HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-01-18, Page 8raor EIGWr 'We have a fine Assortment of Material's suitable for Quilts and Comforters at pre-war prx.ces: Finest fiord, Sa"•yens, 36 -in. at per yd+ 39c Cretons, 36 -in at from 19c to 25c Chintzes,.. 30 -in.: at 19c to 30c Flannelette Sheeting, grey or white, 72 -in wide at per yard 50c Dominion Batts, jure white, 1 lb, 72x00-rii 50c .39c Economy 1 lb. 72x90 -in. NEW PRINTS 50 pieces to chvbse from in Wabasso, Mayfair, Sunshine. All first quality goods, prices from 17c to 29c yd. GROCERIES 49c 25c r 5 19c 12c 39c 2 for 25c 5c 15c 25c Tea mixed per lb. d: a;;tile Soap, 12 bars Com flakes, 2 pkgs. Pork and Beans, 2 for Noodles, per pkg. Larc'e OranTes per dozen Salmon, pink 1 -lb. tins, Cashmere Boquet Soap at lolly Beans per lb. Chocolates, reg. 35c., for ... 0 PRGDUCE WANTED 1 pia . 17.a7s ill eft taat ' L�al al " lint War Loan $200,000,000' 3 =1. % BONDS Denominations: ..$50, $100, $500, $1,000 and up. Subscriptions taken by Undersigned Sub -Agent: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative - Zurich '� I uulliiiiiiiiuuiihihllJ111 I� HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE YOUR WINTER Needs fE YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? s Roes Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- • ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you an o er ur uggestion to our est Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS ''• Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, prings, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! ff O S Y B S I We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. COAL AND COKE Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest.' ISTADE &WEIDOt • ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE $SSMA • ZURICH HERALD 1111111111111111(i III11jI111111_ITlll 1111llil (III 111 11111111iIll1Th 1111Illlij 1.11lllhlll 111111111111111IIIIIIII111111It 1(kalli z levigs r:.4 r re Clothes pins, 5 dozen t5c Gingef Snaps„ per lb. , 10c Minute °Tapioca, 2 llbs. 25c Princess Soap Flakes, 2 pkgs. with dish 30c Lard, 2lbs. 25c Baking powder in Tumbler, each 10c Lantern Glasses (high or low) 2 for 25c Brooms, 4 string, each 29c elm°Oesch EGGS WANTED. SOLWIttra Zurich Phone 165 it,. "ilt 1• l{[, ;11P11hPllif,N11h111 + "l11E1 15111:111.1 1111111 z 111111111 11111118 I111111i1111111(il 11111111 Mrs. Heartgrieve of Toronto is at present visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Trueinner pith con- cession. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McAdams, bridal couple, have returned home from their honeymoon, after visiting various 'places of interact in the 13. S. A. Miss Pearl Ha?pole who has been he efficient ;bookkeeper at the Zurich Creamery since last summer has re- signed. Miss Harpole intends going, back to college for further instruct- ions. Mr. Allan Gascho of town has ta&-:en Miss Harpole's po,;ition at the Creamery. The thaw and rain over Sunday, or in other words the tracPtional Janu- ary Thaw, is followed this week by another taste of real biting winter weether, with the mererry well below the zero mark during the nights. The snow has been greatly settled 'but the storm on Monday and Tuesday •p•:led nn some bang{s again- The roads. that is the main arteries ars in good coed;tion. Mr. Geon e Thiel who ' has the large rural ror'te No. 2 out of Zeri^h- snakes the entire round with the auto without trouble. The second carload shipment of snowfences are arriving from Tor- onto. and are being distributed thr- oughout the Township, and are being met at 'laces where mostly needed. We think with this 'batch of fenees, the vov't pla-es throughout tide Twn. should be well taken care off. The former shipment have nroven them- selves a great help. and in due time the roads will be mostly be protected from the high snow banks in the winter time. avhich will enable the farmers on tlhe oneessions to use their autos all winter lona. BIRTHDAY—NEW YEAR'S There is one man in Exeter who has a double •celebration on New Years and that is Josiah Iest.e, who along with celebrating the coming of the new year 'celebrates his own bir- thday. Mr. and ,Mrs: Kestle are look- ing forward to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on the 25th of ,March.—Exeter Imes -Advocate. BEARS WERE AT LARGE The old traditional scare of "the bear will get you" almost carne a re- ality on Sunday, when two husky 2 - year -old black bears were at large in the town line district west of Hills - green, Mr. Peter Baker had on Sat- urday by trailer brought the pair up from Baden and was going to keep them in captivity, but he failed to first provide for the prop^r accomod- aition for these two huskies, who soon snapped off the chains end broke through all enclosures and took a trip to the neighbors, visiting Mr. Will Schrag nearby, who shooed them away, and the owner corning and taking .the one home while a hound dog treed the other one, and it was:. a big jab to get it down, as no one was inclined to get into a "'hugging" combat with this 250 -,fibs, of brawn and musdles. County Constable A. E. Jennings of Goderich, a former R.C.. M.P. officer of Goderich was called to destroy the animals. Mr. Jennings was accompanied by Chief Norris of Exeter; Co. Constable Fergueon of Exeter and Prov. Constable Rather - ford of ' Goderich. After Jennings had let the second charge from hie sawed off shotgun go into the bear at diose range the animal became in- fuiated and came down from the app Ve tree, and was about to charge when another shot settled it life on earth. The other bear was in the barn brit Mr. Baker by this time got tired of. this ".bear business' and asked the ofr tiers to also destroy' the other one which was tied up. It was by foot- +urints of the bear through tee snow the animal was 'tracked by the offi- cers while neighbors watched their pvoress generally from behind Win- (laws, and all is 'again serene in that ' neighborhood; and Mr. Baker has an abundant nuan,tity of bear meat for the balance of • the season. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, dairy 30 Butter, creamery 33 Eggs, dozen 18, 15, 14, 12 Hens, live, lb. 10-8 Chicks, live 12-9 Chicks, dressed ............. 16-10 Wheat bushel 70 Oats,: bushel ... _ . _ 30 Barley, bush ot>' Buckwheat, bu••h 50 Flour, rwt, 2.H-8.10 Bram and shorts, ton 24.00 Potatoes, 75 •ll.. bag 65 Live Hogs, cwt. 8.90 THIEL'S HAIRIIRESSING THIEL'S 'HAIRDRESSING SALON Let us quote you on the very best and latest Permanents, that are pleas- ing and aetisfeetory and that will give you personality. Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store. For appoint tnents. call us by phone 102, Zurich. MRS FILED THIELE, Proprietress LAWYERS ELECT 'L. E. Dancey, K.C., Goderich, was re-elected president of the Huron Law Association at its annual rneet- ing in the lav library of the Court Homer Goderich, Monday last. Ten members of the fraternity were pres- ent. Other officers are: Hon. pres., Judge T. M. Costello; vice-pres., D.E. Holmes; secy., R. C. Hays, K. ,C.; librarian, D. R. Nairn; auditors, F. Ti. Darrow, D. R. Nairn; representat- ive on Onbasio Law Sooiety, James Morley, Exeter. The meeting passed a resolution •'which has been forward- ed to Attorney -General Conant ask- ing for the immediate .appointment of a • ju•stice of the peace and a police court clerk in Goderich, positions made vacant by the death of Mr. F. G. Weir arid the resignation of Mrs Wm. Gardner. Annual . Financial Statement The Sixty -Fifth Annual Report of The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company has been printed and, will soon be in the (rands of the Policyholders. This thriving Comlpany had a most successful year during 1939, while they had a good- ly number of small losses, the small- est of which was $1, and the largest being $;538.35, the total losses for the year ,were only $3,022.22, which is less than a third of the previous year. The Company has now $52,- 918.03 invested in bonds with $11,- 265.39 in banks and their total as- sets are $64,759.65. The total rec- eipts for the year were $20,117.79, while the running expenses aiid losses paid amounted to $8,851.90, which leaves an admirable balance for the year's operation. The annnat meet- ing of the Company will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich on Monday, January 29th at 2 o'clock, to which the ipalicyholders are requested to at- tend.. in Magistrate's Court Goderich—"This gun business is bad—I don't like it" remarked mag- istrate iMakins as he sentenced Lorne tittley and Alfred Dieterich, Kitch- ener youths,. each to three years in Kingstonpenitentiary on Thursday, after they had pleaded guilty to arm- ed robbery on Dec. 20,.last at Kings- bridge, 15 miles north of Goderich when they drove up to a service sta- tion in a stolencar and ordered tank of gasoline, The tank filled,the; held up. the attendant at the point of a revolver and drove away. Wanted at London, Harold Justice, who re- set-451es n ,professional wrestler, was remanded for a week en a vagrancy charge. Police said the man had re fused to work for his meals at Win• sham when he was introduced to the business end of a cross -cut saw. Af• ter pleading guilty to four charges of'. cashing four worthless cheques for srnaill amounts, John E. -Kennedy Ridgetown,' was remanded one week : sentence so that his alleged re- cord:.as drug addict may be investi- gatefor L yaw ,_ • 1 4. +h + t 4 41. 4. 1- 4' 4 4' , Thursday, January: ?lf ilia• l!I . 44 .444. 4+fi4+4•I++.+++ !+t ..4.+44+41++10 OUR rand. ' ORE. YOUR SEASONS. REQUIREMENTS:' We Always Carry . a+ Full Line:, of the Belt of both Shelf and Heavy Stanle Hardware: Staves. Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments, Let Us+ Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line: Some Good Used Heaters, at Very Reasonable Prices) FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites : 1A Full Line of all'. the Home Requirement§ . • ,.r Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest. in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality: Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress,, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers;. Etc: SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE , For the more conservative purchaser we can,. save; you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment` of 4, 44, Used. [Furniture that will give you big value: for your Money. Drop in and look these over and getecur• Remarkable Low Prices - Johnston Hardware & ILP Furniture. Phone .63 pry, ,04,44,,x4+4,444.4, .* **4,4 , 4•4=•r..< a.4-4,, 4, 4,.¢.4,4,0*4^,2'1.04 a 4. ** itil414; --_.ea^..�"ry"..'•�irr-r�a..s-1'L—�F3"�ft"'m�w�rs *'^ctar•^�mcrs—•-•--- w,"�.,.i"l.: ra^......-..,.yaA..,..ne... ' DEAD AND DISABLED Ali IM -ALS'- Removed Promptly Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc. Courteous. Service Phone 235 Exeter, Ont. (Collect.) DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. To 4. ▪ CHOICE + + 4 + + 4 + + + TRY ECKEL S n Talk” Bread also VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND SWEET GOODS. - 4 4. p4 4 All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality t ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM Our Store will be closed -each Wednesday Evening f Eckel's Bakery Zurich Telephone 100 t+++++++++++++++++++++++++II+ +++44++++++4.4+++++.4+$++4.4 *44.44++.1.41-4-1-+++++++++++ ++1. ++++++++++++ ++++++++-4- 444 yb + 4. • l! o •° • PHONE 6,0 Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! + Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! 4. +u REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A - LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL �++ TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR• GLAZING WORK WHILE YOuu WAIT. Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials i 4\ IABFL C „' ZURICH 6+b+I444+1++1+44+i+44+i+4++lt444,4•44+3++.4++$++i++U+i•F'e+4,44++++++++444.444, MASSBY-IJAERTS 1SWS • GENUINE M,. -i. PARTS work best on M.-11. Im- plements..- Mower and Binder • Knives ground while you wait with carbarundum. equipment. Guaranteed Batteries at $4.49 1% year battery guarantee 6.85 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plane 7.95 Guaranteed .440-21 tires at 5.85 Visit the East End Service Station for City* Serv- ice at .Zurich prices. Cars and trucks properly greased with latest hydralic equipment. GAS OIL AND GREASE TeL Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 East and West End SERVICE STATIONS