HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-12-21, Page 1W.1...11.0*1010•1•••••1*MOMMO•10**6*1P414.0.•"*IMIlqw*M.,Modernia.orwolue*.......roa.murer..~..deam,..eawerWarom*.M.ForMit, ZU R Cti TH URSD AY MORN Ftla e DECEMBER 21, 1989. "'VOLUME 4O t3 22 T tU 6.4.4444..............444.4.4•44orm.444oue44.184211.4***44, moose. 11 '. any f.,pfp.ppppfpfppoppypopepplp.01.0•Pif 41. .91V Chester L. Smith, Puhltahaw $1.25 a year, T.T.S. $1.50 in talukuiet 1,60 1.v 6.47012ARS,'42 MA'X BB ORz A RI ..:1,e-utgaiders and Friei ds we says Season's Q 'COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PWCES 'C. E. Zurbeigg ,R.o. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Me-g-todi of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday- Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. CRTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices • V.11,0,64,0•4..4..4,,9•ACINI,4,24•443.41‘0,44.rY.,474,9,0....,1, 0,04,4,..0411,0,4•04,04.,04,4.141,0•43.44.41,0,0,41.4.0,41, BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP PRE -CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Get Your Cheistuaz Special now! • All Permanents Guaranteed. Croquinole waves a SpecSalty. Our main Special, a Eugene, with a deeper wave and a tighter curl regular $7.50 for $5.00. Morning special only, free shampoo with every finger wave. Be sure to call 159 for appointment and word being disappointed. Phone 159 Zurich for Appointments. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. kg.riNCNIN04‘0~.04s11,9.0•474.41,,,,,,,,•-• mineJ4Kilh ^"s*-*".""-"—.-"a*---*--m-...--- ...-.......-**.4r, 1 ST BEFORE THINK! living a New • or Used Car IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SAVING MONEY, SEE WARD. FRIT . 1935 Plymouth Coach, new car condition, locally owned, guaranteed 17,000 miles ' 1 9O PcJ A finish and upholstering. $435.00_ 1936 Dodge Coach, dark blue, Hydraulic brakes, overhauled motor See this Car! $65.00. 1929 Ford Coach, as is. $70.00. I92 Chev. Coach. 1937 Dodge Coach, like new. 1938 Dodge Sedan DeLux, 18,000 miles, owned by a local Farmer 1 Easy Electric Washing Machine 1939 model, Priced Low. 1936 V& Coach with trunk, black. 1 Leavitt's Theatr EXETER — ONT, cetings To Our Many Patrons and Frie We Extend Moot Hearty SEASON'S GREETINGS Thursday, Friday, ,Saturda Double Feature 'BLONDIE MEETS THE BOSS • ' with Permy Singleven 4.4almmgdiamordeoramoz•••••=444 We extend to all, a very Merry Christmas. Mr. Calvin Williams was at London on Monday. , Mr. Alfred Melick spent the week- end „. Awith friends in Elkton, Mich. "THE DUKE OF VVESTPOINT1 -,—Mrs. Carl Burn from Milverton, is Starring Tom Brown spending a few weeks with her par- ' ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Merner. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Westlake of Bayfield, were Friday visitors in town. Miss Milverna Geiger has returned -:to her home here after spending some time with friends near Hensall. Miss Florence Mittleholtz of Lon- don was a Sunday visitor at her par- ents, here, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Mittle- holtz. :L‘irs. Emma Rose has left for wind- , sor where. she will spend the :winter months with her dauel.ter, Mrs. thatHar- We. have found friendshiPi old Kuntz. business counts for much erica we are Mr. John Cri•eves; Mr. and Mrs. grateful for yours. Let us 'wish y0l. W. McAdams oi London; ida Me - very heppy Christmas and P±9,11' Adams of St. Joh'i vise te last a, a, ' - ..Thursday at Mr. and Mrs. T. Mc- perous Nev Year. ZURICH CREAME.- 0.1.Adams, Bronson lie.e. RY, Pleased to repc:t that Mrs. Mervyn ..71Stelck is improviag real well after CARD OF THANKS ".'Alier recent illness. She is staying at the home of her parents., Mr. and The bereft 'family of the late Johiri‘Irs. Thos. Meyers of town. W. Horner wish to take this inedinit - in greatly thanking the neighbors .ae41:47 Next Wednesday, Dedeneber 27tle r.,ile annual school meetings will be lalields11%1;111101-akhirilditstsi:n'dcelltsssZtrt3! - '..A4.,A:ar 01'.9eilePee'4.e'444.‘ ' - oi of our loved one. For the floral tli.1 :teilIrP5.1ou4saarirlulert the school grounds ganday, Tuesday, Wednesday* Double Feature "TI -IE COWBOY AND THE LADY. With Garry Cooper •••••1111114101•ROMPlentx.11.1114.010.4.401140..*11441104.4.4.13a141/matommtamosiociro ' • :',1 .4f, :4, 'ktg.',1,1e,s7 ',..14 ......t ..,.., ,.., • 4' , ,'.• . ' . 3' %),F,•A'03-",..:, . . ,'17' ' ' '',13. ' i.. '"'•• 4 W.:. 5;'," 'i,..; '•'4.4.-^Nt;.4 '..? ;t. "EVERYTHING'S ON ICE" Starring Irene Dare . • GItEETINGS! • To Our Patrons butes, those who loaned their and all who so generously gave of their assistance. • IN MEMORIAM Mousseau—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Alex. Mousseau, who .passed away Decem- ber 21st, 1938. Our family circle has been broken,'. A link gone from our chain; But though we're parted for a while, We know we'll meet again. --Ever remembered by Wife and Family. In Penny Bank 40, The .pupils of Exeter Public SchOel had at the end of October 1939 on deposit $938.88 in the Penny Bank, The comparative figures of a year ago is $697.8.6. The weekly percent age of pupils depositing during SeP- tember and October was 75. SEVERAL HATS IN RING 4 '10 ' el •,. - -, 0, .i t''O' . : r ' h- ' specials Fos Thursday, Friday and Saturday Aylmer Powder,: 2 squat, heavy syrup, 2 tins....25c 17c Aylmer No.. 4 sieve:, peas, 2 tins Mince Meat, 2 lbs. 25c Deimaiz niblets„ corn, 2 tins 25c Royal York coffee„ per Ib 49c Royal York orange Peko tea, half -lb. pkg......-.33c 1-1b. pkg. „...65c 17c Salmon, fancy pink, 1-11a. tin • Aylmer tomato nice 251k oz-, 2 tins .19c Aylmer Asparagus .cuttings, 2 tins . 37c Lobster Us........- 21c. 1 -lb tins 35c Sultana Raisins:, 2 -lbs. - . ... . —.. 25c Currants„ 2 -lbs. ..............„.....----- .. , - , 27c Bleached Raisins,. perig . . -- • --_18c Mixed nuts„ 2 lbs., „. .... .. —.-....... -37c Peanuts, 2 lbs____- . . ....... .. ' . • . 25c Mixed candy„ 2 lbsCrearn Cany„ per lb. . . . --25 - -- . 17: . Xmas, Gifts. See them, also our Toy Departrrient We Wish Oar 'Many Customers and Friends A 111:11Y MERRY CHRISTMAS ERNE Phone 140 fp • Owing to our heavy ,volume of .evo•rk in. our job department the mid- dle of the week, we are this week publishing on Tuesday afternoon. While it is impossible to get in all the news, we are doing the best we can under conditions. Next week we hope to be on regular time 'again. Christmas entertainments in both schools and churches are in order at present and are being well attended. On Thursday eve. the entertainment will be given in the Evangelical chu- rch, and on Sunday eve. St. Peter's Lutheran church will give their an- nual program. The public are cord- ially invited to these events. OBITUARY Late John W. Horner There passed away early Thursday morning another of Zurich's highly esteemed residents in the person of Mr. John W. Horner, aged 77 years, 10 months and 30 days, after an ill- ness which he endured for over two years. Mr. Horner was a livelong There are at least threeresident of this community, a very hats in the ring for warden's chair of Huron prosperous farmer and hard working unty for 1940. Co - man in his younger days. For many Reeve W. D. Sanders years he farmed on the homestead of Exeter, announced his candidature on the Blue Water Highway, north °I of Drysdale, selling out he moved to early as did Reeve Geo. McNeil, Blyth, runner -UP in 1938. Reeve Ro- the 14th con., on the farm now own - land Grain, of Turnberry Twp., also ed by his son E. Blake, then for a announced he was seeking the poeiti- few years he lived on the farm just on Stil more entries are expected, south on the 14th con., on the farm depending on the resists of the muni - now owned by his daughter, Mrs. E. cipal elections in January. Reeve Sanders' elective. also is dependent on G. Krueger, then some years ago he this. • end his companion moved to Zurich COUNCILto enjoy a well earned rest in retire- ment. Always very interesting in STEPHEN , The Council of the Township of conversation and of a very jolly and Hall,Ored humorous disposition, he made many iton, on Friday, Dec Stephen met in the Town at 1, o'- foisienhdiss whdeopa7.tiiilrle.indeHedoneis•etgyretatitdo , . . 15th clock p.m. All members were pres- ent. The minutes of the previous dtraightforwardness was Mt. Horner's meeting were read and adopted - on motto in Iife, and we •ail hate to lose motiongood citizens of this type. Surviv- . The Clerk reported be had reetive ing besides his sorrowing widow, who ed. the Government subsidy • of '$4,- was previous to her marriage Miss 226.60 being 114 mills on the prni- Bertha Hey, are two sons and two daughters: E. Blake of tne /4th con, A letter was read from the Pep- and Albert Horner Of. Varna; cipal Assessment, artment of Highways stating 'that. (Laura) Mrs. Alfred Ings of Varna; after December lst, 1939, the De- (11V1yrtle) Mrs. E. G. Krueger of the pertinent does not propose to eubsid- leith Concession, Hay Township. The ize any original purchases of Mach- funeral was held on Saturday after- inery and equipment but proposes to noon from the family re.eidence, 'Gar - subsidize the municipalities on a Ten- ich to the Evangelical church for tal basis. service, thence to Bronson title con - .A. number of accounts were brcler- etery for interment. Rev. C. 13. ea paid which appear in the an- Ileckeridorn, pastor of the local Ev- nual Treasurer's statement about to angelical church officiated. A large be printedcortege of sympathizing friends fol - The Council adjourned sine ale. lowed the remains to the -church, and . Herbert X. Enber, Tin). Clarks burial ground, • 14 ,••,: • " y ,t".f.f•AT*V " • — t. • _166tc'r PRESENT 'teN ita FUTURE For the Christmas she will always remem- ber—A BRIDAL WREATH RING! Scores of exquisite designs including this smart 5 diamond special as illustrated. G. HESS WISHING ALL OUR CUS, TOMERS AND FRIENDS'. A VERY MERRY W. R. DAVIDSON • Highest Cash Prices paid Eciv, .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone i 0 - Hensall ""'""""'""!*""7"`"f*"'"7"='—'"--7"•—'''-7=t 41 0 04, 000.00.0••••••0.0.00•0 0000 0400000 e±st-00044+411,-11,004. ar, • • • Ne Uit111 Fall Overcoating These are the finest range of Suitings and Over - coatings we have ever shown, and prices the lowest Two of the largest and Best Firms in Canada. W. R. Johnston, and House of Hobberlin. Over 600 Patterns to choose from. Made to styte you want. OUR SUITS FOR $22.00 Made to Measure, are the best Bargains we have ever had. LOOK OVER OUR RANGE EIVIBA.LMEP,S AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS ***e re tee 00 00 0**0 tee. eel. epee teat etee*Ge4(eieeieleeffete teeeteee0eeesee.e.gieee `47; 45tatilMINESOZWIABBKMBMIMBBrEAMBONEO5231=15 • rist a er With Christmas just around the Corner, ..Come_in and see our nice Assortment of Gifts. We have Candies, Nuts, and Oranges. Also Raisins, Currants' Shredded Peels, Cherries, and Gunn Drops for the Christmas Cake. IT'S A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! T 9 PHONE 11 " 97 L -1:01/4 BLAK • , • `,t•