HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-02-22, Page 3CHANCE TO LIPTON'S IT'S M 11 lb, and 3 lb. packages of Lipton's contain coupons vsbicb you can Gaye and ex- change for Wm. Rogers 8s Son Silverplate. Write for Premium Book to Thomas J. L#ton Limited, Lipton Bldg., Toronto, Lao 4 Lipton's is always full- fiavoured.Brew it weals or strong rieln, full+boaled flavour fingers in every cupfuls eY40.+1,.•0^W W ^,>i{-�tr.0-0•.,D-4, V^N'�Y ,G••6•NeW-f4-,6.•O •,T How Can c t3Y At' 'te Abell tee Q. Thoes can 1 Make a goo'1 soap jelly? • A. This can be made from the scraps of soap around the house. Dissolve these small pleees of soap in just enough water to over them• and add one teaspoonful cf borax for each pint of the mixture. Q. T -low can I prevent pies from overflowing in the oven? A Lusert a short piece or 1n/cook- ed macaroni in the top of the crust. This will step the overflow. Or do this at the start to prevent. overflowing. Q. Flow can I preptere a solution for chapped hands? A. A good lotion for chapped hauls is- one part of aqua ammonia to two parts of glycerine. Add en- ougli rosewater to obtain a slight perfume. Q. flow can 1 remove the odor from an empty medicine bottle? A. Fill tho bottle half fu1I of cold water and add one tablespoon et dry mustard. Shake thoroughly, Pet stand for half a day, and then rinse carefully in cold water. Q. How can I make easier the task of b'ailing eggs? A. Try using an old fioar sifter for boiling the eggs. Place the sift- er containing the eggs in a kettle of boilieg water. When the eggs are %done, it will be easy to remove ,:them. Q.. How can 1 clean jewelry'? A. A solution of one-half amman- ia, and one-half water is excellent for cleaning jewelry. Then polish with a chamois. SCOUJTING The formation of Anti -Rumor Fa- trots" is one of the original war, time activities of the BPY Scouts of Trinidad and Tobago. They alM to nip any false and alarming news in the bud, as a contribution to- Ward maintenance of a steady mote ale on those islands, A clubroom for overseas and other Scouts in His Majesty's fore- ea has been opened at Imperial Boy Scout Headquarters, London. The oylub is open daily :from 9 a.m. to 1.1 p.m, and meals are obtainable at all hours. A special welcome is extended former overseas Scouts. An X-ray machine was .the last valuable contribution of the Scouts of M:ontreal to the equipment of the Children's Memorial Hospital. The apparatus was purchased by the :Montreal Scout "Good Turn Fund." For some years a Cub Paolr. and Scout Troop for the young patients of the hospital have been carried on by Montreal Scooters, Stouts and Scout leaders of the Canadian West who regularly tra- vel long distances to attend meet- ings have their long-distance bre- there rathere in New South Wales. A lady Cnbmaster at Lockhart, N.S.W., eyelet:, 28 miles each week over the bush roads to take her Cub Pack meeting. Six Walgett Patrol Lead- ers wheeled 114 miles to attend a Patrol Leaders' Training 'Course, then wheeled the same distance home. Link Trainers Being Built at Gananoque For R.A.F. d4 million -and -a -half dollars are being spent in the little Ontario town of Gananoente to build planes that will never fly. The money is being spent by the British air ministry on 200 Link trainers, the stubby, motor- Iiess -"planes" used to teach young pilots of the royal air force the intricate problems of piloting the modern lighting planes of the R.A.F. ave You Heard An Englishman and a Frenchman were arguing over whose country owned the finer navy. They asked the old Irishman in the corner to nettle the argument. "The Irish have the best navy," .he said. "In Heaven's name, where is the Irish navy?" said the other two. "And what a fool I'd be to be telling yott when yott znight be a couple of ei les," said the Irishman. "Some men thirst after fame, some after love and some after money." "I know something they all thirst after." "What's that?" "Salted peanuts." A passenger on board ship found that he had left his toothbrush in the washroom. Returning to recover ft, he found a man using it. "Sir," he exclaimed in amaze- ment, "that is my brush you are usingi" "Oh," replied the man apologeti- cally, "1'3n so sorry, I though it be- to-nged to the boat."s y Doctor: 'Why do you have eV 7652 tattooed on your buck?" Patient: "That's not tatto- aatf, doctor. 'That's where my wife ran into me with the oar when E was opening the garage A professor at x famous gents- twaa addressing the students e to take their departure. He had temtA71Ar. 'verbose and prosy. "Finally, gentlemen," he conclud- efitti, 'remember *at when you go 4st Ntto the world you will rind reereelves face '10 fay with a &1t to beople unite lhaTft lett their iCaA1l1;�ll,Lp " Ike wets aiten(itrig a meeting of the Henpecked Club. Sudden- ly the door opened. His wife sailed in, grabbed him by the collar, shook him until his teeth rattled, and exclaimed: ""What do you mean by attend- ing this club? You're not hen- pecked." What Science is Coag MAY REPLACE INSULIN Discovery of a substance which. in Iaboratory investigation has re- duced blood sugar in rabbits and monkeys and in a few eases in die-. betic individuals, is announced by Dr. 3. 13, Collip, head of the Bio- chemistry Department at Isle= University. The substance, prepared from a pituitary tissue, is given by the mouth. If proven effective, it would eliminate the Mental discomfort and physical suffering caused by re. peated injections of insulin in the treatment of diabetes. 6,000 TIMES BRIGHTER TJsing an odd camera which now makes round stars into square ones William H. Christie has determin- ed the brightness of 18 globular star clusters. "All the stars in the clusters are hotter and more brilliant than our sun," says the 'Mount Wilson cbser- vatory astronomer. "Tile total brightness of the smal- ler clusters is 6,000 times that of the sun, and that of the larger is 600,000 times, "Despite their brilliance, wap' two clusters are near enough to 'fie seen 'with the slaked eye. Cra ng A1°ca� �s� E�olrt tci 6f Nt of One roltef from !toeing of ecaonta, r$mplet, h. 'a foot, Scales roabies, rashes sad other estanaely wed Wu troubles lweeld-faeaeua, 000ling, eetf- eke liquid U,15, as A. Presuletton. (reaeelees, lost. Soothes irritation aid queerly stops inteo ahtng. 36o trial eonWo pramit, or mousy bad jg& ilr &peed today for D,13. o, PflEStCH1F'Ff6t Machine Tricks "Poker Faces'" A machine with an uncanny ab- ility at getting behind a "poker face" and telling what's going on there, was demonstrated to a group of about fifty Western On- tario policemen last week by Dr. D. J. Wilson of the PsychoIog' Department of the University of Western Ontario. Sonie of the officers outsmart- ed the machine, others had their secret thought bared. If there is a name for the appa- ratus it is not "lie detector," Dr, Wilson &plained. It is only one of several instruments all of which are used in the so-called lie detectors of the United States, to measure emotional response. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of tate all-in- clusive Canadian National Rail- ways system for the week ending February 7th, 1940, were 54,369,39.4, as compared with $3,163,696, for the corresponding week of 1939, an In- crease of $1,205,5.97 or 38.1%. WEAR` DESPONDENT T Crying spells, irritable gfalFS1 l6i�i`!A nerves due to function611 ra 'monthly"pninshouldf#nd( s teal "woman's friend" in Lydia 51, Fink- lmm s Vegetable Competent. Try ill LyuiaE.I"mhflai fsUpellttN TIRED FEET Modern Etiquette BY ROBERT► LEE Q. How ehonld 021e ' gulate his tips, and know whether to give u tip of a dime or a dollar? A, Tipping must be regulated by the contents of one's purse. It is really vulgar to be ostentatious and overdo it, When a person earns say $80 or $40 a week and goes around giving fifty cent and one dollar Ups, he should have a guardian. 2. When giving an informal din- ner, isn't it all right for the hos- tess to say, "just sit anywhere you wish?" A. No. This is very confusing. It is too much like playing the old game of "musical chairs." The host essshould designate where earn guest shall sit. Q. Would it be proper for a young young woman to sign a business letter, Miss Alice ,zones? A. Yes, but the MIss should be enclosed in parenthesis. Q. Is It all right to sign a valen- tine? apt DOES taste good in a ,pipe"' HANDY SEAL -TIGHT POUCH . 115 eeo.,nK-TOP" 'CIN - 600 also pecked In Pocket Tins A, Yes, if you wish, though many, people prefer leaving the identity of the sender to the imagination of the one who receives the valentine. Q. When ebildren are eating at the same table with adults, should they be served first, last, or in reg- ular rotation. A. Serve the children in same ro- tation as the adults. Q. What is the meaning of the abbreviation, "N. B,"? A. This is from the Latin nota bane, meaning "note well." CLASSIFIED ADVE X1 !li YSEMEN S S ,, 9 ,iCENTs I,VANTED ARE loll PLANNING A NEW etercentrer ox L',A'1'I•IROOttif Investigate "'BAftCLAY TILL:" TEE LATEST CONTRIBUTION to home modernizing; easily and quickiy applied; attractive eolor 4tombinstions for kitchen, bath. room. Edmund Bind Lumber Co., Ltd. 2570 Danforth Ave., Tgronto, or your Local Lumber Dealer. HAIL% C111C'Ks BABY '"HL"I.S, ALL $9 PER 1WND- red. Barred flocks, White Leg - horns, R. 1. Reds, Wyandottes. e.w Tiatnpshlres. February a:td March delivery. Carlton H.iatcbcry, Britannia Heights, Ont. 044,44 BRAY '_`FIIC S 3MAKI0 PROFITS • for wise poultry keepers. Order now. '::hi, ks, cockerels, pallets, capon., starred chicks. 33z•ay Hatebery, 130 John St. N., Bernie ton. A COMPLETE CHICK SERVICE. We havo 13 purebreds, five eross- breds nonsexed chicks, sexed pul- lets. sexed ooeieerels, capons, start- ed (hicks, older puliets. We hatch 50,000 to 60,000 chicks every week. We have four hatches a week. Due to this enormous production, we can save you money. Free e talogue and price list on re- quest. Tu-oddle Chick hatcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 13ADEN GOVERNMENT APPROV- ' II Chinks at rock bottom prices. tandard Quality White Leghorns 58.95, Barred Rocks, Now Hemp - shires, Hybrids $9.45, White Rocks, White Wyandottes -510.45, Heavy Breeds 90%n Pullets 516.90, Cock- erels 56.25. Send for free circular and price list. Baden 'Electric fiats Ci;.`'.teeteetv.... T,..inttted_,„:4eden... 3IG, HUSKY, QUALITY CHHiCICS, buy from a breeder who has a re - nutation for liveability. We hon- estiy believe our stock the best obtainable. White Leghorns, Bar- red Rocks, Hampshires, low prices, Niagara Poultry Farm, Niagara - on -the -Lake, Ontario. LOGICALLY POULTRY FARM Bared ehticIts are better value than hatchery chicks. Five breeds se- lection, 7 cents and up, farm rais- ed pullets. Circular on request. Highway Poultry Farm, 11.11. No. 1, Waterloo, Ontario. CHICKS, WRITE LEGHOR:NS, 9c, 3.3arred Rocks and New Hemp - shires 10e, from Government ap- proved, blood -tested stock. Write for catalogue, Prueedaie Pouttry Farm, St. 'rhnntns. Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY RADIO ELECTRICAL STORE large repair business — trunk, seventeen hundred cash. Smith Business Brokerage, 56',5 Adelaide 7.. Toronto. 004442440* i;l)It(;A'I'ioNAL STUDENTS NOW ENROLLING FOR courses in Matriculation, Short Story. Journalism, Shorthand and Speech Culture Make use of your spare time. Write today. Canad- ian Correspondence College. (es- tablished 1902) 223 rouge Street. Toronto. ELECTRIC MOTORS leLIECTRIC MOTORS SUITABLE for every purpose. Jones & Moore Electric. 296 Adelaide Street W., Torun to. FISHING TAC1eLEI OR SPORTING GOODS FISHERMEN! SENT) FOR OUR new, larger, 1940 Fishing Tackle catalogue, out March 20th. E, Manis, 171 Craig St. W., Montreal, Quebec. Xi'lI,i1XS BEST RESULTS -- ROLLS DEVEL- oped with higioss deckled edged prints — 25e. Reprints Be, 13eaut- ' tul enlargement free. Prompt eer- vice. Excel Photos, 1266 Lan.-;- downs .Ave., Torontn. FILMS •-- PRINTS l6'HEE ENLARGEMENT IN STUDIO. Folder with each order. Films de- veloped and printed by experts, 26c; reprints 10 for 25c. Nu -Way Photo Service. Station "A" Tor- onto. POD. SALE EXCELLENT FARM .LANDS, BEST districts Western Canada, reaSon- able prices and terms. Some wheat acresSpleendide ehima,tetts'W bushels Nes R. J. Routs es Co. Ltd„ La- combe, Alberta. PURE BRED ANGORA RABBITS, Mature breeders, four dollars melt Routiodge, 410 b'ottrteenth Ave., chine.. teeebee.. .. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -- New SPECIAiIZIi+iG illi REIUIIII" r.so- TOnS, I'OWEII-UNITS, E•Lye3roulie Bloieete, Winches, Generators, Stat- atria, Magnetos, Darburetore, Redlines orifi Exchange Service, Greet) 0 ttirafaetlon or refund, 'Levy Auto Parte, Toronto, ISSUE NO. 8-40 HARDY ,a:'f'I.s,: ' IIIJI7'S HARDY APPLE ELteoes — 60 CPS. each. Canada's Lowest Priced Nur- sery, growi: g leading varieties Fruit Trees. Ornamentals. Write immediately requesting sensation. al offerings. Tobe's Treery. Nia- e'nrn nn.thp-I,nlre Ontario IIAIt iS, RABBITS 44.4444444444440 RAISE ANGORA WOOL RABBITS. Splendid profits. Good markets for wool, honest grading, top prices in the Angora. industry. Write F. A. Sutcliffe, Vioe President, Federa- tion .American Angora Breeders, .Abereorn. Quebec. LEGIIORNS FOR SALE YBECKER STRAIN, SINGLE COMB dark brown Leghorns, males 59.00, trios 56.00. Henry Becker, Water- loo, Ontario. MILKING MACHINES GRADE "A" MIL'(. gm MILKS TWO cows at ones) into separate con- tainers. No pulsators. No old-fash- ioned pipelines. Write to -day. Wil- liam E. 13a=,den, 21 Quebec Ave., Toronto. AI:A('IXINE IiY . CLEARANCE: — TWO ONLY -- Brand New Whitte Portable Saw- ing outfits, steel frame, steel wheels with tongue, swinging steel saw frame takes 24" or 26" circular saws — 5 H.P. Hopper cooled horizontal gasoline engine. fitted with magneto, can be used as portable power plant — sale price, $285. The A. R. Williams! Machinel;y Co. Ltd.. 64 Front St. West, TO onto. MACHINERY FOR SALE WADE PORTABLE DRAG SAWS, reasonably priced, easy to operate, :.. a .money-maker wherever there o.rb-roes to^-ree 'atm ,'GW.xc4 to. tor.. free descriptive bulletin. The A.: R. Williams Machinery Co., Ltd., 64 Front St . West. Toronto. ?INN WANTED ARE YOU THE MAN? YOU CAN have a solid business established within three months. If you are tired of woking to earn profits for someone else OWN YOUR BUSINESS and enjoy amazing pro- fits every hour selling; 200 guar- anteed necessities used in every home. No Obligation.. Get details and catalogue free. Familex Pro- dncts, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. NURSERY STOCK HA.RDIIOST FRUITS, RARE ORNA- xnentals. Request illustrated cata- logue and planting guide; 600 var- ieties, trees, shrubs, perennial flowers, tested and grown at 'anymore. Order early for free booklet on new fruit recipes, also premium with order. Strong plants; expere packing, guaran- teed delivery anywhere. The Man- itoba hardy Plant Nursery, Drop - more. Manitnbn. otic cu TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infer. mation sent free. The Ramsay Co Registered, Patent Attorneys. 278 Bunte Street, Ottwn. Canado. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE. IN- dustry urgently requires trained men. Learn electric welding now. General Welding Works, 100 Jar- vis. Toronto. 0.4.44444.,4.4. 0844.440* PERSONA' QUIT TUI3ACCO, SNUFF. EASILY. inexpensively. Home remedy. Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice free. I3artlett's ilex 1. Winnipeg. 44444.4440040044400 HEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH and Liver troubles. Symptoms: Pains in right side, under ahead- • der blades and across hips, indi- trouble. Formula oftdoctor� Re- sults In one days Price 35.00. Mrs. Geo. S. Almas, Box 1078W. Saska- toon, Sask. STOMACH SUFFERERS: GIVE DR. McLeod's Remedy Stomachic a ohence to clear up your stomach trouble. At Drug Stores, or write Dr. McLeod's Stomachic Co., 558 Bathurst Street, Toronto. 4444104144461 HEALTHI A SIMPLE PREVENTIVE of common colds, self -applied, bas- ed on radio principles, static" in the nervous system. Corrective cir- cults made with the hands. Effec- tive in blood pressure and heart weakness, etc. Easy instructions Bent on receipt of $3.00. P. C. Fra- zee, Brentwood 33ay, Vancouver Island, B.C. FALSE TEETH LOOSENESS AND annoyance, banished cheaply at home by dentist's wonderful dis- covery for building up old plate to fit. Users amazed. Free infor- mation without obligation. Ran- dolph Laboratory, 22 Whitehall Road, Toronto. SALES MAN -4.0 WA. TED DISTIRICT SALES MANAGER TO supervise agents Bailing shoes. IL Ritchie Shoe Co„ 455 Craig St, W.. Montreal. SEED FOR SALE GOVERNMENT TESTED SEEDS Brom (grower to sower) shipped rm :sealed bags, properly mixed for flwonderful Hay or pasture crop. ed Clover, Alslke, Timothy, mix- ture, 318.25 per 100 lbs. Freight PAM, bagsree, ]dinner Seeds, ;Fort Dover, Cntrrio. 40 SEED IPoTA.TOIES BUYING;, SELLIN+;, CAR LOTS, Truckloads, Table. Certi.fle i eeed. Ontarios, Islands. Ask 13iseys, the largest potato dealers in Ontario, 64 Front St I... Toronto. Si:else UA'i'S ERBAN OATS, LEAF RUST B,L;9IS- tant, 65c per bushel. Duncan Mc- Donald, Ethel, Ontario. STeA14I1'S *. )12S".1'./.1 STAMPS ON ENVELOPES. NOTH- ing• after 1870. Will buy for cash. R. G. Purdy, 310 Glen Manor Drive Toronto. S0L1)II0It'w HONOR KOLL aahto CEIITIk 1CATIo HONOR ROLL OR CEIITIlsleATE of service, beautifully designed every province and unit repre- sented. Size 16 x 22 in 7 colours, suitable fee, framing, space for photograph and scroll for perm. anent record. Every soldier's home needs one. Mailed to any pinue in Canada, 51.00. E. Mackintosh, photographer and copywriter 59 Granby Street, Toronto TUIL1i10:S Z<'Uit Shia. 44044.01 WHITE ROLLAND TURKEYS, Government approved and utility stock. Prices on application. Bert Irwin, Seaforth, Ontario. USI.1) Ui.UTIII.N SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN US10D clothing! Write for big, free illus- trated catalogue on Men's, Ladies' and Children's used clothing. Gowdy's Mail Order Department, 837 Notre Dame Avenue Winni- peg. Manitoba. WATCHMAKING maziA.tziv W.LTCH.1111AKING AT leakIE„ Beginners' outfits from 50. Nntioz.. al Watch, Regina, Sask. LYONS February Clearance Sale New & Reconditioned) FURNITURE .411 used furniture is completely re- conditioned, guaranteed thoroughly clean and sold with positive moneys bade guarantee of satisfaction. 519.50 THREE I'ih5C10 CHESTEI?- field Suite, upholstered in novelty reap, reversible Marshall spring cushions. 524.50 SMART, S PIECE CHESTER.. field Suite, upholstered in Slue shade velour, reversible Marshall spring cushions. 535.00 BEAUTIFUL BROWN MO - hair Chesterfield Suite, (3 nee.), figured reversible Marshall spring cushions. 532.0.0 10 PIECE LIVING ROOM Outfit, comprising 3 piece Ches- terfield Suite, Bridge Lamp, Silk Shade, End Table, Silk Cushion Table Lamp, Silk Shade, Metal Smoking Stand. 512.50 STUDIO COUCH, SPRING filled mattress, makes into double or two single beds. 517.50 8 PIECE SOLID OAK DINING room Suite, buffet, extension table and 6 leather upholstered chairs. 524.00 SOLID OAK DINING ROOM Suite, buffet, extension table anti 6 leather seat :.hairs. Perfect, 539.00 COMPLETE 9 PIECE DIN- ing room Suite, solid oak, buffet, china cabinet, extension table, 6 leather upholstered chairs, $63.00 LARGE DINING ROOM Suite, in rich walnut finish, buffet, cabinet, extension table and leath- er upholstered chairs. $89,00 MODERN 9 PIECE DINING room suite, in beautiful 2 -tone wal-, nut, Buffet, china cabinet, extent inion table, and 6 leather upholster- ed chairs. 5108.00 BEAUTIFUL SOLID Wtete nut Dining Room Suite (cost nett approximately $375), large buffet, extension table, china cabinet, t3 leather upholstered chairs. 558.00 FLOOR SAMPLE, MODERN' Chesterfield Suite (3 pieces), reg 879. Upholstered in novelty rept', in brown, green or rust shades, bullet type, reversible Marshall spring cushions. $69.00 MODERN 13hlDROOM SUITN (factory sample), in bleached wet - Mit finish, waterfall design, Ven- etian mirror, dresser or vanity, chiffonier, full size bed, sagleam spring and new mattress. 589.00 SOLID WALNUT DTNTNG room Suite, (cost new approxi- mately $250), largo btiffe`, extent. Bion table ehina cabinet testi ata leather upholstered chairs. 519,50 SIMMONS STEEL 1301') IN walnut finish, sagiess spt t t , new' !mattress and large dresser In wal- nut finlsh. 0in two-tone RWalni tiiniislt BEDROOM WITH es er, chiffonier, full size bed and ua1 - less spring. 545.00 C041'.PLETB BEDROOM Suite, in two-tono walnut tinisb, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed, sagiess sprint;, and new t :attreatt, 559.00FwIbeaBEDROOM(Siein the nelebwalnut finish with waterfall fronts and 'venetian mirrors, Dresser, ,etiliton. ter, full size bed, sagiess sprinti and new mattress. 589,00 CUNNINGHAM P54. ie) 115 mahogany ease. Wondcrft ' , ontii.. time 58.05 With .slidinng pKITCHEN' rccelaInn tot 14.50 6 PIECE BREAKFAST SUItteiil er enamel trim:an- "u biak:. r buffet, table and 4 chairs. .All merchandise carefully crated foe safe shipment on• receipt etToomey, order and sold with a positive mol! ey»back guarantee of Satisfactien, Lyons Furniture Co, 478 Yonge St. TORONTO