HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-02-22, Page 1re' VOLUME 40, No, 51 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22, 1940. Rates; $1,25 in Canada, in advance $1.50 in U.S.A., in advance CHESTER L. SMITH, Publisher Patronize your local Merchant, anci Read your Biome Paper COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PlUCES € E.1.dsb rig , m. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Weeh Day Except Wednesday. Are You Sunfering- From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A.. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GO DERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices ir4N4-"44..P4N4.4.o..4,grqp,4,p4-4.4.4'44.4NT-4,44NN4,4-'4*4P`'W'"q".."'"'"'"" BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP SEASON'S SPECIALS Get Your Special now! All Permanents Guaranteed. Croquinole waves a Specialty. Our main Special, a Eugene, with a deeper wave ani a tighter curl regular $7.5o, for $5.00. Morning special only, free shampoo with every finger wave. Be sure to call 159 for appointment and avoid being disappointed. Phone 159 Zurich for Appointments. 41444.04.144,,49 MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. Jseci Cars SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE, BUYING 1937 DODGE COACH, low mileage, clean inside and out. 1936 MEV. -COACH, trunk, heater, defrosters, new tires, (without knee action). A car like new inside al out 1934 DODGE SEDAN, trunk, very choice inside and runs like new 1936 V8 Coach, Black, owned by one party since new. A dandy car at a low price, also trunk. 1938 CHEV. COACH without knee action. Finish and cush- ions like new. The price is a surprise. Too many used Cars on hand to Describe_eadl-car separately.. Most a these cars are original finish and Upholstering. PRICED TO SELL! 1931 CHEV. COACH. 1934 Plymouth Coupe 1930 Ford ,Coupe 1033 V8 Sedan, new motor. 1930 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Coaches (5). 1929 Essex Sedan 1929 Ford INVESTIGATE! 1932 Ford Sedan, 4 cylinder 1936 Dodge Coach 1935 Plymouth Coach 1937 Pontiac Coaches (2) 1934 •Chev. Master Coach 1937 Olds sedan 1929 Ford %-ton truck Coach $65.00. WARD FRITZ More Trade In's Arriving Weekly on the 1940 Dodge Cars. - WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Orange Marmalade, 32 -oz. 20c Crown Brand syrup, 2s 16c Aunt jemirna pancake flour pkg. 15c Golden wax beans, per tin 10c Areo wax, no rubbing, pints .29c Blue Boy coffee, 1-1b, A • r 4 35c Nut crust, 20 -oz. jar 25c New Port fluffs, 16 -oz with tumbler 25c Royal York coffee, 1 -ib. tin 49c Cooked spaghette 16 -oz tin • 10c OldDutch cleanser per tin.-. . ..... ..... .. ,. .. ...-1 1 c McCormick's sodas, 2 -lbs 25c ' Corned Beef, per tin . , , -, • 18c , jelly Powder, 4 pkgs. 19c. Ladies' Vests and bloomers at 39c Ladies' silk and wool hose at . ... .... ....39c Gies Pyjamas 6 to 14 years . . ..... ... .... 69c Phone 140 teavitt's Theatre EXETER -- YNT. Thursday, Friday, Saturday 3 UNIT SHOW • "Next Time Marry" Feature GoineLiy Starring James Ellison, Lucile Ball. "Fighting Gringo" With George O'Brien Mr. Ed:Hartz of Detroit is visiting With Mr. and Mrs, Hera Desjaedine .Babylon line. Mrs. Merino Oesch is visiting for a few weeks with relatives in the Kin- cardine district. Mr. E. A. Hamilton and Mb; Doris were Sunday 'is -tor ,; at the home of - (Mr. and Mrs. John Galster. isney's Tecnicolor .4Ir. Wier is at pLeaent Your 1.3.rokca Le.ns or Lenses Cart°°n- learning the barber.ng trade at the snop Johnston, Duplicated. 48 Hur oService. BLUE COAL .7 Mrs. Charles , 3 UNIT SHOW ..-Dashwood last k. el the lef•v!I Any Shape, Any Colour, •,,,•,,e LOU-GODAY Fight rictivOiteaf:hing , :d -ay afternoon vt her lionv! in Londoa Jean end • • Lonem, .wen Sunday vis:ton with pareatA, ,2.1r. and. BM.%.;; Single or two Vision, and at e. Bonier, 14th con, LE SPECTACREPAIRING For positive identificatiort of the World's Finest Anthracite 1 ak for Monday, Treaday, Wednesday days at tile hem,t of liar pateat, at Thiel spent a fewI Also Rosedale Alberta, Western, Starring: - 3 Mesquiteers. Comedy Any Style 7 thaa,:irt Patsie of the 11th con., are spending •?.a few day; vith Mr. and Mrs. T. .Meyere of town. . . 5t012ti,-1 lZopp, of mf." has been for four -.tendance with her sister,. -l's. Pigaon, Mich., has return :d Ha; was her home. 1 A Word About the Red Cross Don't wait to be invited. Come to ,tlie town hall every Wednesday after- noon and See if there is anything youcan do. .We .naust not feel this work ;desnot concern us, because it con- - ;.terns the whole: country, and we are • on HAY, COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting o the c.,:ouncil of tae *township of Ha was held at the Town Hall,,, on Monday, February 12th, with. al the mcmbens present. The minutes o the meeting held January 8th, 1940 were adopted as read. • -Numerous communications ,we,re Mapped_ of, , Theoilowiag 'resolugt Were—Iliaqtrz That the following giants-nen:lade to agricultural societes for the year 1940. Zurich Fall Fair $50; Hensel] Seed and Spring Fair $25; Exeter Fall Fair $10; School Fairs, each $5. That the rate of pay for work per- formed on Township Roads in 1040 he fixed as follows:—Patrolman only 25e per hour; man only 20e. per hr; man and team 40c. per hr; man and three horses, 50e. per hr; man, team and mower 60c per hr; pit gravel 15c per cubic yard. That by-law Nos. 2-3-4 providing for appointment of township officials for 1940 and fixing remuneration for same be read three times and finally passed. That Reinhold Miller be appointed as assessor for the Township of Hay for 1940 and that remuneratinn be fixed at $100 postage to be paid ex- tra. And that any by-law having re- ference to the appointment of asse or in past years be repe-aled and that By-law providing for the 1940 ap- pointment and fixing remuneration be prepared for passing at next regular meeting. That account covering payment; on Township Roads, Hay Telephone, Re- lief and general accounts be passed 'as per vouchers: Township Roads—Johnston & Kalb fieisch, acct. $7,54; Moses Gerber rd. n 97: H. Becker Jr. rd 11 $2; C. Aldworth, rd. 2 2.76; Z. P. V., pay list 1.20; Roofers Supply Co., snow fence 980.01; U. Pfile rd 14 .90; W. Coleman rd. 2, 1,40; Bonthron & Drysdale account .75c; J. Battler rd 6 2.25; H. Brown rd 15 2.50; H. 'Steinbach Road Supt. 10.85; Truck- ling snow fence etc. 23.80; F. C. Ralbfleisch, lumber rd. 10 7.50; J. M. Ziler rd 10 2.78. Hay Telephone—Nor. Elec. mater- ial 289.46; Bell Telt). Co. tolls 227.80 H. -G. Hess, 1 month salary 165,00; Postage re Annual Meeting 7.20; W. Gould, refund rate $5; National Rev- enue, tax on tolls 64.80; T. 11. Hoff- man, salary etc. 176.55. Relief Accounts -1J, Hendrick, rent $5; W. Hay allowance $10; H. Thiel transients 29,125. General -Accounts-,Municipal World 8 subs. $8; Toronto Stamp & Stensil Co., dog tags 13.26 Sehilbc. &Son coal for hall 77.74; Dr. J. A. Addison re veneral diseases $20; Dom. Meh. Co. repairs typewriter 16.00; Treas. hospitilazation 34.10; Whillier & Co. a..s,s't roll, etc. 14.16; A. Sopha wood for hall 18.75; Craig & Eisen - *mob, bal. lane gravel $26; Queen Alexandra San. refills $15; Roofers Supply Co. snow fence 171.44. That the Council a,ljonrn to meet again on Monday, March 4th, at 1.30 o'clock pan. A. Ti'.ITeSS, Clerk, jpibing eveit way we car,,AN4thoivi naving someone remind us of our duty. Accepts Call We nr-, in receipt of a communic- ation from -Rev. H. Remo,, or gam- ilton that he has accepted a call to Zion Lutheran Church at Massey, Ont. and he and family are moving to that place this week. Rev. Rembe will be well remembered in Zurich as he was poster of St. Peter's Luther- an church at Zurich before going to Winnipeg, Man., It was in 1928 that Pastor Rembe left for the West, and a little over a year age he retired to a well earned rest at Hamilton. We join the many Zurich friends in wish- ing Rev. and Mrs. Rembe every suc- cess at Massey, their new congre- gation. OBITUARY Late Ellen Sreenan There passed away at the home of her nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sreenan, west of Blake, on Tuesday February 20th, Miss Ellen Sreenan, an aged lifelong resident of the com- munity aged 87 years, 11 months and 19 days. 'Miss Sreenan, who has been a resident of Zurich for some years, and who still has her residence pro- perty in town, has not been in good health the past two years, and as a consequence has made her home with her eh v. Being of Irish decent, but born in Ontario. She was indeed an interesting old lady to converse with, and was of a very quiet and peaceable disposition. The funeral wili be held on Thursday mornIng, from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Sreenaa, to St. Peter's church and cemetery French Settlement for interment. Rev, Father 0. Martin, P P will preside. Died at Pigeon, Mich. There passed away at her home in Pigeon, Mich., on February 15th, a former well known resident of thr Zurich district, in the person of Mrs Mary Bechler, beloved companion of Mr, Henry Eichler, aged 62 years and 1 month. Mrs. Eichler was a daughter of the late Mr. Menne and Mrs. Bechler, who were former residents •of the, Goshen line south of Zurich. It is about 26 years ago that 11/frs. Eichler went to Pigeon, Mich., and 2.1 years ago was united in marriags to Mr. Eichler who survives, also mother, Mrs. Menno Bechler, Zurich; two sisters, Mrsr. Chris. Gingerich of Stanley Township, Mrs. 'Samuel Ropp of near Hensall; one brother, Solomon Hechler of the Branson line, Hay township. The funeral was held on Saturdny from thr family residence to the Pigeon cemetery,. Reasonable Price AG. jeweler and Registered Optician. Semet-Solvay Coke Creek. Glen Rodg-er's Briquets. rhe Roe Farms Milling Co. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fou .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 Hensall 4 4 • • 4. • • 4 • 4 4• 4 • •- • 40- • • • 4 44 • • • • • • 4• 4 4 4 • • • 4, • • • 4 1' nring • 4. THE—ODY '570111/1G:*''' 4 .0 • • The Early PEI Catches the Worm' iS TRUE! With this Year's new samples._ They are Won- derful quality and Patterns, that can't be beat GUT 3 3 4 4, 4 4 The quantity is limited and the range is not as 4 • _large as other years due to war conditions. So we advise you to make your selection early for your new suit as our range at $24.95 is second to none. BE WISE, AND CHOOSE EARLY 4 0 • 4,4, 4 4IL • oilman JO 0 1.1 4 EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4 011,41).4411.46.46...0 (4, e,14444,49644,44,;4•4, 4 444. Stock Reducing SALE WE ARE OFFERING: --- Our entire Stock of Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Heavy Rubbers, and Harness Repairs, Etc. Etc. AT AND BELOW COST Come, and Secure these Bargains while they last This Great Stock Reducing Sale will be on for a Limited Time Only. So take advantage of the Bargains offered NOW! T !J ()CC LA S STO E PHONE 11 97 L r