. -59,39 Zurich Garage Mr. Archie MacKinnon of Guelph Veterinary College is enjoying a few clays at his home here.' Mrs. Flossie Brown of London, is spending the holidays at her home in AT Datars' Shoe Store NEW Spring Footwear! town, One of the worst storms that have visited these parts in many a day was experiter p•of laSmartly •Styed, in Patent, Calf, Suede week, wltenenced anhe ablattundance art of snowst, i and Kid—Built to suit ane ntr---for Men, Women and Children, accompanied by high winds !blocked all roads.. On Fr:'day there was no mail but on Saturday the -mail was carried to Hensall and back by way of the Blue Water Highway, Dash- wood and Exeter, then to Hensall. DIG ROAD FOR PATIENT The blizzards of the past few ,we- eks were unequalled in our recollect- WE APPRECIATE YOUR PAT - ion, and in the district to the south .. RONAGE. of us, where usually the snow .is not E. J. DATARS so deep, here it wars the worst in years, and with roads and highways blocked volunteer workers were call- ed upon to ,break through to get a patient to Clinton Hospital the mid- dle of last week. The patient, Miss ST. PETER'S Margaret Hey, of Zurich, while ivis- iting at the home of her brother Mr. Llody Hey in Crediton, was taken ill with appendicitis. Six men attempted to break through to the highway with a wrecking truck ibut were unable to do so. They finally obtained a -•team and sleigh .from a district farmer to Thursday—Choir Practice. finish the remaining three miles to 'SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—German Service. .11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—English Service. ALL VERY REASONABLY PRICED Also A large Supply of Men's Work Shoes in leather and panto soles at lowest Cash Prices. Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing; Trunks, Club Bags, and Suitcases Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World. Friday, 8h—Luther League. No. 4 highway. From the highway junction she was takento the hospit- al at Clinton in a car accompanied: by Dr. A. J. Addison of Zurich. A sac- Everybody Welcome to all Services. cessful operation followed and the patient is recovering nicely. ANOTHER BIG NIGHT Election. Night was again royally celebrated in Zurich. Tuesday evening as a result of the large majority of the winning candidate Mr. W. II. Golding, Liberal. Mr. Golding and his party were met at the easterly end of Zurich and wer escorted in by a large parade with the usual ;broom torches and were escorted to the town hall which was well filled for the occasion. The meeting was soon called to order and Mr. C. Fritz acted as chairman. Mr. Golding in his address thanked the supporters of his government and those who ;ome and purchase your Aut- made his re-election possible. . Other motive Requirements from speakers were: John Govenlock of ?urich's • oldest Established garage and Service Station. A y tQ ---- _ •We can supply all your needs. and Nimer .i ' xpert Automobile repairing, 'O arc's- ki•A`h t le:late'st testing instrum- r PROD'UC'E rm +aProd:ce IJIIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien its, Acy'tclene Welding Tires .3atteries, Oils, Greases and Repairs. $-`t. 'Gasoline in three Grades Give Us a Call! Phone 101, Ilea.. 94, Zurich. BUTCREELS Zu h > Populalri MEAT Alt ET Let Us supply you. Walt tthe. -very Choice of Feb 'Cur t ed Meats, Bolog , Sausages„ Ect., always on ham. 'Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cask Prices 'for Wool, Hides an; Skins -$, Yuugh1.u.t & Sou! tea • .MOUSSTAT Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 Seaforth; Owen Geiger and Dr. A. R. Campbell of Hensall; Reuben Gates of Dashwood; F. C. Kalbfleisch. Wm. O'Brien, A. C. Kalb(leisch, David Ducharme and Elmer Klopp of , Zur- • ich. It was a glorious ending of a big day for the Liberal party not ne m,t'he FFuroit-Perth•'riding but all over Canada the King Governor - I ent was .returned to power with sub stantial majorities. And wli'e gre4t FOR QUICK SALE rejoicing was prevalent, but we we•;e thinking, what greater rejc ting would 12Q0=ill.' capacity ;weigh Scales. be older :w _lite Tur6pean ' iva EteaSonabiy-priced. Applyr to to end .en4,7,peace again' prevail` azt our fair Canada. Theo. l.Ir�beret, Zur ci'. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. H.ckndorn, Minister. Mrs. H. G. Hese, Organist. 10 a.m. Sermon:"Succeeding in the new life 11 a.m.—Sabbath School. 7.30 p.m. Sermon:"On the winning s' de. The Church Year ends this Sunday. APRIL! Youth Month. PRODUCE 'WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give us a trial! MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 Zurich. pt4'39 -INSURANCE1 Western Faris' Mufuat tiWeather insurance*. Q© !; Of OODSTOCK THE LA.ROS`r'..' ' ="' Era 'Ii1A:I� ANCE. Or ANY CANKIYISN ` 11.11TF'1 VAL COMPANY DOING tlusrmass 'OF THIS RIND EN ONTARIO .Amount o f :lrrsurattee at II:Ni ea IDee,, 31st, 193 (14 $22;314X7100 .7100 Total Cash in Bunk unZ Monde $273.61•42- Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 tor .B Wtstises. E. F. KLOPP—MAKCH Agent, Aso, Dealer isr L- hta.` 1' 'ling Rods atzd• 'Kinds of) kitur • _._. 11111111 111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111i11111111 111 1111I(Ili f ° I (1111111! 111! CIIIIIMI.I11lIII1111!L'I➢QPIU111111IIIl1f1 1 II 1111 111 1111111 1 11111111 1 1111 1 11 1111 11 I' Zurich Drug Store QUALITY DRUGS School Supplies KILL WORMS WITH I NEMA WORM CAPSULES ROUNDWORMS, HOOKWORMS STOMACH WORMS Hogs, Sheep. Goats. Poultry, Dogs and Foxes The result of 20 ver search .fol it worm destroyer. chat really does the work. 117FECTIVE SAP` INEXPENSIVE 4111110fsta hes bookie ar abort tis — * MEW cursutn. Ntt seta NEMA WORM CAPSUI:ES- i PEPSODENT ANTICEPTIC ONE CENT SAL Regular 50 cents At TWO for 51 Cents March 8th, to April 31st. EVEHYTHING IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES- Dr.J.A Addison,Proprietor 11 III II III 1111 11 II H 1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBI1l111111111I1l1IfIlIIIIIIIIIIlIl1Ill II11111IIIIIIlI11l111I111 1111111') illilr PRICEY SAFETY* RIDE' BEAUTY / ROOM" ECONOMY V • Compare withANY car THE MORE YOU COMPARE Wiz &Veit (k you feel that it costs extra to enjoy owning a Dodge? If so, we invite you to compare the Local Delivered Price of a Dodge iCingrsway with any other car and we n.ean exactly that— ANY OTHER CAR! Never before has there been a car as big, as powerful and as smooth riding, in the very lowest price field! Cheek the width of Dodge seats, the length of the wheelbase. Check the safety features. Check its economy records. Look at its beauty, inside and out Ask Dodge owners about Dodge reputation for II,)epeadability,,Long Life and Low Operating Costs ...Then compare Dodge with ANY other car: Tile more you compare --Toe better you'll like Dodge. Dodge seats are as wide as the scats of 3 armchairs... 'll liheia5odye Centre of gravity has been lowered for a steadier ride, particularly on tnrns...Wheelbaase is longer and passengers now , sit further forward of the rear axle so that they ride in the "Comfort Zone" between Litea,les. I{ear doors have no "dog leg"—you walk in as through a house door. Greatly increased glass area gives greater vision for driver and passengers. "Sealed Beam" Headlamps give 50% greater illu- mination and are wide apart in the fenders for safer night driving. Prove for yourself that Dodge gives you greater value at ]dao most competitive prices in 26 years. Compare tho price —then compare the ride! !'bene your Dodgca)eSoto dealer TODAY WARD FRITZ 1940 Dodge•IJe 1Luace Speciab 6 -passenger 4 -door Sedan If you thing, you have to pay EXTRA to own a Dodge, see invite You to Compare the Local .Delivered Price o ' a DODGE KI11'GSWAi.' lri.th arty other cat and we mean ANY OTHER CAR... DODGE K1NGSWAY COUPE :icen,e and Local taxes 2 $8ifi€ any) only extro, Ali 8 gi,..., .17in ct to change without notice. Delivered in ZURICH DODGE I). Sr„EctiiL r DODG ZURICH 'US OIVM