HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-02-01, Page 1VOLUME 4O, N 28 • ZUR ICH, THURQDAY MOHNINP, FEBRUARY 1, 1940. Rates: $1.25 in Canada, in advance' .$1.50 in U.S.A., in advance e MESTER L. SMITH, Publisher. Pa t r0 11" z e your local Merchant, and Read your Home Paper COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Z arbrigg OPTOMETRIST at- EXETER The Newest. Appromed Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Op eo every Week Day Except Wedoesday, Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equiprnent at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIGH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices csaaasee„,,,,„Neaapeeeaaaaeseeeseeeeeeseteaeaseee BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP ...WZASON'S SPECIALS Get Yatu Spedal now! All Permanents Guaranteed. Croquinole waves a Specialty. Our main Special, a Eugene, with a deeper wave and a tighter curl regular $7,50 for $5.00. Morning special only, free. shampoo with every finger wave. Be sure to call 159 for appointment and avoi1 being disa.ppointed. Phone 159 Zurich for Appointments. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. "th04)4,41,1,0,11V,I.JAPOWNAJNACNA(KONII,A10.9,,..1,4,474NOVNOV,ANPOS sa ,./ars SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE t UYING • 1937 DODGE COACH,low mileage, clean inside and out. 1936 ,CHEV., -COACH, trunk, heater, defrosters, new tires, (without knee action). A car like new inside al out 1934 DODGE' SEDAN, trunk, very choice inside and runs like new 1936 1/8 Coaele„ Mack, awned by one party Cneo newe A dandy cat at a, luvr price also trail:. 1938 catrEv.. COACH: without knee action. Finish and cush- ions Ince new. The price Is a surprise. -many used Cars on hand to :Describe each Car setwately. - Most of these cars. are 4origirkal:finish.' and Upholstering. -PRICED TO SELL! INVESTIGATE! 1931 'MEV- COA(EL. 1934 Plymouth Coupe ano rd Coupe 1933 VS Sedan,new moor. 1930 Fordj Goads: 1929 Ford Coaches. (5). : 1929 Essex .Sedan 11)32 Ford Sedan, 4 cylinder 1936 Dodge Coach _1935 Plymouth Coach 1937 Pontiac Coaches (2) 3.934 Chev. Master Coach 1937 Olds sedan 1929 Ford 14 -ton truck 19,20 Ford Coach $65.40. WARD FRITZ :A/lore Trade. US .Arriving Weekly on the 1940 Dodge Cars. J WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thweday, .Friclay and Saturclaty Golden Corn, 2, tins ...... . .. —17c 'Pork and Beans, 21 -oz. 2 tins , Prunes., new sweet California. 40 'to '50, 2 lbs..... Habitant pea soup,. large en, per lin . .. 3.0c Ovaltine small tin 38c. need , Loose Soap chips, S. lbs. Raspberry Larne 32 -oz. per jar Peanut Butter & Star, 24 -oz. Ter jar Castle Floor wax,. a-415. tin Blue Boy Coffee, pm' lb. Blue Berries-, per tin 58c 25e 25c 23e 25e • — 35'e 11.0 dViaratori Luscious Noodles 14eoz, 1)kg. .... „ . . .. ....... 10c Choice Blue Rose Rice, 2 lbs. .. . 17e. New Port Fluffs and Glass 'Tuniblers . . 25t ;Heinz's Catsup large haitHe 2 ib.. boxes loaf Oateae . . .. (Checked flannelette itlankelts '70X84 pair • 1 93 All wool Blanket thruwa mei% — ... . ... , — „ —4.50 All wool Blankets Throws, heavier each , 6.95 Allwool checked Blankets pi. Allwool. Grey checked lebieltets, pale _ . ..... _ dr./..25 EKNER Leavitt's Theatre EXETER — ONT. Thursday, Friday, Saturday 2 Features "TROUBLE IN SUNDOWN" Starring.George O'Brien THE DAY THE BOOKIES WEPT With Joe Penner • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "HONEYMOON IN BALI" Comedy Drama With Fred McMurray and Madeleine Carroll. COMING --Stage Coach, Drums, Gul- liver's Troubles, The Hunchback of Noire Dame, Pinnoccio, atulers of the Sea. AV V 1=.16,Ginscriatlam6=1011123,1006, CARD OF THANKS Mr. Samuel 'McBride and Family wish to greatly thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness and. sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement, for the beautiful floral tributes, the Zurich . Evangelical. quartette,- and those who so kindly loaned their cars. acamasteco..,...=,----ca—....srayAccatiarc...cosacwardlent HIGHEST SALARY Who do you think got the highest salary in the United States last year? A soa,q-maker! Well, the president of a company manufacturing soap, Lever Grothers :Copany of Masaa: -,clanietta; His way, and his salary and bonus for 1939 amounted to $469,713. And, seeing it was made --out of soad,you could hardly call it "filthy racre."— Exchange. SUGAR SUPPLY ASSURED Montreal ---S. R. Noble, federal sugar controller under the wartime prices and trade board, in a state- ment said "sugar is the one commOd- ity in connection with which no short- age may be antieipated. "'On the eon traey" he added, "there is a large large surplus in the world and the most important producing countries such as Cuba and Java, are artifieally restricting outpat greatly below the figures of previous production and their actual factory capicty." "Not anly is Canada assured of ample sup, plies throughout the whole period of war," Mr. Noble said, "but, under the arrangement entered into with the British Sugar Control, Canada's requirements for months to come have been arranged for at the pres- ent fixed price with supplies actually on hand in Canada to cover the nor- mal requirements of the country for at least three months." STEPHEN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting of the Council of the Township of Stephen was held in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Wednes- day, the 24th of January at 8 p.m. All members were present. Motion, that Matthew C. Swertzer be eppaointed Weed InspeetOr at a salary of 30c per hour which shall include his transportation, .Motiore that Henry C. Beaver be appointed Assessor during pleasure of the Council at a salary of $110. with postage extrst and that he also be appointed Live -stock 'Valuer at a salary of 30c per hour which Maud - es his transportation. That by-law No. 539 appointing =lain officials of the Township, hav- ing been read three times, be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Corporation at- tached thereto. That By-law No. 540 appointing Henry C. Beaver, Township Assessor and repealing By-law No. 510 which appointed William Kleinstiver, As- sessor, having been read three times, be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of he Cor- poration attached thereto. The meeting then adjourned until the next regular meeting whieh he held on Monday, the 5th of Feb - teary 1940, at 1 p.m. it K. Eilber, Township Clot 1 a 4 7,4 CZ/ Mr. Per4y Weston of Bayfield ou Zurich friends on Tuesday. 1V1r. Hugh :MacKinnon made a bus- 'e's trip to Guelph this week. Messrs. Calvin and Robert Will- iams motored to London on Mon - Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carlisle of • Hensel' were visitors with Mr. and Leeland Willett on Tuesday. iVlessrs. Earl Yungblut an Wilfred Klapp, also Mrs. Howard Klopp were week -end visitor e with friends in Detroit. Mrs. Emily Fuss who has been visiting in Detroit for some weeks, has returned to her home here. Mr. Herbert K. Either of Crediton, was in town Monday presiding at the annual meeting of the Hay Mutual Firs Insurance Corpany. • A Euchre and Dance is being spon- sorM in the Bayfield Town Hall on the evening of Flbruary 14th. The proceeds of which will go to the Red Cross fund. MISS 'Daure en O'Dwyer, who is at- tending Western University, spent a fe daysWrit:sedt aot herhomehere during theinetermission of the two half-year t report that Mr. George Deichert, who recently underwent an operaioe ie Clinton Hospital, is im- ate-saes:- rueely,54:041 expected home in leVCrayr Monteith & Monteith, chartered accountants, of Stratford, heave a representative in town auditing the books of the treasurer of Hay ,Coun- cil this week. The Members of the ZuZrich Red Cross wish to advise the public that the local society is not not affiliated or a branch of any other society in the vicinity, as the Zurich branch are a chartered organization and are in' direct .communication with the main head office branches. Seemingly there has been some confusion along this line, as branches of larger places have been announcing that the Zur- ich branch was under their supervis- ion, but such is not the case, as Zur- ich branch looks after their own man- agement. Late Mrs. Zehr There passed away at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Swartzentruber, Bronson line, on Thursday January 25th, Mrs. Annie 'Lehr. aged 73 years and 7 months. 'ell's. Zeln' whose. home was in Lowell, New York State, came over here to the ZZurich district to visit her two daughters here last fall, and shortly after took ill and the end carne on Thursday. She was of a quite lov- ing type, of lady and is greatly mo- urned by her family. The remains were sent to Lowell on Friday. Sur- viving are her two daughters here, Mrs. C. Swartzentruber of the Bron- son fine, and Mrs, Moses Erb of town also two sons and a daughter in Low- ell, N. Y. ELECT OFFICERS The Woman's ,Christian Temperance Union met in Hensall United Church President for the devotional period was Mes. C. L. .links. A paper on prayer was given by Mrs:, W. Cook, of Exeter, Mrs. Maud Redden and Mrs. George Hess ,contributed a duet and Mrs. James l3onthren sang a solo. The following officers form the 1940 slate: Exeter-Hensall officers, president, Mrs. George Hese, Hematila vise-pres., Miss Jean 5, Murray; cor- responding secy., Miss Jean rylurray; recording secy., Miss Irene leouglas- treaSurer, Mrs. E. McQueen, all of 'Teem% The county officers are: Ad- visory presieients, ''Ira R. J. Tindal' Wingham; Miss Jean I.V.Iurray, Hensall Vas. A. E. Lloyd, Wittgham; T. Cooper, Clinton;, vice-presidents, Mrs, Beavers and Mrs, W. C. Pearce Exeter; corr. Kaye Miss Murray lecording seey., Miss Consitt, arenakdat treasurer Mie. Walter Hern, Goi:aaa deb; secretaty, Miss 1'3va, ross, Iitei SPECTACLE REPAIRING Your Broken Lens or Lenses Duplicated. 48 Hour Service. Any Shape, Any Colour, Any Style Single or two Vision, and at a Reasonable Price A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. PHONE YOUR 0 -•!!,:7-J7: For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracj ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta,, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rocigar's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling Ga, Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid .Ergs on a graded ba.sis. Pone 10 - Hensall t •••••••******4••••••••• 04444 0 *4 a) 4 4). 4,******4****404, ry, • Op • (41 • 06 • • g pcialS ALr ot • ON 14 • • • MEN'S SUITS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MADE TO MEASURE 10% DISCOUNT JANUARY 2nd, to JANUARY 27th. BUY YOUR SUIT AT THE OLD PRICE LESS 10%. ALL NEW SAMPLES WILL BE MUCH • • tik • Wm as • EMBALMERS • MUCH HIGHER. 0 11 011 Ili 0011 41. AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • • ••••••••*4,600,4-..1,.3..e.e.04,o3,404.+4s00,0***41.44100•64,46,447P4~4' iSiggre=an-7,' Ever at Your Th ervice We are Still Doing Business At The Same Oki Stand. During this Cold Winter Weather you will need good warm Underwear, Overalls, Smocks, Wind- breaktrs, Mitts, Socks, Heavy Rubbers, Etc, Etc. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand, Tim ouGuts sTott PHONE 11 - 97 •;,^4,,T47,3