HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-03-14, Page 3HAVE fin, ,1D ? a An Irish truck driver was bharg• ed with reckless driving and with having [stopped his truck so sud- denly that a car behind him smash- ed into him. The judge asked him why he had not held outhis hand. Pat indignantly answered: "If the ]poor fool couldn't see tee truck, how in Hivin's name could he see me hand?e "Did they put stitches In?" staked the friend after the op- eration. "No, 1 Just pulled myself to- gether," was the reply. Counsel (cross-examining a far- mer): "Now don't quibble! Do you understand a •simple problem or idol?" Witness: "I do." "Then tell the court this: If 16 men ploughed a field in five hours, how long will 30 men take to plow the Baine field?" "They couldn't do it" "Why not?" "Because the 15 men haTe al - Ready ploughed it!" "1 have heard," said the pro- fessor, "that Babylon fell, and Nineveh was destroyed, and" Someone In the class: "Tyre was punctured." A teacher was instructing her Blass In the use of antonyms. "Now children," she said, "what is .the opposite of sorrow?" "Jay," ehrieked the class in wi- zen. "And what is the opposite of woe?" "Giddap1" She: "It is disgraceful! Yes- terday you kissed me against my will and today you try to re- peat the offence." He: "Well, a criminal always returns to the scene of his own crime." 04.0-0 4..11-1.-.÷4 sot..q•a-re .OP-0- See - - What WcWexce' Is Doing See Shand Dam Ready This Fall $1,700,000 Wall Main Unit of Grand River Control Project, Is Expected To Be Complete Then At the annual meeting of the Grand River Conservation Commis- sion, held. in Brantford, Ont., Dr. G. -Acres, Niagara Palls, chief en- gineer to the commission, gave as- surance the vital construction of the $1,700,000 Shand dam, .main unit of the river -controlling project, would be conpleted before the aut- umn frosts of 1940. COULD DO MORE Dr. Acres also said the supple- mentary Luther Marsh dam could be completed by the end of this year should the commission so dir- ect. All necessary and scheduled work in connection with the Shand dam in 1939 had been completed, be said, JAUNDICE CURE Olsperimellts at the Mayo Olinie leave proved that patients suffering .,Yom "obstructive jaundice" could be cured by an operation after they lead been given injections of Vita- eain K. Vitamin K. built up in the blood a substance called prothrombin, the leek[ of which resulted in bleeding to death of persons operated on for the disease. TO RELIEVE INDtGESTION ]Or. Otto Dennith, of Vancouver, reports he has found a way to re- lieve indigestion and gastric ail- ments that rest, diet and medica- tion will not cure. Since 1933 he has successfully used the technique of severing the sphincter of oddl, which rings the inside of a duct leading from the pancreas, liver and gall bladder to the small intes- tines. MODERN PIONEER Among the sage elders of science a young man not yet 30 takes rank today as ono of 19 upon whom the Attie "331otter)1 pioneer" has been bestowed in recognition of his in - 'naive genius. He is Edwin H. Land, of. Boston, ' aaho invented "Polaroid," a crystal aubstance made of iodine and quin~ lee which "polarizes" rays of light, in effect lining them up by blocking out vibrations at right angles to the tbearn, thus e111nin atilt glare, Owing to lack of refrigerator space, the gol'ernment has forbid - elms Australians to include butter 7sa hampers shipped to Great, I3rit- stin. No restriction were placed on siker rationed goods (hams, be eon and sugar), ( HEALTH TOPICS EAT DOMESTIC FRUIT A perfect diet, rich in all the pro- tective foods, is obtainable in Can- ada at all seasons without resort to imported fruits or vegetables.. Tills is the finding of leading Con- acllan nutritionists and is being cite ed by those concerned with the in- creasing collsumption of Aulorican fresh fruits. Canned Canadian vegetables have. been proven to have higher vitamin and mineral content than fresh vela etabies imported long distances from the southern states. GOOD COLD -REMEDY Hot drinks, warm clothing and hot applications have been found to be most effective in overcoming the ravages of the cold germ. That is no doubt ivhy the mustard foot bath is so favored. Two or three tablespoons of dry mustard, mixed with a little cold. water, and then added to the bat.bwater has been found to be efficacious in helping ,: anyone to overcome a cold. If, anter remaining in the bath until the sl.in begins to tingle pleasantly, one takes a good rub -down and then ie- tirs to bed, there is usually a good deal of relief in the morning. Modern Etiquette BY .Rueatt 1 A Li,e Q. If a girl who is to he married has no father, but would like to have her mother take some part to the ceremony, couldn't she have her for maid of honor or a brides- maid? A. No; but she "en have her mo- ther "give her away". Q. Isn't it rude to unwrap a box of candy, while at the theatre and the show is in progress? A. Yes, it is not only rude, but in- considerate, as the rustling of t11e paper cannot fail to annoy others. Q. At a buffet meal should the women serve themselves or wail. for their escorts to bring their their plates? A. The woolen shonl'1 serve them- selves. Q. When planning to make an informal call on a friend, is it per. missable to telephone first, to be sure that she is at home? A. Yes, this is all right, and is a wise thing to do if the friend lives quite a distance away. WARNS AGAINST T. Q "Tuberculosis is the most impar tent single disease facing us in the problem of national health," Prof. E. G. D. Murray, of the department of bacteriology and immunity, Me- 1 Gill University, said in a recent radio talk. Tuberculosis as a disease had not inspired a state of terror in the hu- man race, as would the mere men- tion of plague, smallpox, poliotnYle" tis and typhoid fever "yet in the literature of the subject it has de- served the opprobrious epithet of 'the White Plague' " he said. Out of 11 kinds of milk Iisted by the United States department of agriculture, reindeer n'iilk is richest—it has 22 per cent butter- fat. Russian Contribution To Finnish Defence The contribution Was net made voluntarily, l e , but l�t is very accaptable just the salve. The white -clad 1• iia xamsocularly against ul- tiple machine gun used for anti-aircraft work, 1 iv ing bombers or hedge -hopping planes. It was part of the equipment cap- tured by the Finns and later used against the former owners. e How Can I er' stunt wale. tee' ry Q. How can I keep the kitchen sink clean and purified? A. Pour 5, strong solution et washing soda in boiling water down the sink at night. Q. How can f peel oranges more easily? A. Pour boiling water aver the oranges and let them stand for about five minutes. When they are peeled, the white lining will come away with the 'skin. This sante thing can be done with grapefruit. Q, How can I treat an inflamed nose? AIt is shill that one of the heel reteedi•'.a for ihis T.11 t• 01)pi'inati.0 . Q. Should the silver be placed with the ends about three or four inches from the edge of the table? A. No. The ends of the silver should be only a half inch to an inch from the edge of the table. Q. When a man is introduced to a girl ata dance, is he supposed to ask her to dance? A. Yes. Gold production in Canada dur- ing the first ten months of 1939 amounted to 4,285,880 ounces compared with 8,877,239 ounces in the corresponding period of 1938, and .3,380,735 ounces in 1937. Exports' of planks and boards from Canada during the first -el- even month% of 1939 amounted to 1,9G3 million feet, a gain of 30 per cent over the- sante period of 1938. a 1 ,fie e e a i � l�cJtr Fcis� --i� `' orCianep6atYo For quick relief fromitching of eczema; pimples, ath- lste's foot, valet scabies, rashes and other eatanally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, pooling, anti• septic, liquid D.D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. ie rugs trial 0.0.PRESCRiPTION .-AMBLE AGE" I� up�lpiE i'hou=7ands go tiro chis "tryingtime bytaking ?inkhorn3 wee anuwn car helping terve ue 1 ano- tional troubtea .E.YDM E. PINKRAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND CLA.SSIFIED ADVERTISEM:NTS . -.----- t.t J,:rT S WANTED ITILKErt MEN WANTED -- iNV EST $50.05 and be your own boss ono sale per week bents working for someone else: variable., hard wor- kers earn $3,004 up; emceeing new machine by old -established comp- any. State. Sales experience in full. Address Room 1+A2, Anker -Beeth Manufacturing Company, Sarnia, Ontario. BABY CHIC) i LOGICALLY POULTRY FARM Bred chicks are better value than hatchery chicks. Five breeds se- lection, 7 cents and up, farm rais- ed pullets. Circular on regueet. Highway Poultry Farm, R.R.No, 1, Waterloo, Ontario. CRICKS, WHITE LEGHORNS, 9c, Barred Rocks and New Hamp- shires 10c, from Government ap- proved, blood -tested stock. Write for St oThomas,uOnt. Poultry JOHNSON'S CHICKS ARE ONE` grade, the best we can produce, all breeders are bloodtested and culled. Bred to Lay Barred Rocks and large S. C. White Leghorns, Barron strain. Prices March and t. pppule1cents, kerels 8r pullets 17 cents, ccents. Leghorns 10 cents, 90 per cent. pullets 20 cents, cockerels 2 cents. Bent books y -order guaranteed. Circularoer n request. J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ontario. ORDER RILEY CHICKS NOW. AT - tractive prices on well bred Bar- red Rocks, White Leghorns, Ramp- shires, Austrolorpps. Write for prices. Wingham Hatchery, Wing - ham, Ontario. 91ORE FOR YOUR MONET. GI- gantic production enables us to cell better quality chicks for less. Don't buy your chicks until you Twaddle pries. d118 Quality and to choose from. Day-old pullets, cockerels, non -sexed, started chicks, three -week-old capons, old- er pullets, non -sexed chicks as !-ow as $9.45,.90 per cent. pullets $155,90. Free catalogue. Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. AFTER ALL IT'S QUALITY TJ -IAT counts. Baden chicks are high duality chicks sold to you at low laless atm low ope ating costs. Do not delay, get our price list to - 'day. We have Barred Rocks, New Hampshires as low as $9.45, White Leghorns $8.95. We also have White Rocks, White-ryandottes, Light Sussex, Hybrids, Barnes IfLocksX New Hatnps, xBarrecl Rocks. Free circular, Ba- den Electric Chick Hatchery, Lim- ited, Baden, Ontario. BUcYTH the Trig zt maClkets Oder Bray's now. Immediate shipment. Nineteen caponsriand 2-3 week chicks to order. Turkeys. Bray Hatchera. 130 Sohn N., Hamilton. of equal parts of witch hazel and pure alcohol. Q. How can I remove shiny spots from serge suits? A, Try sponging the shiny spots with hot vinegar and then ammon- ia. Q. How can I improve the ap- pearance of soiled russet shoes? A. The soiled russet shoes can he made to look like new if they are cleaned with lemon juice and then polishedwith a solution of bees• wax dissolved in turpentine. Q. Flow can. I treat a tough steak? A. Mix a small quantity of vine- gar and olive oil thoroughly, rob it on both sides' of the steak and al- low it to stand for aboat-. 1.we lieu':S h'ir'e ceolrino, ot ire 2-$R.GE TOM BARRON LEGHORNS andcontestfrom k,0 Se; pullets 16c; Collins Poultry Farm, (Osnabruck Centre), lArales, Ont. 'tiUIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMA- tions, Switches, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods, Write for - illustrated catalogue. Conf<intoHair terms Supply Co. 628 Bathurst Street, Toronto. 5. IBAKERY eleLUICMEN'r IBA:KERS' OVENS AND MACIIIN- ery, also rebuilt eczuipment alwaes on hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence Ynvited. Hubbard Port- able Oven Co., 103 linthurst. St., ' Toronto. I 1 1t1 -1I UIW Isoft SALE 1V1: ' PI-' OFFERING OUR SPLEN - did ba '1.:.'s in all kinds of used driven). Nvery article carries a complete money -back guarantee. Also every article polished and aafel-/ pa 'ked for shipment to any part if Crnada. Buy now! Save Money. $5,93-11edireuni outfit, consisting walnut eitamalied iron bedstead, used i-e.silvered spring and Govern- ment +aspected felt mattress, any size. 87.9:' — Used refinished Sim - moue walnut o type, used sti a metal plain inspceted felt mattress, 54" width. $8.95 — Same type of bed outfit with large centre panel, used sagless spring, led" felt mattress. $2.00 — Used springs. all kinds, any size. $4.16 mattresses, labelled" est, felt- blownany size. $3,75 — yellow labelled" felt -biotin mattresses, luxury, any size. $8.35, strong cable dropback couches with arms and hack and pil- lows. cretonne n® mattress, oak dressers, square or oval mirror, three draw- ers, refinished like new. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 22.35 v.re are offering a beautiful three piece genuine brown silk mohair chesterfield suite, all matched pieces, Marshall construction, re- versible spring cushions, silk cord- ed pipedon-nduly' centre back, Tend money order or deposit, bal- ance on delivery to Furaiture • SalesCompany, 539 King Street West, CdA;S, NEW AND USIeD MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS, LTD, Toronto's oldest Chrysler, IIr- month dealers: three locations, 63f, Mount Pleasant Road, 2040 Tonge Street, 1225 Danforth Ave. Our nerd ears mnke 08 manv ftienda,.-- i;DUEATION A 1, STUl)):JN'l'S NOW &NJEUL,LANO 1'OR courses in Matriculation, Siiort. Story Journalism, Shorthand and Speech t!use of d spatime. Culture. today. Cane - fan Correspondence College, (es- tabfished 1902) 229 Tongs Street, Toronto. I+"I).alS ;3IIST rt1ei31]L'r — ROLLS DEV11.1:.- aped..with higio:ts decided edged rents — 25c; ltcprints 3c. Beattie vlcein enlargement, Photos, Prompt6..,'.sinr- dowse. Avon., Torent0. TRIAL SPEC LA le, SRN I) lel lice: tire, this advertisement. and 10c for three prints and 5 x 7 enlarge- ment, or roll and 25e for elah.t rents, 6 x 7 enlargement. London Photo Service, 1c,Bo1$51, London, Or1 1910. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used New ifl'8il:l .t l l''/ l O' el t v 11 10511 LL J iIl O- 'U'QaIt;S, i tieeleU1 tiNt'1'v. Hydrate/to Motels, ttinrbes, Genera tore, Start - erre Magnetos, inielenreters. 0.541151. ore — t:xeltnage Ser'Xec, Glave eialletaetio)1 of refcrxed. Ui1Y lento remix, 'L'orendt+, s FILMS — PRINTS FREE ENLARGEMENT IN STUDIO. Folder with each order. Filmsr4se- velope8• and printed haNu-Way e Photo eService�0for Stationbc"A""u-T r- Tor- onto. HORSES FOR SALE NUMBER. GOOD HORSES, 3SATOR- ed teams, one Percheron stallion Boit, grey. J. elcAninch, Route 4, Guelph. MEDICAL A GOOD SPRING TONIC. JK=IPP'S All-DrugbStores oa iMaltby's. Tor- onto Tet. HEPATULA RELIEVES STO71i:LCH and Liver troubles. Symptoms: Pains eni csnhishoul- der and arospsIni- sestion, gas, constipation, gall trouble. Formula of doctor. Re - Geo. S. Al'rnasaT3ios 1073W OSaska- toon. Sr•_sit. ECzElt 3.ID. RELIEF FOR BABIES or adults, from dry or weeping eczema. Testimonials from hund- reds for over 35 years. Two weeks' gels. Products, Lne ondon. Ontte Ely- arlo. ASTHMA. — TRY LATEST MOST effective remedies; Asthma -Tone for miller Asthma. Asthm-Lax. for severe Asthma. Bottle, $1.90. Guar- anteed. .Write Asthma -Tone Lab- oratories, 11'J 11 rc>)i, licmilton, Ontario. 1'FAI4ON.a QUIT roloAL'i t. 'tit .1, 1. h'A71 LY, inexpensively Home remed,. Testimonials iiu,trabteed •>•dvi•.e free Bartlett„ Rex 1 evii,i,ieeg. FALSE TEETH LOUSENIeS, AND. annoyance banished cheaply at bfrelwonderful l obuidnp o1d platedis- covery to fit. Users amazed. Free tnfer- mation without obligation Rare- RoaLaboratory. 22 Whitehsee Road POULTRY ti ARWM'IF'OR SALT+e /LT TWO MILES FROM OTTAWA. 3 large poultry houses. Fully mod- ern dwelling. Other buildings. Reason for selling, retiring. Full particulars write: Russell Poultry, Farm, Hurdman's Bridge, Ontario. Deem?owe,e BALD? "1liOAt`H'S „Formula" grows) hair rapidly, kills dandruff, Stops falling hair, itch- ing scalp. Hundreds of testimon- ials. Boxes 51.00, postpaid. Use half contents, if not satisfied, re- turn she unused portion — your stoney refunded instantly. L. and 13 Bea.,•h, 132362, North Vancouver, B.C. Scalp specialists for 13 years. Our reputation protects you. MINKS FOR SALE PURE Ol 1e 1ul:i"S, COTCl1 Durr E kitts. Dark, silky. Few brad. females,5'27.50. Ramona 1I111k.11a)1, h. Tt1 i11C t iy, (lntarin. Sl•ltct;R1 STOCK HARDIEST FRUITS. 1t:Ali13 i)1 NA. mentals, 110.1 lest illustrated cata- logue and planting guide; 00000 var. reties, trees, sbrubs, p l flowers, tested and brown at Dropmene. Order cairl>• for free booklet en new fruit ,'3211w),11 0 premium with order aran. plants x pe rt ;melting R: S teed does s ere anywhere The Man - !gibe lii,dy Plaut ,Nursery, Drop- ei)I -hi:11 'PO IN AiIIN'i'tlIts � NN0b't i ) .:U I,VER' INVENTOR List of int•ailt an)3 a)x) full infer. matron sent ores 1.he. Ramsay C:o., ttegistercd, Pat eitt :Attorneys, 278 Brink :.tract. cittax'n, t anatieee t)N10.1\ 5 FOlI SALE ell'LTII'I11.Iih' TWV'EL;VIE GREEN Onions from each. Six (50011s, dol- lar with order. Express custom - es expense. This week's offer, 1'. Hartel, A't'atcrdown, 0061110. OPPORTUNITIES leOlt MEN RELIGIOUS "ELIJAH C O M I N tI BEFORE Christ" Wonderful book sent free. Megiddo Missic:n, H., Rochester, New York. PREPARE FOR TUE FUTURE. IN- dusiry n gently requires trained men. learn electric welding" now. General Welding Works, 100 J51' vle. 'l. )i„) 1,4. ISSUE NOI1'40 SALESMEN WANTED MAKE A DECENT LIVING SF',LI.- Ing 200 Fainilex every clay neeee- sities. Guaranteed quality. Lone price. 900 Fam]lex salesmen live with this agency. Company's em- cees depends on salesmen's. 12 silsubusiness the posbiitieby In Fan lex Plan. For free details and caP:.- logue: Faniilese. 570 St. Clement, Montreal. ,EEL) t* Ott ,,i LE WRITE FOR OUR FREE 1940 SEED catalogue, conta n:nes most com- plete list flower ,?.rid vegetab'e seeds. Priced for market garden- ers aWeterieo, garden Ont ar.o Seed Company, CLOVER, GRASS SEEDS AN3) SEED Grain, government tested. Don': buy until you have our list. C. E Bishop & Son, See3stuen, Belle- ville, Ontario. ,'r.t311's WANTED STAMPS ON ENVELOPES. NOTTS. ing after 18711, will buy for cash. R. G. Purdy. ell +lien Manor Drive Toronto 'J'LItKI'li'S N'Olt SALE WHITE HOLL.t ND 'i U1tKt21 S. Government approvedand utilitd stock. Pres' t i application Beet Irwin, u.zn) AND NEW ,'LUllltl t(, BATH). SINKS. TOILETS, 1t/1e- pipe, boilers, tertaces, radtator', etc. Lowest prices. guaranteed. Catalogue furnished. Main Plumb- ing Supplies. 921 St. Lawrence, Montreal. LYONS 478 Yortge St., Toronto CLEA1tAXCID SALE Ri CONDITio;IEI) PCRI ITRE F All Used Furt.i_ure 15 LS r5ioneconditioned., guaranteed thorough- ly clean, and sold with positiet money -back guarantee of satisfee- $14.00 gROt1HUM CHEST En- field bed, reveeeible spring -fill,: -,i cushions. $19.50 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 pieces brown epi' material, shall construction. 529.00 3 -PIECE el lesTie11lOI3 L r, Suite, upholstered 'A English t n- estry, reversible 25.-rshall sep>le cushions. 537.50 13143AVTI1'117. BROWN el. -- hair Chestcrfi,•1'!. Suite, 3 pine.. - figured reve.sibl, Manahall ;print~ cushions' , LIVING ROOM.$35.00 10 I IE.el Outfit comprising 3 Mere veneer. Chesterfield sins e, bridge lamp and shade, waln)ir old table, 10b lamp and ,lu>,iv, ;JIM ar,, modern smeeer. 324.50 SOLI le .q \t\,, ROOM. '0 t 1+ suite, buffet, eetensinti t tblo, ytx' leather uphul .'i chairs, I'c-- f ee t. $35.00 0-1'].EC1: ONE' DINING 11'O,2 suite, large bud at c...: ..eon t l) ge china• cabinet end 3 leather etait •halre i.+ lI C]l I H �- 50'4.00 1311:11.11:1111., Ing Suite, richt buffet, extension telge, chin: b' Inet and d lee tistr uph_,i.:crca •hairs. $85.0 ti soLID W.1leg 1 ell DIN 1e i 5se 216) tlarge new hu •'e rprextens n tae ) table cliinit cabinet ..c-3 t> lrnti+vr seat chairs. t•1li !)INi ETTE $19.00 MODERN finite• buffet, ,til'.,)`",,!on 4 ,:hails with eIab*"d Rages," seats l rrfert 535.00 SMART BIerel meet 5131'L'1.1, in rich, (0.O t : v m .1nut finish. Inee1t) ehiff)1 i.:' end full size beer. l ii r n •t� `isu5111Jt!]1c1rfl5110 bed,lte sutler,0ap1i.).t, s),1=3 OIIWull01:it- trrss. $50.00 I+LU(lil SAMPLE 11Ii)T)1 U bedroom suite in bleached w tenni: finish with Venetian mirror F. 1)101, 'f£Oni)•, lr sag10less100sprinchit; aure! mboattresstsize. bei,11 brand nets. $O1 1 0 i15-ITCll13N CA 1 i 5 13) B 1.+`•. 535..5 1 Y11 L)' 133ci• 01*3. 1'3.."'4144.31:1 buffet table anti 4 c1iairi, ('11,010>. Ail merrhandlse car(111113 aimed fi)r safe shipment on receipt of nmm - order and sold With a di f its t i. money -bade l i1:)r,i.titee e f au i`.f 4i tion, LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yolige St. Toronto