HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-12-07, Page 11 „.„4:41,4,41, VOLUME 40, Na 20 ZI.HUCHI, THURSDAY MON re •eek 'COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABJA r CES Co E. Ziirbri OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Puriethod of Eyesight Testing Used., Opera ever Week Day Except Wednesday. 111 Are You Suffering From Headaches? if so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and -Equipment at A. L. COIF., R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP ERE-CIMISTMAS SPECIAL Get Your CteriStmas Special now All Permanents Guaranteed. Croquinole waves a Specialty. Our main Special, a Eugene, with a deeper wave and a tighter curl regular $7.50 for $.5.00. Morning special only, free shampoo witk every finger wave. Be sure to call i,59 for appointznent and avoid being disappointed. Phone 159 Zurich for Appohrtments. MRS, ED. GASCHO, Prop. #44,141.4,1,"1,01,414.211•41,64.04,47,1KIMIscrdiNg."0.0.9,0,00.9.5NAANNININNSMNP4WNINIPANNINhestf."7,"041,041,041.01.04hesdKP,IM1 STOP! BEFORE thiving a New or Used Car IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SAVING MONEY,, SEE AR F R TZ SEE THESE USED CARS! 1933 DODGE DE, LI,TX. SEDAN, Spatless interior,. extra ,.. • .., , 'iwrge trnulcs priced to sU 1930 PLYIVICIITH:SEDAN, Hydratilic brakes, original inside, al ant. These models are scarce, so hurry 1936 CHEV. COUPE, like new small Mileage, lady driven. 1929 PONTIA_C SEDAN, Tires like new, paint al,. upholster- . Ing like -any -new 1939 car, seeing'is believing. 1928 C. COACH, good tires al, runsgod, at — 1929 FORD COACH, your Tiek of two at $75.00 1937 DODGE coArgr, 1700f) ,Billes like new. 1929 ESSEX SET)AN, in very good condition. Priced low. 1929 PORI) P ICKLP a1 930 ;CHEV., MUCK 1931 .tORD, COACH. . $165.00 1930 FORD 4. -DOOR :SEDAN, .ente of .the Best! 1 USED- BEATTIE 04.1,,ECTRIC 'WASHER (late model). .1110•1111.1.1••• sonsimvoint.woonlassuranexossortalm.nms 1316SWIN 1 DECEMBER 7, g39, eff .400,•••••• Creveter L. &Oita, Publiee5i4ae 81.2Z a year. U.S. $1,50 in Advanoet e.se eel ete.Y eB,40,ROZA., -- Ohristmas II Do your 'Shopping early Leavitt's Theafrical 4 • , • , • , t I „ Thursday, Friday,' Saturday Double Feature COAST GUARD- Action Drama Starring R-ANDOLPH SCOTT and FRANCES DEE "WEST OF CHEYENNE" Western, with. CHAS STARRETT Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Double Feature Jack London's "ROMANCE OF THE RED WOODS" Action Drama, with CHARLES 13ICKFORD and JEAN PARKER "NO TIME TO MARRY" Comedy, featuring Richara Arlene, Lionel Stander and Mary Astor. wene2.1:2111113.1.0.1..601.1111111MINI merepatReraMMONSINDO CARD OF THANKS • Mr. A. E. Hamilton and Doris wish to thank their many friendsfor the sincere sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement. Special 'thanks to Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer Miss Anna Datars and Miss Mae Smith. vaxene,n000t .....•6yaniaaftea. aa BEST ORATOR Stanley Horsburgh, 12 -yr. -act son of Mr, and MTS., Walter Horsburgh, Hoevick- eTwp.,,ewas. reamed. champion boy orator of Huron Counter in a ontest held before Miro= eavetty Council at Goderich last Wednesday the Council adjourned for 90 minutes , for the occasion. Seven contestants, • 47' Mr, Willie McAdams is employed at the Hensall Dairy Farm. ,. Miss Ethel Hess spent the past peek in Detroit. Miss Alice Beaver returned home after spending some time in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf al :411;chener visited at the home of Mrs Thomas Johnson on Tuesday. Mr. Archie MacKinnon who is at- tending Veterinary School at Guelph as a week -end visitor at his nome 1i -ere. ' I -eMrs Amelia Fuss has Taft for De- ! . • 'ppi. where she will spend. part of the winter with h.er daughter, Mrs. ZL,', .1, Swartz. Mr. and 51,1.'S. Arthur Aulerich of le ktrolt were recent visitors at the h *le of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Prang. Messrs. T. C. Haberer, J, W. Hab- ei:r, F. Haberer ani E. F. Moon at- teidbd the convention el: tele Oat - 4.7v, Beekeepers' Association being 4e d in Toronto last week. Z rich school: will he held on Tues-; il : r The annual school concert of the cla evening, Doceenaer 39th. Pre.p- ' "anti ere um; ev way to make this ' a least outstanding program. • . - lay Council met. an Monday for t ''.(,' monthly meeting:, and the next final ' emeeting for this year will (. .on Friday next, Dezember 15th. hb.. will also be the last day for 44,reP3:7.-1444,4axes' witaii35t .RelikktIcee, ' Red Gross The contrubutions a the ted Cross are still gradually coming in. The total amount to date•is.nent $905.65. Repair Service AM IN A POSITION TO DUPLTC- For positive identification GE ATE YOUR BROKEN SPECTACLE LENSES. PROMPTLY AND ACCURATELY AND AT PRICES MUCH LESS THAN THE LARGER CENTRES LET US SHOW YOU THE MOST CODER N IN SPECTACLES., A G. HESS JEWELER. AND OPTICIAN the Worlds Finest Anthracites - ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets.. The Roe Farms Milling Co, Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for ,Eags on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensall1 ,;44•86•4000•O•••••••••O•OO••••••4-4POO•49.*40•04,O04;*O 41* • ••i. • • each winner of his or her respectiVe school fair, competed. ACT OF 1914 PROCLAIMED' Ottawa ---The War Measures Actof At a 'meeting of the men of St. -Peter's Lutheran church. in town, held after the evening sein4ce, Sun- day last, a brotherhood: smtiety was organized. Mr. Milfred S1be was • appointed president. 1914, ,giving the government extra- .el ordinary power to act in emerge/elm! he- ladies of Zurich andl District t are requested to inform, thee tnonven- pending the 'assembly of Porliament,i ors the knitting and sewibg coni- adoptedGovwas proclaimed by order -in -council, nuttees if they desire to help in the at a meeting of the amernl..- !w ork of the Red Cross, as le me.nt on Friday. The act im- troltakes- over shipping, censorship, trade and commerce, expropriation of pri,. al vate property, transportation and' iother matters /elating to the security WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS ;Specials; for Dec-- 7th„Bth, and 9th. ,St. Williams raspberry jam 32 -oz per jar ... . Choice new Sultana. raisins, 2 lbs. 25c .Mixed cut peer. per ib.. 23c Salad& Tea, stint at old price fresh stock, yellow label 33c. while it lasts, brown label 'As 35c Rand ,Soap„ 6 Lars .. 25c .0xyclol, large Pica. 24c. ,Giant size •. 65c Yellow Bantam corn. pex ttin 10c Cowan's -Cocoa, halfs disc. 1 -lb per tin Old Dutch cleanser, per ,fin. 1 c New Sm3rrna figs, 2 lbs. 23c aGinger snaps, per lb t Oc PoRk and beans 21 -oz- 2 alias 9c ,Sherriff s Lushes Jelly 'Powders. 3 pkgs. -25c. Black cat floor -wax 14I1s. . 25c Aero no -rubbing wax, pint tins .....—... .29c We are receiving Xmas. Goods every day and our :Stock is about complete. We suggest you do your :shopping 'featly., Xmas condies, nuts, oranges etc., are in. Get your fruit fbr that Christmas cake. We Lave all the fixtures. Phan* 140 9ossible to see each oneiinliieiaalty.. not wish to omit anyone, and .vemeld greatly ap;,iteciate your co- "opeeation,--Mrs. Menno Oescit, Chem of the relm. Control and suppressible, of ...Work Committee. of publications, writings, maps, plans, etc. HAY COUNCIL Dies at Detroit;, 1. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wiirrm, and Mr 'Louis WUrM of near HensalP attend- ; eA•the funeral on Monday of the late Atirs, Henry Schluchter- at Detroit. The regular monthly meeting of thc Mrs. Schluchter was a Zuriith girl, Council af the Township o: Hay was her name being Hannah Rlipre dau- held in the Town Hall, Zuriell, are ghter of Mr. and Ales. Henry7Rupp, Monday Dec. 4th, with all the mem- and has been a resident of Detroit bers present. The minutes of the No- for many years. Me paeseell awayon vexnber meeting and the special, met Friday being 68 years of" age: Sur- eting held November 29th, were ad- vivirig besides her hushamil are two opted as read. sons and two daughter$.:. The following resolutiens; were passed: That the following places be desi- gnated as Polling Placesand theefal- lowing be appointed as Deputy- Re- turning Officers and Poll Clerksfar the various polling dieiSibees: Q1the Township for the nominatient for Reeve and Councillors for 1940 to be held on Priday, December Taxtd, and for the election en January 1st, 1940 and By-law confirmingsame be read three times and finally passed: Poll No. 1, School House Nb. D.R.O. Earl Campbell, Poll clerk Clifton Prouty; No, 2 School House No. 14 Donald Burns, S. McArthur; No. 3 Town Hall, Leroy O'Brien, N. Gas-. tho; No. 4, Town Hall, Dan. -Oswald A. G. Hess; No. 6, School House No • Fiftieth-, Anniversary We join the- many, tietacis in ex- tending congratUlatiOne; to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber of Zurich who on' Sunday, Decembeeehtf,, celebrated their Golden, Wedding Anniversary at their uoinfoltable, None here. 41 delighful dinner: wale served to tvreteeei guests, among those being: Mr. ardl Mrs. Theo l Feetgel; Man Doris Post Master Rex Foster and Mr. and Richard' alll of Detroit. Mee Roy Weber ot Hensall, and ri'ss clam Weber. of' London, The table was, attitits, tisztdeeorated in pi: and white crepe paresr. A large white belt hanging- from the chandelier hovered' wee'. beautithl three tier 14 12, U. A. Pfile, H. Truenmer; No. 6 ieveddinge cake with -the bride and.' grieom deconting the top. traditional Kellerman's Store, C. '. Bfile, A. Weber; No. 7 School House No, 8, JP. 'Phis happy- eouple, of fifty years B. Forrest, j. A. McAllister; No. 3‘, 'have. three children livkig and five Filbert Donornme's House, Fred 'Du- grin. The Children are charme, 3. Corrivemn Jr. Miss Clara Weber, Mrs. Theo, Foster' A large number of of accounts who, was formally Miran Weber, and covering payments on Twp. roads Mir: Roy Weber. Beautiful cards eon - Hay Telephone, Salaries, ReXief anal tarning gifts of meney were received wgeilnlearapipeaaerin" tthse ‘AvonraetcP1:isssetdwateitivnI11; by Zeetipltebride and groom. With he ion of three years spent in t soon to be printed. Rochester, N. Y., their entire mar - The Council adjourned to meet for rind life was Sport in Zurich. May final session of year 0. Friday, Ne. ------------114/1rs. ee sparred with 15th at 1,80 good hoahli to enjoy many more an - 'A. P. 'Eh% 'ClOtt * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • *4.41•11.••••••••••beeeeeeetfedeteeee.40441.404•4•OOdietteeeetea-Oeeeneee•ote OR Fail Over c o a tin These are the finest range of Suitings and Over - coatings, we have ever shown, and prices the lowest Two of. the largest and Best Firms in Canada. W. R. Johnston, and House of Hobberlin. Over 600, Patterns to choose from. Made to style you want.. OUR SUITS FOR $22.00 Madre. to, Measure, are the best Bargains we have ever had. , LOOK OVER OUR RANGE W.. 11; Ilo 71i / EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4117.11.111111.111MIMMIIIIIMOBIMMENS=WW2=0"' -e=iii=a7=Wan, Christ as ,Wth Christmas just around the Corner, -Come-in and see our nice Assortment of Gifts. We have Candies, Nuts, and Oranges. Alscv Raisins, Currants' Shredded Peels, Cheates, and Gum Drops for the Christmas Cake. IT'S A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS TlitlEPOIJ LAS STORE nivertons our stixtrE, wtong. 1,4041000000irourannosiiimmonommair, PHON E 1 1 - 7 4mmawumwwmowws....ir13 I A K . . ,