HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-01-18, Page 44
t' C
The Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance. to raced re
subscriptions for a loan to be issued for cash in the following terns:
31/4. P Ce t ds
Th be Redeemed by Annual. 1. °aWhhagS -by Let
as follows :
20% of the Loan on February 1, 1948 at 100.00
20a;, "
20% • cG
February 1, 1949 at 100.00
February 1, 1950 at 100.00
February 1, 1951 at 100.50
February 1, 1952 at 101.00
Issue rice: 100% an c s` :accrued interest.
The proceeds will be used by the Government to finance expenditures for war purposes..
Payment is to be made 'in full against delivery of interim certificates on or after
February 1, 1940.
Principal and interest will be payable in lawful Money of Canada. Interest will be.
payable without charge semi-annually at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank,
The Bonds will be dated February 1, 1940..
Denomination of Bearer .Bonds: 1 i0, $100, $500, , a,000
The Minister of Finance rnay, at his discretion, authorize the Bank of Canada to
:accept applications to convert Dominion of Canada .8% Bonds maturing March 1, 1940,
into-an equal na='�ti of additional bonds of the above issue. The 3 0 ed
°,J .�7.�onds accepted
p -
for conversion .will be valued 0 1 9 and accrued interest to date of delivery. •
Cash subscriptions and conversion applications may the Bank of Canada,
Ottawa, through any branch in Canada of any chartered bank or throii h -any approved
investment dealer or stock broker from ,thorn copies of the official prospectus con-
taining complete details, of the issue may be obtained.
The Minister of Finance reserves the right to allot cash subscriptions in full
or in part.
Subscription lists Frill open at 9 a.m., E.S.T., on. Jamul/ 15, 1940, asid zcill remain
open thereafter for ?wt longer than two weeks, but may be closed at any time pct the
discretion of the IlliniWer of .Finance, with or without notice.
Uaati�',t, January 12, 3e110
1Irs. Wm. Reichert attended :the
funeral of Mrs. :F1ernzau Doerr .of
-skuburn recentlea
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love vraited
with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Caanpbel] one day last week.
Mrs. Charles Reidason :has been
Tailed to her home in Mitchell; due
-to the serious Moose :of 'her -mother,
1rs-. M. Elliott.
At last the January thaw r us tome
and there are many ;pleasant faces
ats the water shortage was facing sev
snra1 farmer, and some. were already
'hauling water for •their stock.
Mr. Harry Hoffman has purehase4
the Funeral Stack and Equipment of
the late Peter Mcisaac and is now
luny equipped to serve the public in
tie of need, also day and night am -
"balance service.
Rev. A. E. Pletch of Crediton will
lee' the guest speaker in the Evan-
gelical church on Sunday morning.
Mr. Nornxan Kellerman of Ketch-
-saner called on friends here one day
'tam week. .
Mr. George Kellerman who has
'teen visiting in Kitchener and 'Wat-
erloo fora •few weeps has returned
Harold Kellerman spent the weeke
eted with farends in Fe.rgtrs.
Mrs, crane who has been ill at the
Borne of liner -daughter, Mrs, A. V,
;Iestreieher was reproved to St. jos-
epll's Hospital, London ore Friday
`with "FT. Hofmttn's ambulance,-
Mr. end Mn. Harry Zimmer at- i
`tended the funeerasi of the late Mrs,
.Tin. i ri.^li hi St. Cleanene .last week n
Death of Mee, Wilds r
Th, death otteurxed on Friday ,
'night of Aire. Felix Wilds, :fotnlerly'
� troline lslarogrletrs ap -tern? 70th yns. �;lr
The deceased had been sick for al- I Mrs, .and lobs. Ray Lainmie in Exeter'
most two years and has .lived in Dash i .Miss Margaret Kilpatrick returned!
wood for the past 15 years. She was to her ,duties here as assistant teach -
also a member of the Ladies' Aid and er .at the continuation school after
, the Lutheran church. ,Surviving aro spending vacations with her parents
her husband, 1 brother, Adam Shiro- :in .Strathaw,y..'
oder of Pittsburg, Pa., and three sis- More Tax Prepayments
tern, Mrs Rose Cunnings of Chic- The Village Treasurer reports that
ago; Sophia Sutherland of Pasadena, he is receiving more tax prepayments
1 Calif; and Mrs, Enema Moore of Sea- this year to date than he did last
forth, The funeral was held on Sun- year for the full month of January.
i day with private services at the house Also hopes that the ratepayers will °.
and public service at the church at' take advatntage of this plan as it will
2.50 pen, Interment in.the Bronson save thein 5 per cent per annum.
!Line Lutheran Cemetery. Be-. 1'. He will receive tax prepayments any
Luft officiated. time, all the ratepayers need to do
Died at St. Clemens is to pay approximately what their
Catherine Dieterich, (nee Cather- taxes were for 1939, say if the taxes
ine F. Zilerr widow of Peter Diet- were $42.00 they can secure receipt
erich, of St. Clemens died in Kitch- for (540.00 up to the 15th of the
ener Hospital. She was a native of month for $38.20.
Stephen Twp. daughter of the late Late Hugh: McGregor
.Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Zi�ler. Sure- Hugh McGregor, well-known dist-
iving are three daughters and two rict farmer, died suddenly from a
sans. Her hitsband having predeceas- .heart seizure at his home, Tucker
ed two years. The funeral was held smith. He was in his 77th year. Sur -
en Tuesday morning, inteemena rn St. wing are the widow, one adopted
Clemens. daughter, Mrs. Joe ..McClelland; two
H E N S A L L brothers, Thos. of Man; John of
11r. and .Mrs. Alex. Smillie of Tor- Sask; two sisters, Mrs. R. ; Shaw of
ante were visitors with Dr, and Mrs. Sim;eoe, and .Mrs. Grace Ross, Sea -
Smillie and Miss 3. Murray, forth. He was a member of ICippen
Mee- ,Scott. Welsh, who has been United churcli. The..funeral was held
convalescing at the home of her par- privately on Saturday, interment in
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke in Exeter, lfensall Union cemetery. Rev, E. F.
following a recent operation in the Chandler of XXippen officiated.
'a., M. .:Flospital returned to her
home here. Rev, Weir Inducted
Miss Victoria Bolton returned to B.A.;
.AWed. ormerl evening, Jar.
3 Rev. La Weir
b.eir duties ae teacher in Tnrgnto, of- , ie, Man., was inducted asPortage alrr of
ter spending the holidays with het the congregation of pastor y-..
pare nte, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Witon I terian church, nensall. Rev., mel ' D esbC.
Donald B1add of London was a I Hill of Exeter narrated the steps
visitor at the home of his uncle, apt! taken tofill the vacancy left by the
aunt, Mr, and Mrs, R. J Patterson, f removal of the former minister~, Rev
Mr. Orville Twitc�itll returned on lifr, 'Young to Fergus. The Moderator
"'idny lest alter a ple ant visit with of Huron Presbytery Rear. Boyle of
is father, Robt:, 'f'witeemji in Care!-13lytI presided and inducted. ll.ov.
, ,, „,,mit x end itugtx Rack of Seaforth -preached ft!
oltda i. ilfiss clr'ot , wore+ very 'finer sermon.. Rev, 'Peddie of
y vieiter�s'svith the toner's, ''' Clinton dolfvere..d the c!lre'xso to thy'
cortgxe,;atioze and Rev,. D..J.. Lazne of.
Goderich delivered the charge to the
minister. The congregation retired to,.
the school room of the churchfoil-
owing the induction. servase and. were
introduced' to Rev. and: • Mrs. r'VJeiar,
after, which refreshments were serv-
Not one dollar of fire 'Ios.s.,is• the
record of the town of Clinton lox
the year 1039, according to Fire
Chief Cree. The only telephone call
for the fire company locally, except
for meetings, was one to the chief,
no fire alarm being sounded. It was
to extinguish a small blaze in a dwel-
ling. There was no insurance clangs.
The fire company had a call to assist
in a blaze at Londesbor o to which
they responded, ;also a call to Bay-
field for a dwelling • house fire to
which they declined to respond.
in the burning of the fine school
house of S.S. 6, Hibbert, commonly
known as Cromarty school, serious
loss was suffered When. flames were
noticed corning out of the woodshed
door, F. Bruce, a trustee .who lives
'near by, raised the alarm by phone
and then rushed over to fight the
fire. In a short time others. gathered
and a bucket, brigade thought they
had the flames under control, but
when the well went dry all hopes of
saving the blinding waned. The fire
seemed to have started inside the wo-
odshed and had a good start in 20
cords of dry wood before not/aced.
Smoke filled the basement and the
upper school room so thickly that it
was impossible for anyone to enter
anct save the equipment. The cause of
the fire is unknown, as the caretaker
left the building the previirus even-
ing and' had everything in good order.
The school was ibulet in 1906' and wast
Thyursday, January 16th, 1939.
carieideredl one of the finest rural
chools buildings in Wootton Ontario,
Among the equipment was a fine lib-
rary, a;,piano, ai science laboratory -
and a dew - 'manual. ; training bench
w.ith'l:rarnptcte eet of tools. `,where is
over $3000 insurance thereon.
Pending an investigation into the
fire that destroyed the "hue" Hotel
atGrand Bend late last Tuesday
night, two London youths, Clareneo
Hicks, ':aged 20, and Jack Talbot,
aged 17, were arrested Wednesday of
fast week on the holding charges of
vagrancy by Constables Ferguson and
Rutherford and lodged in the Gocler-
ich Ccruuty•Jail. A charge oe stealing
art autoinohlle at London also hangs
over their heads. Police say they have
evidence that the suspected youths
were seen about- Grand .Bend all day
Tuesday and that the' Hub IloteI was
burglarized before, it was earned.
The owner of the •hotel, Mr. Renee
fixed the fire .for the night at 10 a,
ns. and left for .Parkhill.' .The place
took fixe at 11 pan. No one was in
it at the tine. -.-"The Hub", a restur-
ant and rooming house on Main street
operated by Doug. E. Kent, of Lon-
don; was burned. to the ground early
Wednesday morning and the ire for
a time threatened adjoining b.usinesst.
planes. The fire was discovered short-
ly after midnight and had gathed
mucic headway before it was noticed.
A. volunteer fire 'brigade t. reinoved
some furniture from the • building,
but was enable to check the litanies.
For atime it seemed that Henry
Schenk's adjoining grocery store
would Oso take fire and the business
section be endangered, but the vol-
unteers, aided by heavy snow, were -
able to elaeclt the sparks that lighted'
on root -until the Deal -wood fire de -
meaner -it arrived at 1 a.m. "The
Flub" was known as one of the snare
test cafes and shops of the l3en`l der
ing the summer season, It was closed
for the winter and the cause of the
outbreak is not known.
0219211661 CrGOOPIIPOGIND A•2ZQP.110a22,stareumA2Pi.#2oP2eo2PEoS:.
' ueI
We are Now Filling Orders for this Winter's
Fuel. Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for
your Heating Equipment... Prices always within.
the limits of other Dealers with Quality Considered.
We have an. up-to-date Seed Clearing Equ'--Ynent
that we use for Custom Cleaning, and in i:y the
Farmers who have seed to dean to arrange -with us
for this Work.
A Guaranteen Product that will greatly help your
Stock and Poultry to Vigor and Production, which
will n'iean greater Profits.. Try it1
L.'5:hilt!e ';' Son
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• Not once nor twice but sir timer yearly the specifications ecificattions fo
gasoline—the famous MMMARATHON "BLUE" --are changedto sve your monor-
give your motor -
its accustomed powerunder different climatic conditions. RED INDIAN motor
lubricants, too, must conforxa torequirements that are totaily different itn
Winter than those of Stemmer driving. PLAY SAFE -1 D DIANro
assure you of troubtew£ree petforinatice the year 'round, p ductal
Drive Ir at tba
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Drive into one swims TOMORROW" and let WI. pat your car in
cape for trouble -fee, repair -free service &isiing they4ater months.
.4tnerf-!'seen a -in the radiator—Winter-grade RED INDIAN or
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filled with Winter»gr*de MARATHON 'SLUE" fora quick start and ,e ,
steady power DO natter how low the thermermetergoes. DO IT NOW!
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