HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-11-30, Page 404 -
Established 1817
irescntation, in easily iindersta,dable form,
of the Bank's
31st October, 1939
Payable an dema▪ nd a• nd after notice.
Notes of the Bank in Circulation
Payable or demand.
Bilis Payable
Time drafts r,Ined and outstanding.
Acceptances and Letters of Credit Outstanding .
c.spon.sibilttter undertaken on behalf of customc;rs
ince off -setting amount in "Resutnccs").
Other Liabilities to the Public
Items which do not conte under the foreg• oing ▪ heading▪ s.
Total Liabilities to the Public
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits
and Reserves for Dividends •
This amount represents the .shareholders' interest in the Bank,
over which liabilities to the public take precedence.
Total Liabilities . • •
To meet the foregoing Liabilities the Bank has
Cash in its Vaults and Money on Deposit with
Bank of Canada .
Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks •
Peee,',l2 in cash on prvsentatinn, .
Money on Deposit with Other Banks •
Available on demand or at short notice -
Government and Other Bonds and Debentures
Not exceeding market value. The greater portion consists of
hilt -edge securities which mature at early dates.
Stocks . . . . . . .
Industrial and other stocks. Not exceeding ma▪ rket twine.
Call Loans outside of Canada .
Secured by bonds, stocks and other negotiable securities of
greater value than the loans and r•epreseating moneys quickly
available faith no disturbing effect on conditions ire Canada.
Call Loans in Canada . . . . .•
Payable on demand and secured by bonds :and stocks of greater
value than the loans.
Bankers' Acceptances. , .s. • ',...e
Prince drafts accepted by other banks..
(equal to 78.29% of all Liabilities to the Public)
Loans to Provincial and Municipal Governments ;
including,. School Districts .
Other Loans . •
To manufacturers, farmers, • 'merchants a▪ nd others, on conditions'
consistent with sound banking.
Banc Premises . . .
7'wo properties only'''arc' carr,';d in ▪ the n• ames of ho• lding
companies: thn stock and bonds of these companies are en-
tirely owned by the Bank and appear on the books at $1.00
in c:rrh rare. 411 other of the Bank's premirer. the nal/se
which largely exceeds $13,900,000, appear under this heading.
Real Estate, and Mortgages on Real Estate Sold; by the
Acquired in t▪ he cou▪ rse of the Bank's ▪ basin:sr and in process
of being realized upon.
Customers' Liability under Acceptances and
Letters of Credit . .,
Represents liabilities of customers on ac• coiun of Letters of
Credit issued and Drafts accepted by the Bank for their
Other Assets not included in the Foregoing .
Making Total Assets of . •
to meet payment of Liabilities to the Public of .
leaving stn excess of Assets over Liabilities to the Public of
$ 914,909,050.45
$ 948,502,921.94
. $1,025,508,367.80
$ 94,641,456.72
. $ 742,603,867.82
$ 77,005,445.86
Profits for the year ended 31st October, 1939, after making appropriations
to Contingent Reserve Fund, out of ivhich Fund full provision for Bad
and Doubtful Debts has been made, and after deducting Dominion and
Provincial Government Taxes amounting to $1,198,413.43 . . $3,462,446.04
Dividends paid or payable to Shareholders . . . $2,880,000.00
Appropriation for Bank Premises . . . . . 500,000.00
Balance of Profit and Loss Account, 31st October, 1938 .
Balance of Profit and Loss tarried forward .
$ 82,446.04
Joint General rlfnrutgers.•
* * * •
The strength .of a bank is determined by its history, its policy,
its management and the extent of its resources. For 122 years the
Bank of Montredd has been in the forefront of Canadian finance.
Council. --J. A. IPaterson, Returning , .Ind telegrams. The doctor is enjoy -
Officer. ,ng splendid health and is at his office
every ,day of the week except Sunday
During the past year he has not mts-
sed a day at the .office through illness.
Exeter Times-Aavocate.
Fire swept through five buildings at •
'...ondesboro last Monday evening, and
`or a time threatened the whole south
and west sides of the village, destroy -
•ng the. Jas. McCool gen. store. and
post office, Well's Garage, two ware -
louses and a private ga7.age. The
ire was the worst the vilaage ever
Mr. and ..Mrsr. Robe, Hayter and
family attended the wedding of their
daughter at Windsor on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Schatz spent
a few days in Toronto last week.
iilr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther of
Windsor spent the week e nil with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Guenth-
Mrs. P. Meisaac is visiting in De-
sI•r. and Mrs. Addison Tiernan, Mrs
Merrier and son Milford spent the
week -end in Detroit.
Mrs: Hamacher who has teen vis-
iting with her daughter in Detroit
for a few weeks returned hone on
Mrs. Jane Guenther of Kitchener
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft and
family visited with friends in St.
Thomas on Sunday.
The Evangelical W.M.S. are hold-
ing a tea and bazaar in Tier— - 's ;lot -
el on Saturday Dee. 2nd from 4 p.m.
until 10 ,p.m. The Mission Circle
are also having a ibooth in connection
with the bazaarr.
The Toll Brothers Travelogue was
given in the Evangelical church on
Tuesday evening Nov. .21st to a full.
house. It was unfortunate that the
seating capacity was no greater for
many had to be turned back from
the door. The proceeds amounted
to $135.40.
Death of Mrs. Susan Pete
Mrs. Susan Pfile, widow of the
late George Henry Pfile died at her
home here in her 69th year. She
had been in failing health for sever!.
alyears but seriously ill only about
a week. She was born in Wilmot Twp
and formerly had lived on the 14th.
con. of Hay Township. She was a
member of Dashwood Evangelical
church. Predeceased four years by her
husband she is survived by three
sons; Herbert Pfile, Grand Bend;
Clayton, Dashwood, and Lorne of Mt
Clemens, Mich., one • daughter, Mrs.
Herb Uttley, Zurich; two brothers,
Ed Geiger, Backoo N. Dak; and Dav-
id Geiger, Minneapolis, also three sis-
ters, Mrs. .John Haugh 14th con.Hay
Mrs. Amos Schrader, Osnobrook, N.
Dak; and Mrs. William Elsie, Grand
Bend. A private service was held on
Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment in
Zurich Bronson Line Cemetery.
..7 an %al„the ,+a..-F�ea a"
he Walther ,eague held -zldhe
rally at the Lutheran church with 105
registering. The "Bue Water Zone"
consisting of Sarnia, London, Monk -
i ton, Mitchell, Logan and Stratford
1 ; societies were in attendance. Rev.•
Mr. Luft conducted the open devot-
ion. Words of welcome were expno-
#' sed by the zone chairman, Mr. Harold
Kraft and the .response be made by
Fred Herbert. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read :by the
secretary Frieda Rader. Rev. Mr.
Kuster of Sarnia gave an interesting
talk of the chr,rch. Mr. Harry .Tan -
sen, manager of the Walther League
'Messenger Campaign advised us to
ele'et a leader in each society to
take care of the messenger. Our
fWheatridge Seal manager Mr. :Ross
Merklinger described the situation of
the Wheatridge Sanitorium. Mr. N.
Brubacher, president of the Ontario
district took charge of Christian
knowledge and drew our attention to
a few important facts namely. Bible
"study, topic talent, Guest Negro Mis-
sion and vacation at Sparrow Lake.
Teacher Borchardt took charge of
Christian service, he made remarks
•ee-out Road Marker, Red gross, and
recreation. Mr. Wilmer Strome pub -
Hefty manager fo r our district for
tide 1940 International convention at
Ottawa urged eaguers to attend the
convention and also join the choral
union. A buffet lunch was• served in
the basement of the church..
At 7.30 p.m. the leaguers enter-
ed the church in processional manner
Rey, M.r. Kuster of Sarnia delivered
an interesting sermon to a full house
After the service a social gathering'
was spent in the basement of the
church. The.;committee in charge be-
ing Dorothy Kraft, Hildegard Miller,
Fried Leona Fischel„.Hedw-
ie ,Schendell, Elgin Rader, Garnet
Weiberg, Elmer Gackstetter.
les to match. She was attended by.
Ater twin sister Irene Gerber, who
was attired a¢-1 a black pepple crepe
dress. The groom was attended by
his brother, Albert Clausius, The
bridal couple left on a nr:p r,o the
eastern ;par'ts, the bride travelling in
navy bine with satin and gold acces-
sories. On their return a dinner will
he served at the bride's hone; the
diningroom and table will be decor-
ated in pink and white.. The happy
young couple will reside on the blind
line near Zurich. The Herald joins
their many friends in extending con -
suffered. Damage is estimated to be ,gratulation.
well over $20,000. Gelivas—Dietrich
lir. ?.mos Wlldfong and son Frank
of Hay Township had a harrowing
,experience while deer hunting in the
l3ruce Peninsula recently when one
,,f their companions was fatally shot
and soon died thereafter. Alfred
Moore, of Lion's Head, aged 24, fa-
ther of two children, was the victim.'
With him were his father Geo. Moore
Glen Davidson, Frank an 1 Amos Wil- I
dfong. They wore hunting on the east
:hone of Lake Huron at Pine Tree
Bay and went north for a~out six
miles when they came across deer
tracks, they tried to encrrcle the
deer when the other men came upon
thein and the unfortunate young
man was just in line of the bullets
when his companions fired on the
A quiet but .pretty wedding was
solemnized on Wednesday November
22nd, when Ilene Gerber, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Gerber of the
Goshen Line, north of Zurich, was
united in marriage to Harvey George , accessories. On their return they
Clausius, eldest son of Mr. an,: gars. will reside on the groom's farm near'
Henry Clausius of the Blind Line, Zurich. The groom's gift to the bride
Hay Township. Bishop Mose Jant:i was a General -Electric radio, to the
officiated. The bride was attired in bridesmaid a string of peals and to -
blue celeanese crepe with accessor- the groomsman kid gloves.
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at the church of Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel when Merle, Youngest daugh-
ter of Mrs. osephine Dietrich and
Claude Gelinas of near Zurich, were
united in marriage. Rev. Fr Fogerty
officiated. The bride, given in marri-
age thy her. brother Bill, was a pict-
ieture in a floor -length gown of wine
chiffon velvet with turban of the
same shade, wearing silver slippers
and carrying an arm bouquet of swe-
etheart roses tied with white satin
streamers. The bridesmaid was Joan
Gelinas, sister of the groom, gowned
ixr . a: fioor-length dress of hunter's
green chiffon velvet with hat, shoes
:and gloves to match and carried fro
wets. Chas. Dieterich, brother of the
bride was best man. During the sign-
ing of the register Helen. and Reta
Regan sang "The Holy Family.” Af•
ter the ceremony the welding party
returned to the home of the bride':
mother where a sumptuous wedding
dinner was served. Later in the aft-
ernoon the happy couple left for •
Niagara Falls and other points, the
bride wearing a green dress; hat and
coat collared in red fox with black
'Municipal Nominations were herd
in the town hall, Varna on friday,
November 24th, with the following
For Reeve ---Fred Watson.
For Counlillors—Elmer Webster,
John Pepper, Win. Falcou,•r, and
Clarence Parke. These were elected
by acclamation and will bs the mem-
bers of Stanley Council for 1940..
Mr, and Mr:. D. J. Stephenson and
daughter i4 1.; I'er c c John to spent
a 6wthro:
sa'.r' •s ,,r.,• t s 5tr.,,
Mr. r•. if(sirt. : ? ..; tlr...ae•{ nn
W. \r :zr, s r i „•
'WA" !r .•' "• inf,+r..
./'. 111,11 ;filen elel i:lyy !wall
ald, •a.ccompanied by Mrs. Grace Aus-
tin of Pint, visited over the week -end
with their relatives in ,Stanley'..
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson vis-
ited with Mrs. E. Johnson and son
George R, of Goderich on Saturday.:
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Love made a
business trip to London on Saturday
The funeral of the late Robert
Stephenson of the Parr Line was
"meld on Wednesday and conducted
the Roe. E, T". elhnnd1e„ , of I+ ip-
c'nitr d C'hueeli. The Sympathy
�'' t'zc c•('>anrnuni1y is t,5t,e:tried to the
and "rift. John Laker' and hfr.
and- 141rs, b'Vtai. McLaehian "eve{:c in
leaden em .bei snl'!;1:; fele+.' day 1f'' ,
The 'annual Nomination for the
various offices in. Hensall was iaeld or
Friday evening, November 24th:with
a good attendance present. A large
number of names were nominated
and the 'following is the final last o'
those who' qualified:
For Reeeee—R. E. Shaddick, F. W
Smallecomb, Owen Geiger.
For •Councillor's—R. J. Cameron
H. W. Horton, 3). Robinson, D. Me-
IC.innon, P. Moir.
Pine School "1 ri"4P --(Iry Acelarn
,itlon) E. L. Mh 'kle, J. Flynn, G. ?t-
For Public Utilities ;emmissionm
C`hta , IVloore (Acclam;(tfoa ).
1I7ry cieetion will he held ori Morro,
day, December 4118 for Reeve and
Toronto—"`It is a difficult matter
to reconcile the cost of yarn -with the
price of wool" said H. Brown, assist-
ant to Wool Administrator R. Dick,
when his attention was directed to the
disparity between the price the far-
mer got for wool and the price the
retailer gets for knitting wool. Ferro,
ers receive an average of 23 to 25,i
a pound for raw wool in the rough
which would mean clean blood wool
at 45e. a pound. Women who aer
knitting socks or sweaters for sold.
iers are paying as high al 8/.65 e
Dr. 3, W. 'Browning C n,f'n's ni•1
est practicing phyvicinn o .. syraat?' 0"
his 011th lsit'th(lay, Tr,' ;liar• Nor+s.r' }I
bar 21st. T) -r'. 1' ',wnitlr. ,.., ,y it 1,' t 4.1
office 'ell dsty end m' er•ivesi Inn ( ;
F.. .
tellers who n�'eresi their r'o��gr.t , .
lotion s and best wishes. A Behr
lunch was 'servo 1 f.o tilt` vl tor'.m, 11
wigs . is the recipient of many (cr.'
C! 4x4 6i V � e I,
NOW is the. time to order your supply of these
delightful, tree -ripened Canadianapples !They're
FRESH from Canada's orchards ... and they're at
their best—they're tastiest—for eating and cooking!
Serve Canadian apples often — for the whole family
to enjoy — with meals and between meals. They're-
easy to cook .. simple to serve ... and mighty
appetizing. Watch everyone ask for more!
Order your Canadian apples today ... buy them' by -
erode ---,with • confidence!
"Na.,..t InclnAareemand. handpicked apples of good colour
fbrr the variety, free from insect vests and practically free,
Aram disease and acinar hIctu'Tshea The apples are sized
according to variety.
*7 E
. PPiES•D4tkY�
'eat/ coliWTR�1
"'DOMESTIC"' 1ndnd.s sound. 'handpicked apples of fair•
colour for the variety and practically free from disease and.
others• injury. The apples are ,sized according to variety..
Marketing Service •
Honmarabic James G. Gardiner, Minister.
001l000®011,00i(000111 DQA50000asa a s. fr (q gPstaea0000elaS•e0S11INM
Your Wiriter's e
We are NOW Filling Orders for this Winter's
Fuel:.. Let. FIs.; suggest the Most SI3itable Fuel for
your Hein, Equipment... Prices always within
the limn•% of other Dealers with Quality Considered.
4.40:' ae,r"xet
We have an up'.to-date Seed Cleaning Equlnnent
that we use for Custom Cleaning, and invity the
Farmers who have seed to ere sa to arrange with us
for this Work.
A Cuaranteen Product that will greatly help your
Stock end Poultry to Vigor and 'rod/action, which
drill mean greater Profits. Try it!
AdivS J
to Se0earia4;+: