HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-12-21, Page 5day, December 21st, X939) BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DIU LEY E. ci i:r,S 1 ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLtC, ETC, OFFICE—At Court House GO'DERICH— ONTARIO peeial Attention to Councel and Court 'Work. :. Holmes may be consulted at 6oderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Very Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At EARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every lV.ionday, Tuesday and Wednesday. - ZURICH HERALD 'Put Your Want, For Sale ' 1VIr. Owen Geiger and on of Ben- L,oa$, Found, Etc, Ads. in this Column; HAROLD OVERHOLT'S NEW POOL ROOM ZURICH—ONT, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and Soft Drinks in the "DEW—DROP—INN" $ #.RAYED. Unto Lot 21, Con. 8, HaY Town- ship a 2 -yr. -old road steer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenees. Apply to Bert Klopp, Phone 93r1, Zurich. :ws,m,iem+.47=11 5.1 gnu¢a"i»'wATZL/,,04,1,031.WXenaa150011m.. Renfrew Cream sail were in town on Monday. Mrs. Harry Stoneman of near Chis- elhurst has been the guest art the home of her grandson Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin, the past week. We are pleased to report that ,Mr., Thomas Johnston west of Blake, and who recently suffered a hip fracture is dbing nicely and progressing very favourably. Mr. Johnston is over 90 years of age. The local produce dealers are busy these days with the heavy shipments of Christmas fowl. Turkeys have ad- vanced a cent a Ib. and farmers are now receiving 18c. lb. for dressed birds which are of good quality. We join the maul* frien.•s of l4 r and Mrs. Edward Haberer of town who recently celebrated their Zest,. wedrehee anniversary at their home:at the ea tcrly end of town. Immediate were entertained to a bah ¢lp=9>r23�tsr� the evening was spent in e We will allow $10.00 for your old social and enjoyable way. Cream Separator to apply on purch- ase of a nel.v separator if balance is paid by cash, for balance of this year HUGH THIEL, Phone 93r4, Zurich. AUCTION SALE At Z. P. School Groungs, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27th E T E R I N A R 1 A,N Immediately after the Annual School meeting on the schbol grounds the , fci1ewini will be offered. by auction: A. nearir new round wooden water tank with pump and hose attached, mounted on wagon. Also a biulding 16x8 feet; some 2 -inch piping; a few 5 -gallon earthen water jugs; a few blackboards and 2 toilet seats. —The Trustee Board. 'Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON ,Office with Residence, Main Street. Opposite Drug Store Zurich Plume -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals d !ay the most modesprinciples, ;larges rtlso77ight ually prompyattended to. Also Bre- rder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hennels. Office sin Street, apposite Town Hall. Phone 116. IIENSALL. 'LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size er article ifttnotesatisf ed will your business, anaase no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER--Ha'shwood Mine 13-57. PRODUCE Farm Produce ANTE HIGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR -- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY WM. 0' +i jrien l'hone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zuri ells' Popular MEAT MARKET t Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ett., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins . �'ungi7i;ut & Som FOR QUICK SALE A limited number quick sale. Apply north of Drysdale. of small pigs for to Chas. Rau, STRAYER - Unto my pasture farm, lot 10, con. 7, Hay Township, 2 head of young cattle. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expens- es. Mrs. L. Dabus, Rix 50, R. R. 3 Zurich. 20-3tp FARM FOR SALE 50 acres, S. Half Lot 12, Con. 4, Hay. About half tillable, balance pasture with some bush. Also a small chopping mill and woodwork- ing shop on a count1y corner. Wm. Pearce,. Exeter- 20-4tc. SAWING WOOD I have good equipment to do all kinds of wood buzzing. Apply to Elgin Weigand, Phone 58r11, Dash- w000d. pt44 INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK FOR VARICOSE VEINS use Crouchman's Liniment. 32 -oz. bot- tle $2.50. Your must be satisfied or money refunded, at Zurich Drug Store. pt -31 WANTED WANTED Horses and Cattle suit- able for fox meat. Highest prices. No Drugs. --J. R. Murdock, Bruce - field. Phone Hensall 86-11. 20-3tp LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIM IN (NTARIO liZriount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31.st, 1936, 422,391,527.09 � Total Cash in Bank and Bonds *278,613.47, It:Etta:3-64.00 per $1,000 for 3 Years F. XI-OPP —ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Ligbtn- ng, Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Hrses. Phone 47r15, Reverse all charges. Jack Williams, Dashwood. R.R.3. -50,39 PRODUCE WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give us a trial! MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 Zurich. pt4'39 Zurich Garage Has Resigned Miss Lois Statham, of London,, who has been an efficient teacher of S.S No. 6, Hay To:.iiship has r;:srgned her school, having accepted a position: as tea=cher in the pu':7lic school staff at Windsor, her duties to cunenence' January 3rd, 1940. Judge T. M. Costello of Goderieh, presided at a sitting of the Tenth Division Court in the Zurich Town Hall on Monday forenoon, lasting till .well into the afternoon. Time did not permit us to listen to 'the doings. But some interesting cases were dealt with, three in all. A num- ber of Barristers from the district :fibre present and one was here from. London. Engageinent Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Neeb, of Ste- phen Township, announce the -' en- gagement of their daughter Hilda, to E. Milton McAdams, son of Mx. and Mrs. T. McAdams, of Hay Township, the marriage to take place the latter part of December. Large Sums for War Ottawa—Orders toall•ng $2,8t)0j 000 for the week ended Dec. 5 have been awarded by the supply board. This brings to almost $48,000,000 - the sum allotted for war purchases by the Government since the out- break of hostilities in September,and does not include $25,000,006 desig- nated for railroad equipment. Loss' of Cattle The many friends of Mr. Alex N. Masse, of the 14th con,, regret to learn of the heavy loss he •recen ti cahtle. Unf Y vy I am in a position of Come and purchase your Aut- omotive Requirements from ?urich's oldest Established Garage and Service Station. We can supply all your needs. ?pert Automobile repairing, with the latest testing instrunn- nts, Acytelene Welding Tires 1 Batteries,OI G acid �:epairs.. • SEE OUR 1P'AG illlllllln11111111111IIiIillllifliillGiatmllitiillllillillllCil&illiliiliiii?ithw;eu6+uiaw:ueili+iii:ii11111111111111111111111111111fII111111111111111i11U �i1111111111111111111Ii IIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111iIihIIIIIiljllID FOR GIFT SUGGESTIONS! We Have Something for Everyone! FOR THE LADIES AND CHILDREN 'Colourful House Slippers; New Pat- ent, or Calf Slippers; Motor Boots, Gaytees; - Travelling Bags or Book Cans, Etc. FOR MEN AND BOYS: Spats, Roineos or other House Slip- pers, Galoshes with zipper of buckles Oressy Tan or Blaek Oxfords; High Top Toots,- Fancy Hosiery, Trunks or Club Bags, Etc. All new Stock and good variety to .hoose from. Our pricee are reason- able, our quality is good. E. 1 DATARS Relia',le Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing; Trunks, Ciuh Bags, and Suitcases ,py;y,y m1 _. vv •eti.+'.•.(i.,li4aU:IIkI:J1i�.nYG S.•IDl.'1t& N+Y /.4.3.Y AST. PETER'S vangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a 'ins World. Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. 3';JNDAY STOVTCPS 0 a. in.—Geri an Service. ti.15 a.m—Sunday School. 7.30 p m.—English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. Chang- EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Minister. Mrs. H. G. Hess, Organist. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 00.1:1. Cnndav School. Christmas Concert, Thursdav, Dec- ember 21st, at 8. p.m. FOR QUICK SALE A 10 -inch Fleury grinder in A. 1. condition. Demonstration gladly giv- en. At a big bargain. Apply to C. 0. Smith, St. ,Toseph. sustained when he lost five head o HARNESS REPAIRING ortunatel the lea vain' to do au 1nn 1s blew open the door leading to 'ti's' harness repairing, and will 'do -Same at our home, Blind Line. Harvey Clausius, phone 94r6. pt30 granary and the cattle gained ac- cess to the grain stored therein. The effect of the over -eating caused the cattle to become i11 and five died as a result a few days later. HONEY TO UN. KINGDOM In normal times nearly 25 p.c. of the. honey imported into the United Kingdom is Canadian. In 1938 the total •exports from the Dominion to the United Kingdom amounted to' more than 4,500,000 pounds. Last year honey production in Canada rerached the record figure of 37,000- 000 pounds; this year it is estimated the output will be around 25 Mill- ion pounds. More than 40 countries supply the United Kingdom with. honey, but the Canadian product in recent years has held a primary po- sition on the British market due to the plant was erected some years ago its high quality and flavor. subscribed $16,500 in stock and gave collateral notes for a similar amount. Then they found that because of sev- ere reverses in the celery growing in- dustry they were operating the plant, capable of storing 44,000 crates of celery at a loss. PIGS FOR SALE A limited number of young pigs about 6 weeks old.—Sol Gingerich, Phone 84r3, Zurich. TAKE OVER STORAGE PLANT The Ontario Government has fore- closed upon the plant of the Thed- ford Cold Storage Co. Ltd., to pro- tect an equity of about $40,000, it was learned. The Government is now operating the plant, although the co- mpany remains in existence. Celery growers of the Thedford area, when NEW SIREN Mr. Harry G. Hess is erecting a new siren on the local Fire Hall. The instrument will be deposited on the old belfray and will dee operated from the ground floor by a push button. We do not know just .to what extent the reports of this new instrument will be, but we ask the citizens of town not to be too great- ly alarmed over the holiday season if you will hear this new addition - to our fire fighting equipment, It May also be used at other times like the incoming of Christmas or the New Year. The siren, unless should a fire develop before, will be tried out on Friday noon, at twelve o'clock. There has been a glass covered box put 'in the fire hall, and it also,can be contralled from Central office. HYMENEAL Former Teacher Marries A wedding of interest occurred in Waterloo when two pastors, ltev.. H. A. Kellerman, pastor of Emmanuel Evangelical church, Waterloo and: Rev, E;' E,. Hallman, associate -.Astor WHY HYDRO WAS OFF Most of us were wondering 'just why Hydro was off Friday afternoon last Dec. 1st, and we quote the fol- lowing from the Exeter limes-Advo- cate:—'When a furniture :-an from London crashed a high tension hydro pole on the highway at the south Cioundry of Exeter at three o'clock Friday afternoon of last week, Exe- ter and a dozen villages and town- ships were without power, some of them for three-quarters of an hour and the. remainder for almost three hours. The break affected about 3000 consumers in London Twp, Ilderton, Granton, Aliso Craig, Luoan. Dash- wood, Hensall, Crediton, Zurich and Grand Bend districts. The break came when a truck of Yo?los Furniture Co. orf London. driven by M. Joyce of that city, left the highway, broke down three guide wires and crashed the pole carrying the high tension reale �... . `. • . -.. • � � l-,'^""" l of Zion L+"vangelical church, Kitchen- wires. The'+pole was broken off at the er, performed the ceremony which un- Gasolhtte fin tlree'Grades mer missionary in China, a ioriner Give U$ 'Cali! director of religious education in ]ted Miss Vera E. Schweitzer, a for - �v Congregational churches in Chicago, 1r.� Q V SSE AIT 111; iW1 mee, •r Wilmette, III.; and Eau Claire : Phone: Day 103, Night, 47 '4Vis., aid until recently pastor of 3 Fingers Amputated Wellington Brock, of Usborne lost two fingers of his right hand in a cutting box. He was cutting straw when the straw chocked and he put his hand into the box to free it. The hand was carried into the knives tak- ing off most of the little finger and the need: one to it. rural Congregational churches in Southern Wisconsin, to Rev. Nelson E. Dahms, pastor of the Roseville and Wilmot- Centre Evangelical churches, and a former principal of both Zurich and Dashwood Schools., went off on the west side of the road.; After the ceremony the bride and;'Fhe driver juinned from the nab lust . groom left to spend their honeymoon 'before the truck struck the pole. The in New York and other points east 1 front of the truck was damaged but . take up it was able to proceed later on its Upon their return they will residence at Roseville. own. power. bottom and several of the wires snapped. When the wires broke the automatic breakers at the Rub -stat- ion in London that feeds tir'e system were opened and the current cut off. Otherwise there might have been some damage from the dangling wires. The 'driver of the truck claim- edd he was about to stop at .the first house inside the village to inquire about direetion. The steering wheel locked and the truck northbound, NO IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot. Body WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have yobs? Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants - in these Lines! E .I :ESB, the Repair ti n pIIIIIIIIIIIIIilliflfllllilil11111111111111Illlillllli!1!!IIII;i111111olll@IIIIIIfllllllli!!!'.!ICIBICi@'Itopmmli"Il,�"''i•��9licf!1'1r; I iI'I9:Iffilliillllllll13111!IiIIIIlidlllillllllilllt rJL. NEW Flambeau CA ' j> ' �r •t ,a J' lady .e L,a -'• � �J �(,'"`� 4.0 I,..:•.""a:. ;,gym .:•�: Local Dealer -A LVIN RAU, Zurich, Phone 98r6. ei E;a37 r \ N�Eptt�"�ppLr�C, UA EI P ZliRIUH C EEAMEY Deliver your Cream to the Zurich Creamery and ob- tain correct weight, test and Highest Market Price. We pay 2 cents premium per ib - butterfat for all Cream de- livered to the plant. We also buy and pay, cash for your Eggs and Poultry; according to grade. We are Local Agents for, the Viking Separator. Let us Demonstrate this high quality Separator for you! sa THE ZURICH CREAMERY 1 High quality bowl—closer skim- ming —more profit. 2 Perfect neckbetuing — assuring years seof dependable service of th3 Proven durability. 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. Durable mererials, expert work- manship and sturdy construction are featured in theViking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold continues to give satisfaction. Seven Models—One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., LIMITED s.. Maarreal 11 111111 11 11111 III IIIIIIIIIII IIII III IIUIIIEIIIiIN IIIIIIIIIII III1111IIIltlII = �fIAiIH111InI111111 it 1181 Illllil1111(BI1111ME Zurich DStore QUALITY DRUGS School Supplies Stationery Park Davies Cod Liver Oil, 16 -oz. $ 1.00 Park Davis 10 D Cod Liver Oil for children 5 -oz .55 Haliver Oil Capsules at 50c and $1.75 Natola Capsules at 75c, $1.25, $2.25 Thermofuge Half lb. 50c 1 -lb. 90c BUILD UP YOUR HEALTH For Winter Months Abdol (A -B -D) Capsules at 1.15, 2.00 Abdol with vitamin C capsules 1.60 See Our Assortment of CHRISTMAS CARDS At Low Prices EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES Excellent Assortrnent: Diamond Dyes, Putman Dyes, Sunset Soap Dyes, and Tintex for Tinting and Dying. DrJA Addison,Proprietor 1111111111111 II JI 1111111111111 111111111111i11IIIIII111IIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111 111 11 111111111111 111 11111111