Zurich Herald, 1939-12-07, Page 8PAGY4 =GET Wankr4.111= THE . 6,11 la tore \Vheri o Christuias Prevails We te voltre in oxr. showing of seasonable Goods and particularly Christmas Lines - Our Stocks were bought early in summer for Fall delivery at a saving in prices...... You would do well to look over our fine assortment of practical Gifts. We are sure you can find some- thing of interest for all your friends and for every member of the Family. .. FOR LADIES -Boxed hanks, scarfs, fine silk slips, gowns, pantees, silk hosiery of every description.. Also wool blankets, rainbow spreads, mederia pil- low cases, fancy silk cushions. FOR MEN -Everything in men's wear, ties, gloves, scarfs, hats, fine shirts, sox, sweaters, windbreakers For the Boys and Girls -Everything in wearing ap- pal, also f oys, oi all kinds. GROCERIES New Raisins, Currants, Peels, dates, figs, walnuts, almonds, mixed nuts, peanuts and a full supply of Candies, Oranges, Grapes at right prices. Js qr-4I 4""4 HO PRODUCE WANTED *,....'7,19111,aelabalMV1,,FRPo '01. PHONE 59 Erie Debentures 0 kDLL rITST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Any .4.0unt.. for.. $100.00.. and over Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 3% per annum for 3 and 4 Years. .. 31k % per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative - Zurich .:0,19'irirt,Y,Orrrrretr., :r.rrr", ' r.m1r ',I +nu! t tow -11.11$111110 ZURICH HERALD ElimatO120011= I I I HII ZUF „ 9 0;144 ,I.11 ‘tk tot 41 r ,., lr rEpk,_ i:.: . 4 ``rrl,' ' " 0'460' •,... ..pl - :4, Colgates Soaps. 5 bars with, bowl - - ..... 25c Currants, 2 lbs. 27c Raisins, large, with seeds, 2 lbs. .. 25c Spanish onions, 2 lbs. T 5c Princess Soap flakes, 2 pkgs. with dish n.... . ... 30c Cooking Figs, choice quality, 2 lbs 25c Shortening, 2 lbs. . 27c Coconut, colored per lb. 25c Save our Cash Coupons for some beautiful China- ware. Menno Oesch EGGS WANTED. llfflllllilllll rich Phone 165 11111 1111111 1111111,111 H HI 11 11111 1111110111M 1111111111111 11111111 1 111111111 11 1 1111111111 1111111111, ,11 llMffflmM 55 178MS Mr. and Mrs. Gideon rioehler were Sunday last visitors with friends at Kitchener and Baden. Yr.7. and Mrs. Clayton 0. Smith and sons enjoyed a day's visit with relati- ves at Sarnia on Friday. Mrs. (Rev.) Beese of Hamilton was a recent visitor with her daughter Mrs. (Rev..) C. B. Ileckendorn. -ia aate for the Luriet,in...,s Enter- tainment of the local Evangelical church has been set for Thursday oats, bushel evening, Dec. 21st... Barley, bush.: Bu Mr.. Fla.xbard who under - eat, .b. wee,: several optkwhbu .:rations for his leg yietir, cwt.: in Clinton Hospital is slowly recover- Bran and'111.hortsbag ton ing. We ho -pa he will soon be able Potatoes, 75 to return home again. . Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich of Live Hogscwt. , town and two grandsons Cyril and Gerald Gingerich of the Goshen line! south, spent a few days with relati- THIELS HAIRDRESSING ves and friends at Kitchener and Baden last week. I CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 1 Mr: and Mrs. Theo. Rader and dau-1. eitee. Margaret of the Goshen line I SfieeiAl Pri'ees: on all Permanents south; Mrs. Clara Decker Mrs. Wm. for four weeks, starting on Novern- lie- old Rader :ber• 18th, 1939. All permanents gaieranteed. Phone 102. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) 33 24, 20, 19, 14 10-8 Butter, dairy. Butter, creamery Eggs Hens, live, lb. Chicks, live ........ .... ...... 11-9 Chicks, dressed ...... 16-10 Turkeys dressed ........ 17 Geese, dressed ..... 12 Dueks, dressed 12 Wheat, bushel,' 60 80 48 50 2.00-3.00 24.00 6- 8.90 !!"eatoryslant........m,e.matro:PimarreRnk Thursday, 0.4atinit'w '7th; L98 -1444.4.10444.044444.444.,4„.+4444.4.4.+4.4.4e4.4.4.44441,44,4.44.0 !motored to rtre.tford and Tavistock 'last Wednesday to visit relatives and Tee Village trustees held a meeting 'MRS. FRED THIELE, Proprietre ir..646.X....Varrst.....tatelaisuaroamte on Thursday last and passed acce- • ' unts to finish the year's business. A Mrs. W. Hess $1; Rhyman Howald- $1 siren operated by electric power .was.; T. H. Meyers $1; John Galster. $1; purchased for the purpose of..riving; Mr. and Mrs. M. Oesch $2; Mr:. and alarm in the event of fire. :c will be Mrs. Herb Krueger $2; L. Prang & mounted on the belfry on the hall. I've, 'Son $3; Dr. and Mrs. W. A..m.e.on $2; P Mr. and Mrs. . West $1; Mx. and The public is cordially invited to "-0,7 T-1 T<lonn $3: Mrs. Fanny Ben - attend a program in the Evangelical der $2; Gus Denomy $2; Wm. La church this Sunday evening. The mont $5; Mr. and Mrs. R. Stade $10; program will be rendered by the Mr. and Mrs. E. Weido $10; Mr. and Mrs. W. Eckel $5; Albert Deichert $1; Earl Yungblut $2; Innis Deno - m •$1; Mr. and Mrs. M. Meidinger $1; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Deitz $1: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gascho $3; Mrs. Zola* Hey $1; Mr. and Mrs. Milt Oesch $1; Miss A. Deters $1; Mrs. L. Prang $1; Miss E. Truemner $2; Mr. and Mrs. 1' Albrecht $1; M. and Mrs. Chas. Thiel $1; P. Koehler .50; J. Gascho 0A: l'itir aryl Mrs- PT. r-ascho .50. W. C. Wagner .50;: S. Ammons .25; Miss rinse, Albrecht .50: Adrian Denomy .50; Mr. and Mrs. D. Gascho .50; Mr end_Mrs. E. E. Wuerth $1; I. Kalb- ileisch $1; Mrs. I. Kali:dies-eh $1; E. H. Edighoffer $1; John Ehlers $1.25; tfp 4. 4 4 4> 4 4 4 - 1261221T22DEIPIPEPIPPIPPEPPIMPSIi Gaesareseaseeaeseacoavoce*aaa aces exavalmossateacreaaaaa • HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE YOUR WINT,,E, Hardware N eeds YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT a e Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob. • ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over 11 for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. “ell OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. COAL AND COKE Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. STADE 1. EIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE choir consisting of solos, reading, playlet, anthems, slides, sextette and other numbers of great interest. CONTRIBUTIONS To The Red Cross Society- of Zur:ch and District Miss O. O'Brien's Room $2.00; Miss .N 13alkwill's Room $1,25:; W. Merner $10; Mrs. W. Merner $2; Napoleon Corriveau .50; Mr. tmd Mrs. L Yung - hint $3; Ted Smith $2; Mr. and Mrs H. Yungblut 55; Jerry Mero $1; Har- old Johnston $1; VLs. E. Datars, Sr. $2; Mn and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien $2; Miss J. Johnston. $1; Mr. and Mrs. E. Heideman $5; Miss O. O'Brien $5; ( RE COLEMAN STOVES Why benfincomfor,r,:able in an overhead kitchen in Stmuner, time when ye:u can keep cool. We cangreatly help you. as: We have a good stock of Coleman Stoves and Ranges, on, hand for this very hot weather that will greatly help. keeping cool in the kitchen..... And be- sides these- Stoves. are operated at so small a. cost that a.,person can hardly afford to be without one FURNITURE A Few' Good Studio CouChes, regular. $50.00 for each at $38.00. 3 Always keep a Good Stock of New and the- very Latest it 4 in Furniture. at. Very Reasonabl e Prices,. quality Con- sidered. Let us. show you our Beds., Springs, Mattress,, "..t Dining Room Suites,. Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc.t Jo 11S L40.3. albfl.eisola - , Elardw e & Furnitue. Pbone af a , . #- 44+444+++444+4444444 (.12.4.4 IMEZEMMIIMMEMEOMItai5==e42ia= it orr...rr ctt,,41. AataLIMI2IIIra tatspar91 EAD; AND DISABLED ANIMALS Removed Promptly. Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc:. Courteous Service: Phone 235 Exeter, Qnt., (C'zIlect) 10. DARLING and CO. Qf CAMDA LTD. tadEY.SVEMNINCESPIAVUMWEENTSSNIMINUZZZSREMEMR=MeratiiiP •..2KE.MASEEEMAntiESS Miss P. Pfde $1; Miss C. Streets $1; 'Geo. Deichert $5; Henry. Gackstetter Miss P. Harpole $1; Harry Bedour $1; Turitheim $1; Mr. and Mrs. L. Wagner $1; James Anderson $1; Mr and Mrs. H. Flaxbard $1; F. S. Kerr $2.50; Lennis O'Brien $1; Dr. and Mrs. J. Addison $5; Mrs. A. J. Mac- Kinnon $5; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. John- ston $5; Mr. and Mrs. L. Willert $2; Mr. and Mrs. Orv. Witmer $2; Mr. and 1VIrs. C. L. Smith $3; Mr, and Mrs. Ervin iSchilbe $3; Mr. and Mrs L. Schilbe $5; Robt, Williams $1; Miss E. Williams $1; Mrs. Wm. O'- Brien $1; Mrs. Bennis O'Brien $1; Mrs. W. Smith $1; Mr. and Mrs. T. Mittleholtz 51.50; Mrs. M. Eilber $1; ivir. and Mrs. Chas. Fritz $20; Miss Pearl Wurtz $1; Mrs. H. Campbell 53 Wm. O'Brien $2; Dr. and Mrs. O'- Dwyer $10; Mr. and Mri, Geo. Thiel $1; Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'nisi $1; Mr and Mrs. Ed. Haberer $2; Mr. and Mrs. M. Schilbe $3: Joe Gesell° Sr. $1; Wm. Thiel $1; Mrs. Geo. Deich- ert $1; Mrs. J.. Decker $1; Ed, Gack- stetter $1; Mrs. J. Horner $1; Simon Gingerich $1; F. Kalbfleisch $10; Mrs ¶2; Mrs. Peter Haberer $10; Victor Dinnin $1; Mrs. Wm. Rader $2; Jno Gellman $1; Mrs. John Engla-Ad $2; Sam Baker $2; Chris. Dietezich. $1; 'trs. E. ;.T. Daters Jr. 1.00; E. 3. Det- ers Jr. $3; Norman Fleischa.uer $1; Harry Hess $5; H. Eickmeler $2; C. Siemon $1; Ed. Weltin $1; Julius Chiel $1; Lee O'Brien $4; Mrs. Lee O'Brien $1; Hy. Steinbach $2; Wm. Mero $2; Jacob Regier $2; Father Power $5; Mrs. WILitezel $1.25; Cy. Schoch $1; Mrs. Wm. Miller $2: "rxs. Chas. Weber $1; Geo. Fare...1.1] $2; Louis Weber $1; Mrs. Lee Hoff- man $1; Dennis Bedard Jr. $1; John Gascho $10; Allan Gascho $2; Rev. Heckeridcrn 55; Wr9,A SeitTrt Sol. Zirnmernian. $1 Mrs. W. i) Bryce $5; Dr. W. D. Bryce $5; Mose Erb $2; Miss N. Balkvvill $1; Mrs Herb Uttley $1; Clarence Datars $2; Harry Rose $1; A. Gies $1; Geo. Hess 52; Mrs. A. Mousseou $1.4 Harold Overholt $1; Claude Gelinas $1; Hy Howald $1; Mrs. E. M. Dagg $12: P. M. Dagg $12; Dennis Bedard Sr F. Kaibfleisch $5; Theo Haberer $10; $1; Henry Gellman $1; Ed. Beave' Mrs. Ward Fritz $5; Ward Fritz $10; $1; •Gordort Howald $1; Ed. Miller $1 Mrs. Thomas Johnson $10; E. Klopp Mrs, D. Fisher $1; Miss Hazel Uttle.! $3; Mrs. E. Klopp $2; Lorne 'Copp $1; Morris Anderson $5; Mrs. M $1; Lloyd Klopp $1; Miss Ethel Hess Snider $1; Henry Thiel $1; Anne $1; Miss Ruby •Church $1; Mrs. L. Hess .50; Mr. and Mrs. L. Williams Kraft $1; Ross Johnston $1; Wilfred $5; Mrs. Wm. Siebert $2; Gideor Klopp .50; Herb. Block .50; Mrs. Koehler $5; 3. Howald .2.5; Mrs. Fred Thiel .50; Gordon Block .50; C. Stelck .50; Wm. Meidinger .50; ClaySchilbe .50; Peri Haberer $5; Wm ece Farwell $1; Art. Edighoffer $1 - Hoffman $1; W. J. Johnston $5; 1.,06 Hoffman $1; Mrs. C. Sehrag $1 Tacob Deichert $1; Miss Inez Yung- Joe Gellinas $1; Mrs. J. Douglas $5 blut $2; Albert Hess $3; Herb Mous- Miss Emma Dinsmore $5; Mrs. Wm seau $5; Albert Kalhfleisch $8; Mrs, Rennie $1; Harold Finlay $1; Leor A. 3. Kalbfleiseh $2; A. P. Hess $8; Jeffrey $1; Clare Melliek $1; Wm Mrs. A. Hess $2; Rev. E. Turkhehn Taylor $1; August Koehler $2; Har 1112; Mrq. P. Turkheirn $1; Oscar rison 'Schoch $1; George Clausins !t° Ross .Tohnston $1; Roland Geiger $2; Claire Geiger $1; Chris. Erb $1; (Continued Next Week) 4 4. 71r. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4: 4.4. 4. • • Klapp $8; W. 3, Dowson $5; 3. W. Haberer $5; Hy. Weseloh 51; Miss MO *0 040***************68 0.0611100110111****41410.06P4114004) Lizzie Volland $1; Mrs. j. Bleak $1; 1 - TRY ECKEL"S n Talk" tread also CHOICE VARIETY' OF CAKE, PIESAND SWEIRT GOODS. All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS - ICE CREAM Our Store will he closed each Wednesday Evening Eckel's Bakery- Zurich Telephone 100 40 40 40 40. 4 4 4. 4. 4. 40 4444.4040 4..1.4.4.+++++++4.4 -++11.4.+++4.+4.4.+4.4-1-4.+4.4.4.+4++4.4.+4.4-44++++4.4.++ 6+++71.424.444++++++++q•+++0..4.4.44÷4.4 -4-i.4.+++++++++++1-4-4-4-444.4 Cut Your Fuel Bill hi .4 ALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! 46 44 4, REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A 4. LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL 4. TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. Headquarters for • 44 4' • - U. PHONE 69 4. 4.4414.4..1.4..5+++4e4 -44++444.4.+4.4..11+++44.4-.+++++44.+44-4•4•4,++4.4.4+4. Johns -Manville Building Materials 4. 40 40 40 4 4 40 FL S C 1 ZURICH MASSEY-HARRISNEWS GENUINE M. -H. PARTS work best on M. -H. Im- plements... Mower and Binder Knives ground while you wait with carbarundum equipment. Guaranteed Batteries at $4.49 1 year battery guarantee 6 . 8 5 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plate 7.95 Guaranteed 440-21 tires at ......... 5.85 Visit the East End Service Station for City Serv- ice at Zurich prices. Cars and trucks properly greased with latest hydralic equipment. GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Ren. 67 East attil West End SERVICE STATIONS 111