HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-01-18, Page 2These Newspapermen Will Report Activities of Canada's Fighting Forces • �..-rw„.,.wn m�eur>re N!l:YrgJN�L:Yn YP.x:4:{;'hDi5:a:2aA9k: YfiK+'!^.: n� n . To chronicle the exploits of Canada's soldiers in England and later in the front lines, these four. Canadian a,ewspapermen have crossed the Atlantic and are now in Britain. Their dispatches will give Canadian news- paper readers first-hand accounts of the activities of the Dominion's soldiers, from the viewpoint of Can- adians. LEFT to RIGHT they are: Gregory Clark (Toronto Star); A. E. H. Coo (Winnipeg Free Press): A. W. O'Brien (Montreal Star), and S. S. Robertson (the Canadian Press). (10 i HaveYoaHeard ig • The shipwrecked party had spent many long months on the desert is- land. Then at last a large liner anchored in the bay and a smart boat put off for the shore. As the boat drew near, the of freer in charge threw a bundle of newspapers ashore. "The captain sent this bundle of newspapers," he shouted. "After you've read them he wants to know whether you want to be rescued." "What are those brown spots on your lapel - gravy?" "No, that's rust, They said this suit would wear like iron." The pilot of one of the Br'itis'h "leaflet" planes reported back at headquarters two hours before he was due. His astonished C.O. asked for an explanation. "Well, sir," the young officer re- plied, "1 flew over enemy territory nal instructed and tipped out the parcels over the side." . "Do you mean you threw them. out still roped in bundles?" asked the C. 0. in an anxious voice. "Yes, sir." "Great Scot, man, you Alight leave hurt somebody." "Do you put your summer clothes away in camphor balls to keep the moths away?" "No; I usually put them up with three gold balls to keep the wolf away." Smith stopped his car at a cross- roads and yelled to a farmer on a waggon, "Hey, George, is this the way to Olnemee?" The farmer raised himself in as- tonishment. "Say, how did you • know my :dame is George?" he asked. "1 guessed it," said the motorist, "Then," said the farmer as he trove on, "guess yogi way to Onle- wee." Eskimo - "What would you say, darling, if 1 told you pushed my dog team for a thousand miles through Ice and snow, just to tell you 1 love you?" Eskirnoette: "I'd say that's m lot of mush." Gets Distinguished Flying Cross White Douses Are Unpopular In Great Britain Just Now - Too Easily Seen in War- time Great Britain's wartime archi- tecture is shunning white houses. They are more easily seen from the air, especially in. the country, than red -brick or dark walled buildings. New homes will be sombre - colored and fitted with anti -gas, air conditioning and raid shelters. Roof will be of concrete and steel to resist falling shrapnel. These plans are outlined by M. Robert- son, of the Royal Institute of Bri- tish Architects of London. Wooden Shutters Back Again "Old-fashioned wooden shutters will come back again," he said. "They are useful both ,for... black- outs and keeping out brokers glass. Leaded diamond window panes will be fashionable. They do not allow so much light through and a bursting bomb would only cause them to billow, not shatter. Gas or electric heater or central heating will displace coat Serving in the ' Air Peter.;,' Pilot Officer Sri , •ndcl:srn of Winnipeg has be:Ai awarded the Distinguished Plying gross for an outstanding feat in aerial warfare. :Henderson stacked single-handed two enemy flying ` boats and. brought them both down, Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the 10 -day per- iod ending December 31, 1939, Were: $5,480,606. u compared with 4,455,374 for the corresponding period of 1938, an increase of $1,025,232 or 23% Modern Etiquette ue rte 13IROBERTA LEE 1 1. -When a house guest wishes to give his hostess a little gift, when should. he present it? 2. -In what position should the butter knife be placed on the bread-and-butter plate? 3: -Is it necessary that all men in a wedding party wear the same kind of. clothes? 4. -Is one ever justified in be- coming irritable when talking ov- er the telephone? 5. -What does demi-tasse mean, and how is it pronounced? 6. -What would be the best phrase for a pian to use when in- troducing his wife to a much old- er woman? Answers 1. He may bring it along and present it soon after his arrival, at some opportunity while he is a guest, or send it to her soon after his departure. 2. The butter knife should be placed at the top of the bread-and-butter plate, slightly above the center, and parallel with the edge of the table, with the handle at the right and the spreading 'edge of the knife to- wards the guest. 3. Yes. 4. No. A person should control his temper at all tines; and it has boon said that a parson's character can be judged by the manner in which be uses a, telephone, 5. A. small cup for, or of, black coffee. Pro- nounce den) -i -ins, e as in inen, i as hi it, a as in at, .principal aceent on first syllable, secondary accent on last syllable. 6.. "Mrs, Carter, I would like you to know my wife." Row Can l? BY ANNE ASHLEY • Q. -How can I clean stained. silks? A. -An ounce of essence of lemon and a half ounce of oil of turpentine is an old-fashioned remedy, which is often very ef- fective. Q -How can I prevent a double chin? A -For women who are de- veloping the suggestion of a double chin, it is a good idea to wear a chin strap during the day while alone. Even one hour' a day in the chin strap will often work wonders in reducing a double chin. Q -How can I remove old` stains from marble? A -Make a paste of soft soap and powdered unslaked - line; lay it on with a brush and leeeeee a week or .inbre. Then`. "•St vvt• unslaked lime, soft soap, hot wat- er, and a brush. Repeat if neces- sary. Restore the polish by rub- bing with a piece of felt. Q -How can I cause evaporat- ed milk to stay fresh longer? A -Take the milk out of its can and keep it, in a glass jar. Q -How can I make it easier to clean the insides of kitchen draw- ers? A -Paint the insides of the drawers with a hard white enam- el and see how easily they can be cleaned. A Piece of oilcloth cut to fit the bottom of the drawer is also a convenience. J -How can I set colors in ma- terial that has started to run? A ---Ordinary table salt is ex- cellent for this purpose. They Will Not Restore T h e Polish Capital. Warsaw Is To. Remain in Ruins More Poles Find More Money to Rebuild It -Nazis Choose Krakow As New Capital Warsaw, now a city in shan'ib- les, is likely to remain so unless the Poles find money to rebuild it. The Germans say they do not intend to reconstruet the metro- polis. Three-fourths of its buildings were destroyed last September when an estimated 100,000 of the 1,225,000 inhabitants were killed by bombers. •The Germans. have chosen Ira kow as their capital for the new Poland. Walls of some of Warsaw's wrecked buildings are being pull- ed clown because they are poten- tilil dangers to hurnan life. Even the buildings still fit to be Odell-. pied add to the deserted appear- ance of the city because almost in- variably their windows have been boarded up or patched with the broken glass taken from other Win- dow frames. No window glass was left intact in the entire city. d toil, it the face is round It Avoid Obvious, T1OUSs thrishould 1)0 'Alt on the cheekbones ificiaal Loo, Natural Makeup Is Always Most Flattering What ScienCe is Doing PEOPLE ARE LIKE RACIOS Every person and .every living thing on earth is a radio' broadcast ing and receiving, set unconscious- ly sending out and receiving long- wave wireless messages Scientists of Columbia Univer- sity declare that all atoms, whether part of the heart tissue of man or a piece of steel, constantly emit ra- I dio waves which can be detected and measured. Even death of an animal organ- ism floes not mean the -stopping of Activity, they say, since the atoms which form part of the living cell continue to emit. radiation after the organism as a whole has ceas- ed to function. BODY DOESN'T "BURN" FUEL The familiar old comparison of the body with a fuel -burning engine is being thrown out by modern me- dical science. The chemical substances in the body -- proteins, fats and carbo- hydrates - are constantly chang- ing like a seething brew in a "wit- ches' cauldron," it is said, whether food is eaten .or not. Recent exper'i'ments have proved that food taken into the body mere- ly enters into the great number of complicated reactions already go- ing 00, Canada Will Skip All Cannon Salutes An order has been sent to all saluting points in Canada cancel- ling, for the duration of the war, all cannon salutes. Scaling down of such ceremon- ial is standard practice in war- time, it was said. This means the 19 -gun vice- regal salute, customarily fired at the opening of the House of Com- mons when the Governor-General arives and again when he leaves, will be omitted. Similarly salutes usually fired at the opening of the various pro- vincial legislatures will be done away with for the duration of the -war. Entertaining Your _ Callers There's A Definite Technique About the Formal Afternoon "Call" The formal "afternoon call" upon neighbors has more or less died out; but any young bride is sure to come in for a certain amount of this kind of entertainment. So a. few hints on the way to cope with the situation may be useful to the newly-weds. Any time after three o'clock is afternoon "calling time." Have Tea Ready Callers should stay only about a quarter of an hour, so anyone arriving before 3:30 p.nl.. will be safely away before tea -time. But should someone arrive nearer 4:00 p.m., or your conversation prove so entertaining that your earlier cal- ler is still there when 4 p.m. ap- proaches; you will have to say: "Do let me get you some tea." Who Makes First Move Formal callers will leave cards at the end of a visite either on the table beside them or on the table in the hall. Then, when you return such visits, 111 about a week's time, leave .cards similarly, and choose your,time and length of stay to cor- respond with theirs. After these in- terchanges actually 'no further meetings need take place; but in any case, it is not for you to make the first move. Farmers of Turkey produced big crops this year, but war sent -prices down and they may not re- ceive even a normal return. 1 STOPPED bra dilfy •or Money Back l'or quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, ath- lete's foot, males, scabies, radtes and other externally caused Akan troubles, use world-famous, cooling, ante, aerate liquid D. D. D. I'resaription, Greaseless, Awnless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense ltehieg. 85o trial bottle proves it, or money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Feathers Bought Canadian Feather & Mattress Co, 41-47 SPRUCE ST., TORONTO RELIEVE THE MISERY OF BABY'S HEAD COLD Spare your child much of the misery of sniffling, sneering and smothery nostrils duo to colds. Insert a Iittlil 14ontholatum in nostrils, rub oik child's chest, neck and belt. Sooth+ ing, healing, M`enthointulri quickly rollevee the worst head cold. Mentbclatutn Is guaranteed to give relief or Money hack. Ask your drug- that now for a 30e Jaror tube. MENTHDLA 1U Gives CoMFORT :Doily Blake -up can be used to great...id• vantage, and an artificial ef1'c'ct av- oided, if great care is given to the choice o1' shadee and to the manner Of their apl)lieatiote Most women make the mistake. of using powder that is tar too light, and thc.y use it too 1aviehiy, The result is that deplorable ' e- in-tlie-flocr-bag appearance, ,Waite or yellow tinted shades should ne avoided and the more natural ,1vri) and warm. tones chosen instead. The powder should be applied very lightly with a swansdown punt and patted on to the face instead of wiped on.' All surplus should be removed with a fresh puff or a soft complexion brush. Use To Best Advantage Rouge must be used with a light mcgramsnigsausaisismoismsratamo Bond Salesman Representative wanted for this town and district to sell I/1eaily Do- minion of Canada War Loan Bonds. No previous experience neecssarY, but must be of good character. Sat- isfactory remuneration. AppIT in writing. - P. J. CAMPBELL COMPANY 19 Richmond St., West, Toronto and blended tloW11Wartls --- a snob:- old. will create en I1lesioe .of length. A thin lace can she made ie look hiller and wider if the chlor 15 kept Hell away 1. OM the rehire of the race and worked outward. lipstick .should be applied to the upper''i1p. Both Taps are then pres- sed together and some of 111.1 color will he lransferrod to the lower lip, 11: should be blended outward to the corners with the ringer lipe Lipstick and roago should always match, Surgeons who operate on trees, no less than surgeons who oper- ate on human beinge, snould us.e sterilized instruments, recom- .nlends-Dr..3. M. Walter of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS • AGE'N'TS WANTED SHOES - WORKING GARMENTS. Sell Dress and Work Shoes, Sports and Service Boots, also Men's Working Garments, selling equipment, quD, t.onuses. Step -Easy Shoes, Reg'd., 3407 Notre Dame West, Montreal. BABY CRICKS QUALITY' AND PRICES THAT ARE hard to beat. White and- brown Leghoras, White and Black Alin- orcas, Anconal, $9.45; Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds, Hybrids $9.90; 'White Rocks, White SVyanduttes, Jersey Black Giants, Light Sussex and i3lack .t,_ustrolorps, $10.40. dle Ciute catalogue. Chick Hatcheries, L mtd, Fergus Ontario. BAB CHICK CONTEST BRAY CATALOGUE READY. IN - quire. about Bray Contest; you may win a flock of Bray Chicks Free. Costs nothing. to enter. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N.. Hamilton, Ontario. - l;Lt1Cs'1`I:R.I. ii0LDS FOR SALE CHESTERFIELDS = $1 `VEEE:LY, :' We pay the freight, all you pay is a rock -bottom price for chestei. fields from Toronto's largest dir- iichesterfield, chairs andnodern stltontch rebuilt and upholstered in brand new ropp and tapes; tapestry cov- erings, spring filled back, cash• ions. attractive design, only $49. Another bargain, originally ex- pensive suites, thoroughly recon- ditioned, $29.50. Send $10.00 now, - balance $1.00 weekly. We pay the freight to your station. Satisfac- tion or your money hack. Royal Chesterfield Mfgrs., 66 Richmond East, Toronto. ST1_7:DEaNTS NO 1V N1101 ,LING It Olt courses- rn Atatriculation. Short Story Journalism, Shorthand and Speech Culture. Make use of your spare time. Write today. Canad- ian Correspondence College, (es- tribtidited 1902). 2211 rouge Street, Toronto.,. ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECT1.t1C AIOTOR, 2 H.P., A.LS1) several other sizes. Jones Se Moore (electric; 2110 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. FOR SALE PACKING PLANT SITUATED IN the centre of the elty of Ottawa, completely equipped modern packing plant, 2 -storey brick building and outbuilding's 11 re- frigeration rooms, Lindy refriger- ation equipment, electric hoist, slicers, scales, etc. First-class 1 • :tab e. Apply - reu.ro rondrti0n; J. T. Guerin, 125 Rideau Street, Ottawa. Telephone 6-0764. AIACrr1IN1`,RY )FOB, sAbi. WADE PORTABLE DRAG ,SAWS reasonably priced, easy to operate,a , are locks torbelcut. Write for Wherever free descriptive bulletin, The A. 11. Co.,Ltd„ 04 Front St., West, Toronto. Williams Machinery IIA 111 n1'1'I,IC I'ItPIES HARDY AI'I'l.1i) 11151115 - be CTS. each. Canada's I.oWest Priced Nur, ser v- growing leading varieties Fruit Trees, Ornamentals. Write Itntttediatel'y requesting sensation• al offerings. 'Pope's Treer'y, Nin- a; ata -on -the-1:Ita, Ontario. l)h`b'I;le Pt, INVt2,NI0ItS - AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR l.,ist of iuvontiuiie and full inror• nation sent free. The Ramsey co, Registered. Patent Attu) eeys, -' Bank Street. Ottawa, tlanada. 'Ot;)t S'POAIAt_"13 13U'1'1117I3INLi ? Hughes' MInero1. Remedy Uuiid.e weakened stomachs. Wonderfully bottles ftr33.00.11.1ohn�li01131l'ro:Ri iti,, Postal Station t.;, Vnuuouver. i].C. I'Itl' ATE HOSPITAL. DUIf`J''L1atN NURSING, BOMB, i39 Dufl'crin Street, Tomato. Cosy, 11• (leased Private ilosbital. All cases taken. Maternity Specialist. - boc]t early. Wanting mothersart conuntidal ed. Registered nu.rse.i. Moderate 'cash uhart,'es. Telephone )vth;lrose 4355. 'Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used - New st.nci.li,l'zistA IN ltte1111,hq' 1110-, TORS, pOtVV1t1.l.)i11I , llYdraulle 9:Iobltw, WLneirea, Generators, stilet - ere. 51 gIeel0e, Oarhureiors, Itoeliat- 'are i;r:cleffIte service Glnss •--' 14atietstflioet oe 'refund, Levy Ante, 'seri'. 'Po,otilo QUIT TOBACCO, :SNUFF, EASlL:a', inexpensively. Goma remedy. Testimonials. Uuernn'eed. Advice free. Bartlett's, Box 1. Winni;:eg. ARE1 WU RUPTURED? I05L11511', cOinfoet positive support. wit» our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel. Write i Smith 19. to I, tai .uric Co„oDept. STOPS RUPTURE. GUARANTEED flat, self-adiustinS springs. No understraps, $4.50, free Trial. Fleming, 1000 Granville, 4 ancou- ver, P,.C. SEICUS SEED DEALERS - ilnt)tr'E11S - Secure Highest Market prices. Sample to Harry Fisher, 34$1: Jarvis Street, Toronto TB AIN El) uerr Hurt ens A.MOLTIOUS ALJiN 17 AND OVER wanted immediately for secret - service and. detective work, com- plete training course by corres- pondence. free intormrriiun. Write to C. 51. Julien, Boo 25, Station T. Montreal. • t;SLC GAR AYI) PRCcie t'AUTS PARTS L'UFi EVERY MODEL AND • matte. All taken down ready to ship. Every part guaranteed, or money refunded. No order too big. No ordet too small. 'Osier Auto Paris, 95 Osler Avenue, Toronto. NULRNI'1'UItl3 FOR s.4.1,0 LYONS J-(Nl'AitY CJ,E. DANll lU..coN :il'l's (IN tr:v en, 1t2 r'L'tJRE Every art tele conspletety recondi- tioned and, guaranteed thoroug.aly clean and mold vvitit n positive mon- ey -been gwerantee et satisfaction. J 1 ACU So11d nal: buffetlliza, elna steItnl'om Suite, table and 6 leather seat chairs. siolt 25,00 Fumed oak. Dining`". Suite, buffet, extension table and 6 leather upholstered chairs, 39.nn CompJeto oak Dining Suite, buffet, china cabinet, exten- sion table and G leather seat chairs. Walnut finish Dining .Suite, =9.00 buffet, china cabinet, ex- tension table and 6 leather seat olialr's. 69.00 b eautiful Eng"11eh oak Suite, perfect condition, buffet, cabinet, extension table and 6 lea- ther upholstered chairs. 75.00 Solid walnut Dining Suite, buffet, extension table, chine. cabinet, and ti leather uphol- stered chairs. .00 Beautiful Walnut Dining 89 Suite, large buffet, china cabinet, extension table and (] lea- ther seat chairs. )inin,. -.iced 1 s 10 -piece Large 1 t ,`Gin. , .001v ) '13 � (cost new ) Seita buffet, china cabinet, extension table, serving cabinet, and 6 chairs with seats and backs upholstered, iu blue mohair. 6.95 Odd Buffets and Dining Room Tables in oak ur walnut finishes. 0.95 and up, Large assortment ut v odd China Cabltrets. 3000 l;edroo n 'Suit. iii two-tone, walnut finish, dresser, chif- fonier, and full size bell with seg - less spring-. `15.00 Complete Bedroom Suite, fn rtrh walnut finish, dr'es- ser. ehtftouier, toll size bed, S10;- 10814 spring and new mattress, zoBeautifulBedroomSuite la the new bleached wailtut fleisIi, with :Yeat.orfali fronts, dt'ea ser, elttffonici', rill $1210 bed, englees sparing and new mattress. 69 00 Large Bedroom Suite, in so- lid waltrut, beautiful dres- ser, ehiffrobe, full size bed, saglq.3a spring and spring filled mattress. Modern walnut ]sedro"in 95.00 suite., (rest new 3350.), large drii1eier, chiffonier, Vanity, (1111 815e heti tiaglces spring • and new met- trs5 t erfeet condition. e 5 05 and up. Large essori.inent t'f J),cssers, ,1>)'esaiug; 'I'alrle$ and thesis in various finishes, e05Lhosterfiel0s in reply anti in,- lrnrr t'0i'et , Alxl tih'ill 010- strurt.ion. p]Nee i 'stcrfit ld Suite, 14•'50 in brown mohair, fi tired reversible 7111,1'sh1111 801lrrt uslrions. Apartment size t.hesterfic.la �� 50 Apartment lives upliolstere,l In blue shade figured velour. Ito- vcrsible Marshall spring (u511]ons. X9,00 Large 3 piece Chesterfield Suite, trpholsltred ut tiger - ed repp, reversible Marshall spring nushions, Perfectly dent),30Y 0() ( 11 I ari;oost.3-erfield Suitepiece gron maltair w, figured reversible Marshall spring cushions, completely reconditioned. ()o 8tudi0 Cotreh, opt)olsie%ed its figured homespun, aims back and wardt'obe. 5 ( end 110..1 Large assortment of �• )5- Kitchen Cabinets, with por- 0010111 'elidingtops, vru+ious finishes, Bay With t'onl'Ldenee Ali nlereltandiire sold ellib it pmaiilve . :boner -smelt renor,sier of i1a't'iv?ne- i lnrt. 478 Yonge St., 'Toronto LYONS FURNITURE CO.