HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-02-08, Page 4• GE FOUR ZURICH HERALD STANLEY TOWNSHIP The many friends of Miss Myrtle McKinley are sorry to hear of her illness and wish her a speedy .recov '..cry. Goshen school was closed for a few days owing to the illness of the tea- cher, Miss Mary Huether. Gordon Sounder and his friend returned to their home in Detroit, Mich., after spending a few weeks with M.r. and Mrs. Bruce McClinchey BLAKE The roads hi this community are gradually being opened up for motor traffic, as the mild spell has greatly settled the snow. The Douglas General Store is hold - 'ng a two week's Reduction Sale, and re offering their entire stock at ast and below cost prices. The buy- ing public will do well to take ad- -antage of these low prices and buy a large supply on hand, as many ar- ticles are going up in price on the wholesale market. HILLSGREEN Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess and fam- ily of Zurich spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Reichert. Miss Margaret Reichert is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLachlan. , Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Davidson wore :visited fora few days by the latter's brother, Mr. A. E. Jones of Brandon Man. Mr. Richard Robinson of Blyth, visited friends here recently, We are glad to report that Mrs. Tames Jarrott is able to be around again after -being confined to bed for a few days. -- 'Quite a number in the community are still convalescing from an attack of the flu. DASHWOOD Mrs. ]Mathews of London spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Snell last week. Mr. Fred Preeter of Stratford cal- led on friends here last'4eek. Word was received here .last Wed -iesday of the death of Mr. Jacob Kraft, of Cavalier, N. D. Mr. Kraft was a former resident of thrs com- ree,;i-,r anti will be remembered by a large number of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraft, Mrs. Catherine Rader and Fred Rader, also Mr. Louis Rader were Sunday visitors with friends in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Hoperoft and son Fred attended the fu:_cza: of Mrs Hoperoft's aunt, Mrs. Herman Hopf in Kitchener on Monday. IMPORTANT le YOUR WAR BONDS ... should be kept in a safe place. We offer you the safety of a Safety Deposit Box in our vault, which may be used as well for any important papers or small articles of value. The rent for such a box is small. SANK OF MONTREAL • e Want to surprise the family with a new dinner- time treat? Serve them a tasty dish of Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish. No matter where you live, your dealer can get you such Dried Fish as Cod, Haddock, Hake, Cusk and Pollock, and such Pickled Fish as Herring, Mackerel and Alewives ... in perfect condition. Interesting recipes can be used for every one of these fine1ish. Fish is a wonderful health food, good for every mem- ber of your family. It is the great source of proteins that help build sturdy, healthy bodies. Serve Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish to your family often ... they will enjoy it ... and you will find it economical, too. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET Department of Fisheries, Ottawa. Please send me your free 52 -parte Booklet "100 Tempting Fish Recipes", containing 100 delightful and economical Fish Recipes. 41 . Name Address CW -2I DAY A FISP DAY 'Mrs. Ezra Bender is spending. a week with her son Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender in Toronto this week We congi+atulate Mr. and Mrs. Hy Neuschwanger who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. XJaperof't and sons Fred and Russel and daughter, Mrs. Graham Arthur of Exeter, vis- ited with Mrs. Hoperoft's father in Clifford, also called on Mr. anu. Mrs Harry Cook of Fordwich, uncle of. Mrs. Hoperoft, who is very ill; A large number attended the Mon- ster Carnival held in the new arena on Friday night, the prize winners will appear next week. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor and daughter Ann and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Baker and Miss Rose Guenther motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday. Mr. George Kellerman was taken ill very' suddenly on Tuesday morning suffering from a stroke and at pres- ent is in a very critical condition. Mr. MiIfred Mcisaac, Willis and Frank of. Detroit, spent the week -end with Mrs. Mclsaac. Late Mrs. Mary England Mary England died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reinhard Willert where she had been staying, on Tuesday morning following an illness of a nurniber of years. She was in her 83rd yea and a member of the Ev- angelical vangelical church. She is survived by one brother Henry of Dashwood, one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Faust pre- deceased her about a year and a half ago. The funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock with private service at the home ant pub- lic service at the Evangelical church. Interment in Goshen Line cemetery. with Rev. 11. E. Roppel officiating. HENS A L L .After each member had subscribed to his Declaration of Office, the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and adopted on motion. Motion, that the Clerk order 425 dog tags from the Toronto Stamp and Stencil Works and also subscribe for six copies of The Munrespal World for each member of the Council and Clerk. That the Reeve and Clerk be auth- orized to sign the application to the Department of Public Highways of the Province for the statutory sub- sidy to be allowed on the expendit- ure incurred during the year x939.by the Township on its roads according to statements and schedules prepared That by-law No. 538 to provide for the total 1940 Expenditure on roads in the Twp. of Stephen, having been read three times, be passed and sign- ed by the reeve and clerk and sealed Misses Emma Johnston and Minnie Reid left for a trip to Florida re- cently. Mrs. Kerslake and young son have arrived home rom Seaforth Hospital Mrs. Bailey of Huntsville is visit- ing at the manse the guest of her daughter and son-in-law, Rev and Mrs. Wm. Weir. Relton Hedden, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hedden returned home from Scott Memorial Hospital where he was ill with pneumonia. Miss Kay Drysdale is attending the business college at Clinton. Mrs. Davidson of North Morning - ton is visiting her son Mr. W. R. -Da- vidson and Mrs. Davidson. Mr. Ivan Kipfer and• Doug. Sang- ster spent a few days in Windsor and Detroit. Mrs. Harold Cook and daughter Georgia have returned home, after spending several' months at the for; mer's home in Buffalo N.Y. • Mrs. H. o..Daymon returned hos after spending the past three months in (Phoenix, Arizona. Mrs. Wm. Dabus was visited recent ly by her son-in-law, G. Staubus and little daughter of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Gus .Voth of Detroit was a week -end visitor at the home of the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Kaiser or De- troit were recent visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser. Milton and Lloyd Ortwein of Lon- don were week -end visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. O.rtwein. John Murray of Minnesotata is visiting with his brother, Peter Mur- ray and other relatives. Dr. Harry S. Thompson, represent- ative of the Canadian Dental Hygiene Council, gave an inforniel address on "The Dental Health Education Pro- gram" to the pupils of the High Sch- ool recently. Indications are that Mrs. Oscar Koehler, of Hay Township, has rent- ed the house on Richmond street ow- ned by Peter Moir, and recently renovated, and which presents an at- tractive appearances Mrs. Koehler and members of her family expect to move into Hensel] the fore part of March. Th Clerk stated he had received the Municipal Auditors' Repors of the audit made : of the Expenditure on Roads in the Township for the year 1938. This report was read and dis- cussed by the Council and ordered. filed. That the following be appointed to their respective offices and a by-law be prepared confirming :such appoint- ments: Caretaker of hall; E. Guettinger $20 per annum. and $1 extra for each public meeting or concert when an admission is charged. The salary of Road Supt. Geo. Eilber to be 35c per hr; Board of Health; A. McCann and Roy Ratz at $8 per menu n; . Sec- retary of Board, H. K. Eilber of $15 per annum and $8 for attending me- etings; Sanitary Inspectors: Eli Law- son, Clayton P.file and Wm. B. Oliver at 25e per hr. School Attendance Thursday, February '' 8thy *lid Officers, Elti Lawson, Clayton Pile,,, W. B. Oliver, .Athletic Field Cone.,, A. McCann and Roy Ratz (no salary) Milk Inspector, E, Guettinger at 40e per hr. The various pound keeperr% Fencer Viewers, -and road foremen were alp - voluted. . That the following shall be the scale of wages to be paid for genera work including snow roads perteirvar. ed on Township Roads during x94(h, Man and team 40c per hr; Man ane* three horses 45.c hr; Man alone 2ate per hr; Road Foreman 20c per hr; grading with tractor $1.00 per hr.. A small number of orders weistt; passed, and the Council adjourned tee, meet again in the Town Hall, Cr:e,'eli- iton, • on Monday the 5th day of Feb- ruary at 1 o'clock. H. K. Eilber, Township G1!eel;i. STOCK A D [ICING E We are Offering:-- Our entire Stock of Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Heavy Rubbers, and Harness Repairs, Etc. Etc. At and Below Cost Come and Secure these Bargains •while they last 1-Ield Annual Meeting The annual congregational meeting of Hensel] United church was held in the basement of the church lest Wed- nesday evening when a splendid re- presentation of the congregation was present. Presiding for the meeting was Rev. R. A. Brook, who also ex- pressed his opinion at so many being present. After a number of approp- riate musical and vocal numbers the reports of the various organizations were received. The clerk's report shows during the year 14 baptisms, marriages five, burials nine member removed 'by death, six received by. cerrtificate, total membership, resid- ent and non-resident, 40'7; money raised far all purposes, $5,154.00. 'The meeting was fittiingly closed with devotions. STEPHEN COUNCIL . The newly elected Council of the Twp. of Stephen met in the town hall Crediton on Jan. 8 at 11 o'clock. All tieing present, Reeve, Alonzo McCann i)epitty-Reeve, Roy Ratz and Coun- eillors; A. Amy, T. Love, and Nelson Schenk. Rev. A. E. Pletch offered !prayer asking that Divine Guidance ( be given the new Council in transac- tion the year's business. The Reeve in his inaugural .aldreas asked for the 'warty co-operation front each mem- ixr of the Councilthroughout the yr AMEINIIMMIIMMOVC- ale Starts Saturday Febru'ary-10tk' e ndsSaturday February 24th 1940 Sal hone 11 ti 7 L E Er Ont., • Not once nor twice but six times yearly the specifications for McColl-Frontenac gasoline—the famous MARATHON `BLUE"—are changed to give your motor its accustomed power under different climatic conditions. RED INDIAN motor lubricants, too, must conform to requirements that are totally different in Winter than those of Summer driving. PLAY SAFE—RED INDIAN products; assure you of trouble-free performance the year 'round. Drive In at the sign of the RED INDIAN where Products and Service aro the best. 0.41 Drive into our station TOMORROW and let us put your car in. shape for trouble-free, repair -free service during the Winter months:, Anti -freeze -in the radiator—Winter-grade RBD INDIAN or RED INDIANAVIATION in the crankcase—Winterge*rlUbriCaflts in gear box and differential—battery checked (free)—tires checked—chains repaired, cleaned and made ready for use chassis lubricated—tank filled with Winter -grade MARATHON "BLUE" for a quick Start.and s . E steady power no matter how low the thermometer goes. DO IT NOWT HOWARD KLOPP - ZURICH Ward Fritz Used Car Lot in Connection •