HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-03-07, Page 1t.. 'VOLUME 40, Ns L;3 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, I940. Rates: $1,25 in Canada, in advance $1.50 in U.S.A., in advance CHESTER L. SMITH, I'ublish•rrr Patronize your local Merchant, and Read your Home Paper COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES . E. Z11rbrig ,11..0. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of 'Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment°at . A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH -- ONT. Good Glasses at. Reasonable Prices BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP SEASON'S SPECIALS Get Yaw Special now! All Permanents Guaranteed. Croquinole waves a Specialty. Our main Special, a Eugene, with a deeper wave and a tighter curl regular $7.50 for $5.00. Morning special only, free shampoo with every .finger wave. .Be sure to call 15+9- for appointment and avoid being disappointed. Phone 159 Zurich for.Appointinents. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. Used Cars SEE OUR STOCK' BEFORE BUYING 2937 DODGE COACH, low mileage, clean inside and out. 1936.CEEV"..COAOH, trunk, heater, defrosters, new tires, (without knee action). A car like new inside al out 1934 DODGE SEDAN, trunk, very choice inside and runs like new 2936 VZ Coach, Black, owned by one party since new. A dandy car at a Iow price, also trunk. 1938: OEEV. COACH without knee action, Finish and cush- ions Tike new. The prise is a aluprise Too many used Cars on hand, to Describe each Car separately. Most of these • cars, are original finish and Upholstering. : PRICED TO SEW INVESTIGA 'E1 2931 GHEV. COACH. 1934 Plymouth Coupe 1930 FordCoupe 1933 18 Sedan, new motor. 1930 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Coaches (5). 1929 Essex Sedan 1932 Ford Sedan, 4 cylinder 1936 Dodge Coach 1935 Plymouth Coach 1937 Pontiac Coaches (2) 1934 ehev. Master Coach 1937 Olds sedan 1929 Fbard 3a -ton truck 1929 Ford Coach $65,40. WARD FRITZ More Trade In's Arriving Weekly on the 1940 Dodge Cars. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday • Hillcrest Shortening, 2 lbs. 23c Sultana Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. .._.23c 23c Pumpkins, 2% large tin, each 10c Superior baking powder, 16 -oz. 23c Swansdown cake flour, per pkg. 29c Icing sugar, 2 lbs. 19c 27c Sweet mixed Pickles, jar Pitted dates, 2 lbs, ,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sugar crisp corn flakes, 2 pkgs. 14c Black at floor wax 1 -lb. tin ,,, Kirk's Castile soap, per cake Salmon red Cohoe, half -lb. tin 17c. 1 -Ib. tin....29c Coffee, Break O"Morn, per lb 35c Nu -Jell jelly powder, 2 ukgs.......15c Chateau cheese, half -lb. pkg. 17c Peas, No. 4 sieve, 2 tins 19c 95c 5c We are showing our new wall papers, newest de- signs at lower prices. Also room. lots at half the original Price. J. W. MERN ER Leavitt's Theatre EXETER OAT, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 3 Unit Show "Smashing the Spy :ming" With Ralph Bellanny and Say Ray, Western, With Chas. Starrett TEXAS STAMPEDE Western, with Chas. Starrett POPEYE CARTOON '11,D PIO RITA ,ORCHESTRA Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Two Features TAILSPIN Starring ALICE FAX And all Star Cast. Bulldog Drumrnond's Bride With. JOHN HOWARD COMING— "That's Right, You're Wrong." With Kay Kayser, all star cast. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Jerome Eugene Bedard, who passed away two years ago, March 4th, 1938. His charming ways and smiling face, Are a pleasure to recall. He had a kindly word for each; And died beloved by- all. The years may wipe out many things .But this they ...wipe out never, • The '.nientory of :those Iihpgk •dries, -t_ 1V4::Martin Wt7,rm received.o. letter When we were all together: •" from his son Nelson, who is, farming What would I give to clasp his hand, near Plato, Sask. In his letter Mr. His happy face to see, -r Wurm remarks of how he enjoys the To hear his voice and see his smile, weekly copy of the Zurich Herald. He That meant so mush to ane. states that they have had littlesnow this winter, nor much cold weather, as the coldest was 35 below zero. in January. Rev. Father L. W. Power, who has been south on a Missionary trip re- turned home on Friday evening. The mission necessitated Father Power to go south as far as Florida, and we hope Father Power did enjoy the fine sunshine in that balmy district these wintry days. During Father Power's absence the parish was supplied by Rev. Father Gaffffaney of London. Water Works Extended. At a recent meeting of the board of Police Trustees of the village held, resolutions were passed providing for an enlarged water supply at the fire hall by the interchanging of a double cylinder in the .well. This will throw 75% more water than the pres- ent single action cylinder. It was al- so decided to make extensive exten- sions to the water supply system in town, as main pipes will be run both north and south along Main Street to supply homes, the owners of which have signed a petition for the water service. Soon the Zurich water sy- stem will be one of the major public utilities. �`� E'. ..� 1 , F: Messrs. Harrison Schoch and Neil Witmer motored to London Thursday Many attended the recent ploy -off hockey games in the community. Mrs. Moses Gerber who uaiea'vent an operation at Clinton hospital, has returned hone. The Advisory Board of the local Red Cross will meat in the Town Hall nn Monday evening March lith. Mr, •Garfield Witmer was recently taken to ,Clinton Hospital where he Underwent an operation for itis knee. Miss Anna Hess was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brand, of London on Saturday. Misses Belva Truemner and Mel - (axle Datars were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Schade at London. Special Sale FOR 7 DAYS Admirable Pocket Watches $9.95 15 Jewel Excellent Timekeepers Very Reliable Mr. Edmund S'yartzentruber, who has been at the Clinton Hospital for These sell the past four months a result of el- ectrocution last fall, has recently re- turned to his home on the 'Bronson line, and although minus his arm, Edmund is otherwise in good health. 'A large number of people ettended the Schrag auction sale on Tuesday, and in general good prices were ob-, tained, especially did the good live stock fetch good prices. f:Mrs, Menno Oesch, who spent a few weeks with her relatives, near Kincardine. Her husband accomp- anied by Mr. Ray Oesch anti Mrs. :Susie 'Oes .,enotored up Sunday last IN MEMORIAM . Merner—In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Mrs. Roy Mer, ner, who departed this life one year ago, March 13th, 1940. Afflictions sore, long time she bore, Physicians were in vain, God called her home that she might rest. Because He knew that, that was best Rest dear Mother, your troubles are o'er, Your willing hands" shall work no wore, You did your best, you worked for Those that you loved Jest. Sadly missed by Husband, Son and Daughter-in-law. Hensall Spring Show The South Huron Agricultural So- ciety held a successful annual seed show at Hensall on Friday afternoon with more entries than last year. Oats particularly had a heavy entry and much interest was manifested by the' splendid representation of farm- ers present. Speakers included Prof, Mason, O.A.C., Guelph; Owen Geiger Hensall; W.D. Saunders, Exeter; J. G, Shearer, agricultural representat- ive. The judge was Prof. Mason, Prize winners included: Fall wheat, W. R. Dougall, Hen- sall; :Hilton Truemner, Zurich, Spring wheat, Hilton Trueniner. Early oats, 0. Geiger, W. W.' Chap- man, Hensall; Gerald Snider, Zurich. Ebson oats, W, H. Dougall, W. J. McKenzie, ,Kippen; Gerald Snider, Dr. A. R, Campbell, Ilensael. Late oats, W. R. Dougall, Hilton Truemner, W. J. McKenzie. • Six,iltowod 1w:1ex,, ;Hilto:t Truem- ner, W. R. ,Dougy�ii,'W. J. McKenzie, Owen Geiger- 4 Son, ' Field beans; "iW W Chapnian, W.R. Dougall, -W. L iMc$enzie ' Soybeans, Alex. Buchanan; lien - sail; any variety beans, other than white, O. Geiger & Sons. Timothy seed, W. R. Dougall, H. Truemner, W. M. Consitt, Hensall. Red Clover seed, Bert Hlopp, Zurich; W. R. Dougall, W. M. Con- sitt. Sweet clover seed, W. Alexander;; alfalfa seed, W. R. Dougall, W. W. Chapman, W. Alexaii.,cier. `Potatoes, Dr. A. R. Campbell. Most creditable showing of grain and seds, W. R. Dougall. ' Red Cross Busy The Executive of the Zurich Branch of the Red Cross appreciate greatly the splendid work being done by the ladies of Zurich and the surrounding community. The following are the articles forwarded in the February shipment: 3 quilts; (i pr. pillow cases; 37 pyjamas; 11 hozpit •l •gowns 24 triangular slings; 12 T bandages; 12 abdominal binders; 18 Hampton bed pads; 12 bed pan covers; 18 Pneumonia . jackets; 72 pr; socks; sweaters; .36 scarfs; 36 .prs. wristlet.,' ,Celebrates 76th Birthday , An enjoyable -time *as' spent a. the home of Mr and Mrs, Andre, Thiel, Zurich 'oft ' Thursday evening last in,,honoir of Mrsr: Kiel's 76th. birthday when her children, grand Ichildren 'and great grandeh'Idren, a bout fifty in nunz'ber, gathered to spend a social evening. The even- ing consisted of games amt various singing after which Mrs, Thiel war presented with various useful gifts. Delicious refreshments were then served. The Herald joins the many 'friends in eXtending best wishes. As this is a leap year birthday, it will be four ye'rs before' another such an event can be celebrated. regular for $13.50 A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. - i; �� zI PHONE YOUR O' ► R. FOR b ue code For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Olen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling Co. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fat .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensall *•4•••••••••444.•••••44.44.444.446404444 44044444 4a 4 e •• • NeerSpidng•• • THE .4OLD. sAymp, 'The Early Bird Catches the Worm' IS TRUE! With this Year's new samples... They are Won- . derful quality and Patterns, that can't be beat a BUS" • • • • • 4. • 4}, • n • • • 4 4 • • • s • • • • 4 '• • • • • 4 s • • • • • • • • • The quantity is limited 'and the range is not as large as other years due to war conditions. So we advise you to make your, selection early for your' 4 'new suit as our range at $24.95 is second to none. • BE WISE ' AND CHOOSE EARLY • IL Iioffan & Son a - EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • , *44444 4**,44.4* 04.444004 .•.4 4••••••••••ta•+sw•4t;•6.44t►.4,e i WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK! BOCGLAS STORE PHONE 11 -97 P.LAKE