HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-12-14, Page 4Z 'RICH
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.., wwW" QLi�STIGR1iiML !
Com'pariag 'this neuad gasoline
w gas
to ..the prezrium-P
you have been using:
3,t lenockless performance
As, goad? 1101011.t101 as goad?
l9xt'tIrdst'aiordr cad?
As good? •Bettor? Not as g
TOT power, especially on hills 94.9a id
G$aor ar
As good? Bettor? Not as goad?
90.3 % Said
As Good or Better
cod or Better
For all-around performance
As good? Beau? Not as good?
It was tested, not against ordinary gasolines but
against premium -priced fuels ... in an impartial
survey among 1475 motorists ' iii 14 cities.
More than 250,000 miles of severe road testing !
Before a single drop of Nu -Blue Sunoco
was sold, 1475 users of premium -priced
gasolines tested an unidentified gasoline
which was Nu -Blue Sunoco with the
coloring left out. These tests were con-
ducted from Florida to Canada by in-
dependent, unbiased research authorities.
The returns showed that these motorists
voted 9 to. lin favor of Nu BlueSunoco I
9 out of 10 proclaimed i t. equal or superior
to premium -priced gasolines in road
TO MAKE A FAIR TEST, don't dilute
Nu -Blue Sunoco with other gasoline. Let
your tank run practically empty. Then
put in Nu -Blue Sunoco. Compare it
particularly with premium -priced gaso-
lines. Wel/rest our case on your findings.
The quicker you start using Nu.Blue Sunoco
n es
:.L. . A... PRANG and SON
,General. Repairing and Used Car Sales
The children .of S. S. _No. 8 •Hay
are holding their Christmas entertain -
;relent on Tuee lay evening .December
Mr. Hugh Love made :a 'business
Trip to London one .day last ,week.
Colds seem to ;be ,goitre •common
these days in the .surrounding dist-
- riot.
Mr. John Baker ;and 'Wm. MLach-
Ian have their cl9mfr ling ixxill :ineoPer-
eatlon and are grinding Monday, ' Ved-
-a'Yesday and Friday of teateh week.
Mrs. Margaret Erratt Of X.terice.e,,
spent the week -end with her sister,
3i,Irs. Henry Erratt and other relatie
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. E. nebinson'
event a few days visiting with friends
-;at Toronto last weak.
Mr. and Mrsr. Gordon Hayter and
„Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid of Detroit,
•'%i&ted with friends in this vicinity.
The annual school entertainment
and .Christmas tree will be held at
ieslieri school on Tuesday teve:rai>hlgl:,
:0e0.i*ber 19th.
MI's; T. M. Snowden spent aTew,j
Iaye:•.at Egmondvillo with Mrs. G,'1.1.1,
Coleman, recently.
lifx. •'Torn Scotchrner• spent a week;
eviih Ji1e sister, Mrs. James Biaek,
near Seaforth.
Mrs, Itaseold Penhale was a recent
visitor wit,hjlter parents, Mr, and Mrs'
Oleo. Hodgs,or, of Wilton Grove, for
a few days. -
D A. S 1-1 W O O I
Dashwood Selma] ' t reert will be
' held on. Thursday evening, Dec. 21.
The Evangelical Christ l•t enter-
�inment will be on Friday x='ening,
lir;eerrher 22nd,
Leather Goods and Harness
Rev. T. Luft was guest speaker at
Anniversary services in Kitchener
last Sunday.
Miss Nott spent the week -end at
her home in Seaforth.
We extend congratulations to Mr.
Eisen who received the S. T. Lawr-
ason trophy, a beautiful silver tea set
for the highest score in butter grad-
ing et the Butterinakers'. Club held
in Exeter Opra House last Wednes-
The Red:Cross delivered their first
shipment to Exeter last week white
consisted of 18 prs. socks, -6 sweaters,
10 abdominal binders, 16 slings, .. 6
hospital goxsi, and 5 boxes of clo-
thing and Sh:et*. We congratulate
the ladies on :the splendid,.work they
are doing,
A Christmas pageant will be pre-
sented in the United .Church on Sun-
day .eve. - Dec. 24tle.
D,' ,is. (Dr.) B. A. Campbell of Tor-
onto was a recent viaitpr with relati-
ves litre. ' ..
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foster and
8illy,m¢ved ..tor;8lyth here• he .has
secured .ka Position. He. also intends
playing liocicey,,,velth the Cliirf4r ,team
:his hear,
Mr and , Mrs;- Wm. Simpson
i1t:tle son. '4 Detroit were visitors,
with the f a ier's grandknother, Mrs.
Robt. Bonthryin,
Mrs. Cline Flynn of London wisit-
ecl for a few dads at the home of her
parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. James Parkins
Don Walker, vile) has joined the
Huron Regiment ler over.,eas service
' who is at nreserrtit ore p liar a duty
at the post .office in,,Seaforth was a
recent visitor with hie oirents here.
Miss Elizabeth Mu.t;ray, who has
been visiting with her ;ester Miss
Hannah Murray has retui Beet to her
hornet in Milwaukee.
The concert hold in the town hall
Iponsctperd, by the Howell Citizerft";
Band was well patronized. The Philo
mei Ensemble of London provided et-
ceBent entertainment during the ev-
ening, assisted by local talent.
Mr. T. C- Joynt has been confined
to his room with an attack of flu.
Rev. and Mrs. Arthur -Sinclair of
Blyth, and formerly of Hensall, axe
. nounce the engagement of their dau-
ghter, Marion Elva, to Mr. Thomas
Harold Sherritt, of Dundas, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sherritt, of
Hensall, the marriage to take place
on New Year's Day in the United
Church, Blyth.
Election Results
The election of the village Reeve
and 'Councilmen was held on Monday,
last with a large number voting and
great interest shown. Following is a
list of the number of votes for each
candidate. For Reeve, E. Shaddiek
211; F. W. Smallacomb 87; Owen'
Geiger 52; For 'Councillors, Peter
Moir 266; H. W. Horton 241; R. J
Cameron 201; David Robinson 1.53;::
Don. 1VIcKinnon 152.
;Rev. R: C. Acheson, of Vanwo-aye/
•*i11 take' over the charge of
D? ►lesworth and Gorrie Presbyterian
'thnrclieS earIV Irl October.
+.Wlrla.„ T. Veal, df Winchelsea, died
Wig. 20th in London Hospital after a
Short illness. We was in his fiftieth
,year. Was also director and vice.
president of the Txeter Creamery Co
His ewife and four children survive.
The . death of John Henry Tiplady
of 'Clinton, occurred on Aug. 28, in
his 81st year. Mr. Tiplaady farmed on
the Base line, •Mullett "1'wp,, 'until 9
years ago, when he retired and mov-
ed to Clinton. He is survived by his
wife and a deughter, Mrs. Clifford
Keys of ;Stanley Township.
Closed '.Loans Pool
As the precautionary measure fell-
owed the discovery of a suspected'
case :of ipfantils paralysis in 8eafortlt
General Store
Thursday„ Tledwember .140, 1930
the Lions pool was drained Sunday i -any production set a new record at -
last and will x'enaain closed foe the` :a 1,t;,u+0,01J pounds, but this year's
balance of year. Superivasron In any yield pis expected to be about average
event would have ended Nionuay, but Yit.:,eaerx r�.aMOClli,00ti to 2'1,000,000 1'bs
the pool would have remained open.
to the publi.e until the middle of the
Burned by Gasoline Fire
Premier Hepburn, of •Ontario, cep -
a iixst pfire s award at the Inter -
4 Thos Gaffney, of Logan Twin. I ina ioukal Livestock Show at Ohicago.
wrapped a blanket around himselflilts "Torre.'fT'ans-i or.mar ` took first
whin his clothes caught fire a,,
hey4 }dace in the t.fyelesdaie horse class
was cleaning his truck. HueV 1�; using! fee FS.Lryt11<In-ti, three-year-old Clyde,
g';L�!)lius' and
iRJril)t el t.0 r
iYfiii'otnC.i }it.I.Jivrlot iwi1r"i'o•' t+{ atee took tecond place in
n<.:ttee ;or cge.1 Cly;leedale mares,rle .Lp:aLNtOkl
was holding. As Gaffney s" rai:p, ,1 the i I. a i,•e; mut Nile t . Shantz, of Platts-
f1..eeest 8A)fii8t. hh body.. !o _.;Jrlti5Fllt,� \.left, d,.i'3')i,.. .ho f'i.`tislwid third. Shand
belt it, e'xtinl wishing th fl'e!, ltt'i «f, f:{:';1:. irate in the (.lass 1'or
s.iArert d severe, Duras about the stir) marcs, Anotherl
e 7t;, the second and
) I d places ill the same class, J.
Visited at Ea:eter. {r
CI <x}alin.
Tar. Hugh Creech and wi re, lir.
Marie Creech, who spent the nest yr. GIVES AWAY Y SiWill >t YON
in cancer re s eare•h work at Cienbeidge>
University, �.:n'a1)rlelgC', Mas ,, areLord Nuffield, British automobile
visitors with the former's parents, m .i3.i t ,I'ei. a:ls1 pill nthx-•;)'A, has
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Cr!•tih, Exeter, ! dace a goft of about $6,000,000
They have been hosidayine; fee the • worth of sto'k esta'lished a central
past few weeks in Algonquin fund for the co-ordinatio-: of hosp-
aaand left F'ridat- for C".at:n)ridgee to- j itel finance and policy in the provin-
rzsume their research work. reps» It is estimated that Lord Nufli-
&d's gifts to the Govea'nlnext and to
phl!arthropie teed edue'its:'ai instit-
utions during the last 10 years total
more than £15,000,000.
Goderieh Dec. 7—Acting on corn -
plaints from several citizens police
today brought in for que'4ioning two
members of the Jeh•ova Witness Sect.
Phonogragh records bearing addres-
ses were played, and contents of
tracts and booklets scrutinized, but
nothing was found contravening the
Defence of Canada Act or offensive
to other religious holes, as cnmp1»t-
in•ed .of, the authorities said. The
Jehova Witnesses have been some
1 weeks in Huron County visiting God-
arich today.
Ottawa—Canadian haney is flow-
.Ing rapidly to the United Kingdom
market since import restrictions on
the Canadian product were lifted last
month, agriculture department offici-
als reported. While it is too early to
give export figures because of the
slowness of return of customs certi-
ficates, it Ts estimated' that exports
will be considerably higher than last
year, when honey from producers in
Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba pro-
vided 4,500,000 pounds consumed in
the United Kingdom, about 25 per
cent. of the total. Canada's 1939 ho -
X9989' fit@0. 0 yC t;.r lvri llAtealtiMP4PtIMCSOC +IA®GIMOG a
cur e
We are Now Filling Orders for t$a�:s Winter's
Fuel. Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for
your Heating Equipment... Prices always within
the limits of owlher Dealers with Quality Considered.
We have an up-to-date Seed Cleaning Equ*r ' nent
`3CrlY ^tr G^-aea�r. rvx �.iv?Ertras-
' L`IOt�E'3�iF3d.; :Iti361+ .!' die
Farmers who have seed to clean to arrange with us
for this Work.
A Guaranteen Product that will greatly help your
Stock and Poultry to Vigor and Production, which'
will mean greater Profits. •Try it!
Iteilletite862,1209e480 fa aegatitaa
Not once nor twice but six timesyead •the specifications for M C,ll-Frontenac
gasolene --the famous MARATHON "BLUE": ----are changed to give your motor
its accustomed power under differentelimat li s, RED INDIAN , ,
lubricants, too, must conform to reguixemea that are totally. different itis
Winter than those of Summerdrir%og. PL... 5' ,- m INDIAN product*:
assure you oftroulSle-free performance ti ye tv.•' obi id effr.., 44
DNve In et the pr;ivp. flto O .: S K i . i ' i
... tat�t� "�'ik31f•4�4:XR,Q�CI� 1c , .
til�n ie 'lie .. .. ,., . ... � :• •: ; t . •, ' + :.,, #�: i us 'put � t It lt�nv�
t t aha a for fro'able free t r, r a :�
ARD INDIAN ,.• � , ;,... ;..,'��`,Y�-�Ce�sc.,�-rx�"�strxa� Rlhici�!iittetntl�int�hs.•
where Presto/0m :Atgti$r C*. In tlf+s to- berbe girds I1D ';_t�
•ed 6enace aro INDIANAVIATIQNinthccrankcase�-i icatea'gca rlubricants ingettr:'
the hest• box and differential-4tetery checked ( scs checked—Chains..
repaired, cleaned and trade read for use --chs
3Y use—chassis lubricated—tank
filled with Winter :grade MARATHON 66B 1L r Isar, quick start and mt -
Wady power inomatter how ioaoc a sn r,goes.DOIT"N'CII'WS.
Ward Fritz Used Car Lot in Ctnutectiraxm