HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-02-08, Page 1"VOLUME 40, Na 2) ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, 1940. Rates: $7.2.5 in Canada, in advance fral $1.60 in U.S.A., in advance CHESTER L. SMITH, Publisher Patronize -your .local Merohant, and Read your Homme Paper COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If'so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN CODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP SEASON'S SPECIALS Get Your Special now! _ All Permanents Guaranteed. Croquinole waves a Specialty Our main Special, a Eugene, with a sleeper wave a.nr(a tighter curl regular $7.50 for $5.00, Morning' special only, rite suint too with every finger wave. Te sure to call 159 for appointment and avoid being disappointed. Phone 159 Zurich for Appointments. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. Leavitt's Theatre EXETER — ONT. Thursday, Friday, Saturuay BIG THREE UNIT SHOW BORIS K.AF LOIS F, in "THE MAN THEY COULD NOT HANG" "RIO GRANDE" (Western) With CHARLES STARRETT Comedy—"ANDY CLYDE" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Special Feature CHARLES LAUGHTON ' "IN 3AMACIA iNN"' COMING—Rulers of the Seas; Hunch Stage Coach ;backs of .tui_,. Dame, o -9 Drums. SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE BUYING. 1937 1936 1934 1936 1938 DODGE COACH, low mileage, clean inside and out. CHEV. COACH, trunk, heater, defrosters, new tires, (without knee action). A •car like new inside al out DODGE SEDAN, trunk, very choice inside and runs like new V8 Coach, Black, owned by one party since new. A dandy car at a low price, also .trunk. OHEV. COACH without knee action. Finish and cush- ions like 'new. The price is a surprise. Too many used Cars on hand to Describe each Car separately. Most of these cars are Original finish and Upholstering. PRICED TO SELL! INVESTIGATE! 1931 OHEV. COACH. 1932 Ford Sedan, 4 cylinder 1934 Plymouth Coupe 1936 Dodge Coach 1930 Ford Coupe 1935 Plymouth Coach 1933 V8 Sedan, new motor. 1937 Pontiac Coaches'(2) 1930 Ford Coach 1934 Chev. Master Coach 1929 Ford Coaches (5). 1937 OIds sedan 1929 Essex Sedan 1929 Ford 1k -ton truck . 1929 Ford Coach $65.00. WARD FRITZ More Trade In's Arriving Weekly on the 1940 Dodge Cars. Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1 Oc Aylmer choice tomatoes 2%,s, per tin Aylmer Peas No. 4 sieve 1 6 -Oz, 2 tins 17c 'Aylmer catsup 12 -oz. per bottle. 13c Aylmer Asparagus, tasty cut per tin 15c Aylmer peaches 16 -oz. 2 tins 25c Aylmer pie cherries, 2 tins 21r Aylmer dried beets or carrots, 2 tins 21 c Aylmer fancy pineapple tid bits, per tin 17c Aylmer tomato or vegetable soup, 2 tins..... 19c Aylmer fruits for 8 -oz. per tin Aylmer Asparagus Frys 12 -oz. per tin 21c Aylmer saur kraut fancy 2 per tin 13c Aylmer lima beans with tomato 16 -oz. per tin 15c Heinz pork and beans med., 2 tins ......25c Sunlight Soap-, 4 cakes 25c • Jif large soap flake per pkg, 20c ivory soap large, per cake .... 10c Hillcrest Shorteniing, 2 lbs... 27c 49c 17c Checked flannelette blankets 70x:84 pr. 1.98 All wool checked blankets pair 8'95 All wool blanket throws each 4.50 J. W. MER Old English Floor wax, pints per Lux soap, 3 cakes tin Phone 140 Help the Canadian Legion in drive for Funds. IN MEMORIAM their Mr. Ralph Uttley was a week -end vh-itor at London. Mr. Harry Howard of. Hensall was a caller in town one day last week. Miss Gertrude Ratz of Crediton, spent the week -end with her friend, -.Miss Margaret Hey. Miss Cora Streets of the local Bank of Montreal Staff was a week- Your P..roken end visitor with her parents at Clin- ton. Duplicated. 48 Hour Service. i.lr. and Mrs.. WiIiiam r. Braun and family of Ferest, were Sunday vis:tors the home of Mr. Williarll j Any Shape, Any Colour, J9 it e)>lt. Any Style *Mr. Ed. Pre Mr. and Mr;.1 'G; 4i C:00k, �. k til and Glen it iwt { of Sunday vii- itoi. it the 11J.i..• of .sir. and Mrs. Single or two Vision, and at Joi"t;. 1;n unor. SPECTACLE REPAIRING et h re o Act +"1 Sponsored 1.y the Hensall I D:mulch or th- Canadian Red 1 Cross Lens or Lenses' Given by the Junior Farmers Allan—In loving memory of Mr. James Allan who passed away one year ago, on February 5th, 1939. Thy will tie done, seems hard to say When one we loved has pessed away Some day I know we'll understand When we meet again in that better land. —Ever rememtbered., by his wife DOCTQR"S CAR STOLEN • Lucan—The automobile of 'Dr. W. T. Banting, stolen while the physician answered an emergency call, has been recovered at Stratford, where it had been albandoned by the thief. The doctor had answered a call at 3 a.m. and while on duty left his car park- ed on the street. Ordinarily the me - chine is kept in his garage. South Huron Agricultural Society Meets Keen interest was manifested by good attendance at the annual meet- ing of the South Huron Agricultural Society in Hensall Town Hall, on Saturday afternoon last. The audit- ors' statement made by the Secretary showed a substantial balance arter all- prize monies and other expense~ had been paid. The Society will hold both a Seed Fair and a Spring Show again at Hensall this year, the seed fair date being set by the Directors for Friday, March lst, and the Spring Stock Show date will be Saturday, April 6th. The following officers and directors were elected for the coming year: Hon. Pres., W. H. Golding M. P., James Ballantyne, M.P.P. and Mr Thomas Dickson. President, Dr. A.P. Campbell; lst vice-pres, Alex Buch- anan; 2nd vice-pres., Owen Geiger. Directors: George Armstrong, W.R. Dougall, William Consitt, Howard Wright, Thomas Sherritt, William Decker, R. M. Peck, Lorne Chapman, W. D. Sanders, A. B. Bell, Sam Dou- gall, James Scott, E. Shaddick, Syd. McArthur, Fred Watson. LIBERALS The A,ivi or,: Board of the Zurich Branch of the Red Cross will meet! in the Toa i 11 th, / n• ch, on Mon --1 da; f•tsinrx, I"elee:ery 1: t's. at/ 8 o'= '. , p.m. This is the rt�g.ilar• moat lily meeting. Entertained Friends Air. and Mr. Victor Dinnin of, town ent stained a number of thei, ! friea — in their lovely new home on I Tuesday evening. After partaking cif a sumptuous dinner, and the lad- ies got the. kitchen wares back in their respective places the party en - hi .Progressive Airoplane•Bunco One and all. busy ,fa a od «amu. ours and 'created much laugh- ter and enjoyment to all. j1iaster Leroy Rader won the prize for the highest points, and "Councillor" William M. Haugh won the Bubby prize which created a great deal & amusement in the merry making gathering. In leaving all expres e'1 their high esteem in the way "Mine Host and Hostess" conducted the evening's program and entertained their friends. All leaving with the beanty ring of "conte back again, real soon! A Nominating Convention of the Lib- erals of Huron -Perth will be field in the - TOWN- HALL . HENSALL Friday February 9th, 1940 At 1.30 p.m. To select a candidate to contest this MEN ORGANIZE The men of the Evangelieai church met on Tuesday evening January 30 for a special meeting. After a thor- ough discussion on the advisability of organizing a Brotherhood it was decided to fall in line with the move- ment in the denomination. This new organization is to be called "The Albright Brotherhood" or. the Evan- gelical Church. The officers for this organization are as follows: Presi- dent, Mr. Lloyd O'Brien; Vice.iPres., Mr. Edgar Wuerth; Secretary, Mr. Edwin Gaseho; Treasurer, Mr. Gideon Koehler. The new executive appoin- ted Mr. C. Smith as Chairman of the Department of Christian Service and iVir. Leroy O'Brien chairmen of the Department of Christian Fellowship. On Sunday night Feb. llth at the evening hour of worship a special Installation service for the new offi- cials will be held. The Men's Chorus will sing and Rev. C. B. Heckendorn will preach on the subject: "Arise, Ye Sons of Albright." Reasonable Price A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. and Junior Institute of Ailsa Craig Societies. On Friela_ - ove. February 16. General Admission Above space is donated sby: W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall Womens' Institute On Monday evening February 5th, the Women's Institute held their me- eting in the Town Hall, Zurich. The program was opened by a sing song. Mrs. Bryce took charge of a game after which Mrs. Schilbe read the cur rent events. She mentioned that there are over 100 women in Zurich and vicinity knitting for the Red Cross. Milton Dagg• and Mrs. Hess rendered a very pleasing piano duet. The guest sneaker r for the evening was .Mr. Vidt. His subject -was "The preservation of Food, and he outlin- ed the processof growth of preserving from the early period of crude pre - Constituency the corning election. servation to our present day nrech- Mrs. Bryce won a jar of cherries and a jar of cherries respecivnly which were given away by Mr. Vidt, who drew the lucky number. The roll call was "My Baby Picture and Mrs. M. Stelck won the prize for guessing the names of the most pictures. The e 400804.004,04>ee eeee eeet.�,.“-,t,, agoto'+4.Ap9.J • 4 • 0 4- • • • in The meeting will be addressed by: apical refrigeration. Mrs. Dagg and Mr. William Golding, M. P. And Hon. W D. Ehler w GOD SAVE THE ICING a • 4 a• - c • u 0- 0- • - •• • 4- 4- * 4 • a •” • 0- • • . • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • aw oprill 1~ THE OLD SAYING: 'The Early Bird C tche3 the arm! IS TRUE! With this Year's new samples... They are Won- derful quality and Patterns, that can't be beat BUT The quantity is limited and the range is not as large as other years due to war conditions. So we advise you to rnake your selection early for your new suit as our range at $24.95 is second to ;lone. BE WISE AND CHOOSE EARLY 4 4 4 0 4 4 ,. 4 • a a o, a i t 4 • 4 • • 4 4 • 4 • 0i 11. Itoffraan .4eeoee***1.0,404,44P•DPRe:3? 44t?ro"Fttsa4 EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL. DIRECTORS IMPORTS VARY Canada imports a large number of cream separators each year, and the following schedule will tell us just how these imports are listed: 1938 1939 13371 18667 United Kingdom 2308 2930 U S. A. 995 1735 Germany 1 234 471 Belgium 4'6 326 Finland 161 1161 Denmark 21 12 Sweden 4-4 Annual Report company was $6,594.85 and the as- sets of the company show they are carrying 75.6c for every $100 of in- surance in force. The Directors were of the opinion that this strong fsnane cial position has been attained by 3 underlying reasons, namely; greater care being exercised in connection with fire hazards by the policy -hold- ers in general; careful underwriting practices being observed in selecting and writing risks and the careful see- rutiny of all risks by the Board of Directors. An appeal was made to have chim- neys examined and repaired. The Company had suffered several losses The 65th :Annual Meeting of The froh sparks from chimneys wild de - Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire festive stove pipes which might have Insurance Company was heli. in the been avoided if more precautions `Gown. Nall, Zurich, on Monday the had been taken. A Slocum Spark Ar - 20111 of 'January 1040 at 3 p.m. Tho I rester was exhibited to the meeting President of the Clor11 ran W. Id. ; which has been introduced by several Sweitzer was appointecll(.',lra Chan -luau and, companies who have found the loss iteporrt t on dwellings greatly reduced thereby H. K., Silber, Secretary, The The three retiring Directors: John of the Directors was read showing' Armstrang, Fred J. t•lalrerer and W. the ,total se of r of poticins in force, = H. Switzer were re-elected for three at the close of the year to be 20,E eyears and J. W. 1laberr?r and Geo.. covering risks to the amount of heichert appointed Auditors .tor the555,070. The total assets of the the Year 1910. Company are *64,739.6!'1 of which . y „e . • B nd; anrd After the Annual Meeting, the me- ro 0 .e 11 i.,,91R OS t:, to less el when e t r el r , was resumed nt the Board v ' comniittect se.l�veel a dainty lunch and there iS 511,26 i.89 on deposit to the e ting of t r. Chas. `r�vickor, John. A. McEwen, a :octa! half hour was enjoyed Over Banks. Due to th small amount el Thomas Webb was elected President t'resiilettt. Secretary, tea cups.: losses $3,022.22, the surplus of the and Henry C. Beaver, Vice -President