HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-02-22, Page 5»e1,a >aarl' ae ;11, ,BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL Dummy E. EforamEs ii3ARI ISTER, SOLICITOR, l ler-I; ARY PPUBLIC„ RTC. 'fite OFFICE—At Catut House •GODERICFI — ONTARIO Special Attention to Comical arxdi Court; Week. Mr. Holmes may be consultee • at Goderich by Phone, and Placate: charges reverses!.. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYC''E L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOrD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXOI4IR B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Maw Street, Opposite. Drug Steres Phone --96. Zurich . A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Veterinary GraduateCollege, le,University of of � Townie. nie. All diseases s of domestic animals treated s by the most modernprinciples, Charges reasonable.. Day or Eight calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Ireverness, Hennels. Office on: M.a YL Street,, apposite Town Halle Phone 116. HENSM-L- ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN. A POSITION. Tek re -IN -- duet - N - duct any Auction Sale', regardless as to size or article to sell- • I solicit your business, and if -not satisfied will make nd charges for Services Rea-. • •"tiered. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE,. Farm Produce WANT E lj HIGHEST CASH. PRICES —FOR— CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. CP rien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich i U T C E E.. R — — Zuric;hs Popular MEA T MARKET Let Us supply you with: the very Choice of Fth end Cur- ed Meats, Bolognaw$sagesP Ect., always on ha: t al. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash. Prices. for Wool, Hides ana Skins YUlighint & Son INSURANCE Western Fate MIA 1",1Weatiher Instance Ce. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO =Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1936,.$ZZ,1,527.00 Total Cash in itank and Banda $273,613.47. 'Rates ---$4.50 per $1,„0111 for 3 Years E. F. KLOPP'--ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing gh -Ing .Rods and all kinds of Fire ,.j Insurance Put Your Want For • Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads, in ;this Column HAROLD OVERHOLTS NEW POOL ROOM ZURICH—ONT. Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and Soft Drinks in the 'DEW—DROP---INN" Attention! Farmers We are in a position to supply you with Choice Seed Grains, also Clover Seeds, at reasonable prices. W. E. Reid, (Bean Dealer) Phone 87 Dashwood, Ont. 29-12t FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres, being Lot 8, Con. 1, Stanley Township, 1%s miles north of Kippen on No. 4 Highway. Very good buil.dings, 11/2 storey brick house, large bank barn, 9 acres fall wheat, Hydro in. build- ings. Farm is well drained and fen-. ted. For further particulars apply to proprietor, W. H Stone, R. R. 3, ippen. 29-3tp FOR QUICK SALE A. frame barn 40x60 feet with a good frame. Apply to William Wat- son, Babylon line, Zurich P.O. Phone 35r19 Dashwood. NOTICE FEBRUARY SPECIALS—To all Renfrew Separator owners; no charge will be made for repairing Renfrew Separators; you only pay for the parts. If you are in the market for a Separator, new or used, give me a call. Phone 93r4. HUGH THIEL, R.R. 2, Zurich, box 52 FOR SALE A Portland Cutter in very condition: Apply to: Will Schrag, Phone 94r18. good FOR SALE 8 SHORTHORN BULLS from J to 14 months old, accreded blood tested and good color. Sired by "Matchless Clarion 222772:" Apply to: CLIFFORD H. 1Z1YS, Elm.andorf Stock Farm. Varna, Ont HARNESS REPAIRING I am in a position to do all kinds of harness repairing, and will do same at our home, BIind Line, Harvey CIausius, phone 94r6. pt30 SAWING WOOD I have good equipment to do all kinds of wood buzzing. Apply to Elgin Weigand, Phone 58r11, Dash- w000d. pt44 FOR VARICOSE VEINS use Crouchman's Liniment. 32 -oz. bot- tle $2.50. Your must be satisfied or money refunded, at Zurich Drug • Store. pt -311 WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Hrses. Phone 47r15a Reverse all charges. Jack Williams, Dashwood, R.R.3. -50,39 PRODUCE WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give us a trial! MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 Zurich. pt4'39 Zuriah „Tar � ag '; I Come and purchase your Aut omotive Requirements from ?urich's oldest Established garage and Service Station. We can supply all your needs. :xpert Automobile repairing, with the latest testing instrum- nts, Acytelene Welding Tires 3atteries, Oils, Greases and' Repairs. B -A Gasoline in three Grades Give Us a Call! IT. 1VVM TJ SE AU Phone: Day 103. Dwight, 47 ON :NON-SUPPORT CHARGE Godesieh-•=,M; gi trate Malone told Otto Wieder on Friday that in the>. Iet. six months he hsxl'nt even tri¢+d o ;;upport Iva family, but rather he hncl been eparting around Toronto dodging the police. Wissler said some, thing about his it ability to secure work. "You never even sent 'word to your family us to your whey e'rout,, It will be three months in jail with Ih:iril 'labor.” the'Mageistrate said, The Wissler Iazni(y ii en. Hawick Tp. MAL Fr,'Fs& 16 Mr. 'Olayton• Pfile of Dashwood Was a business visitor in town Monday. Messrs, Nail Witmer and Harrison Schoch motored to London on Sunday evening, Mrs. William. Thiel was :a 'recent visitor with her sister' Mrs, Howard in London, ,Mr, Andrew M+eLean of the Sea - forth Huron Expositor, gave us a fri- en•clly call on Saturday. Rev. Father Power is away doing some missionary .work while his par- ish at Zurich is being served by Rev. leather Flarharty of Clinton: The little thaws. with the bright sunshine is gradually wearing down the snow banks, and the roads are all cleared of snow. IVlr, Harold Fisher, Misses Vera Weppter and Gertie Mink of the Chesley district were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Milton Oesch. Miss Lenora Haberer accompanied by Miss Patterson of 'Grand. Bend, attended the recital of "The Five Pi- ano Ensemble," at London last Wed- nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin -were Sunday visitors with the former's parents at Staffa, and owing to the roads :still in a blocked condition, they were obliged to walk the last mile of the trip. . Those who attended the funeral of the late 'Mrs. ,Henry Eichler at Pig eon, Mich., on Saturday from these parts were: IVIr. and Mrs, Christ Gingerich, Ephriam and Margaret Gingerich; Mrs. Allan Steckle, 1VIr. and Mrs. Simon Gingerich; Emerson Eab, Mr. and Mrs, Sol. Bechler, Wil- liam and Verda Bechler, Mrs. Chris. Erb. Samuel Ropp, and daughter Ina. Enterained Scholars Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin enter- tained the scholars of the Continu- ation room, of which. Mr. Dinnin is teacher to a Velentine social one ev- ening last week and a most delight- ful evening was spent. The evening was spent in Bunko and the prize winners were: Girl's first, Dorothy O'Brien; Girl's consolation, Rarnaine Geiger; Boy's First, Ray Schilbe; Boy's consolation, Herbie Turkheim. A most lovely lunch was served and Mes. Dinnin was being assisted by Mrs. Dr. W. Coxon of town, BARN BURNS AT VARNA At an early hour Sunday morning last fire was discovered in the barn of Mr. John Hartman, about a mile from Varna, and in a very short time ev- erything was in ruins, including all the live stock. Nothing could be .sav- ed. 14 head of . cattle, .4 horses, a numherof.lien4,: 8 pigs almost ready to ship, 4 sows, 1 with litter of 12. Mr. Hartman had been at the barn with the veterinary attending a sick sow about midnight, and at the out- break of fire Mr. Hartman was sleep- ing at the time, ;being aroused by neighbours. The origin of the fire is unknown and the loss is a big one, as the insurance protection was small. W. M. S. MEET The February meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of St. Peter's Lutheran church, Zurich was held at the home of Mrs. George Deiche.a., the president. Mrs. E. J. Datais was in the chair and led the devotions and directed the discussion of the topic "Our Own Household of Faith," which dealt with the. problem of resettlement and rehabilitation of aux refugees from Europe. The Chair lady called on the pastor, Rev l'uerkheim. He enlarged on the topic and also spoke on the Lutheran E:.m eagency Relief Campaign, the fund to help our fellow believers in wac torn Finland, and elsewhere. Th. (business was conducted by the prei dent. A soeial'cup of tea was cn;ote a by all This same group of worker have recently been holding weekly •Mission Study meetings at the home of their members. The book being studied under the leadership of the pastor, Rev. E. Tuerkheim, is -retitled "`What Every Church Member Sho- uld Know." by Dr. Zinck, D.D. Jud eire from the good attendance of menmhers and friends, and the inter manifested in the discussions these meetings have been of gmn: at. spiritual vuue to all who have been present. The last meeting of t>>... series is to be held this 'Thursday evening at the home of Mrs, L. A. Prang. RED CROSS NEWS The Zurich Red Cross is very active these days, the ladies who volunte- ered to knit ,and make clothing are quite active, also a number of quilts are being made. The proceeds of the recent carnival have also been donated to the 'Society. Grand Bend people put on an Oyster Supper in the Brenner Hotel recently which netted ..$1115.. The use of the hotel was given without charge Many eatables were donated and oth-. ors bought at cost. The Exeter Junior Red Cross put on a dance in the Arena, and thi' i unit did well, they tuined in $89.32 1 to the R. C. treasurer, Crediton unit netted $28 from a t supper it the town hall one night re- cently at only 25e, a plate, The Exeter Branch -in co-operation with the •Leavitt Theatre secured the pictures of the Royal Visit of la,t I summer and they we•ro` .shown r rsc- i eptly with good crowds in attend- ance. ttend- a r, 'C' me . a°once d " a n c, ha p c s .for the work amounted to $75, ZURICH HERALD S.E OV Window isplay COME IN, AND LET US SHOW YOU OUR MANY LINES WE CARRY FOR THE LADIES AND CHILDREN Colourful House Slippers; New Pat- ent or Calf Slippers; Motor Boots, Gaytees; Travelling Bags or Book Cases, Etc. FOR MEN AND BOYS: Spats, Romeos or other House Slip- pers, Galoshes with zipper of buckles Dressy Tan or Black Oxfords; High Top Boots, Fancy Hosiery, Trunks or Club Bags, Etc. All new Stock and good variety to choose from. Our prices are reason- able, our quality is good. E. J. DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing; Trunks, Club Bags, and Suitcases 411.11101111111111111111111111111.111 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World. Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—German Service: 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Minister. Mrs. H. G. Hess, Organist. 11 a.na. Sunday School. The Hensel! branch of the R. C. reports splendid.work for the past few weeks. Articles being prepared for' shipment include 175 pare socks '212 scarves, 5 ears. wristlets,. Belacla- �a cap, riffle mitts, 25 prs. pyjamas, 24 1chaki handkerchiefs, seven pi1l- o -v •slips, .four ' hospital gowns, 4 pr. bed. socks, 2 hot water bags, child- ren's helmets, bootees, 3 quilts, 12 dozen triangular bandages, 34 pneu- monia jackets. Hensall Council Minutes The regular I eeting of the Village Council was held on the eve of Feb. 5, at 8 p.rn. in the Council Clianiber, with all members being present. Minutes of the previous meeting wore read and adopted. Levi Rands appeared re his road oil account, same explained. Miss C. Mitchell appeared re insulin and the Clerk, same explained to her by the Reeve. F. Beer and G. Grant ap- peared as delegates from the Band asking for the usual grant. Motion,' that we • grant the Band the sum of ,x200 for the year 1940. $100 to be given now and the other $100 when needed. F. Coleman appeared re the snow plowing of the streets, same discus - el and the Council to view the same :�. Kyle appeared re the rink and the a„;es paid. Motion, that D. Kyle .be paid at the rate of 25c per hour for work at the rink. J. R. Paterson, tax collector reported collections of $29.91 for January, Lee 'Hedden re- ported re the snow rmoval also Hall renting. Motion, that the executive members of the Red Cross along with the members of the Council have a meet - ale to discuss the housing arrange- ments for the sane. Communications read: V. Hedden, Municipal World, C.N,R,, County Tr- ee Dept. of Health, Salvation �.rmy, , Commercial Stationery and Printing Co., W. Hildebrand, Mont- eith & Monteith, same considered and filed. Bills and Accounts read: 0. Rowcliffe, relief milk, $2; W. R. Davidson coal 8.50; J. Henderson groceries 17.50; H. Horton band grt. :,100; School Board, current exp. $1.000; W. R. Davidson, coal hall and rink $65; (Municipal World sup- plies 9.90; Lee Hedden, salary $55; F. Donnelly law costs 50.52; Mon- teith & 1Vlonteith, auditing 76.50; D. Kyle, labor rink 26.50; L. Hedden do 24.60; A. Hildebrand streets 4.40;:W. H�ildebr+and do 3.40; R. Dick do 3.80; W. Love do 3.20; R. Broderick team :streets 4.80; 0. Geiger, do 19.60; Hydro hall rink 29.90; H. Hedden. abor rink $1; T. Welsh, material. ,ink and streets 13.20; F. G. Bon- hrot insurance rink $25; Co, of Huron indigent 8.75. Motions: That the bills be paid. That by-law No. 2 1940 be given , first and second reading. That Bylaw No, 2 be given third and flnol read - ng and `finally passed. That we, hiro Lee 'Redden at the same satary,1 That we adjourn. James A. Paterson, .berso : r :n- CiexClark.. wlllullu 11 IIIIUHIIIIIIIIIIIIllll11m II 14UIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111fIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111V1111111111111111101111111111111111QII11111111111flip(IUBIII N O. W! HIIIIIIuouueass ssise mmmminimulllittitivii11111111111111111111111111III11111111I11111111;1III1111111111IIII11111111111111111111111111111111111'111111111111tIllulluulluuuuumiuumuntnxmraa v IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood.:. Good 4 -foot Body WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your runt:: in tlr:,sc Lines! HESS, the RMan =, NEW Flambe au Red CASE Tract r. NEW RFORMANCE NEW CONVENIENCE LOW UPKEEP Local Dealer--ALVIN RAU, Zurich, Phone 98r6. 1 ZURICH CREAMBEY Deliver your Cream to the Zurich Creamery and ob- 1 tain correct weight, test and Highest Market Price. We pay 2 cents premium per lb - butterfat for all Cream de- livered tothe plant. We also buy and pay cash for your Eggs and Poultry according to grade. We are Local Agents for the Viking Separator. Let us Demonstrate this high quality Separator for you! THE ZURICH CREAMERY 1 High quality bowl—closer skiin- ming—more profit. 2 Perfect neckbearing — assuring years of dependable service of the mechanism. 3 Proven durability. 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. Durable materials, expert, work- manship orkmanship and sturdy construction are featured in theViking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold continues to give satisfaction. Seven Models—One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., LIMITED Montreal 111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 111111111 01111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IHIHHI IHII11H1111HIIIII1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUM1111111111 Zurich Drug SOOT QUALITY DRUGS School Supplies Stationery —VALENTINES-- We --VALENTIN .S --- We are in a position for a Limited time only to sup- ply you with reduced iron at 2 -oz. for 35c. Cattle Salts, 4 -lbs. for L5c S'1t petre, per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. 25c Hellebore (special) per lb. ....40c STOP YOUR. COLD Vick's Vopo Rub .50c Vick's Ve-tra-nol 50c Dr. King's Nose and Throat Drops 25c C. B. Q. Tablets ......25c Pinex 49c Tonik Wheat Gum $1.00 EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES Excellent Assortment: Diamond Dyes, Putman Dyes, Sunset Soap Dyes, and Tintex for Tinting and Dying. DrJA AddisoA Addison ,. 11 111111111111111111111IIIII I 1111 II 1 HI HILI1111111fI411HII1111111111II111H1111I11111111111(111111111 111111111111I1111III11111 .I1. 111111111111111 !1111111411 3j