HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-03-14, Page 1ICH ERALD VOLUME 40, Na ,L4 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, 1940. Patronize your local Merchan 4, COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Z iYrort: g OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN From GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP SEASON'S SPECIALS Get Your Special now! All Permanents Guaranteed. Crogninol'e waves a Specialty. Our main Special, a Eugene, with a deeper wave and a tighter curl regular $7.50 for $5.00. Morning .special only, free shampoo with every finger wave. Be sure to call 159 for appointment and avoid being disappointed. Phone 159 Zurich for Appointments. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. Used Gars We have given you the Best Values in the past, Now with the amount of Trade -Ins arriving weekly We can give You BETTER VALUES THAN EVER! 1938 PLYMOUTH COACH, Trunk, very choice, Priced to sell at the price you would pay for a 1936 Car. 1936 CT-il+'•V. STAND. COACH, De Lux without knee' action. General Motors Heater, new 1940 License. U939 DODGE DE LUX SEDAN, perfect inside and out. This Car takes only a $7.00 Livense (Like all Dodge Cars 1936 V8 COACH, Trunk, Hot Water Heater, Original Black Finish (3) 1931-1930 Ford A. Coupes, with and without rumble seats (2) 1937 .Chev. Stand. Coaches, without knee action, act now 1938 :Chev. Coach like new, priced to meet competition. 1937 Pontiac Coach $535. 1934 Plymouth Coupe (2( 1930 Chev. Sedans. 1931 Chev. Sedan 1930 Ford Roadster. 1931 Chev. Coach :1936 Plymouth Sedan. 1933 V8 Sedan, new motor, 1929 Ford Coach $65..00. ;1,930 Ford Coach $160.00 ("2) 1927 Ford T. Coaches. 1933 Chev. 2 ton Truck 1928 Dw'ant Sedan, nest- Tires and license $75. RCM is How You Save:—(1) No Finance Co, handles your Note We 'Cho. (2) No Salesman's Commissions to add on the Price of the Car You Buy. That is why we can and DO Outsell all Competition. WARD F R I TZ ATTENTION! Please! ! ,ATTENTION! Listen to Vitt/ter Program over C.J;C.S Ra Station, Stratford, every Monday, i Wednesday and Friday at' 1.2.20 to 112 30; and hear Charlie King and Piano Ramblings over this Ssat;on. -•-The Zurich Creamery. tf34 e Rates: $1.25 in Canada, in advance $1.50 in U.S.A., in advance CHESTER L. SMITH, Publisher and Read your liome Paper NOTICE "> The annual meeting of the hare!#! Farmer's Co -Operative Co. Ltd..:wzll. be held in the TOWN HALL, HEN BALL, on THURSDAY, MARCH 21st' - 1940 at 2 p.m. Everybody Welcome! Albert Hendrick, President. A. B. Bell, Secretary. IN MEMORIAM Colesky—In loving memory of our dear :mother and grandmother, Mrs. Cyrus ,Colosky who died two years. ago, ,March 25, 1938, We miss her when we need a friend On her, we always could depend, She cheered us in sickness and sooth- ed us in .pain God grant, some day we'll meet again hiiss Late. Gebel is at ,resent at Idensall for ,some time. Mr, Henry; M. Willert of Dashwood was a visitor in town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess and son Fred motored to London on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. (Milton Oesch motored ;to Desiboro on Sunday. Mrs. Oesch 'remaining over till Easter. • Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam F. Braun and ,family of Forest were Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mr. William La- mont of town. Mr. James Morley, the National Conservative Candidate of Exeter, 1 8 children slips, r1 pr. panties, 7 quilts was in town Wednesday and called and 5 washcloths Qn many of the villagers, DASHWOOD , Miss Clara Kraft is visiting with her sister in London. .Miss Amelia Willert of London, spent the week -end at her home here Mrs. Lucinda Mcsaac "is ;,pending a week in Detroit, also attending the funeral of a relative there. Mr. Harold Kellerman spent the week -end with f..iends in Fergus. Mr. Reuben Goetz is attending/ Fire Insurance .Convention ;.1 Tor- onto this week. For positive identification of Mr. Harry Harris of Sarnia is sp-! l the World's Finest Anthracite ending a fe,v day with relatives. The Dashwood Red Cross ;imt sent the following articles to Exeter for shipment: 34 pairs socks, 8 sweaters, 12 suits of pyjamas, 3 prs. wristlets Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence •Hoffman,and son Bobby, Mr. Clayton ,Hoffman of Galt ware Sunday visitors with their parents in town. The Ladies Aid of Dashwood Ev- angelical church held their annual el- ection lection of officers last week with Rev H. E, Roppel in charge. The elution resulted as follows: Hon. president, Mr. Garfield Witmer who has had i P,Irs. Roppel; President, Mrs. G. Wild - Ever remembered by daughter and :an operation performed on his leg fang; Vice Pres., Mrs. D. Tiernan; grand -daughters. at Clinton Hospital, has returned to Rec. Secretary, 1Vlrs. V. Schatz; Cor. IN MEMORIAM Willert—In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Melinda, whom God called home eleven years ago to -day, March 13, 1929. From our happy home and circle God has taken one we loveur, She is borne away from zin and sorrow, To a nobler rest above. No one knows how much we miss her None but aching hearts -can -tea, Lost on earth; but found in Ifeaven-- Jesus doeth all things well. ,Sadly .missed by her loving husband and family. REAL FISH STORY Ottawa—More than 34,300,000 fish went from the Domnvon's hat- cheries into Maritime and British Col umtbia waters during 1939. Of these 21,300,00 were Atlantic salmon and 11,600,000 speckled trout. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday ' Aylmer pie cherries, per tin ......,..... i Oc Aylmer peas No. 4 sieve, 2 tins 17c Fancy mired Biscuits, per lb. Peaches, 16-0z, 2 tin.. .,.,.•.,,,a................25c Lux flakes, small 1 Oc. Large 24c Sinko for clogged drains, per tin 21 c Del Maiz niblets corn, 2 tins 25c Hawes floor gloss, pint 5* "Tomato juice, 10%•oz,'' per tin' ..r 5c Grape fruit juice 50 -oz. per tin 25c Blue Boy coffee per lb. . 35c — Coffee mixture, per lb..,......:,, ,....... 29c Nu -Jell Jelly Powders, 2 pkgs. 1 5c reidy's matches. 3 boxes 25cc Tuna fish, half -lb. tin ....... ..... .. i 8c Liby's Asparaagus tip, per tin ..,..21 c Three Star peanut butter, 24 -oz. at ,... 25c WALLPAPER Newest Designs at low prices. Room lots at Half Original Price. 1 7c NE Phone 14 ALBERT G. HESS his home .on the Babylon line. Secy., .Mrs. R. Gates; Treasurer, Mrs. Taylor. d.iVI.S. Treas., Mrs. E. Guen- The recent auction sales in the they, ' anist, Mrs, M. Tiernan; Asst. district have been outstanding as the pianist, Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher. ;totals of two sales in the district have totaled up to around $35,000 j each, which is a lot of money et the present time. Mr. Christ Fisher and daughters, Dorothy,and Joyce of Dashwood we- re at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Gabel on Thursday in honor of Dor- othy's birthday. The table was ad - teamed nth.—a lovely birthday cake anct Vie' event 'was enjoyed by all present. Books are Audited. Monteith & Monteith, chartered ac- countants, Stratford, have couplet' 1 the audit of the township o= Hay books and .shale report is being issu- ed this week. The newly adopted sy- stem of manual accounting is being introduced in the Township this year and should be of great convenience to the auditors by the end of the present year. Nomination on Monday. Monday was nomination day over the Dominion and there was a good- ly representation at Hensall on this occasion. The Returning Officer, Mr Keith M. McLean read off ,the follow- ing nominations: W. H. Golding, Seaforth, as Liberal candidate; and James Morley, Exeter as National Conservative candidate. Mr. Albe,t C. Kallbfieisch of Zurich was then acclaimed as chairman, and a public meeting was in order. The two can- didates then addressed the arge gath- ering, and there was little applause; this is attributed undoubtedly that our country is at war, and no time for merry snaking. The election will be held on March 26.th. AUTO ACCIDENT What might have been a more ser- ious accident occurred just east of town lash Thursday afternoon When Mr. William Thiel, the carr:er of R R. No. 3, Zurich was returning from his daily route and was nearing the fair grounds with his horse and bug - 0y when all of a sudden he was his by a' car, the buggy and horse being tolulA' l in the south ditch, Mr. Thiel narrowly eseap'd being injured by the continuous kicking of the horse, but he hung on and in time got the animal in -control. 'The car which did the damage, passing on ,the right hand side, spen on through Zurich and left Mr. Thiel with his badly :;cared aid wounded horse, a broken buggy -and harness also torn. Thiel was immediately assisted by MI Amans at who's place the accident occurred, and Mr. Arnaus 'then -took after the ear that did the damage, but as it turned off on the lironsor• line, Mr. Amens lost track of it. Mr. Thiel however lost no time its calling County Constable John Ferguson of ;;Neter, who with Mr, Thiel lost no time in rounding up their man, who is a young man from Mitchell who apparently was vis'tioe• relatives or the Bronson line, and was given a flee passage to Goderich Goal, from •vhirh h( was released on bail, and fac the Police !Magistrate and be dealt with in due time. 1 ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling Co. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid foe .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 1O - Hensall ••••••••••••*••*♦♦••41,ma.P6••••e•••a•4A+sse•a *6 act r,. **r ew Sprig Sa r 4 4 • •• s • 4F • a. • e • • • s • • • • s • • • • • We •dir • 4r • • • • • THE OLD SAYING: 'The Early Bird Catches the Warm' IS TRUE! With this Year's new samples... They are Won- derful quality and Patterns, that can't be beat BUT The quantity is limited and the range is not as large as other years due to war conditions. So we advise you to rriake your selection early for your new suit as our range at $24.95 is second to none. BE WISE AND CHOOSE EARLY 4 4 4 4r 4 4 4F 1 • A o iIoffuan az Son s • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS *•••••••A4•4•0*ss*4•44,4••4 •44•44•••Qr•444•4•44446•a• • WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK! 111E U0 ECI LAS STOIC PHONE 11 - 97 BLAKE