HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-12-07, Page 3FORGET NN I 'ID TEAS! LGA LI F't 111 THE RICHER, MORE SATISFYING TEA FREE Save the coupons from Lipton's 1 ib. and 3�a 10. packages. They me exchangeable for beautiful Wm. Rogers & Son Silverplate. Write for premium book to Thos, J. Lipton Limited. Lepton Bldg.. Toronto, What Science is Doing MAY CAUSE HAY FEVER Tiny micro-organisms which snake soil fertile are described as great potential agents in causing hay fever. When dust storms sweep over Large areas of the Western United States and Can- ada they carry with them millions of microscopic mould particles, similar to those which are found in yeast, which are now believed to cause the sniffles and violent sneezing characteristic of hay fev- er. How Can I BY ANNE ASI -11 EY Q. How can 1 rnalce an econo- mical, but delicious, fudge? A. Add 1 cup water to 2 cups sugar, 3 tablespoons cocoa, and a small pinch of salt. Boil until it makes a soft ball in water, •Add 14 -teaspoon vanilla flavouring, stirring until creamy, and pour on a buttered dish: Q. flow can I impart etrtati JesYant polish to ebony A. Rub a little white vaseline into them with a soft cloth. It is necessary to keep rubbing until tht, wood has absorbed all the vaseline. Q. How can I prevent the ink from spreading when marking linen? A. First put the initials on with a soft lead pencil. Then trace with the marking ink. Q. How can I make a smd11ing salts? A. Secure a wide-mouthedafiboll i-' the with a glass stopper t almost to the top with subcarbon- ate of ammonia in coarse powder form. Then pour over this just i Hough oil of lavender to cover the contents. Q. How can I utilize orange peelings? A. Scald the peelings and dry thoroughly. Use a coarse grind- er for grinding, and keep in a tightly covered jar in the refrig- erator between usings. Their use will give an excellent flavor to cakes or puddings. Many African natives believe that apes, gorillas, chimpanzees and orang-outangs have the power of speech; but that they won't talk ' for fear men might put them to work. -o- TRIP TO MOON HELD UP Just when preparations were corning along nicely for a flight to the moon, the project has been deferred because of the war. The British Interplanetary Society de- cided -at an emergency meeting, to cease activities for the present. -0- VITAMIN HALTS BLEEDING A vitamin "originally extracted from fish meal and alfalfa hay is today saving the lives of hundreds of mothers and babies. The substance, known as vitam- in I., and now made synthetically, is essential in the body's manu- factare of prothrombin, a chem- ical which breaks down to form thrombin, the e,veential element in the formation of blood clots. Without it persons bleed to death despite all efforts of physicians to close a wound by artificial means. -0- ENERGY USES AFFECT BRAIN Comparison of Equipoise, one of the famous racehorses of all to les, with a white whale has sho:'.n that training for high, steady energy makes the brain grow large but training for quick bursts of energy leaves it small. Equipoise had the latter. --o- HIGH GASOLINE MILEAGE An automotive scientist assert- ed last week that experiments foreshadow developments which would give the motorist 50 per cent more mileage to a gallon of gasoline. The experiments have been carried out to determine the possibilities of increasing com- pression ratio under conditions in which the anti -knock value of the fuel vas no longer the limiting factor. DO YOU OWN fining Stocks? If you own any mining stocks and want to receive the latest information about them, our statistical depart- ment would be glad to provide this information without any obligation to you. We would be pleased to provide any other informa- tion concerning mining in general upon request. Your enquiry will receive immediate attention. Lakewood INVESTMENTS WAverley 3039 9 Adelaide St, E., Toronto A . Weather Calertdar January snowy, February fiowy, Mardi blowy, .April showery, May flowery, June bowery, July moppy, August . croppy, September poppy, October breezy. . November wheezy, December freezy. Revenues fi•otnthQ 'manufac- ture and sale of liquor eollected, by the Dominion Government in the fiscal year 1939 amounted to $25,165,450, exclusive of sales tax revenue. .gym . �..- a-.., ®. «•->« + ,-' r ` e . Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. If you have some extra fine wine that you wish to serve ,at your Thanksgiving or Christmas. dinner, should it be served as an appetizer or with the dessert? 2. When a lean invites another man to luncheon or dinner, should the •host allow his guest to order, or should he do so for ours?' fol 3. Should the word y low such closes to a and rias', " "Lovingly," "Sincerely, voted"?Isi 4. a sign of good breeding when a person has a studied and, artificial manner of speaking? 5. When a man is dining with a girl in a restaurant and another man stops at the table to chat for:. a minute, what should the giri's escort do? 6. Is it improper for two girls ani. their escorts to go on an all; Churchill And "The Tiger" Get Together In France el HaveYouHeard • "I reckon," said the farmer, "that 1 get up earlier than any- body else in the neighborhood; 1 am often up before 3 o'clock in the morning." The second farmer said he was always up before then and had part of the chores done,. The first farmer thought he was fibbing and decided to find out. A few mornings later, he got up at 2 o'clock and went to his neighbor's house. He rapped on the back door, and the woman of the house opened it.. "Where is your husband?" ask- ed the farmer, expecting to find his neighbor in bed. "He was around here early in the morning," answered his wife, "but I don't know where he is now." Elere is an excellent study of Winston Churchill, dynamic first lord of the British admiralty, as he conferred is at British rder ed ras head - rt, com- mander-in-chief of the British army. quarters - somewhere in France - on the occasion of the sea lord's visit to the fighting forces. iNG The old Niagara Falls, St. Cath- arines and Toronto radial railway station at Merritton, given to the local Boy Scouts for a meeting place, was moved by their to a new site, and turned into an at- tractive Scout headquarters. -0- Two alert Sudbury, Ont., Boy Scouts out hunting with their father noticed a cord hanging from the limb oftree.idInvesti- gating, - ithey u graph released from Baltimore. The instruments had recorded moisture, temperature and the height to which the meteorgraph had ascended. It was returned to Baltimore. -0- As signallers at the famous Cromer coastguard station at Trimingharn, England, Norfolk Sea Scouts have been rendering valuable wartime service. When the Greek steamship Mount Ida was wrecked off the Norfolk coast they aided in the rescue work by transmitting messages to the lifeboat, by lamp and radio. They regularly assist in patrol- ing the shore, and signal the po- lice word of washed-up mines. --o--- One of the unanticipated re- sults of the moving of English children from the large cities to rural areas has been the applica- tion of evacuated boys to join Scout troops. In north Wales one new troop of forty members has been started, Two large boys' schools with an enrollment of near- ly 1,200 boys have launched into Scouting as a major school activ- ity. One of the reasons has been observation of the numerous acts of wartime public service render- ed by 13oy Scouts. day motor' trip without a shaper- one? Answers 1. It would be preferable to serve the wine with your after- dinner coffee, along with nuts and fruits. 2. He should allow his guest to give his order first, and directly to the waiter. When din- ing with a girl, she gives her or- der to him and he orders for both. 3, Yes. That is the preferred form. 4. Not in the least, This manner is easily detected oy those with whom the person is convers- ing, who know that it is affecta- tion. It has been said, "We are never so ridiculous from the hab- its we have than from those we affect to have." 5. He should rise and remain standing until the other man leaves. 6. This is • all right provided they do not stay awe- overnight. -o- Lady (handing over dog to man in baggage car): "Now, before you give him his xneals, I want you to say, 'Diddum Dinkie want oo' din- dums?' And if he yawns, he's not quite ready for his meal yet." -0- One Sunday morning the pastor of a Negro congregation noticed that an old face had reappeared among his flock, and after the sermon made it a point to wel- come the supposedly repentant backslider. "This is the first time 1 have seen you at church for a long time," he said. "I'm sho'ly glad to see you here." "Ah done had to come," ex- plained Rastus. "Ah needs gtrengthenin.' I'se got a job whitewashin' a chicken coop an' buildin' a fence roan' a water- melon patch." -0- This happened at an engin- eernig works "somewhere in England." A boy arrived later than usual and the foreman asked him the reason. d��iAyb" Scratchin •crtioneykk `ii.'"'ScratFor relief from itching of eczema,pimples,- lote'e foot, soilc', scabies, rashes and other externally. baused akm troubles use world-famous, cooling, anti- septk, liquid D;il.D, Prescription, Greaseless, stainless. Soothes Soothes irritation anti quickly stops intense your trial 0.0 0r PHESCfllPTlbk. �N. THE A...._..TEA-CUP THAT EIGHTS. C�t4STIPATION. Garfield Tea is not a "cure-all," but if youwant prompt relief from temporary CONSTIPATION without drastic drugs, try a cup tonight of this fra{ grant, 1o•herb tea. Acts thoroughly and mildly. Pleasant to the taste. 25c -10c a6 .drugstores. lx :, Write for 6tNEtt0US FRU SAMh1.R to Garfnad Ind 4o., -. 1 Close Ave., Toronto 3, Canada Dept. C?A "It DOES taste good in a pipe!" HANDY SEAL -TIGHT POUCH • 1St VAIL "LOK-TOP" 1IN 6Q also packed in Pocket Tins GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN QNTARIO. Boy: "Well, since they pat that camouflage paint on the works I didn't know the place and went straight by." A. little Scottish boy, evacuat- ed to a border farm, came run• ming up to the farmer's wife one day, all out of breath. "Hey, missus," he gasped, "I've • been chased by a big white cock." "Fancy a great lad like you running away from a cock," she said, "Why, you ate a bit of one for your dinner yesterday." "That's all very well," said the boy, "but this one wasn't cook- ed." Our Population Increase Slow Canada Would Stand to Bene- fit If Growth Were More Rapid The assessment commissioner o2 Ottawa has given out the figures in a compilation of population stat- istics which show that the capital of the Dominion now has 145,183 people, which is a gain of 981 for one year. That does not show a ra- pid increase, says the Sarnia Can- adian -Observer, but Ottawa is In GOOSE AND DUCK FEATHERS WANTED Highest Prices i'uid. Immediate Remittance CANADA COMFORTER CO. Teepo eADellaide 14 1 i 736 Dundas St. E. -Toronto 4•05.1idllina about the same position with re• gard to growth as any of the other cities of this country, as all .are plodding slowly. Ottawa, as the seat of the federal government, has one advantage over the others in that it has au assured industry that is not affect. ed by the vicissitudes of commerce, The civil service payroll provides It foundation of prosperity that is al- ways stable in good times and bad, That is .a fortunate circumstance since Ottawa has suffered some in- dustrial ndustrial setbacks in the gradual subsidence of ]umbering that for many years was centred there. Canada generally would stand to benefit substantially if growth of population were more rapid. This country has slightly more than 11,- 000,000 people. Many of its national services have been developed far beyond the normal requirements of that number of people. FREE Map of Porcupine Geology in Colours Shows PRESTON'S new bound- aries - shows Hollinger, Mc- Intyre, Pamour, Dome, as well as our own property. No obligation. We are glad to send it to you.. i Take a minute now to fill out and mail the coupon ...1511 01•110.. New Augarita Porcupine mines Limited 1005 Northern Ontario Bldg., Toronto Send Geological, Map of Porcupine NAME ADDRESS =Classified Advertisements AUEN'rs W'Ax'rlcI) A GOOD SALES AGENT. SHOULD- represent a good company. We ouedaofor un- occupied want territories nw. Our nursery stock is the best that money and experience can pro- fftersbenursery, fifty yausss. Write Pe - ham Nursery Co., Toronto. FAST -SELLING REPEATER, NO competition. New disposable tis- sue duster. Big commission. "ADES - T - KLEEN" (Ontario) Reg'd. 615 Yonge Street, Toronto. CARS, NEW AND USED MOTJNT PLEASANT MOTORS, LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, P1Y- mouth dealers: three locations, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, 2040 Orger 1223 2ofth Yonge cars make us many friends. CLOTHING AND FURNITURE WE GUARANTEE 100 PER CENT. fit and satisfaction in latest style clothing (slightly used). Gentle - lar toe $00.00. special 56.00tstor512 00. Ladies' Winter Coats, $4.00 to 57. Postpaid. State measurements, ,, colours, style. Send money -order. Also ditionedsu ed ain furniture. Ruskin & Company. Peterboro, Ontario. Ent d1_1TION AL STUDENTS NOW ENROLLING FOR courses 111 Matriculation, Short Story, Journalism, sMake use of yd our spare time. Write today. Canad- ian Correspondence e(k- tablished 1902),CrilStre Toronto. FARM F01I SALE NINETY ACRES PRODUCTIVE clay loam adioining village, good buildings, spring watered. Two thousand cash, balance 4 per cent. - 'W'illiam Pearce, Exeter. FA11111 TEAM WANTED WANTED - WELL - MANNERED heavy farm team, under eight, Preferably mares. Give descrip- tion and price. A. G. Ramsay, Gormley, Ontario. HARDY APPIX TIMES HARDY APPLE TREES - 50 CTS. each. Canada's Lowest Priced Nur- sery, growing leading varieties Fruit Trees. Ornamentals. Write immediately requesting sensation- al offering's. Tobe's Treery, Nia- gara -on -the -Lake, Ontario. P]AAlI3L1LS yVAN'1En HIGHEST PRICE FOR NEW A2D used 'feathers. Robinson's, Brock Avenue Toronto. Write for quotations. HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPE>S, tJ3 SFand ail tions, Switches, types of finest quality Curls,air Goods. Write for illustrated catalogue. Confid ntial, t rms arranged.' 9$ ionto Human Hair Supn1Y Co., Bathurst Street, Toronto. INCREASE YOUR EARNINGS EARN DOLLARS READING YOTJR nowspaPersl Dime and stamp brin3's information and surprises! K, Rothe, 527 ring St W., Ham- ilton, Ontario. 1 ISSUE NO. 49 -'39 MA:GiAZ1NE AGENTS' TIME IS SHORT - SELL SPb7CLAL • •Christmas Club offers to popular Canadian and American Magaz- ines as local representative. High- est commissions paid. Don't delay. Write - Canadian Periodicala, 245 Grace St., Toronto, Ont. MACHINERY WADE De awvoPORTABLE gse wtoo - elec- tric - tric motors. Belting and shop sup- plies W f Williams everydescription. ]3. Co., Ltd., 64 Front St. W.. Toronto. 61 GLJ CAL HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE -WRITE pfor articu- lars freetand fu regarding our amazingly successful hybiood treatment. Pedigreed Products. Saskatoon, Sask. Uh1,'ER TO INV EN'1'URS AN OFF1it TO EVERY LNVLNTOR 1..ist of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co. Bank tStreetPOttawa tCanada. - PERSONAL QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF. EASILY, inexpensively, Home remedy. Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice free. l3artlett's, 13ox 1, Winnipeg, POULTRY LET US HELP YOU SELL YOUR Poultry. Write for Bray's circular on Markets; a real selling aid to PoultrykeepeTs• valuable for your own customers too. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. _ 1tADIU sUPI'LIEs GET PERFECT RECEPTION 'DF Holiday Broadcasts with new. guaranteed Radio Tubes. Bargain Prices! 1A, 75c; 1A4 1A6, 8106, 1F4, 19,81335, $1.20; 599X,' 399V.1 6$2.26; Prices of other tubes on request. Allied Radio, Box 5, STA "G", Montreal.RAW FOURS WANTED SHIP YOUR FURS TO US FOR full market prices. L. A. ,loner, 189 Talbot St., St. Thomas, Ont. RANCHERS AND TRAPPERS ALL PRICES ON RAW FURS ARE low, Why not get the os t_ for your fox pelts by. tanned and made into attractive scarves and sell them direct? Workmanshipuaranteed. Silvers $8.50, reds $6.50. Thos. Emack, Taxidermist and Furrier, 1872 (Zueen St. I+l., Toronto. SCHOOL BOOKS HOM10 STUDY COURSES -BOUGHT sold, rented, Educational boobs, etc., Canada's largest dealer. Low- est prices, send for list. Economy Distributing, Leamington, Ont. �- SKATING OUTFITS SKATING SOUTFITb', SIL.1GHTeW { 1 used, $, 72.89, 5.85, $4,26, plus 25e poality, $Peerless, 101 Dundas W. postage, Toron0. 138401) TIKES 0031 SALE GOOD USED TIRES, .ALL SIZES. I3rooktonrTire, 1611uDundee West,t, Toronto, FURNITURE FOR SALE 478 Yonge St., Toronto CLEARANCE SALE RECONDITIONED FURNITURE 95 3-pleee Chesterfield Suits, reversible Marshall spring fills led cushions, brown repp. 18.50 Brown mohair Chesterfield Suite, reversible Marshall spring cushions, 3 pieces. 24.00 Smart apartment size Ches- terfield Suite, 3 pieces, runt repp material, reversible Marshall spring cushions. 35.00 Beautiful large brown mo- hair Chesterfield Suite, fig- ured reversible Marshall spring cushions perfect condition. 7.50 Odd Chesterfields, in repp and. mohair covers, reversible springfilled cushions. spring Odd Chesterfield Chairp, filled cushions, assort- ed covers. 39.00Kroehler Chesterfield Bed Suite, upholstered in brown mohair, reversible spring cushions, 3 pieces, complete with new mat- tress, perfect condition. 24.een Complete Bedroom Suite, tat walnut finish, Vanity. full size bed, chiffonier, spring and new mattress. 39.00Modern Bedroom Suite ha two-tone walnut finish, chiffonier, dresser with round Veno etian mirror and full size bed. 49.00 Beautiful modern Bedroom Suite, bleached walnut fin- ish, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless spring. Perfect - 65.00 Solid walnut Bedroom Suite very large dresser, chtft. robe, full size bed, sagless spring, and spring filled mattress. Coma pletely refinished. 17.50 8 piece Dining room Suit buffet, extension table, and six leather seat chairs. 24.00 Solid oak Dining Suite, buf- fet, extension. table and d leather upholstered chairs, cont. pletely refinished. 59.00 Factory sample (new) din- ette Suite in English oak. buffet, extension table with jack- knife leaf, and 4 chairs upholstered in red leather. Regular $89.00 69.(In Beautiful 9 -piece Dining Suite in 2 -tone walnut fin- ish, large buffet. extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather uphol- stered chairs. completely refinished. 79.00 Solid walnut Dining Suite, targe buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 8 genuine leather upholstered chairs, coin- pletely refinished. Large assortment of oddBulIctyi, China Cabinets, Tables, = Chiffoniers and Beds. Brand neer factory samples to clear at whole- sale prices. crated for An goods carefully immediate shipment on receipt of inoneY-back guarantee oftsatISfad tion. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St., Toronto Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used - New SPECIALIZING: IN REBUILT 1410• TOILS, POWER.UNITS, Hydroxides Hoists, Winches, Generutorn, Steri. ere, Magnetos, Carburetors, )(titillate ore Exolxrtnge Service, Gime -,a. Sartisfaetlolx or refund, I;evi Ants Parte, Toronto.