HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-12-28, Page 5rrehrekelev, December Jai•';. 1989 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY E. OLME s. +RRJ -TER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY IPI UaaLlc, ETC. ' OFFICE—At Court House GODFRICH -- ONTARIO *Special Attention to Counsel and Court Work. .r, Holmes May be consulted at &cderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE F.I. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH ' very Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HA.RTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIA Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Zurich Phone -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All tliseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, night Charges reasonable. Day or -alis promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Renick, Office on Main Street, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Tor Huron and Middlese I AM IN A POSITION TO CON- duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell, 1 solie t g+onr business, and•if not satisfied will ake no..charges for ; Services Ren - ARTHUR idered. A'R,THUR WEBER --Dashwood Phone 13-57. • PRODUCE Farm Produce 'ATEA HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY • Wm, .O'Brien Phone 101, Res. .94, Zurich BUTCHERS .urichs'- *Popular .MEAT MARKET ,yet Us supply you . with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur-' ted Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hard Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash 'Prices for , Nool, Hides and Skins Yungblut& Saul INSURANCE . Westerns Farmers' Muftis . Weather I•nsura�nceco TOe TUE LA tGEST RESERS9i ,`::•SAI.- ,ANCpi OF ANY ',CANADIAN MUT- IML COMPANY ]DOING BUSINESS OF TI•IIS RIND IN ONTARIO *moot, of Insurance. at Rik on Dee. 31st, 193' ,,'$32,391,527.00 Total Gash `in Banti and Bonds $273,613.47. Rates—$54.50; per $1,000 ,for 3 Years E. F. j�''L�APn , �i • ICI' •1�lU :Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- .ing /Rods and all kinds of Fire jInStir'ance a Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. HAROLD OVERHOLT'S NEW ' POOL ROOM ZURICH—ONT. Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and Soft Drinks in the "DEW--DROP—INN" AIS SS REPAIRING I am in position to do all kinds of llama's repairing, and will do same at our home, BlindLine. Harvey Glee:siue, -phone 94x6. pt30 PIGS FOR SALE A limited number of yo,an,; pigs about 6 weeks old. ---Sol Gingerich, Phone 84r8, Zurich. STRAY ED. Unto Lot 21, Con. 8, Hay Town- ship a 2 -yr. -old road steer. Owner can have same by p.•oving property and paying expenses. Apply to Bert IClopp, Phone: 93r1, Zurich. Renfrew Cream Separators We will allow $10.00 for your old Cream Separator to apply on purch- ase of a new separator if balance is paid by cash, for balance of this year HUGH THIEL, I'hone 93r4, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE A limited number. of small pigs for quick sale. Apply to Chas. Rau, north of Drysdale. FARM FOR SALE 50 acres, S. Half Lot 12, Con. 4,, Hay. About half tillable, balance pasture with some bush. • Also a small chopping mill and woodwork- ing shop on a country corner. Wm. Pearce, Exeter. 20-4tc. SAWING WOOD I have good equipment to do all kinds of wood • buzzing. Apply to Elgin Weigand, Phone 58r11, Dash- w000d. pt44 FOR VARICOSE VEINS use "Crouchman's Liniment, • 32 -oz. bot- tle $2.50. Your must be satisfied or money refunded, at Zurich Drug Store. ' • • pt -3r WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Hrses. Phone 47r15, Reverse all charges. Jack Williams, Dashwood, R.R.3. -50,39 PRO"'UCE WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for Eggs end' Poultry'. Give us a trial! MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 • Zurich. pt4'39 Zurich Garage Come and purchase your Aut- omotive Requirements from ? urich's oldest Established Garage and Service Station. We can supply all your needs. xpert Automobile repairing, with the latest testing instrum- "nts, Acytelene Welding Tires Batteries, Oils, Greases and. Repairs B -A Gasohne'in three Grades Give Us a Call! MOUSSEAU Phone: bay 103. Night; 47 NOMINATION' RESUTS 1''he,efblllolw%tugi llaxleh i4.4es.rhit`Yer,gual ifietl' for ,the various of%ijues" in ` this .vicinity 1OT „cti 1 N jocti9n 9I!. 1N191wi nY January, .1st: -gat , ,,.:i .�, la itree' do get Armsltitoifi, Max. Turnbull. Y • . /.' 1 1 ,:+ ' ' 1 Council — Alex.. Grerar, Roland Geiger, Fred FIaberer, William Haugh and Nelson Siaiir1eke, STEPHEN` Reeve --Chester Mawhinney, Alan. zo McCann. Deputy reeve- =Riot' Rutz, Edmund' Shap ton. Counell-,:;'Pli ,,, aov , Arthur.Amy, Nernaan Towe; and Neison Schalk. EXETER Reeve-' D, Sanders, Benson W. Alt other.' offices filled by acctamattam - LIN;AL NE > URICH HERALI. Mr. and Mrs, Gideon'` Koehler 'were holiday visitors at 13apfield. Mr. Clayton' Hoffman of Golt , 1. holidaying .a.'t his home here. To all our Readers and .Iiriende',}re Wish a Happy and Prosperous :l'Tew Year. Miss Margaret Wright of Londo i, is holidaying at the home of ..ar and Mrs. Well. Johnston, Mr, Charles Flay 0 Clinton is op. ending a few holidays at his hcride here, aeries Nora 13alkwill, of the loeial wac"ii, g staff, is holidaying at her Leine ii? London. Me. and I%1.re. E. W. Stoskopf 0 Kitchener spent Christmas witii the latter's sisters, the Misses Jol,.nsore, I,1.r. and fairs. 'Area 1/+'. Braun .and family or :i.' orest spent the ecu ;r- 1;id a;c . of Mr. Wrn. Lamont., this week the heeel e1,4eh on Tuesday evenin .i, ring and warmer •:weathca :.lr,3. Flossie Drown, Mr. and 7>'Ies ,,o; v.iver of London were holidray guests at the home of ;Mr.s. Cilias, Wei;er. 'atm Christmas entertainments in Lac local churches over .the 'Yuletide Mi;asoir were enjoyed by tau; pu;.uie, and 'icy seemed to have ereated t)Ze rail seasonable 'spirit. At the local Police Trustee eomin- ation the three. farrier trustees, nam- ely 'i heo. Hebei -ea Ivan Yungblut and Leeroy O'Brien were ree.ected for the year 1940. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Fisher, Mee Doro'.'iy and Ray Fisher 0 Laehrrocn' 1reie Fisher, Squadron and First }L1 ,aa, of London were guests at ti i ho .ao of IIx, and Mrs. Elverson Gala' i c•:• `henday. .r; to the lack of rain and' moil- ture this fall a goodly number` of citizens are complaining ter ee well and soiae have already been obliged to haul waterfromthe local supply Mi$s Ruth ,Tohnston who underwent an opeeation in Clinton Hospital fci; appendicitis, o:' Sunday eve. last, e improving aieely and expected to return home the middle 0 this week Old King Winter and Jack pros have made their appearance with e vengance: This Wednesday morning the mercury dropped to several de- eelecl below zero, and the nice haline fall weather is ended. Some people. are already experiencing frozen pipes in town. To Celebrate Golden Wedding' Mr, and Mrs. John W. Ortwein, of Hensall will celebrate the 5tth anni versary of their wedding on Januar 1st. Mr. Ortwein was 90 on Christ-( rnas Day, -Mrs. •Ortwein is 78; ;an.+ was formerly Miss Elizabeth Wagner of Zurich; 1121: Ortwein was n form er resident and merchant of Zurich. ARRIVE IN ENGLAND. Several from Exeter were among; the first contingent, of soldiers to ar- rive in Great Britain on Illonuay last They are W. Servent, Lloyd Linden - field, Laverne Harness ani L. Hunter Ted Wethey was also among the eon - Exigent having gone over with the. Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps.— Exeter Times -Advocate. DIES IN 97th YEAR The death occurred at her home,' Friday night, of Bayfield's oldest cit izen, in the person of Mrs. Margaret Fields, who was in her P th year She was born on the farm now owne by Mrs. Wm. Heard, Blue Wate Highway on Nov. 15, 1843, being on of 11 children of C. Johnston an Catherine Irwin, who cane from Ire land to Canada in 1892 and settle . at Bayfield. She was married to H Howard who carne over in the sari boat as her parents, and cued in 189.; andin 1900 she married Ranedi i• Fields who passed away in 1929. There were nine chilc'aen of whom the following reside in Bayfield: Mrs. Fred Baker and Mrs. C. Berry, and John E. of Bayfield. Two brothers and two sisters also survive. Being the oldest member of a family famed for its longevity, up until:a few months before her, death.: 'she recall- ed the hardships and• pleasures of pioneer life. As a girl shehad walked through the bush to Goderich to inar- ket eggs and cheese and carry home. baskets of groceries. She was a me- mber .of Trinity church, .the funeral took place on Sunday afternoon. St. Joseph and'` Beaver Towil Late •Jeramiah• Bedard. Jaramiah Bedard passed away . in lourtright. on Wednesday last in his l 1th year. He as a son of Arr. and. Mrs,• Joseph' Bedard 0 the Blue Wat- :r Highway north . of St. Joseph. 3orn46 years ago on:the farm where Ms .parents—,now reside. 26 years ago lie "wits a lyvioa, tc maria, Bedard, if teiir'tiIg r't and has lived contintrw;.. ally 'in -that vicinity. He farmed for :a number of years unlit sit years ago. he took charge of the Bedard House iCourtright where heconducted a -ery prosperous business. Deceased is•_ aarrvi.ved by his widow and three sons ')elides his parents, brothers and sis-. ;ers. The remains were laid in Cor- inna Cemetery. Our sympathy gods to the bereaved family, and to ; the •ged parents who were hot abSe to ttrnd to the last call due to their ,advanced ag'e and recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brisson, Mr. Ind Mrs. Albert Burke and the Missis "-a end Doris Cantin all spent Chr- irnes with their parents, respective. , WE EXTEND New Year's rs TO YOU ALL AND A iron Si TO OUR CUSTOMERS E. ° 3. DATAR S Reliable Footwear and . Shoe Repair': ing- 'Trunks, Club Bags, and Suitcases: ST. PETER'S vangelical t..a tthes an Choux;= ZURICH ONT. A Changeless Christ ` for a . 'Chang- ing World. -0riday, 811 --Luther L.eegue. irreaday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.'' m.—German Sen -ice. 1.1..15 a.m.—Sunday Scheel. 7 0 p,n reeelish Service. Everybody Wrlcz,ne to all Services. E. TUERiUIEIM, Pastor. EMMANUEL ' EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Hechendorn, Minister. Mrs. H. G. Hess, Organist. 10 a.rn. Service 11- a.m. ,Sunday Sehool. 7.30 p.m. Service ily at St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme and family of the Blue Water South, par- took a very tasty dinner at the home 0 Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman. The Messrs Dominique and Alf Jeffrey and Mr. Harold Sierra -el and Miss Lucille Jeffrey of Beaver Town motored to Detroit on Sunday fast.. The Midnight Mass in St. Peter's' parish church was largely attended the weather being ideal for the - oc- nasion. The parish as a whole turned' out; also. many visitors froxia a dist- ance andealso• •pa.r-isheiers.'1roueneigh-. boring parishes. With Father Martin officiating, emphasises on his hearers, the great privilege enjoyed by Chrir- t;.,:.,,, this .land. stressing upon el the great necessities of• prayer a•�•' rule„ to bring about peace and com- fort in the warring lands. The choir, under the leadership of Mr. John Denomme and Mrs. Montague as or - Tartlet, responded with great spiritual devotion. (Intended for last week) Mr. Ralph Meek of Detroit and two boys and Mrs, H. Brinker of St. Clair Mich, Mich., were week -end visitors with the hatter's parents on the Blue Water Highway. Mr. Joseph Bedard of Blue Water north is confined to his bed with a bad cold. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Denomme of Beavertown spent Sunday last with -Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme 0 Blake. Mr. Victor Ducharme and Miss Marguerite Ducharme motored to London on Thursday last. Mr. Leon- ard Masse of the Bronson line was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jeffrey of Pointe tux Rou- leau. Miss Veronique Ducharme who has been visiting relatives in Detroit for three weeks returned home on Sun- day last. Mr. Norman 'Sarares of, the' Blue Water south left on Friday last to spend a few weeks in Detroit and other points. ..: Mr. Chas. Bedard of Courtright, who has spent' -a few weeks in this neighborhood has returned to hips. home, Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Dave. Geromette of Mount Cannel, 'spent •the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme 0 the Blue Water south. Mr. Francis Ducharme who has been employed for the summer mon- ths, at Mount 'Carmel is spending .. a 'few days he this neilghborhoed with relatives. , Francis is planning on leaving. for Alberta ' where be will Visit tt 'few ' months with his parents: Mr. Leon' Jeffrey' Sr.; of Beavers` wee T'aliikss ;aillness. much improved 'afte e a few Mr, and Mit. Richard Masse of Grand Bend spent Sunday with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Masse of the Blue Water south. Mr,. and Ml's, 'Wtn, ``hissing and Mr, Napoleon . Ducharme or i,ondon i leeenit Sunday with the 'latex's parents' Mr. and Mrs, Wm Duohakrhe. • xr1- 2ncd Mrs, Wm. Derromne of:' Drysdale north shpent Sunday with Mr, end Mrs. Adolph Sonha. Two' of our amateur peddlers who have been en the end for a few weeks rel ort a good ,wagon. Tt ii not as yet laiden if they will keep up the work. • • X111111111111111!llllII1I11111111!1111VIIIIVIIVIII!11111111111111111111VI(1111111111II111111111!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!11111111111111111111111111111VIIIIVIIIIVICIVIIIIV1VIu11111111111111110 5 E TIME TO ORDER od. Good 41 -,foot WOQd Lhly Priced. Let Us Have y:aa,s. Old r! Your Stove Very P as We also carry a Stock . of New 73r;�>ui 'end Let ,1s Sup/Ay Your Wants in th. se Liriesl 1 IIIII !t i,• � � � , li IIIII In• . 11 III 1111'rv' (Ijl!11111111411 1 1: � II � , Iliillllllllllll lll;Il•Ililllllil•ill,.1,lu�!1l�II(1111VI11111u1UdVlhllll(IVIIlIIIIIIIIIli111111111111111,IInnti111u11. !LIIILIIIIIiI.h ,• •., •.RIII IL;,Ililllu!lIIIIIVIiillillil,Illllllifllil(II(IIIIIV{II!IIIIIIiIIVilllllll!11 / \ NEVI ECONOMY a =