HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-02-29, Page 4*GR r'ovR
7URIC., ki
18 hes
Driver's License
.fie. ' reteA
For the convenience of motorists, 1940 registration
plates and drivers' licenses are now available. No exten-
sion of time for use of 1939 plates and licenses beyond
the date of expiry (March 31st) will be granted. The
forms of application for renewal of permits and licenses
will Tie wand " `ori "tile , ` o-i-efib"we 'usgliZ for 1939;
Secure your 1940 plates now and renew your dri�*er's
license at the same time.
AII public •
comiil ertiul
vehicle ;licenses
MAKE plans early this year to harvest a bumper crop of smooth,
clean, high-quality potatoes. Good seed is the first require-
ment for an excellent crop ... because only good seed will grow
vigorous plants, plants that can withstand most of the serious
diseases common to potatoes.
Canadian Certified Seed Potatoes are good seed potatoes. By
planting them, many of the losses due to disease will be avoided .
higher -quality, cleaner, smoother,. more uniform potatoes than
those grown from ordinary seed stock will be produced.
So, this season, harvest finer potatoes — and more of them. Plant Can -
adieu Certified Seed. Grow potatoes that will grade Canada.No. 1.
Canadian. Certified Seed Potatoes are available in all standard
varieties. Be sure to select the variety most suitable for your
locality! Ask the local District Government Inspector, Plant Pro-
tection Division, for full information and list of nearest distributors.
Food supplies are important in xurtrtinze
This year, plant and raise only the hest.
F C) l Look for this certification Lig on the bag or container
TAi@rb —the only way of being sure of
Soul Potato Certification. getting Canadian Certi•
Ped Seed Potatoes.
+ �`\ gramme it
Y '� , A'"'•. a 1 51%;. c , carefully.
District rnsi -toy
aro l:ordcnitur.d Department, Ontario Agri,
cultl College, Guelph, Cant.
Agricultural Supplies Board
Honottrabls James a Got raft efr,
Farmers please notice the date
Monday, March (18th for the Fani
School to be held at Grand Bend, a
2 .p.m. L C. ;Marritt of the Forestre
Branch, Toronto, will speak on the.
subject of Home Beautification ane
Reforestation. At the evening sess-
ion A. P. Watson of the livestock
Branch, Toronto will speak on "The
Bacon Hog :Business." Do not fail
to hear these experts on these tim-
ely subjects. Open discussion in•
vited. Mr. J. C. Shearer, Agricultur-
al Representative is in charge of
this school. Everybody welcome, lad-
ies specially invited to attend. Fur-
ther announcements will be made.
Pleased to report that Miss Myrtle
McKinley, daughter of Mr. and 1Vlrsr
Elgin +McKinley is recovering from
her recent illness.
Gordon Saunders of Detroit was a
recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce ;McClinchey.
The annual meeting of the Goshen
United Church and Sunday School
was held in the church Monday eve.
last. Reports were given by the var-
ious dgpartments and ;officers elected
for the current (year. 'T'he staff of
teachers and officers stand practically
the same as last year.
Young People
On Monday evening, February 12,
the young People's Union of Goshen
United church entertained the Bruce -
field Young People at a very success-
ful Valentine social in the hall in
Varna. Mr, +Harvey Keys, vice-peesi-
dent of theGoshen Y.P.U. welcomed
the visitors who were in charge of a
most interesting devotional program,
About eighty young people joined in
a 'hearty sing -song, after which sev-
alai exciting games were played. A
delightful lunch was served and Mr.
.Bill Pepper thanked the •Gtrshen -So-
tiety for a very pleasant evening,
Six ,Horses: --No. 1, stalilion, Cary-
.ola Jr., 15905, black rising 5 years„„
this stud has been in service for twos
Of Farm Stock, Implements and years and managed •by Wm. Schrag-
Household Effects, On Lot 2l, Con. 4 No: i2, Fan Intime 18748, female blk..
Hay Twp. 2 .mileswest of Hensall,on. 12 yrs. old, a brood mare of outer
THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1940 standing quality in foal to Jeffro an,
Al Premium stallion. No. 3, Patrick
Commencing at 1.00 o'clock, p.m. stallion 2 yrs. old. These homes carryy'
HORSES--Grery team, 7 yrs. old, the blood of Carnot Etudiant Maliere
Sorrel gelding 8 yrs_ old; Agen Per- and Intime. No. 4, 'Kate, black, r s-
cheron team! Aged Sorrel driving ing 3 yrs. bi foal, No, 5, .gelding ris-
mare. ing 7 yrs; No. 6, filly 1 -yr. old,
CATTLE—Red cow due at time of CAT'J~T.T(, 15 Flead—T1J s, herd it
sale; road cow due at tims of sale; accredited: No, 1, `eow, Sylvia Ore
3 road cows due in June, Poiied An- msby.,Netherland' N. 341036, born
gus cow due in May; blue -road cow Apti1.1.0, 1933; fresh by time of sale;.
fresh with calf at foot; Jersey'cow No; 2, cow St, Clair Ormsby 341035;
fresh with calf at foot, large (Holstein fresh.` *Dec. 20th; No 3, 'cow Lena
cow fresh and bred; 3 Polled Angus Netherland Ormsby 345565, Feb. 1N
steers 2 yrs. old; 3 red steers 2 yrs. 1936, due March 24th. No. 4, Sylvire,
old; 7 roan and red heifers 2 yrs. Netherland Lady 368503, due March
old; 5 baby beefs 5 months old, 2 28th. No. 5, Lady Keyes Marino.
fall calves. No. 402026, fresh in November, No.
PIGS :—York So* with litter of 6, cow Lady Netherland Sylvia Ann.
9 at foot; York sow due in March; No. 402028, due March 25th. No.7'x
young York sow bred; 7 York stock- Lady xi eyes Netherland Lily liar
ers 125 lbs. each; 402029, Oct. 7, 1937, fresh Dec. 26..
HENS -250 White Leghorn Full- No. 8. Lady Keyes St. Clair No..
ets. 402027, Oct. 13, 1938. These cows
IM.PT,F,MEN'1 S-4MeCormick bind- were all sired by Sir Keyes Nether;
er ,praotieally new 7 ft, cut; new land Ormsby 94438, a grandson of
Massey mower 6 -ft. cut; Massey the noted Ray Apple ' Pabst. In the
mower 6ft. cut; McCormick -Deering cow's pedigrees you will findSires,.
fertilizer drill 11 -disc nearly new; King Lyons, Colantha, King Lyons
s•pringtooth cultivator, 3 -section spr- tHengerveld, Albini Josie King with
ingtooth harrow, Cockshutt bean a long list of high producing daughi-.
scaffler new, Massey bee e. seufl'ler ers. No. 9, Shadyside Prince Lou
with puller combined; 1 -horse scuff- Pabst 125422, present herd sire, also
ler, 2 sets of diamond harrows, M.H. a grandson of Rag Apple Pabst. No.
disc 12 plate new, 2 walking plows, 10, male Aloartra MerceGes Sir
2 -furrow riding plo}v, 3 -drum Bisset Keyes, No. 127441, ;Nov. 28, 1938.
roller nearly new, McCormick steel No. 11,- grade cow -fresh, December
-rake nearly new, quantity of cedar 19th. No. 12 grade cow due April 15
posts, 3 wagons practically new, 2 •No. 13, heifer due March 28th; Two
flat hay racks 16 -ft. nearly new, yearling grade heifers, also 2 York
. wagon box, stock rack, set of bob brood sows due in 'sleighs,Aril. •p
top buggy, Portland cutter,
2000 -ib. cap. scales, fanning mill, IMPJIEMENTS, ETC—Massey-Har-
wheelbarrow, 2 sets of gravel boxes, ris binder 7 -ft. cutnearly new; 5 -ft
a quantity of oil cake meal, 3 sets of cut mower, Massey hay loader, 10 -ft
.double heavy harness, some grain, steel rake, hay tedder, Cockshutt
bags, 6 horse collars, set of single fertilizer drill 11 -disc nearlynew;
harness nearly new, whippletrees, Cockshutt scuffler, 1 -horse scufflere
doubletrees, logging chains, forks, - coulter packer, 2 walking plows, 3-.
shovels, fence stretchers, block and. section spring tooth harrows, 4 -see -
tackle and numerous other articles. " +tion harrows, 3 -section harrows, 2
Household Effects—Iron kettle, wagons, wagon box, gravel box, stock
Renfrew cream separator 7504b cap; rack, fiat rack 16 ft; bob sleighs with
2 Daisy churns, Doherty co* stove; fiat rack, Portland cutter, buggy, M.
heater, Etc. - • H. manure spreadti•, C. fanning milt
GRAIN -200 bushels of seed oats, j with bagger, • 2000-1b. cap. scales;
200 bushels of seed barley, 8; tons of , set -or -re-; ropes, large hay fork,
Clover hay. ' extensio:i ]adder, small ladders, Sit=
Everything will be - sold ` to the Dixie, feed mixer, clover buncher, 2
highest bidder as the Farm has been • sets of heavyrharness, set single har-
rented. ness, 8 horse collars, •collar tops,
TERMS—CASH. horse blankets, twine sacks, Wallia
Arthur Weber,' Auctioneer.. ' M. -H. tractor in good condition, 2 -
Wm. S. Johnston, Perk -- furrow mohhoard plow 11L -H; 4 -fur -
Mr. -Lorne Luker, Ad ninistrators.Mrs. Oscar Koehler, ;bey disc
. plow. Goodison threshing.
1 box, wooden silo, power clipper,- De -
AUCTION' SALE Laval and numerrooustothez' ar. is er.or, - Viking eparator;.
Everything Sold to Highest Bidder,
Lunge served to those from a distance
Mr. and iMrs. Edgar Restemeyer
.attended the funeral of leer uncle,
Mr. Strome in 'Waterloo on Monday.
1V 1r. Ervin Mclsaac and family of
Windsor spent the week -end with his
mother, Mrs. Lucinda Mcisaac.
Mrs. Ocilla Restemeyer has return-
ed after spending a few days with
friends in London.
M. and ;Mrs. Barry Cook of Tor-
onto, spent Sunday with her parents,
i\1r. and Mrs. D, 'l'teman, Mrs.
Cool* is spending a week with her.
Mr. "and Mrs. Scott of Bownianviils
visited with her parents, Mr. and'iV1re
Wm. SCeinstiver on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. George Fee of Hen•
sall were Sunday visitors with Mr. S.
.oer-e01,, 31c.
;Mrs, Hoperoft visited with friend:,
i_ " onto last week
Dr. and Mrs. H: Taylor motored tc
Windsor on Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs. C
:.ruentrher who spent some time there
returned. home with them. .
Edward faanacher and Roy Bende
are spending a few days in Torontc
&As week.
Mr. Valentine Becker gave a splen
id display of machinery here last we
ek to alarge crowd and has so fa
been successful in selling about 2;
.ctprs which is a credit to Mr
Becker as an agent in this vicinity.
Rev. H. A. Kellerman is at presen
here at the bedside of his father, ;M
George Kellerman who is very lo-
et time of writing.
Word was received here las
week of the death of Mrs. K.ursinsk'
(nee Freda Miller) at Minden, Mk"
in her 26th year. Mrs. Kersinsky we
a daughter of Mrs. and the late Ott(
Miller of .Dashwood. She leaves he:
sorrowing huslband, her mother, twt
sisters. Rev. (Mrs. Koessel of IV/Linden
Mieh., and Hildegard at home, five
brothers, fthinard, Theodore, Albert
and Edwin of Dashwood and Herbert
at: home. A number of relatives at.
tel ded the funeral which was held
Iaw.Miriden on Saturday.
DISPERSOL .SALE of Reg. ;Holstein
Cattle and Percheron Horses, and a
complete set of Implements of • the '
late C. Schrag, on lot 26, leen. 11, Duran A. Brown, ,Shedden,
Hay Twp., 1' miles north Of‘Zurich
On TUESDAY MAROH 5th. 1940
Commencing at 1.00 o''elock p.m.
Arthur Weber, Dashwood, Auction-
Louis Schrag,
+M, Peachey, Executors.
ecm1Ithis ederit25watch 04I.0
" 1 like Purdy Plour bast for all my baking because........
or one of Twelve Other Cash Prizes:
2nd Prize - $ 15 3rd Prize - $ 5 Ten Prizes - $ 1 Each
Your Purity Flour dealer will give you complete details
of this contest—ask him for free Recipe Booklet, to
give you helpful suggestions.
Listen to "CAVALCADE OF DRAMA" ovary Monday, Wodnosday, friday,
CMS Strafford (1210 kc) 10.30 A.M. CKNX W ngham, (1200 kc) 11.15 A.M.
1 Your Winter's Fuel
We are Now Filling Orders for this Winter's
Fuel. Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for
your Heating Equipment.:. Prices always within
the limits of other Dealers with Quality Considered.
We have an up-to-date Seed CIeaning Equipment
that we use for Custom Cleaning, and invity the
Farmers who have seed to clean to arrange with us
for this Work.
A Guaranteen Product that will greatly help your
Stock and Poultry to Vigor and Production, which
will mean greater Profits. Try ill
L.•Schilbe &Son
4.044.0001004004.00110.11410000 ..1110011.00.600441410.4.0001111