HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-03-28, Page 4CithC��.t.....5'
Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Strawberry Jam, per jar /5c
Maxwell House coffee per lb. 45c
Beans, golden wax 2 tins 19c
Pork and Beans 21 -oz.. 2 tins. ' 19c
Soap, 3 cakes 1' 7c
Toilet paper, Snowcap, 4 rolls 25c
Red River Cereal, per pkg. 25c
Coffee, per lb. bag 5c
Ready cut macroni per Ib. 1: 5c
Life Buoy Soap, 2 cakes
Rinso large 25c. with 2 cakes Lifebuoy soap ,9c
Swansdown Cake Flour
29 Cents
The Double Acting Baking
Powder, 10c, 19c. and 25c.
Seedless Raisins 2113s: ..25C'
Icing sugar 2 -lbs. 19c.
Currants recleaned 14c.
Molasses 11% lbs. at
Dates, 2 lbs. 27c
Loose cocoa lb ,15c
..'... , 10c
BakeACake Week in Zurich
Grand New Recipes that will be More Economical
with the Lower Cost of Eggs.
Winter and early Spring give a1
new impetus to hospitality. This is the
season when entertaining really gets
under wry. ,Perhaps it's because the
tangy air quickens appetites, and_ off-
ers more opportunity for eget-togeth-
ers. Whatever the reason, be prepared
this season With some new crake re-
cipes to please your guests. Don't
forget your own family, too. Especi-
ally the menfolk. It's just so easy to
make them rave with a perfect cake.
Do you wonder how you can be
sure that every time vote. open your
oe'en door a perfect dream; of a; cake
Will come out? A delieatle, moist,
tender cake with a crust that's a gol-
den brown and dainty crisp,?? A cake
so high, and beautifully light and
lovely to look at, even before et is
frosted. A cake with such dlefii'eatc
tempting flavour and appeal thal
your family and friends • wi1L
and a -a -ah" till the last. crutr i;
CACOANUT LAYER CAKE Spread Seven Minute. 1P ostfi'ng )bet-
ween layers and ow top: andl sines of
cake, sprinkling each: Tager: and out -
baking side of cake with cocoanut while
frosting is still soft:. Doubts:, recipe to
make three 10-inclu layers..
2 cups sifted cake flour.
2 teaspoons double-acting
Half teaspoon salt.
.243 cup butter or other shortening
1 cap sugar.
3 egg yolks, well beaten.
1-3 cup milk.
1 teaspoon vanilla.
3 egg whites, stiffly beaten.
1%, cups moist, sweetened cocoanut
Sift flour once, measure, add bak-
ing powder and salt, and sift together
the ee tines. iCream tut ear ho:•oughly
add sugar gradually, and- cream to-
gether until light and fluffy. Add egg
yolks and beat well. Add flour alter-
nately with milk, a small amount at
a .time, heating after each addition
tn:til es. Bake in srdooth. Add vanillaereased 9-
Silvan Minetva Fresh s
2 cups egg evliites; unbeaten. •
11r'> .cups sugar:
6 tablespoons water.
11,1, teaspaons' light email syrup.
1 teaspoon vvanilla.Combine egg whites, sugar, water
and corn syrup lee top of a double
boiler, heating with rotary beater
until thoroughly mixed -Place over
rapidly boiling water, beat cook constantly
with rotary egg•heater,
minutes, or until frosting will stand
in. peaks. E>mave from ;boiling
water; add- vanilla and (beat until
thick enough tospread. Makes enough
yliintlt i li 1„u .1
'llrae4Sit17, Maxilla 2 .'I 11Q
G1rl,;ullllull}lilfiry,l►iR11 jfll;lllil411�f,lllliflll l I NI 11111191h1 iti b i 1-1111111,
Grocery Store
Huskies, 2 pkgs>..,..w..�.... ,.... OW} .,,,,•..,.,,,.
Swansdown Cale: Floor per g...
Calumet Baking` P t1er 1 -Ib. can ..
Codfish, 1-1b. pkg. 4 ....... .........a
... ,.. 29c
Kellog's wholewheat laiscuits 2 pkgs. 25c
Chocolate Cookies'. ger 1T7....... »., 15c
Brooms, 6 string- each. ,•.,........•.,... 50C:
Spinach, 2 cans: ...._. �... 2'5a.
Menno h • - Zurich.
EGGS WANTED. Phone 165
lflll '11Iliffiillillll 111111 IIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111i9011111!!;11111111111111111111111111111111illaiGd%dltIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIill111111111ii{Illlili;elltl;r,,,
eggwitwo a 1
inch layer pans in .moderate oven ' frosting tea cover tops and sides .o
(375 degrees F.) 25 to 30 minutes. `two 9 -hilt_ l vers.
N 0 TICE don spent Monday evening in. this
• vicinity renewing old acquaintances.
SEALED TENDERS for the posit -1
ion of Manager for Huron Farmers'Mr. and Mrs. Tyrus Stansberry and
Co -Operative Co. Ltd., Hensall, will I two sons of Detroit spent Easter with
be received unutil 12 o'clock noon,
Thursday April 4th, 1910. Lowest
or any tender not necessarily accept-
Albert Hendrick, President.
A. B. Bell, Secretary, R.R. No. 2,
Kippen. 1 The Misses Sherie and Doris Jeff-
rey of Detroit. spent Easter with their
parents in Beaver town.
Mrs. Albert Bourke and Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Brisson of -Detroit spent
Easter in St. Joseph with their par-
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Denomme;Mi
and Mies. Denis Char ette were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leon-
ard , trams of the Blue Water soutl•
Mr. Herbert Ducharme left on 'Tues
day morning for Pointe Aux. Boul•
faux where he will be employed as e
farm hand for the summer months.
The Messrs Alphonse Masse and
Norman Sararas of the Blue Watei
south. motored to Kincardine on Thu-
rsday last. The going was good; the
the latter's parents.
:Mrs. F. Ducharme of tiie I3lue
Water south, spent a few days of the
past week with Mr. and iMrs. Kuno
Hartman of the Goshen .line.
St. Joseph and
Beaver Town
On Sunday people of tins parish
were deprived of attending Easter
Mass due to filled up roads and only
a small number were in attendance.
Lake Huron has its natural coat
of ice and snow, that, and the heavy
coat of snow on the ground will
mean a late spring. This is not a
predieton, it is only a guess.
Notes --,Mr. and Mr:. Adolph Se-
ethe of Blue Water north. returned
to their hone on Monday last after
spending a few days in Detroit.
Mr. Archie McLenan and the Misses
Thelma and Marie Siemon of Lon-
li/.Nil. oessee.*SS see. dell •*ldeltl***Pseite d e
Ready For Spring?
Now is the time to put your Farm Implements in
condition for the Spring Rush. Let us supply you
with the required new parts.... Also carry Tudhope-
Anderson Wheels and Skeins; .. Harrow Teeth;
Cultivator Teeth, and all International Repairs.
We have an up-to-date Seed Cleaning Equipment
that we use for Custom Cleaning, and invity the
Farmers who have seed to dean to arrange with us
for this Work.
A Guaranteen Product that will greatly help your
Stock and,Poultry to Vi;:or awl Production, which
will mean greater Profits. Try it!
L. 5c-hiibe.&Son
2 cups sifted cake Hour.
1 teaspoon soda.
113 teaspoon salt.
1•-3 cup butter or shortening.
114 cups sugar.
1 egg, unbeaten.
3 squares unsweetened chocolate
Half cup thick sour cream.
cup sweet milk.
1 teaspoon vanilla..
Sift flour once, measure, add soda
d salt .and sift three times. Cream
Frosting. When cord but soft, sprinkle
hordes of chocolate flakes around top,,,
for flakes, scrape Unsweetened Ckco
colate with sharp knife, scraping
down .
Peppermint Frosting
2 egg whites, unbeaten.
1% cups sugar. .
5 tablespoons water.
1% teaspoons light corn syrup.
1 teaspoon vanilla.
Combine egg whites, sugar, water
and corn syrup in top of double
boiler, beating with rotary egg beater
until thoroughly mixed. Place over
Our Crocery Specials
SHELLED WALNUTS, per. Lb.. 39c
SHORTENING, 2 -lbs. fon 27c
FIGS, 2 lbs.. for 23c
JELLO 4 19c
COOKIES, 2 lbs. for 25c
SALT, per - Box 5c
COCOANUT, per Ib. 25c
VANILLA... at 19c•
CANNED) CORN at ... 10e
ORANGI 2 Dozen ` ., _ :
. flc
Kr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Wind-
sor and Mrs. Geo. Thompson of De -
trait .epent Easter Sunday with, their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker.
Mrs. Hooper is spending a few
weeks with her daughterr, Mrs. E.
R., Guenther.
Mr. A. Phillips of Detroit spent
Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Guenther.
The auction sale of the late Pfi1e
Estate was well attended on Satur-
day afternoon despite the sto: my and
cold. weather.
Mr. Lorne Rfile of Detroit spent
the week -end here.
Mrs. Vernon Sehatz who under-
went a . serious operation in St. Jos -
an butter thoroughly, add sugar grad- rapidly boiling water, beat constant- eph Hospital, London, last week is
wally, and cream well. Beat in egg. ly with rotary egg beater, and cook 1 we are pleased to say slowly improv
then chocolate. Add about 14 of flour 7 minutes, or until frosting w1 1 stand Her many fr ends hope for tt
and beat well; then sour cream. Add in peaks. Remove froln boiling. v: a`er; • speedy ing. recovery.
remaining flour, alternately with add vanilla and beat until thick p y.
nillc, in small amounts, beating after enough to spread. Color a delicate iMr. and Mrs.. Archie Bender of
• ech addition. Add vaille. Bake in shell -pink by adding a. very small Toronto spent the week-eh,d with his
.tree greesed S -inch layer pans in amount of red t;0'.oring, and flovor til parents.
-,ioderate oven (350 degrees F.) 30 taste with oil Of peppermint (allay at Miss .4ty*rtle Geiser who is attend-
ninutes. Spread with Peppermint few drops .are necessary), t
ing Normal School in London, is sp-
_- r .e•�------ ending Easter at her home here. • accepted.
-•�---� -•�"""'•” �
Eleanor and :tntin Bruer of Nein
Hamburg spent Heater holidays with.
their grandmother, lairs. J. Schroeder
Miss Eunice 40eetreicher is spending;
a few days wi th friends in Elmira_
Sealed Fenders will be received bee
the undersigned up to twelve o'clock:
noon, Monday, April 1st, 1940, fon
operating the Township crusher :?t
Welsh's pit for the season of 1940.,
')'enders to be submitted at iper cubic•
yard of crushed material paced irl the
bin, Township will supply drag lino
equipment. Contractor to sipply
drive )belt, fuel and oil for power unit,
Also Tenders for trucking crushed?
material unto Township made.' Con-
tractor to submit rate per yard mile..
Also flat rate delivered in any park
of Township. `cinders may 'be sub-
mitted fox operating and trucking,
combined. or•; separately..
•Satisfacfoiy `bond to be furnished::..
Lowest or an ;'fender poe necessarily
Donald Oestxcxehez and Hope Rop- Datecl.att Zurich, Lf.uieh 18th, 194£1.
destination point was much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreic er en- D
pct who are attending Western Uni-1
On the return trip they were given
the privilege to spend Friday night
in Bayfield, and all due to the big
snow banks.
Dashwood on Saturday, April 13th at
1 o'clock sharp. Anyone having any
•articles to sell are requested to hand
n the listing to Mr. Milford Merrier
7r Mervyn Tiernan, Dashwool no late
‘r than April 2nd or 3rd. Any artic-
les except pigs.
krthur Weber, Auctioneer.
'1ilford Merner, Sales Manaker.
Mert'yn Tiernan, Clerk.
Mr. Murray Wolfe of Fort Erin, .
Tent Good Friday with his parent.,
Mr. and. Mrs. W. Wolfe.
Misses Mary Eai d and Amelia Wil -
!art of London,, seen t Easter with
riends here.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cook of. Tor-
Into were week-endvisitors here and
in Hensall.
Miss Eila Martinson of Elmira ap-
nt the week -end with friends in thi
tertained anumber of friends oe Sat- versify in London spent the h4isla:y
urday evening. ) with their parents. HayY
Towne -hip