HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-03-07, Page 8••• :WAGE 11410111r ZURICH HE. • ouse Dresses A Fine Lot of New Dresses in Season's New Styles, in Prints and Percoles.,. All sizes, priced from 75 cents to $1.98. QUILTING GOODS Fine English floral Sateens at yd. 39c and 45c Cretons at per yard ............................ 19c and 25c. Chintzes, at per yard .............................. 19c to 30c Fine white Madapolam per yard 35c Batting, Dominion, fine white te 50c Batting, Economy quilt size 39c Batting Daisy, half -lb., for 1 9 c LENTEN SPECIALS Salmon, Red Rose, 2 for 29c Smoked Herring, per lb. 19c Sardines, each Chicken Haddies, a tin T Sc Cheese, old nippy, lb. 25c Pork and beans, tin 10c 10c 10c 25c 25c Blueberries, canned Ginger snaps, lb. Sugar crisp cookies, 2 lbs. for Soda 'biscuits, 2 lbs. for J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 41•80068011118001116111981101HHHHHIgesseeties••••••••••••••••t Your Winter's Fuel We are Now Mug Orders for this Winter's Fuel. Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for your Heating Equipment... Prices always, within the limits ofother Dealers withlauality Considered, SEED CLEANING We have an up-to-date Seed Cleaning Equipment that we use for Custom Cleaning, and invity the Farmers -*who have seed to :Clean to arrange with us for his 'Work. PURINA STOCK ens AND CHOWS A Guaranteen .Product that will greatly help your Stock andiPoultrY to 'Vigor iand 'Production, which will mean greater Pm:lilts. -Try it! L..Schilbe St Son L. 4E1 zuRiews Grocery Store Sodas, (salted or plain) 2 lbs. 25c Blueberries; per can .. . . ........ , .... ... . .. ... I dc Ivory Snow (with Gold Banded BOwl) pe r pkg Good Humor, cereal, f,lei'pkg. Club Honse Coffee, per lb*. Clark's Soups, 3 cans Minute Tapioca, 2 pkgs. Catsup, Peter Pan, 2. bottles Menno Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 • ; 25.d 525§. 25c 25c 25c mmomminumminommomioinommommo momoommion loom Imollootollojik • Ttiorsaarsr„ Marifc 7,1011;, 19140. + * 4.40444.6444.11044441444.14441444•444.+++++++4.44.44++++++...** ..* ; • + • '" YOUR t. I :mg . I nardware . and Furndure r STORE .... YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS ; Is ,, . We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of , • : both Shelf and Heavv Staple Hardware: Stoves. • $ Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. $ Some Good' UsedHeaters at Very Reasonable Prices 1 , + I 4' ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING • FURNITURE I: See Our Studio, 'Couches and Dinnette Suites A Fug Line of all the Home Requirements ri• AlWays keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidereed. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. SLIGHTLY USED, FURNITURE • 4. Hay :Council met on (Monday for Visit Our Salon for your For the more conservative purchaser we can save t?. ' + you many &dollar as wehave a fine assortment of t the March meeting'. ; Lt uss EASTERquote y 0 uS oPnEtCh the Av el - .1. 1S, best ; Slightly Used: tFurniture that will give you lig value for 4, 4.: Mrs. (Dr.) H. H. •Cowen of Exeter was a visitor in town on Tuesday. and latest Permanents, that are pleas- • ; your Money. Drop, in and` Took these over and get our t Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rader of Dash- wood were visitors in town one day last week. 4 Born-Weido-At Zurich on Feb- ruary 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'Weido, a son, (Kenneth John.) Mr. Rudy Oesch who has lbeen at ing and satisfactory and that will give you personality. Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store. For appoint- ments call us by phone 102, Zurich. MRS. FRED THIELE, ProprfetreSs Remarkable Low Prices- * Johnston & Kalbfleisch • I Hardware 14c Furniture. Phone 63 • * ++++++++++++++++++444444 ++++++++++++++++ ++ ++4 • t !MM., 46•11111.10P ,Clinton hospital for' a few weeks, is nsients 17.25. expected home this week. The newly appointed assessor Gen. Accts: -McBride & McGiggon for Twp. Hay portion ,.*e costs appeal Co Hay Township, Mr. Rheinold Miller is equalization $53.19; Municipal World busily engaged ;making his rounds. Miss Pearl Pfile was a visitor to one subscription and new book -keep London on Thursday, whershe i- ing supplies 29.70; F. Donnelly, acct. e v ited with her aunt, Mrs. E. Bender. re Court of Revision, Ass't Roll, Miss Nora Balkwill or the Mousseau DraM, etc., 10,9.33;1W. S. teaching staff visited at her home in Johnston, postage re tax collections . London, on Saturday. Mr. Archie MacKinno who is at- tending Veterinary College at Guelph was a recent visitor at his home here. Mr. •and Mrs. C. L. Smith motored to London on Saturday to spend the • afternoon with their daughter, Mae, who is attending Western, Dr. .and Mrs. W. 13. Coxon enter- tained a number •of their friends to a delicious fowl dinner on Friday evening. .. .. March lst on Friday carne tn quite nice and "lamb like" and we do not know what kind of weather the bal- ance of the month will bring. Mr. Earl Yungblut, Mr. Oscal Klopp and son Wilfred and Miss Del - oras Zlopp visited at the .ho2ne of Mr. and .Mrs. Lenard Haist at De- troit over the week -end. Mr. :and iVirs. Ivan Yungbhrt; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel; Mrs. :(Dr.) Cox,on,,motored to' Detroit on Sunday where they attended the hockey game between the Detroit Red Wings and th ;Beaton Bruins, the former winning the :game. Have Purchased Business Mr. ;Grant Turner, son of MT. and • Mrs. -Fred Turner of Goderich, and . 0&r. C:Inrdon Banniter of Gailerich, •••••••••••••0•••••••••••••06.0.••••••empeaseeeess 0 : aud willw have both been employed at • Ifbe (Getterich motor for the -past three • .1 HARDWARE SEEDS an' d FURNITURE • • 4 • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••es sireessosesessomesemmipie The Council adjourned to meet a- gain for regular monthly meeting to be held on Monday, April lst, at /.30 o'clock in the afternoon. A. F. Hess, Clerk. AUCTION SALE years, :have taken over the New Cit- -SerVice station at Clinton, and • I .• • which :is one of the most nioctern YOUR W T Of Farm Stock, Implements and Ho- Usehold Effects, on Lot 22, Con.1Z, Hay.:Twp; 114 mile west andlit mile tiara: of Zurich, on THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1940, ,commending; at i12.30 p.m. sharp, the following: HORSES -Grey Percheron team, rising 8 .and 9 years old, weighing •1600r lbs each; Black Percheron team 12 and 13 yrs old; Carriage mare iTt foal; bay Percheron colt risingil yr.; black Clyde mare rising 3 yrs. old.. CATTLE -Holstein cow due inVlay 3 yrs :old; Holstein cow fresh and bred again 4 yrs. old; Herforcl cow due at time of sale; red cow clue at. time :of sale; red cow fresh 'with calf' at foot, red cow due in June, red:cow due at time of sale, red cow fresh with .c -.41f at foot; red cow due in June; white cow fresh; 4 road cows fresh and bred; dark red bull Reg., I Marquis Boarder.) road heifer in eaclf, Polled Angus steer rising 21yrs 5 roan steers rising 2 yrs., roan hei- fer 1 yr. old, white bull 5 months. old 2 red Durham hulls 4 months old; 4 heifers rising 1 yr. old; 2 steers, rising 1 yr. old, 2 calves 4 months old, d calf. PIGS --Yorkshire brood sow with litter. HEN'S -70 Rock Pulletts, 4 Rock Roosters. IMPLEMENTS -MH. binder 6 -ft. cut nearly new; 1VIcCormick-Deering 5 -ft. cut (mower '• International hay loader, 12 -ft. steel rake; M.H. 8 -ft. spring -tooth cultivator; McCormick fertilizer drill 11 -hoe nearly new; M. H. manure spreader, M. -H. bean scuf- fler with new .puller, throw -out disc, 12 plate; 4 -.section harrows, 2 -section harrows, 1=horse scuffler, Queoec rid- ing plow ;nearly new; double plow, walking plow new, Peter Hamilton walking plow, M. -H. walking plow, 2 wagons, wagon 'box, gravel box, stock rack, flat sliding rack 16 -ft; 1( -ft. 'hay rack; buggy, cutter, grass seeder, 11llock and tocolde, pig crate, x -cut saw garden scufiler., pulleys, pr. bob slei- ghs, barrels, belting, pig hanger; S- arum steel roller, chopper, grind - :stone, grain -grinder 8 -in; oat roller. trailer with rack, butcher kettle, 2 'Wheelbarrows, root pulper, scalding ltnott•gli; extension ladder, 20 -ft. Lad- . equipped stations in this diatiidt. We. 44Mish _these two young men the best of' 4) , :success ;in 'their new business -44renture t• •1:antti ;fine .1,llace of business. , X . ar ware ce s YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked isOver Your Heeling Equipment? FAY COUNCIL '1h tegtilar .monthly meeting of the :coundil ,of the Township of Hay was &CI :in 'the 'Town Hall, Znalia, ,on; Mouthy '2:Mara 4th, with all the :mem- lbers ,present. 'The. minute,s of the me - Does Your Furnace prtStove Need Attention. or Prob- .etitg 'held Feb.112th were adopted ;kW ably You Need a New One. Lettgs !Look These Over loguiti.or6s the ;following resolutions .Aifter 'disposing of the common for you and offer Our Suggestion 40 Your Best "That 'by-law '3o. 5-'40 prosldiiing Advantages. ler ats ;assessor cif :the Township of de .., Clint f n g mill; ..,0c00-1 . Hay for the .yearIX1r40 and fixing ro•-•!'scalle, citi-,nairitit %VI- ' -bags, olony muneTation ;to 'be .pkid for work be', stcrve, chilckenYsheltgerra,:,siletsseltutirt.oecr read illitaiee ',Awes an(1 finally passed.11 btilks of mixed ha That die 11.9MS12/p Clerk advertise' a s 2 sets heavy harness. 2 set; for l'entlap IPA' 0:),Pert4ing the Town- hanglesilarriess, 10 horse. collars, 2 ship crti&er :a1.14 tor ttrucking gravel iien;selblankets, 1 -horse harness, sweat De -Laval separator, potatO °n TO0):4410 WOOS fey :the season of gP'Itus' ., o Amer large .sprayer with hoes,2barr council by %mt .oc.e.tiln to •be held fe; tork,. shovels, spades, ntickyokes. 1940. ' Tolecter.s ito be lin hands of OTHER SEASONABLE REEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinunithing Our Specialty, Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware 4 - way$ on hand. Also a fife display of Famiture, MAW resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc, COAL AND COKE Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. • 1 STADE & WEIDOI zumcH oNT. for tale :appiintruept of Reinhold 1V141-' 191111•111111.111111MINMEN11.11 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone:: Collectr Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING'. and CO. Of CANADA LTD. mezzaaffaimmigisymmisimmI • • 4.1.4474**÷, • 4. TRY CKEL)S. 4 1 , • 4, 'Town_ s'Taik. • 4. + 4- • •'2' CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND logging chains, whippletrces, aveners A pril 1st, 1140. a quintity of lumber, i some coda' That tax -connector he authorized to posts, ;Grey engine, chicken . wire continue the 011ection of 1039 !;ax cutting box, onion • crates, Wagor aroars and the, be shall return the tongue, pr. bunks, baggar, bag truck Collector's Roll on April ist, 1940. fence streteher, post -hole digger, l' 4 -horse eveners, kettle stand, one That .accounts covering payments on IHay "Telephone System, Relief 'utligriaT other articles. In I y;300 voucher:4. bUshels of Banner seed oats.r ° SIOUSEHOLD EFEE.CTE-3 tab - and gene& accounts be pawed as per Telephone 'System -W. Hamlyn, W, 4 kitchen chaim hanging...J:1mi) carload poles $40.25; H. G. Hess, Alg.din lamp, other )amps, Colernar salary 185; C. t., Smith, printing act. irotir 6 sad irons, palls, crocks, lcettle: $11; Expenses to Toronto $40; Bell some .seiktle'rs' vinegar bbl: sausagr grinder ancl filler, wooden tub, butch Telo. Co, directories 7.50; T. H Or. 4 C. Tt3LYIS--CASIT er to:ble, apple peeler Bonanza, etc. oilman, . salary 175,00 N ' QUALITY - PRICE - cL,,, material 43,46. jiwieseLlmoOlypgosammoa**Iree001 y • Arthur Webexc Audio/iv:1\ Ii .Hendo ck rent $5, W. F, Stade, Clerk, "1"134/4"1"1"0011,141$10." H"Yi Alowance $1,0; Ili, Vo Trak john Helc8teirk, Proprietor, Ito "ef-L ,GOOD4. • +-. 4. All Ingredients Used. are of the Highest Quality I: ALL CONFECTIONS - ICE CREAM Our Store will 13e' Closed. each Wednesday Evening Eckel's Bakery - Zurach • • 4 - Telephone 100 4- 4. 4 +++4+4644! 1 I 4.44.+++++++++++ ++++.3•44++++4-4•44++++i- 444+++++++++++++++++++444444.4•*+++4414++++++++++++++4, + 4 Buy Storin. Windows and Doors I 4. 4 4 4 ! Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF!4. LET US QUOTE YOU!4. REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A 44:: LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL r, TtMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU 44: WAIT. Headquarters- for Johns-Manvitte Building Materials PH°114E 64) • • ZURICH F. C. ALBFLEISCIII fir 4.444. 4444-4-4.4.4444.4.4.4.+44.4•44•4+440k famoroma.t1.01111 COME TO Massey -Harris Farmers' Day . Everybody Welcome Free Admission. Sat. Mar. 1.6,, Rader's Garage, Dashwood 2 p.m. TOWN. HALL, ZURICH, 8.15 p.m. Conaic Reels, new Massey -Harris Talking Picture, shoWing many successful methods of Cutting farm production costs. EXTRA SPECIAL -An Historic event of Motion. Pictures on. the. same. Prograirmie. The Royal Visit to Canada. A special privilege for town children under sixteeu; all be admitted free at Dashwood at 1 o'clock and Zurich at 7 o'clock and will be asked to make sooni if necessary for adults at 2 and 8.15 o'clock.: Bring your neigiibours along. I Free! Free! Free! 5pecial Cash Prizes given away at every Show. DailiwoOd and Zurich. T. Shop 349 O KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 •