HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-03-07, Page 4!ACM POUR LYFLIC,H HERALD' GRAND, Farmers .keep in, mind the Farm School on March 18th at Grand I3end Heine 13eautification and Reforestat-: ion 'will be .the subject for afternoon by T. C. Merritt . of the Forestry Branch, Toronto. At 8 p,m, W. P. Watson of the Livestock Branch, • 'Thronto will disciass the Bacon ilhg :business. Come, arid hear these x - rt these' timely. subjects, J. C. Shearer Agricultural'• Representative is in charge, • • ti 1 LLSGREEN IVir. Otto Stephan has moved into the Mrs. Troyer house, recently va” cated by 11Y1r. -Chas, Robinson. quilting bees and, mat bees seem to be the order of the day in, this vicinity. There are still quith a Wunder suf- fering from the cold and 111z. Mr. and Mrs. Wm...Da,vidson Were called to Stratford owing to the death • Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION Concludes 76th Year with Customary Good Report Strong Liquid Position Holdings of: Bonds of Dominion of Canada, Great Britain and Provinces of Canada $3,518,000 Bonds guaranteed by Dominion of Canada or Provinces of Canada 992.000 $4.610.000 Other bonds 411,000 Cash in Offices and in Banks 1,181,000 Total Assets, over $44,000.000 Net profits for year together with 'balance brought forward from previous year 446,963 Funds invested by the public in Huron & Erie Debentures and Debenture Stock, over 27.000,000 Deposits by the public in Huron & Erie Savings Accounts, over 10,000,000 - 6,600,748 Paid -in Capital, Reserve Fund and -- 'Undistributed Profits Local Representative: A. F. HESS. .41111111111W111NIF Keep Canada's War Effort United! • Experienced Leaders are IT L for VICTORY In six months of war the Macken7ie King Administration has set an unprecedented record of getting things done without fuss and fury. Under its steady leadership, Canada has gone ahead on all fronts—war, economic and domestic. With clear heads and with feet on the ground, this group of purposeful men is making every • ounce of Canada's weight felt in our fight for freedom, What it has done has been done thoroughly : there has been no loose thinking; no half -measures; no waste of men, money or materials. • Some of the Mackenzie Xing Administration Wartime Accomplishments It united Canada as never before— Every province is heart and soul behind the, Empire's war effort this tirne, thanks to the Administradon's truly national policies. • The First Division, coinpletely equipped, ha s been sent overseas to a Mother country prepared to receive it. , • The Second Division is.recruited, equipped and ready to go over. The great Empire Air Training Scheme— sponsored and mainly financed by Canada, has been launched on a planned and ordered basis. Naval Defence for both East and West Coasts including Aix Force, Mine, Sweepers and Convoying, has functioned efficiently since the outbreak of War. Of it, a Senior British Naval Authority has said: "No finer wok is being done anywhere by the Royal Navy itself." • Price Control of all commodities, including such vital necessities as wool and sugar, has been establishedy with`prices pegged low for the poor man. The profiteer is out, and will be kept out—in marked contrast to the free- for-all of the last war. Shipping Control and Foreign Exchange Control are firmly established on sound lines and are functioning smoothly and effectively. A $200,000,000 Wai Loan was over -sub- scribed within two days of its launching, a record that. proves public confidence. Its reasonable rate of 31,4% contrasts with .51/2%. tax-free rate of the last 'war. Political and Private Patronage has been stamped out: merit is the sole basis for selection or promotion in our armed forces. Great Britain's war financing problems have been lessened thrmigh the co-operation of the Canadian Government. War Contracts totalling well over $100,000,000 have been placed, stimulating every branch of Canadian industry. ' Canadian employment has hit an all-time high owing to these orders and to good in- ternal business conditions. Armament delivekei are approaching hill - speed: aeroplanes, Bren guns,tanks, artillery accessories, ships-- all coming forward in impressive quantities. Large purchases of Canadian wheat, — preventing a serious wheat glut — have been arranged through a special mission sent to London by the Mackenzie King Administration. 5,600,000 pounds of bacon will be shipped to Great Britain each Week, as well as large quantities of flour and fish. Huge shipments of steel and othermate- rials essential to the conduct of the wit have been arranged for. " • Make Voir Vote *upport Canadian Unity Such a record siniply didn't just happen. It resulted from the efforts of A:strop& adminis- tration working on behalf !of a country wilted in• all its parts as never before. And this singleness of purpose—conspicuously absent in 1914—is due t� the vision, understanding : and drive of individual Canadian and Empire - minded Statesmen who back the Empire's participation in the war with their eyes wide Open and with full determination: to play their parts to the full. • We appeal.to the people of Canada for the support which is essential to carry on and complete a task, the groundwork for which has been laid carefully, seundly, wisely . • with foresight, determinationand resoline courage. On March 26th 8how your faith; vote for the Candidate supporting Mackenzie King and help. make sure there can be no break in ' Canada's steadfast stand in these critical times. Al" WITH 400.4. RWA RD T ZIE KING The National Liberal Federation of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Of the latter's uncle, Mr, 41, N. Jones Who died quite suddenly, • DASHWOOD Miss Catherine Finlobeiner has re- turned from 'Sarnia where site has eon for several ,months. Mrs. L. Morenz attended the fun- eral of 'her uncle at Guelph on Mon- day. 'Mr. and Mrs. T. Hoperoft and Rus- sell were week -end visitors with their son Russell at Port Colbourne. Mr. Van Dyke, father of aVIrs. Ness, here, and who spent the win- . ter months with hit daughter, has left for his home in Tavistock. Mrs. P. Hurable,of Sarnia, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. Goetz. Among those from a distance who -, attended the funeral of the late Geo. Kellerman, on .Saturday were: Mrs. Grill and son Stanley of Owasso, Witch., Mr. and Mrs, 3. 0. Kellerman Mr. and Mrs. L. D Kellerman of Elk- ton, Mich; Mrs. May,. Kitchener; ,Mr and Mrs. C. Haugh,. Brucefield; and Miss Grace Kellerman, Toronto. George Kellerman Passes. George Kellerman, pioneer busin- essman of Dashwood, passed away at the home of his grandson, Alvin Kel- lerman, in Dashwood, on February 29th, after an illness of several we- . ! • t eks. eH was in his 85th. year and is !:survived by two sons, Rev. H. A. Kel- ; ;learnan of Waierloo, and Norman,of r Kitchener, and a sister, Mrs. John (GrIll, of Owosso, 'Mich. A son Clar- ence ipredeceased. Formerly he was 1 engaged in farming, then the but- . bier business, flax mill, general store, and later he (operated the Dashwood planing mill. He was twice married, first to Barbara Haugh, who died 20 t wears ago, and then to Mrs. Hannah !Jackson, who also predeceased him. n former -years he was a memiber of Stephen Township Council, and was n school and church trustee. A priv- ate funeral service was held at the home of Alvin Kellerman on .Satur- day 'afternoon, followed by a public Service at Dashwood Evangelical Cr- urch. Interment taking place at the Bronson line 'Cemetery. The funeral was officiated by the paster, Rev. H. E. Roppel, and assisted by Rev. A.E. Pletch .of Crediton and Rev. C. B. Heckendorn of Zurich: Red Cross Busy The Dashwood Branch of the Red Cross Society is pleased to be able to report on the splendid work 'done by the ladies of Dashwood ane vicinity during the past few Nveeks. The fon-.y • .21 owing articles have been Made up and! tt�Exeterforahipineht:. 50 'prs 00.eltS, 12 sweaters, 14 prs. =Wristlets, •11'• suits .pyjamas, 6 hospital night!' gowns, 9 quilts and two dreSses. es • I • • fritarsday, March 7t1t, USED CA SPECIALS Now is the time to purchase a good used Car while there are many to choose from. With each used Car purchased you get SERVICE and SATIS- FACTION as well as VALUE at SNELL BROS. & CO. 1939 CHEVROLET COACH, Standard Coach with Trunk 1938 CHEVROLET COACH, Low mileage, in fine condition 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN, Delux model„ low mileage 1937 Chevrolet Sedan, Standard sedan with Trunk 1937 Pontiac coach, Delux model in real nice con- •,ition 1937 Dodge Coach, Delux equipment low mileage 1936 Chevrolet Coach, Master Dell= model. 1935 Chevrolet Coach, Master Delux coach T300 miles 1934 Chevrolet Sedan, 6 wire wheels, Master sedan 1933 Chevrolet Coach, Master model in good eon- • dition 1931 Chevrolet Coach, Reconditioned, cheap trans- portation 1929 Ford Roadster. 1939 Maple Leaf Truck, 2 ton, racks. and platform Many Other Models to Choose From LOCAL DEALER iCC)=1--11.-i=M eao?trzieete 140 densce deot 25 i4i04411 143d4. ik " i like Purify Hour .bekfC1 for all my/ baktrog.hecause,......... ............ ................. ............... .... ............ .. ..... .... ..... . at eat at Twelve Ma Cash Prink 2nd Prize - $15 3rd Print -$5 Ten Prizes- $1 Each Your Purity Flour dealer will give you conaplete s • of. this contest—ask hint for free Recipe Booklet% to give you helpful suggestions. • Listen es "CAVALCADE OF DRAMA" evaccy CI CS Stratford (1210 kc) 10.30 A.M. CKM1121.41:0•Jcs.n. (1200 kc) 11.15 A.M. • Luther League A number of oiir young people are again busy at a play ,which will tell more of later on. Our February meeting opened with a Valentine social in which we enjoyed the game of "Bingo", the highest prize won by Mildred Luft while Eileen Miller re- ceived the consolation prime. A tasty -lunch was served after a sing -sting by the young people. The committee in charge was Ada Kellar, Hildegard Miller, Milton 'Kellar and Theo. Luft. On Feb. 13th we held our usual study on the "Borderland of Right and Wrong" dealing with •Cmistian Knowledge". The following .week the pastor Rev. Luft took charge of the Bible Study. The last meeting of the month was spent on topic study "Your Personality" which was very interesting. The later part of the ev- ening.was the usual business ;meeting HENSALL • Mr., Henry Horton .continueS ill at his .home here. Miss Florence Welsh has returned home after a very pleasant visit With relatives and friends in Toronto. Mrs. James McMartin and Mrs: C. McM-arrtin and family of Bar -ie we- re recent visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. Robt.. Bonthron. Miss Edna Cochrane, R.N. of Hills- , green was a recent visitor at :the home of her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Flank Farquha-. Mrs. Lloyd Hudson returned to hex hone in St. Marys after spending the week with relatives. . ., ' Mr. Wilson Berry of Toronto, vis- ited with his mother, Mrs. Annie Berry. Mr. Ray Peterson of Toronto, waf• • it guesi• with his parerith,. riVir, aria Iltf.'s" T.Z.. J. Paterson. . , . .,•.,:: The many friends of Mr. Joe Hag - ,7i are pleased to learn he was able i:(5 ieturti. home , from St. Joseph's Holn5ital, London, where he had been ceiving treatment fox several wee- ;.•.-• for ear trouble. 'Shirley Faber, young -daughter o':' Mr. and Mrs. R. Faber is ill at Clin- ton hospital with :bronical.' pneum- . aria. Miss Nellie Fee has accepted a pos.- Rion with Mrs. Ed. Douglas of Hyde Parke. Mrs. Ann Berry is away to Wind, - tor for several weeks at the home of her son, Ed. Berry, Mrs. John Elder has returned home "ollo:wing a pleasant week's visit with relatives in Toronto. 14' DRIED or Pickled Canadian Fish is one ,z;-• of the most nourishing antreconoini- cal foods that money can buy. It is rich in proteins, and in the inirieral elements that • - • build good health. • No matter where you li4e, yoUrfaTe 6;1" 44,. secure Dried or Pickled tana.rWsla fOi; you. You can choose from such d1dfiik as cod, pollock, haddock, hake, and from such pickled fish as herring, • Mackerel, and alewives . . every on of which can be served in a variety of tasty recipes. Serve dried or pickled Canadian Fish to your family often. It makes a wekorn6 change at meal-tirnes .. and you will. find it very ecgii9thic4, • • 13TE1'ARTMENT OF FISHFRIE.*, • OTTAWA. iimon. Immo ••••..... ..eadies Department of Fisheries. Ottawa. ` • Please send me your free 52 -page Booklet "100 414 Tempting Pith Recipes", containing 100 daligintut 1 end economical Fish Recipes. 4 • Name Addrest ............. CW -22 WRITE FOR FREE • .BOOKLET A1EY DAT A FISH DAY