HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-12-07, Page 4Zl2RICH HER Lp
We are able to announce the very first shipment of the new 1940 Westinghouse
Refrigerators . . . the last word in modern electrical refrigeration . . with
the latest features and advancements. They are here in time for Christmas
and available on special Holiday Terms. Come in and see them NOW. Only a'.
limited number of the new models can be secured at present prices. Grasp
this opportunity to get a really outstanding value.
A Small down w'yrrrent puts this
Westinghouse in Your`home for Christmas.
No more payments until February 1940.
We deliver in time :for Christmas.
F - 130
Base to match
available at
slight extra cost.
Harry °: G Hess
io l
BLAKE Mr. •Zohn Baker and Wm. McLach-
len :are starting a chopping mill and
er eut.to,,be hi operation dais week.
Mr. anis:Mrs. :;Stewart Beattie,
',bridal couple, have returned from
their honeymoon and are busy get-
ting settled • at Varna. They were
tendered a.reception in the Varna
ball ora Tuesday evening.
The :many Irieents "of. Mr. Thos.
Johnston were sorry. to learn of his
accident a few days ago when he
ifell and fractured his- hip. Mr. John
.ston is part hos:Neth birthday and he
suffers a ,great deal. His many fri-
ends hope he may recover.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey spent
a few days with -their daugnter and
lamily ins 'Kitchen•er.
Mrs. Rudy Oc e.h returned home
.alter spending a. eh t.•ty time with fri-
end:; in Waterloo County.
The many friends .of Mr. William
E. Tough, a former resident here,
4eut now living at Clinton, are sorry
to learn of '1#ie 'illness rand hope 'he
will soon be :rejpred:toeoetter health
Mrs. E. Bader ,of Da$hw9od has
lbeen visiting at the home of her sis-
-ter, Mr. and ;'Vire. Wilfred Weido.
Messrs. Orv. l ;Smith anti Frank
Eagan have been holidaying in Tor-
IVIr. Fred Bro•tik has :returned -home
-from a hunting neip mase• Sundrelg:
and brought home a fine deer.
We are glad to report ;Mrs. joke
maker is able to le around again
tiler being confined to liar bed for
.n• few days.
Mr. Lewis Forrest end sister, Mies
1.Vla y have returned home after
'very pleasant trip to lMliirl.ette, Iich.
• and other point..
The child'', n of S. S N. 7, Stan-
ley school ••- e• ever • prectieiee for
their arr ,real Christmas e nter t•.c3 .e
wait and Christmas tree to be held en
'December %Oth. Ae usual _Santa
-Claris will err've in time with a ilia. ,
full pack.
Mr. a,,i l z?.. , l, -„r,.,.,,, ,,,,, '.f re”
Titre ;;t.
Mr. e rd 1lr.. rlit.'• 1e° ,. n:r
Rod over the creek -esti with r tiee l
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
D:eoember—A little chilly to -day.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bedard of
St. Joseph north visited with Mr. and
Mrs. %cunile "Jeiiaaseyeef Beavertown
an Thursday last.
Mrs. Kuno Hartman of the Goshen
line swath, visited with her parents
on the Blue'Water'Higllrway on Tues-
day last.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Richard Masse of
Grand Bend were "Sunday visitors
with the .3'nrrmea's ,parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jannis :Masse eaf •the •Blue Water
Miss Lucille Jeffrey ref 'B.eavertown
who has spent two •weeks'in Detroit,
visiting relatives, :returttetl home on
Sunday last.
Mr. Zeppie Ch.•arrette :was •a week-
end visitor with '.his leiteents.
Mrs . Wilbert Dewey of Grand
Bend was a guest to her parents on
Sunday last, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Jefrrey of Beavertowa.
:Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ,Zararas of
the Blue Water south, spent two
weeks visiting in Detroit.., '"sttindsor,
and !other points. They expect to be
comeeig home •this coming 'Wednesday
Mrs. Ramie Denomme of Drysdale
Mrs. ;Remie Jeffrey of Beavertown,
and Mrs. Fred Ducharme of the Blue
Water socath were on Thursdav 'last
to a quilting bee to Mrs. Paul Mfense
of the "Bronson line. -
Mr. N. elrl. Cantin of St. Joseph is
not as yet nnueh improved. Hie dau
ght -r Mrs. John Wilcox of 'Montreaq
it still with 'rho parents.
Mr Loon Jeffrey of 13eaven-town,
who has been on the sick list for a
few weeks i now able to be upend
'jesers. Mavim leffsev and Harold
Sictmon of our nreighbdrhood have
sreurecl a contract fra>m Mr. F. C.
Kelhfeitc1'a for entt tg several tho-
usencl feet of logs.
n' a ' VI 0-
and Mas. Veenon ;Sshatz,
Mr. end Mrs..B.. Goetz .and Cather-
ine Finkheixaer visited friends in
Sarnia :S.unday morning.
Messrs .Stuart ,and Murray Wolfe
of Fort Erie .spent the week -end with'
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe'
Mr, and 1VIrs. T...Hoperoft ana Mrs
and Mrs. .Graham .Arthur of Exeter
spent the week -end with Mr. and ?sfi•s'
Robt. Roperoft in Port Colborne.
Miss Eether Martene spent the eve
ek-end with friends in Mt. Clemens.
A very pleasant evening was spent
last Thursday evening where the
Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran church
entertained their husbands and a
few friends to a fowl supper after
which the evening was spent in gam-
es and singing.
The new community grounds and
skating rink have been levelled up
and the young people are now anx-
iously waiting for ice.
Death of Mrs. Catherine %.hlers.
Mrs. Catharine Ehlers age 80 yrs.
of 28 Water St., Waterloo, died et
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sam-
uel t chaab of Waterloo per Sunday
morning, November 19th. Deceased
was born in Bruce county on Oct. 20
1859, a daughter of the late Me. and
Mrs. Henry Hessenauor. Was a mem-
ber of Waterloo Emmanuel Evangel-
ical chiirsh. She was married to,
William Ehlers at Walkerton on No-
vember 20, 1883. Mr. Ehlers pre-
deceased her in 1932. Surui.rng are
one son Milton gf Rochester N.Y.,
two daughter, Mrs, Samuel Schaab of
Waterloo and Mrs. Clarence Yager
of Detroit, Mich., anti two grandchil-'
dren. Funeral services were -held at
Emmanuel Evangelical church, Wat-
erloo at 2.30 p.m. to Waterloo Mt.
Hope cemetery for int-rment. Rev.
H.. Kellerman officiating. Re-
mains were resting at the Ratz-Be-
chtel funeral home, Kitchener until
Tuesday at 11 a.m. when they were
removed to the church for cervices at
2.80 p.rn.
I ,stlieron I ea 'ue
'r 1r ti+e,:Ilu l s'b'r,
'*!‘!"..0, 4)1, r.�if .":'w e1' 1, ':', hal i, fl! r1:!
a>) "4), d .Mi .. yilnn with a Hallowe'en
is ; lt. wee anent can 110F0!)'11110 )311""•1 t"':;*
'",Crr•1'i: ( r`". . r t hi 'beet primal groin4 to Paul ;'
•`:' tt'.,r, ?:"Y.f•iL:ond wil.h ' • .ii.'e{ T'loV
"Thursday, .,December 7th, i0?9
Frieda Itader, Garnet Weiberg, EIgjn.,
Rader. On Nov. '7, Bible study was
the subject in which Rev. Luft took
charge. At this meeting two new me-
mbers were taken into our league.
The following weak mission study
was tuken up on `Forward in China.,,
Nov. 21 we helrrl our monthly topic
study entotled "Living in the World,
your Country. The hint aueith , Ivn:1
he regular business; after which the
pastor Rev. Theo. Luft took the
;Ludy. On the Borderland of light
-and Wrong.
Snyder ---Hayter
At aa. beautiful and impressive cc•re-
ulOiLy at half after seven o•c.-oce, Saat:-
t:,ai:ty i ;a.. 'Fath at the neele o: Mr',
and Mrs. Ii. E. Guppy, Miss 'Rota L.
Hayter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Hayter of Dashwood, was unit
ed in marriage to Mr. John W. Sny-
der, son of Mr. and. Mrs. A. Snyder
of IH'amilton. The Rev. H. J. Storm,
pastor of First Lutheran .church,
read the ceremony before the lira -
place which was banked with yellow -
Mums and Primroses. The bride,
given in marriage 5y her father Nvn
charming in street length dress of
blue Wool crepe, with a necklace of
'Roman pearls and black stik velvet
'turban. Her corsage was gardenias.
Miss Grayce H"vte ' of Windsor, sis-
ter of the bride, was her maid of
1.honor. She wore a street length dress
of dubonnet crepe with a black fur4
felt hat with corsage was white gar -
dines. Mr. Roy Snyder, assisted -his
brother as best man. . A reception
followed immediately after the cere-
mony. The bride's table was centred,
with a three -tiered wedding; cake and
Mall candelabra holding burning white
tapers and white baby mums at either
side. M•rs. Hayter and Mrs. Snyder
poured coffee and Mrs. J. Bruce, si's-
ter of the bride, Miss Lola Lyone and
Miss Mildred Clingersmith all of Win
e sordsor' assisted* iu serivng. For
travelling the bride donned a black..
fax coat. The couple will reside IR
Windsor. •
Shower for Bride Elect.
About 35 friends gathered at the
home of Mr. ani Mrs. J. Bruce of
Vv'ar:eeisrer on iVedneeday evening and
honored 1Vi:is beta. Hayter with a.
nalse.ellaneous shower. 'rho eveninf•
was spent in gamer; aft -'r which a
elai sty lunch was served, -'1 lie bride
s k et r0A8 the recipient of m:eny beat-
tAt;rti and rase.€ul gift-;.
cc: UNrrY NEWS
Fractures Ankle
Mr-, Kirk (Ruby) Hutton, or Exe-
ter, fractured her ankle in a softball
game at Seerforth as she was sliding
into home plate.
Receive Scholarsh'ps
At the Convocation of th:) Univer-
sity of Western Ontario Friday last,
and awards were made to 125 stud-
ents. Three Exeter scho'ars were a-
mong the recipients. Boeden Sanders
received the Albert 0. Jeffrey Schol-
arship No. 1 for second year honor
biology. Eileen Lewis received the
Brescia Hell students partial resid-
ence inter -year scholarship; Alvin
Bell, of :Mensal], graduate of Exeter
1?.ighSchool, received his B.A. de -
Resigns Charge
Due to serious illness Father 1VI.N_
O'Sullivan, parish priest at Clinton
for the past eleven years, has re:,ign-
ed his charge. He is now in St. Jos-
eph's Hospital, London, and is mak-
ing good recovery. Father Sullivan
was a much travelled man and has ore.
various occasions given interesting
accounts of his travels. The new
priest for Clinton is Father S. J. Mc-
Donald, a native of St. Marys, whc>
for a number of years has been in
charge of Our Lady of Mercy church
at Sarnia.
DeOliDea181.510200400 4110 AM CM InatettoolftnlettanToatmeaDDIDADOOD09,0
iriter's F
We are Now' Filling Orders for this Winter's
F€.=_el, ,ea gas suggest the Most Siitable Fuel for
your Heating Equipment... Price.) always within
tl�t-e•i sts of other Dealers with Quality Considered.
We have- an up-to-date Seed Cleaning Eq&*- icnt
that we use for Custom Cleaning, and inv.i•'_r ,the
Farmers Who have seed to dean .to arrange with` us
for this Work.
to Ruth Becker and Garnet ViCealleage.
A, sing song was then enjoyed uy all.
Z>anc'h was served by the committee.
Dorothy Kraft-Hedweg Schendell, reeeeew en'estisraaue
A Guaranteen Product that will greatly help your
Stock and Poultry to Vigor and Production, which
will mean greater Profits. Try it!
cile Son
aeacevastakaateateke st aeear aseseseeePweeeeoea a
*Not Tot once nor twice but six thnesyearfy'tlt.¢` specifications for McColl-Frontenac-
gasoline—the famous MARATHON "J3LUE"1--acre changed to give your motor -
its accustomed power under different ctimaticconditions. RED INDIAN motor •
lubricants, too, must conform to requirements that are totally different in
Winter than those of Summer driving PLAY SAFE REED INDIAN products;
assure you of trouble-free performance the year 'round.
Drive in of the
sign of the
RED ilsiDI 4N
where Prodgetr}a
pnd service Orly
the best.
Drive into our station TOMORROW and let us put your car in/.
shape for trouble-free, repair -free service during the Winter months.
Anti freeze • in the radiator—W'inter:.grade RBD INDIAN or RED.
INDIA.NAVIATION int the crankcase—Wintergear lubricants iii gear
box and differential—battery checked (free)—tires checked --chains
repaired, cleaned and made ready for ,rase—chassis lubricated—tank
filled 'with Winter -grade MARATHON "BLUE" for a quick start and
.steadypowerno matter bow1owthtetherdmoneter goes. DO IT NO W8
HOWARD f.`aLl',j'PP a.. ZURICH
itt•w .