HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-02-08, Page 3HAVEWAVEYQY HEARD about the Canada Starch ).Tome g Service Dept., directed by Mrs. H, ya Aitken, recipe and other booklets Authority? It zt offers a furca range oi, IIIFIREE Write now for the Booldetere titled "52 Cakes a Year' Enclose a label from any. Canada Starch Product and address rbe Canada Starch Home Service Dept. ka, 49 Wo11m onFs , Termite. assasszessesseasseessesseeise Have You Heard to The explorer, bowing low, ap- proaehed the savage, chief. eon'ae to you from beyond the chine et," the white flan began cere- moniously, "from the Great White 'Sing -- " "Tell me," interrupted the chief, "why don't you guys do something about the punk radio programs you wend over here?" "I am very proud of the way my ems has worked his way to the top." "What is he doing?" 'Well, he started as a shoemaker and finished as a hairdresser." Ruth was a sweet girl. She was reading a book that gave the mean- ing of names. Her mother was watching her, and thinking of all the young men who were attracted ice her. "Mother," says Ruth, "it says Philip means lover of horses, and James means beloved. Mother, I wonder what George means?" "I hope, my dear, that George :aaeans business." In these modern days of radio and propaganda, it is now possible for half the world to learn how the ether half lies. A man appeared at the gate of a nudist colony, rang the bell and waited. From inside: `"what, da you. want?" "I want to join." "You can't join with that blue iatiu4t on." "That isn't a blue suit, sir. 1 am just cold." "Do you enjoy novel reading Ise Print?" "Oh, very much. One can assi- elate= with people in fiction that one wouldn't dare to speak to in real life." What Science is Doing Canadian N ational R.ailwayrs Revenues The gross revenues of the all-in- olusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the week ending January. 21st, 1940, were $3,813,320, as com- pared with $3,127,076 for the cor- responding week of 1939, an in- crease of $686,244 or 21.9 per Bent. SLEEPING; SICKNESS SE.CFtET? For six years, Dr. Alma J. Neill, physiology .professor at the Uni- versity of Oklahoma, has been working on her theory that the disease of sleeping sickness springs from a toxin carried in grains of ,corn, possibly other plants. From the results of her experi- ments, Dr. Neill believes that the disease is not a contagious one, bat rather is a condition transmitted from plants to animals when the plants are eaten. EASE BATTLE WOUNDS Nevi method of "spot deadening" of war wounds has been developed to aid in caring for injured soldier's en the battlefield. 1'he ernimination of pain by ap- plying auaesthetice directly to a wound or the nerves near it with- out deadening the entire body is the secret of this method of treat - anent. "INVISIBLE GLASS" ,e method for coating the sur- faces of lenses for eyeglasses and cameras with a film that will ro- eist ordinary wear and will trans- formi the senses into the so-called invisible glass by eliminating re- flections from its surface, has been worked out at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. FOR RANG -Oft COUGHS T COLDS MHO, BRONCIRTtS, and other Respiratory Airmenit rake the Old Reliable New Head of CBC Rene Morin, of Montreal, has been appointed chairman of the board of directors of the Canad- ian Broadcasting Corporation. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE How Can BY ANNE. ASHIEY Q. Clow eau i make a noveltY candlestick salad? A, Use a thick slice of pineapple for the base, place half a banana upright for the candle, and to1Y this with a maraschino cherry: Serve with French dressing, Q. flow can i keep the piano free of moths? .k. hang a couple or steal). bags$ of gam camphor inside, near the felt. 13e sure that the bags do not touch the resounding keys. Q. How can 1 prevent the mat- tress and bedding from acquiring rust status? A. (live the bed springs a coat of white or cream -colored paint. Q. How can 1 clean aluminum - ware? �. Try pouring a few ounces of vinegar into each aluminum uten• ail, heating it and then scouring the surface. The surface will look like new. Q. HoW can 1. prevent the iron from sticking to starched goods? A. A small quantity of turpen- tine added to the pot of starch will prevent the iron from sticking to the goods, Q. How can I remove the odor of stale cigarette smoke from a room? A• Place a pan of ammonia water in the room overnight. 1. Is a friend who does not pos- sess the least trace of envy worth' cultivating? 2. Should a pretty girl in an of- fice expect special favors on ac- count of her sex? 3. What would be a good toast to give at a wedding anniversary? 4. When one is going away on an extended trip and a friend gives herr a "send-off" party, should she write this friend a letter while away? 5. When you are a guest at a small dinner party, and a dish is served that you particularly dis- like, what should you do? 6. How can a man entertain his friends if his only hone is one hotel roon'? Answers 1. Yes, because this friend in all probability has many other vir- tues. According to La Rochefou- cauld, PThe most certain sign of being born with great qualities is to be born without envy." 2. Nev- er. Her position depends upon her efficiency, and she is not there to be courted or petted. 3. "May your coining anniversaries be out- numbered only by your coming pleasures." 4. Yes, and as soon as possible after leaving, expressing again how much she enjoyed her thoughtfulness. 5. The courteous thing to do is to take a small por- tion, and pretend to eat it. 6. He can give a dinner or supper at the hotel, also a theater or opera party. HEALTH TOPICS p. w..,.....•••r..,+-...,••,v,. - Six -Week Feast Chinese begin preparing fol' .their New Year (February 18th) a month in advance. The entire house is washed clown and every corner scrubbed. It is decorated en the outside with paper on which good wishes are written; everyone must bathe and women wash their hair. The custom is to wear a completely new outfit and on the first day of the year only vegetables Like soya -bean curd, are eaten. Real feasting: begins on the sovond day when the en- tire population ceases work. The poor feast for fourteen days, the middle-class' for three weeks and the rich for six weeks. Even at dinners given by the poor it would be shameful to sit down to fewer than nine dishes, while at more elaborate banquet:, the least num• ber of ,.'curses is twenty-four. School hours in Grimsby, Reg - lead, have been Changed so that children may get home before the mid-day traffic rush. DON'T OVERDO EXERCISE Too much emphasis is placed on, exercise as a health factor, Dr. Wil- liam O'Brien, director of post -grad- uate medical education at the Uni- versity of Minnesota believes. Exercise is beneficial in small doses but there is danger in over- doses. "1f you feel in the mood for exercise, the best thing to do is sit down and rest until the mood bas passed," he said, After the 40th birthday more rest and a firmer check on bad habits is necessary, he declared, because the body cannot stand so much punishment. Early Edition). A level inch of snow last night Has spread a scribbled page of white Where all who walkin careful shoes May.read the early morning news. The milkman with'a six-foot stride Cance here, and from the other o side The newsboy tossed a folded page Of doings on a wider stage. H:erc Towser took his morning run And groveled in the snow for Sun , . . But breakfast calls us; back we •go And leave our doings on the show, —Gerald Raftery Feathers Bought Canadian l^eethcr' & Niatiross Co. 4147 SPRUCE. ST„ TQRONTO "It DOES taste good ina pipe" BANDY s> AI„IIGHT PQUCF4 - 15, f/5 LB, "1 -0K -TOP" TIN k0e also packed in Pocket Tins DIET FOR COLDS Complete immunity to infectious eanuot be brought about by diet- ary eaeans, and with many diseases nutrition has no effect, but a tre- mendous amount can. be done to keep xesistance ea, a high. level bx V proper nutrition. • It has been found that a defic- iency of any of the necessary food elements tends to increase suscep- tibility to infections. The foods to emphasize are milk, cheese, eggs, fruits, and vegetables. 1f you are susceptible to colds take some source of Vitamin D. Field Crop Value (,, rrnoeU r 19.5g $634,130,000 in Past Year Was Canada's Best for Nearly Decade — 15 Per Cent Over 1938 Canada's production of auto- mobiles for the eleven months end. ed November 30, 1939, amounted to 128,338 units. STOPPM Iron a 411ffrr .of Money Back leor quick relief from itching of eczema, nitnpieo, atil- Iste's f oot, scales, scabies, rubes and other euternallyl caused skin troubies use world-famous, cooling, ante, ',septic, liquid D.D.D. 1'reseription. Greaseless: mess. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intone° Vtelling. drnggisttoday rial bottle 0.0. D. or PRESCR! TIOk N. BUSINESS COURSES BY MAIL Learn to earn a good salary. Take a Shaw Secretarial, Steno- graphic„ Accountancy, Advertis- ing or Show -card Writing; Course. Rest results at reasonable Cost from a Canadian school of 40 years' experience. Write for par- ticulars. SRAW SCHOOLS Dept. W., MI Day St., Toronto • . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS OVA.NTED 127 HOMEWORK PLANS BE 1.'UUIt OWN BOSS. THESE plans can be worked anywhere. PartlCCular.e free. guardian Ex - Change. 971 College St., Toronto. SHOES -- WORKING GARMENTS. Sell Dress and Work Shoes, Sport s tend Service Boots, also Working' Carmelite. Free aolling equipment, bonuses. Step -Easy Shoes, Itet;''d., 3407 Notre toame West, Montreal. (J oss Yalta) to Canadian fa. mens of field craps harvested in 1930 was S631,1:30,000, some 484,061,000 more titan in 1938, the Dominion serval'. of Statistics reported in its third -estimate of 1939 yields. The revised 1939 figure an (a - crease et 15 per cent. over 11(38 was the highest since 1930 when the vain:Bien was $692,040,0011. i )iluc- !'aluation of last year's t r ton, tOweVel', reeked fat' bedew 1919 because bign prices for uta field crops at that, time set an all- time top el 0,237,199,000. i.o.''er farm prices in many instant a nt 1939 onset increased. protluctioe in many lines. Value of the 1930 wheat crop, now estimated at 489,923,000 bush- els, was placed at $252,779,000, an increase of $41,514,000 from 1033. Easier prices offset some of the production boost. Coarse grain prices, However, were better for the 1939 crop than for the 1938. Oats we)'o valued. at $106,963,000, ail increase of $i6,626,- 000; barley at $33,147,000, au in- crease- Of 44,701,000; rye $5,766,000. an increase of $2,010,0). The total value mixed grain was placed at $18,902,000, an iucrease of $3,776,000. • A.lt"the other coarse grains show- ed increases, especially flax seed at $3,030,000, more than d.ou.ble the year before when the crop was valuer' at $1,420,000. ARE YOU t'1,1N INO h. NEW - L(ITEID EN Ott It:iTilltOO.1 T., XCStigate '•B 5JtCLAY TILE" THE LATEST CONTRII3UTION to home modernizing; easily and quickly applied; attractive color eumbinatiutls for kitchen, bath- room, leamund Bloc Lumber cies, Oloallb rvar yourLeLumDeler f1A.15r CIRCUS PRICE IS A BIG FEATTaltt) OP Tweddle low prices3for 40 41910� you get fam- ous as and at in ous Tweddle Chicks noted for liv- ability, egg laying ability and good heat birds. You can buy Tweddle White Leehorns as low as $3.95; Barred Rocks, Iiampshires at $9.45. We have 13 pure breds, 5 cross brads. Free Catalogue• Tweddle Chick hatch- eries, Ltd., BR Y CHICKS. QUICK A.1 D HIGH production mean earlier profits. Get thele by ordering now. Two hatches weekly, Started chicks immediate shipment 1. - 4 weeks. 3 week old Capons to order. Cata- y gti , Hamilton. Hatchery, 130 John 03J. RIDGE FARMS 01II.CKS SIRED FROM. BLOODTEST- -, ed, stock, -alsoGovernment Ap- +a• ed tied pedigreemated. Our largo • trupllest breeding' farm for over 19 yeses under' Government i1 O.P. .inspection has specialized .in the world famous Tom Barron Rocks. Sen offor and new early ort - der price list and free poultry book of building plans, feeding directions, treatment of diseases, etc. Special Discounts for cltirie order's booked by Feb.y 13tIi r dig, ltidge farm, Bos 108 1, or QM. ll1 red llurir Burred. It UCKS,oo ks, \Whit lii.L '1u - horns, It. 1. 1.ted.4, \\ v u !otte5. New 1.1tnpsltire s. 8 e n Ilui_,.h,nod March 1a,+1.v e ry'. 14rir:11.a'lt Heights, Oat. - »� 1t I; 11.I) A 310111/0 5-1500'1 auNteaLUWS L'(illa' UN your lot for $9,300 un Govt. Leen. Terns of $250 dowel — 114.71 per month. York Heights Develvpinaut CO., 33') Buy Street, Toronto. Clit.1 Trattoll4t l)S I'Olt SAL 1„13>,15'riette'll!II.LS — 31 \VECISILY. iWe muck-buttuhe mipri.eail furyou Hostel. fields from 7'omuuto's largent dir- great piceee — ehesLerfield, 2 Chairs and ntudertt stool to m:iteit. rebuilt and upbolsterud in brand now repp and tapes, tapestry cov- erings, spring tilled hack, hush• tons, attractive design, -only $411. Another bar•gairl urigla.ally ex- pensive suites, tlturuughly recon. ditiutted, 4211.50. Send 310.011 uuw, freight $o yoursst ion.oSatisfal0 c- Satisfac- tion ur 5-uur money back;. Royal Chesterfield Nifgrs., 60 Ilichtnund East, Toronto. I•l:DI,C3 J IO1 A:L .tTU0ION'l'b Nt]W 111NItUld,IN4', JeUlt euurses In Matra: Mullen, Short Story, Journalism, i$hurthaud and sparehti meta\Y'ritealtooday Cauaal, tablt edu1002). 223 rongobStreet. -Toronto. zee- 14.tam1L'itl(; InoTorth LI:(1HHoRNS FOR SALE BECKI. it STRAIN, SINGLE COMB dark brown Leghorns, males $3.00, trios 36.00. ifeery Becker, Water- loo, Ontario. MEN 'WANTED ARE YOU THE MAN? YOU CAN have a solid business established within yrfts tired wokngto earn npoi for someone else. own your busi- ness, and enjoy amazing profits every hour, selling 200 guaranteed neceseitiee used in every home. aloguei 7 iU51.: FamrlexLProducts, 3711 se Clement. molltrecl. S eLKIX(i MACHINES GRADE "A" 1i1L1run MILKS TWO rows at once into separate con- tainers. No pulsators. No old-fash- ioned }rlipelinee. Write to -day. Wil- liam 3r,. Bawden, 91 Quebec Ave., Toronto. 1IerllLill I1'sLsOso tiler Scs.Jonei Atuure Electric, 930 Adelaide St. W., 'J'urontu. _ t''ILMIM^ i'RIN's k Etlll7 BNL,AIWIIISZLNT LN STUDIO. Folder with each order. Films de- veloped and printed by experts, 25c; reprints 10 for 25c. Nu -Way Photo Service. Station 'A", 'Tor- onto. Retitle AI'I'I.D0 I'ttellos UAW)), AeleL19 11t1:1i:S 5U eal'b. each. Canada's Lowest t'raoed NUT. sery, gruwlua leading varieties Fruit Trees. le nametltale. \V!ate rmme,tira,tety reQUOStng SenSatioh- al offeriuge. s'obe'r TreerY, Nia- )gar.1 on-tno-Luke, Ur.Ituriu. -, ICI.-LOA.Dttt1S TAIT ICE-LOADi6ltS, WONDERFUL capacity strong, practieai, dur- able, easily moved, John Tait, iron Bridge, Ontario. 1IS.cliiNERe FOR. SALE W..1)E PORTABLE D1U.G SAWS, reasonably priced, easy to operate, a money-maker wherever there are logsto be cut. Write for free descriptive bulletin. The A. R. Williams 'Machinery Co., Ltd.. 64 Front St., West. Toronto. erACIAZINES --- 10 1314K N ER MAGAZINES AGA sent postpaidfor 50e, Detec- tive, Sport, 'Western. etc. Stockof 73,000. Dept. 118 Box 7 Regina Book Exchange, Regina Sask. OrF7::R TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO 32VER% INVENTOR List of invel1tiolls and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered, Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used — New 'it'12 IAl,lll:\IQ IN REIMS II,1` 11I0- 1'OIUS, t'OWli)lt-TlNITS, LI5'dranlic 1 Colsts, \Vfnches, Generlators, Start. ors, Magnetos, titerintretort. R.ratiat- ors i7xc0010ge Service, .'Masa -- Settetitetion dor refill -oh Leev., Auto l0ttrte, Te onto. ietiatauN.AL R eUBIierIe. mer pivY. dom.tnedY Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice free. Bartlett's, Bos 1, Winnipeg. STU1'S 1tt 1'I'U1110. elleAi.i:AN'1'5 j 1) Ilat, s,_1t-tldJusttllg Springs. No understraps, 41.34, lr'..o 'trier. naming, loin Grenville, Vancou- ver, }S.1_. r+; . til (3.'11.11..1 RELIEVES STOMAC'13 tntt i,ivur truuliios. \i mi'tunl3: 1.•o1114 to right sme,un•tcr ,noul- ei:e Moues .end across n1n . inti pest i.!11, got:'1guoti 'atLou, hl ll ilolihur 3 c. t.:Ull 1f (1i1 to 15'1 - ,tut, in one cute Price 6a.00. airs. a. A1100'. ;tux 14,311. ,asha- tn)ut'_ Sesk. 5Th]sl.'•t: it $ FFETt1'1R,S1 1.1:T 1)12, 1 ocosst111 selentifie remedy •told fettle e]e:ir up your steum:t ll trouoie, like it 1105 for su 111?111 otters. eine user state's: "For y care 1 N; 54 tr,'ubl0d wittl gnawing pain ('01r)\V tneast-ht'nc. 1t caused 6,ty, and hluattng. 1. tried 1110113' 1,•uv•rIttel, hitt my only relief wee sods, lino that fo: shorn time only, .5It.i 0 101010(0 it 4:idr1't hothr.r 111•' for 0, t.,1 hour., then if. 1 ate sonletning it stopped, coming :lgein atter some 1:110". The Pain hollered mJ w,'rOt at :Light. .attar taking three bottles 00 Dr.. Me - 1,000 S Stoina"l:ic, 1 wsn free firth pain. I 1: opt on improving end ease no..v been lv^1l le ;SS WP•:1'.., enjoy inn 1113• 111 .a i3 tW 1211 tut Medi- 01Ile•. 01'111 11:10 IS 11001.11l 111 over- coming gas, ()touting, your- stom- ach aur, is eypectale4 helpful lur pain r &'Inti l lltl0 oitt•r ,'Ntlt:i+ and inget i1H11g;'" otiotl. d"1£ t.111: drug- gist or %vette to 1e1, 3LiLcoey tnnnl':11ie Co., 508 Uatllu^St.:eo1'. onto, 0teelDs 514191) tessAL1411S — uitu\\'I:I.S --- 50011r•e 441bilwst 11arKet price's. ,501n1e10 to ;Sarry JI'ISiler. 30823 Jai•Y le Street, 'L'urJute. o,Oe1a) tat Tl'Ct1Sas 13Uti1.Nt+, SELLING, C'_.lt LOTS, Trueteload5, ',,tibio. C:rtttted seed. Outlines, 151and'S..1hh 11i8e1s, t11e lal'geat potato dealer's in oilca t), 64 front St. 11, :Toronto. LYONS IFETlitf"ARV CLl:A.n.t.m l: • SALE 141•,\b AND 'RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Outstanding Values that will impel you to buy' now for inter retlllire- ments. Free Storage Open Iuvenln6f' n11INf; it)O1li BARGAINS tQ 4F1 30110 oak dit)r1„ room itedhuffet, extension table shand six leather upholstered eHairs. 24.i Fumed oak rlining suite, large buffet, extension table and six leather slip -newt chairs, , um- pletely reconditioned. �uitf buffet. 39 aline -piece dining J china cabinet. extension table and six leather uplieletered ellairs, Perfect condition. ]O . Beautiful large dieing suite, in rich walnut finish, buffet, ex- tension table, china cabinet and four leather upholstered ::hairs, com- pletely refinished. [t} Modern English oak dinette suite, (floor sample), buffet. extension jack-knife leaf table, atld four chairs. in red leather, 40 Smdin- ing g rt suite, large buffet, It buffet,china. cabinet, extension table and six lea- ther upholstered chairs; like new. Qn Modern English oak dining suite (floor sample, regular $120.), beautifully carved buffet. ex- tension table, china cabinet and six chairs• upholstered hl0ce eGoautunaogany18(n- tury period dining suite (a floor sample, regular $275), largo buffet. extension table, china cabin- et loom L six ccurlsonirehonly red wine sha 4 73 serge assortment of odd buf- fets, and extension tables, in oak and walnut finishes. • ere tsey .And up, several odd china. cabinets, in solid oak, birch and walnut, refinished. BEDROOM BARGAINS li Oa 100 mattresses, all sizes, deep- ly packed With fresh cotton. closely tufted, roll edges in good quality floral art ticking. No C.O.D. orders. Simmons steel bed outfits, i7 �J • in -walnut finish, Sagless steel spring and new cotton -filled titanic ss. 6.9 and top. large : ssertmnr. of dn'ss.'s. In walnut. birch :Iltd enamel finishes. Complete bedroom suite, !n rich 39' walnut finish. lergc dresser, clliffonier, full size bed. Sa41.''ss spring and new 1 , t l :.,.,, 00. .;lo^ ly refinished. 49• sa Beautiful tato p''ecc 1)0(0:1 )111 't cttit e, in tieton'fif ain er 1111- :eh, dresser, vanity, ,` and full size bed, 00111piet..ly refinished. Modern bedroom suite, in the .. new bleached 'Walnut finish. with \ en,;tlan mirror (floor sampl.,t, J1. •-e r, with round ri:ror, chiffrn:- 1.:2 11111 size bed, 5. e.l:o, 0 spring, new 111._t:rees and two pillows. il,'a,ltlfiil largo li ::.nut I,eareora 65 5Ul.ULi'iJ1.'0 1tt1.1(1t .TL71.1. :.ND) IC 1LONOI5 BULL telt CEISTeleisl_.Tli) of service, beautifully designed every province and unit repre- sented. Size 16 x 20 in '1 colours, 6ultabte ler a1'anling, space for photograph and scroll tor perm- anent reuurd. elver+ soldier's home ne0015 hue. InialisO 10 any place in Canada, $1.01.1. la. Mackintosh, pliotoSrepuer and 0opywriter, 60 (xrailby Street, Toronto. PW8LVIO REMNANTS A•-• $1.00 ALL WOOL REMNANTS -- FINEST size 9"sbYi56" land lairger. Maium led 0011001. Aloney-back Guarantee. A.rouo)t levies.. Ltd., 2741. Demon• tigny S1ast, Montreal. TRAINED DETECTIVES ,1I1131TIOUJ ?.11N 17 ..N1) OVetre wanted immediately for secret - service and detective work, com- plete training course by corres- pondence. Free information. Write to C. 14I. Julien, Ilex 25, Station T. Montreal. — __-�---- 1381'10 t;T,07'it1Ilete SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN 131311D clothing! Write for big, free illus- trated catalogue on Men's, Ladies and Children's used clothing. Gowdy's Mail Order Department. ped, Notre t. Dame Avenue,e, "4irinni- • suite, .•,,mpictei refini:;hed, drrsacr, chiffonier, c: 1143', bomb, full size: hod, Sag.t.'. I ritlg al:•i nen lnattross. -. ' 1.711 ra-nroderli 1'1,1dr, nth :.lite. ,'u2 1'l, tray" ref;a!-h,. 4 dra-, Ser 'hiffanivr. vanity, b.,t ch ).'till size bed, Sagless spring, 1.,_'1 and pair pillows. 1'19ed tltdpt,ysess\, , a,n:utiful t:nl J• nut he,11 t1n111 511i,. oU$t el 00t4 month, cost t 311 Jt, 1r., ge dreo s,.r. Vanity, :iliffetnies, full s(::1 bed edit Sahli:.., spring guat•r:t,. ,•d pert .:t. (;Ill S'r:t'JR.t" l'11.1.) ItA.ItI.A,l:"t .I 7 (:).4 y Cntlliort•.hlc' 0712 4:) 1o11n:1.. spring-f(lle d Irl: 5C, ,l, ,,; well-fill"1 cushions. 1:1)11 1 toed 0) relele easily •t..,'rrtuci double or' two singlo. h'•d"• 1-. 1t111 15tert'dsample, 11, . 'i field quetitbee. brown reap, has 1.1're ward:„tan eolnpsrtnh'nt for . blr 10 Studio Ante, lhup?,cos, mod- ern .lr`�ig'11, 111 .1,.011,1 fr )110^. ,pr1)1(1 rifled throne:hole, eoversd 511111'133 r,.pp; yu111' ,').bice 11 0011.00. :701v ,lvie living 0,"0111 ten fit'. -. lo pieces), 8 -pilo' .'hesterfielcl suite, upholstered in brown rent,. reverebridge hemp andMershiisiikll t1001+lir uwalt ut: end table, sick i'ushit'n :able leo*, and shade, and modern metal molt- ing stand. Oa Smart 3 -pie - e •'hesterfield suite upholstered in novelty rap. figured reversible Dil0t` tail splint cushion:., pillow army ,,ad ea.S'C'1 show wood facings. t1 Beautinta large three-pieco chesterfield suite, upholstered 10 figured brown \•Moue. Marshall spring cushions, spring -filled arms, • thoroughly clean. 34.95 California hod ehairs, large, as,tertnleilt ov0r0, tali Michail spring c 011'of10l.v.. Itt(4 sl'.[Y:IAL.S Seamless quality, Oriental, modest, and conventional putts 1s, in Ax - minsters, ',VlItolls, Broadlooms WA tapestries, in most all s'::'oi, at pa: - war pricey. ODD PIECES Modern breakt'a.st suitor, buffet 3�. table and six elleies in watt e fall design; your c1ui00 of Iolo,' combinations. 8.95 and up, gas 500103. 3 511-3 4- burners,thurOUSII1y creed clod guaranteed. ,1O.sO lsitehcn cabinets 111 dale and J enamel finishes, Svith sliding por10l151n table tops, completely re. conditioned. 14.5O a piece breakfast suite, buf fet, drop-leaf table and buf- fet, in good order. OPEN' I,! I::CI'4 C:? Roy with eonfidenee. All goods eol0 on a. positive money -back guarantee of 5retisflrctlon. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St., Toronto 011e Meek North of College ISSUE NO. 6''40