HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-02-29, Page 1VOLUME 40, No. b2 4 a<' ERAL ZURICH, THURSDAY IIOININL, FEBRUARY 29, 1940. Patrouize your focal MeNhant COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Z ttrb)r14,R.Q. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used, Open every Weelt Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP SEASON'S • SPECIALS Get Your Special now! Ail Permanents Guaranteed. Croquinole• waves a Specialty. Our main Special, a Eugene, with a deeper wave and a tighter curl regular $7.50 for $5.00. Morning special only,. free shampoo with every finger wave. Be sure to call 1.59 for appointment and avoid being disappointed. Phone 159 Zurich for Appointments. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. 1 4144, Used Cars SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE BUYING 2937 DODGE COACH, low mileage, clean inside and out. 1936 CHEV •COAOH, trunk, heater, defrosters, new tires, (without knee action). A car like new inside al out 1934 DODGE SEDAN, ;trunk, very . choice"insideand runs like new. 1936 V8° Coach, Black, owned by one • pap since new. • A dandy car ata low price, also `:trunk. 1938 ;OIEV. COACH without knee action. Finish and Cush- ions hike new. . The price is a surprise. Too many ;used Cars on hand to Describe each Car separately. Most of these cars are pr ;nal finish and `Up1 olsterattg PRICED TO SELL' `' �INVESFIGA ! 1931 CHEV.. COACH. .t • 1932' 'Ford 'Sedan, 4' cylinder' 1934 Plymouth'Coupe 1936 Dodge Coach 1930 Ford •Coupe ' 1935 .Plymouth Coach 1933 VS Sedan, new motor. i'937 Pontiac 'Coache-s'(2) 1930 Ford Coach 1934 Chev.Master Coach 1929 Ford Coaches (5). . , . 1937 Olds sedan 1929 Essex, Sedan 1929.Foi;d %-ton truck 1929 Ford Coach $65.00:.:''r WAP D FRITZ More Trade In's Arriving Weekly on the 1940 Dodge Cars. k Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Libby pure apple juice:: 121/' -oz. tin 1 3c Libby's Spaghette with meat, . eT.tin. 1 5c Libby's chili con carne ,"'per tin 1 5c Tomato juice per tin t Oc Grape fruit juice, 50 -oz:, per tin 25c Red River cereal, per pkg. 25c Rinso, large pkg 23c. with 2 cakes Life Buoy 9c Ivory Snow flakes 25c., with glass bowl .for 1 c Kellogg's corn flakes with bowl 3 pkgs 25c ]Trory soap, med. 3 cakes 25c., large per cake 1 Oc -' -,10c Gamlen patch corn per tin peas no. 3 sieve, tin Coffee, 1 -Ib. pkg., per tin Sanka Coffee, 1-1b. tin Cookies, n ixed snaps, 2 • lbs ' ' Bird seed per pkg. Bird gravel, per pkg Jelly Powder, 4 pkgs. 1Oc ,.,2.9c 23c 1 4c 10c' 19e: 17c 25c 1.93 1,79 1.00 79c Lux Toilet- soap, ' 3 cakes Hook mats at Flannelette Blankets 70x84, pair House Dresses (gone with the wind) House Dresses, at Ladies' Silk Slips, real bargain A � .ate: s., S, .NE Phone 140 tt9 Bates: $1.25 in Canada, in advance $1.50 in U.S.A., in advance CHESTER L. SMITH, Publisher nd Read your Home Paper Leavitt's Theatre EXETER -- ONT, Thursday, Friday, Saturaay Special Feature, starring "Allegheny Uprising" JOHN WAYNE and CLAIR TREVOR; Disney Tecni-Color Cartoon. "Europe's ,West Wall" (LEON ERROL COMEDY Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday .. Two Feathures "Cat and the Canary" A MYSTERY COMEDY With .BOB HOPE And all Star Cast. "The Kids from Kokomo" Starring WAYNE MORRIS And MAE ROBSON. WANT CANADIAN FLYERS The Finnish army was reported in the market for experienced Canadian airmen, particularly .those with • ex- perience in northrn flying conditions, It is understood that no actual en- listments will take place in Canada. Applications will be supplied railway fare • to New York, from where,- if they meet requirements, they will be given passage to Finland Unitl they enlist in Finland they will be under no compulsion. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. and Mrs. Denis Bedard of Zur- ich spent Sunday with the former's parents on the Blue Water Highway north; - ' Miss. 2YIarguerite Ducharme left on Monday to spend d' few weeks• in -Lon don, with her sister. • Miss:Veronique Ducharme is spending. a few days with her sister; Mrs. Kuno Hartman, Goshen line. A few of our local sports motored. to ;Seaforth on Monday eve. to att- end the hockey game. IIr. and Mrs. Whitney Brokenshire spent (Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme.` Messrs. Dominique Jeffrey, Cyril Ducharme and Norman Sararas mot- ored .to London on Tuesday last on a business trip. Master Boboie Jennison of S.S. No. 11 Hay who has ,been operated on for appendicitis in Clinton Hospital, is doing nicely and will soon again be in his school class. Mr. Harold •'Siennon of St. Joseph, has engaged for the summer months with Mr. James Masse where he will take charge of the farm work. HENSALL Mr. and Mks. W. Tideswell of Blyth have rented the dwelling own- ed by Pegter Moir on S. Richmond st. and •fnoved into it. He will take the work on the railroad winch was made vacant by John Tapp. Friends of Mrs. Wm. Consitt are pleased to learn that - she is conval- escing nicely from her recent illness. Mr. and iMrs. Ezra Kipfer and T. Kyle were recent visitors with relati- ves in Kitchener. Joe Hagan who is still at St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London receiving tre- atments for .his ear, is now improv- ing nicely and able. to be up and around. Miss Mary Hemphill of London, visited with her parents here. Miss Florence Welsh was a visitor in. Toronto last week. Rev. and Mrs. Young of Fergus, were recent visitors here. Miss Violet ,Schwalm of St. Tho- mas was A recent visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sclnvalm Don. Walker and Lloyd Noakes who are training for overseas service fn Terc.sto, were visitors at their homes here, Mrs. -.l ender is visiting friends at Toronto., Late Yr �1; m. M. Craig, There: passed away Tuesday fast at his home here, a highly respected resident of Hensall .in the `person of Wm. Moore Craig in his 77th year. He was the son of the late s f.r. and Mrs. Douglas Craig and had been a resident here for the past 26 years. He was taken ill about a week ago with pneumonia, and in spite the best medical skill and nursing, pass- ed away. Surviving are one sister,Miss Hannah Craig, and a brother. John Craik. Funeral service was held from Cannel 'Presbyterian church Thurs- sh day afternoon, it being conducted by tl, Rev. Wm. Weir. A goodly number of villagers at- eadGd the hockey games at Seaforth Monday eve. and then at 'Clinton Tuesday' eve. ' essrs. E. F. Klopp and Tom Mey- 'e ,were recently at Toronto attend- jhe Fall Fair Boards' Conven- TI. Women's Institute A''word to the Ladies! Come and eijoy yourself at the Womens' Inst- itute which will be held in tree Town 1.611,. Zurich, Monday evening, March nth. , The roll call is "what does My Wild Irish Rose remind inc of?" The meeting begins at 8 p.m. sharp. So niemiers consider it your duty to come and non-members consider your selves ' invited. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade and son Harold motored to Seaforth on Mon- day. evening to attend the hockey match played by that team against Tavistock, this being a ploy off game and .Seaforth winning the round Those who attended the game said that:Haroid "Gib" gave a very good' account of himself as goal tender and: turned aside many shots that lo- oked like sure goals. Seaforth now meets 'Clinton in the finals, the first game ;being played on Friday even- ing' at Seaforth, and on Monday ev- ening'at Clinton. Enjoy Birthday Ou Monday evening of this week a very 'balmy event was enjoyed at the home,.of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien, when .the members of their family gathered.' around the table, 18 in number to enjoy a delicious Birthday 'dinner, the occasion being Mr. 0'- Drtei'a 70th birthday, and needless 'to sa�•.iat the hostess had• Many goodfc, t pared to. suit- everyone. 'The evening was merrily spent, along witht the Best Wishes to Mr. O'Brien froni his family. The Herald•joins the many 'friends in wishing.. Mr. O'Brien many more happy birthdays. Class Makes Quilt. Last. Thursday afternoon Mrs. A. Mousseau opened her home to wel- 'come the members of the Bethany Sisters Bible Class of the Evangelical Sunday School to a quilting. Mrs. J. K. Ehlers donated a beautiful top of 'the quilt, while Mrs. C. L. Smith don- ated the batting, thread and lining. The quilt was marked by Mrs. W.H. Hoffman and ;Mrs, J. Hey. The busy 'sewers' hail it almost completed by evening. This quilt is being donated ;to the Zurich Red Cross. Some of the ladies enjoyed the afternoon knittin'r for the soldiers. A good supper was enjoyed and all felt the afternoon was well spent. AIr. Josiah Geiger is teacher of this class. HYMENEAL Hohner—Deichcrt A pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday afternoon, February 24, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beichert, Jr., when their eldest dau- ghter, Vera Margaret, was united in marriage to Mr. Clarence Bristow Hohner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rohner of Stanley Township. lZev. E. Tuerkheim, pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran church, officiated. After a sumptuous wedding supper was served to the members of the immed- iate family, the bridal couple left by inotor for a trip to Kitchener, Ham- ilton and other eastern points. The Herald joins their many friends in extending congratulations. MASONS HOLD AT-HOME Hensall•Town Hall, Monday eve.last was the setting for the annual At - Home of the Masons of Iluron Lodge A.F. & A,M. when some 80 members accompanied by their wives and gues- ts enjoyed a delightful evening. The first part of the program was devoted to a program of musical numbers. Contributing to the program were solos by Rev. W. A. Young, of Fer- gus; Mrs. J. Bonthron, Mrs. 1• G. Smillie, Dr..Snnillie! piano solos, Mrs W, 1), Bruce,. Zurich and readings by Mr. E. M. Dagg, manager of the Bank of Montreal, Zurich; quartettes by the Masonic male quartette, also mixed quartettes, the accompaniests •being Wis. Young, Mrs. Mickle, Mrs. Bryce and Dr. Smillie. Cards were also a feature• of the evening, pro- gressive ` euchre being played and prize captured .by ladies' first, Mrs. MacLaren; consolation, Mrs. J. Shep- herd; gents, first, J. Parkins; consol- ations, Victor Dinnin, Zurich. Follow- ing a buffet luncheon for which sand- wiches, Cake and ice cream with all trimmings were ser: ed, dancing was indulged .in with Ross MclKay furni- ing the music and Mrs. James Bon - von accompanying at the piano. Mr obert Dalrymple was 'door manager. SPECTACLE REPAIRING Your Broken Lens or Lenses Duplicated. 48 Hour Service. Any Shape, Any Colour, Any Style Single or two Vision, and at a Reasonable Price A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered -.- Optician. For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, • Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling C. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices • paid foe .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensall • • 1' • • • •• • • • • • • • a • • •• • • • • es4•••**•*•*set••►•••••d•••••i••****44•+A•4444.44 ••• • 6 • • z2 THE'?. OLD SAYING: ; A • w Spnng awl s The Early Bird Catches the Worm' IS TRUE! With this Year's new samples... They are Won- derful quality and Patterns, that can't be beat BUT 4 The quantity is limited and the range is not as s large as other years due to war conditions. So we • o advise you to make your selection • • new suit as our range at $24.95 is second to none. -- • • • • early for your BE WISE AND CHOOSE EARLY • • Q • • 4 4 • 4 3 4 •i 1 s 1 • • • A • s • fit. ioraan & $onl EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS- + .4+e•04b0m•*Ai*••41.0a•s4064)0•40,"••*@••A0•40*04••w•••4,...e4 @ WATCH THIS- SPACE NEXT WEEK! THE UO GLAS STOR E PHONE 11 a 97 BLAKE