HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-11-23, Page 1E A Cheater L. Smmtb, Pahl' l; fl.25 a year. U.S. $i.50 ha Advisor 1,54 LNA.R1t,R:AItS,a2MAjiBit Citi' int/e Do your Shopping early r COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PR.I;CES C. E. Zurb rgg OPTOMETRIST at E'ER The Newest. Approves IRVIethad o Eyesight Testing Used., Open every Week Day Except Wedaenditty. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices aam411a.14 BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP —YOUR HAIR—The most 'important thing to complete your spring_ outfit is your hair. 'Teat: it as such and come to us for your next PERMANENT WAVE. Introducing to you for the first time the newest in scientrlic hair treatment, it is our pleasure to present "Prescriiltion Permanents." Whether your hair he fine, souse, white, etc., we now have a special lotion for each type and your are therefore assured of a wave in the manner you have always waisted. Why Accept a Substitute: for the Best. No advance in prices. Phone 159 Zurich for Appointments. MRS. ED. GASC'HO, Prop: STOP! BEFORE Baying a New T,� r Used Car IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SAVING. MONEY; SEE ARD, F R ITZ SEE THESE USED CARS! ty, 1938 DODGE LUX SEDAN, 'Spotless interior, extra large trunk, priced to sell. 1930 iP*VIS(143TirSE _ . `, Hydraw'Iic brakes,i.origurgl aside ak out'-.:,Thselmfsdeis!';aae' -L'o, -hurry' 1936 •GREY:. COUPE,. Iiike new small mileage, Iady driven. 1929 PONTI C tiEDAN, Tires like new, paint aI, upholster- ing Eke any new 1939 car, seeing is believing. 1928 CHEM:, CO'A:CH, good tires al, runs god, at $'75.00 1929 FORD COA.OH,your pick of two at $75.00 1937 DODGE' COACH, . 17000 miles liike new. 1929 ESSEX. SEDAN,, in very good condition_ Priced. low. 1929 FORT? P:rcKm aP_ 1930 ;CHEV. TRUCK. 1931 FOLD COACH at 1930 FORD DOOR SEDAN, one of the Best! 1 USNA1 BEATTIE, ELECTRIC WASHER. (late model). • •• •• MP.g WE SELL THE BEST FOR =LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and .Saturday Quick Quaker oats, large pIain per pkg.-...- i 9c Del Maiz Riblets corn, 2 tins _ ... ...21 c Sliced or crushed Pineapple, per 'tin..... 1 1 c Sultana Seedless raisins, 2 lbs.. z 5 c Bleached Raisins, per lb. 19c Velencia. Raisins -with seeds, 2 Ibs. , . 7 5 c Manning's chocolate bridge dauntees per Ib 23c Mince meat, 2lbs. ' _' _.._ -._.. ..,,.25c Salmon, fancy pink Cohoe, half -s per tin __._,,,,17c Royal York orange: Pekoe tea old price •hard -lb 33c Kleenex, 201Ts„ 2 pkgs. _.._--. Prunes, Santa. Clara large sweet, 2 lbs- 25c Tea cubes, sugar, 2 -Th. pkg....—. . _25c Soap chips, albs - .................,.-...... 25c Royal Ro York coffee, perils 49c Baking powdery 1% _.___ -._ 23c NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS" The Zurich Creamery will ,be a erated on the same managemexft; usual, and your Patronage WillaF ways be appreciated. MAURICE ANDERSON, CARD OF THANKS ,+ We wish to extend our lieartfe• 1l thanks and appreciation for the kin• ness, messages of sympathy and ea, dolence and for the beautiful iior'a: offerings, also those who so kindl1 provided cars and all those who kindly lent a helping hand during tit illness and departure of our c.earl beloved mother, We especially tha s; Rev. Heckendorn for his devoted a tentidn.aa —The Truemner Family: „llrx' !./ / ,mow.- ”" ,17-- te' -;kr - Mr. Louis Wurm of near Hensall alas a visitor in town Wednesday. ,;.Mr. Laurie Fowlie of London, was 1 .Sunday visitor at the home of Mr ,and Mrs. Gid. Koehler. Mr. and 1lrs. Wm. F. Braun and family of Forest were Sunday visit - Os at the home of Mr. Wm. Lamont. 112r. and 'Vers. Leonard Heiner we - up guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervy telck on Sunday. • ,, . s•f , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Truemner and family of Toronto were here a ;flew days, attending the funeral of the farmer's mother. a. A. large number from. town and _'! _, _ _ 4.rh unity attended the Travelogue pro- •• put on by Toll Pros. in Dash- wood Evang. church Tuesday evening 'AY we go to p"ess we learn of the passing of Mr. George Th.iA of. the 14th concession who died Wednesday morning. More parti,mlays next wk. -)%Huron County Council i, tt` Goclerich thh week. Mr. George One. Also to those who so nlndly loaned their cars. :Armstrong, reeve of Hay is in at- -Mrs. Chris. Schrag and Family tendance. .Mrs, C. M. Walkeia Mr. and Mrs. ° `red Walker of Oakwood Park.C,rand Bend were entertained to fowl dinner Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme, who at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. recently purchased and rebuilt, ad , rnith, Sunday evening. ding considerable to the house, on . Edward st., have moved in frim the 1'' A. lame numbt of people were in farm just south of town, and we �i awn • Saturday attending the auction welcome them as residents of the' ''stIe of the effects of ce the late Mrs. Village. Their son George Duchal: "' Wolper, good prices were obtain- m+r, will take care of the fine 200 acre ^ "1 The property was purchased by arm vasa e yMr, lir; Charles Thiel. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this medium �za extending sincere thanks to the, nabs ghbours and friends for their kip,d. ness and sympathy during the lengthy illness and departing of Our Lo' e:d f t d b D Ducharme ' The village .residence_ .is now, equip, q number of hockey fans matt: ed ':ed yvitb all •xnocl rn CQnve fences ,f , �} a t, pyta 4 a uit r41.*y= '6"4t e hope"1VTr. arid` 1lr`s. "lucharme wil', `ed £ .e 'hockey match. $he "1'branto 'be 'spared to' enjoy many years of Maple Leafs playing the Detroit team well earned retirement. and it was a big night for the Leafs, THE RED CROSSas they won score 7-1. and the pre- vious night at Toronto the same teams On Wednesday November 15, a played the Leafs winning 3-0. Those meeting of the executive of the Zur- boys wearing Canada's emblem sure ich Red Cross Society was held. Miss have been laving it on, having played Ruby Church was appointed assist• five games, four wins and a tie, and ant to the treasurer, Dr. O'Dwyer. In only threegoals scored against them order to avoid overlapping with Hen- and no more than one goal in a game sall and Dashwood the boundaries of Hunters Return, the kcal branch were set at 2i/r'o'les Friday of last week was the day both east and south, 5 miles north, of the return of the Hunters who and west to the lake. The local obj- i�,ere up in the wilds hunting deer. ective is $1,000. Two men were ap- Unfortunately some did not get their pointed to each two milesloa half quoto this year, of these, one is Mr. and are now hare] at work collecting. colic sting. Herb 112ousseau, who practically ev- Snickers or pins will be supplied to ery year gets his deer was one of those doing their part by becoming those who just was not at the right members. Any donation however place and time. Mr. Len Prang who small will be welcomed. with his company of Stan Smith, F. It is proposed to have a workroom .lading: and M. Turnbull who were in the council chambers of the Zurich up to Manatoulin Island each got Town Hall where material will he dis- their quoto, the two farmer getting tributed. With a supply of leJ lbs. of stgs. Cold and frosty weather was wool on hand, the theme song of the prevalent in that northern part. women of the community will soon be "Two Plain, Two Pearl." Those who are not knitters may help as cut- Mrs. Henry Truemner teas and sewers. Passed to her eternal rest, Annie Committees were formed with re- Birk, wife of the late Henry True- prascntatives of both village and mner, on Thursday, November 16th county on then. The committees: at the home of her er daughter ;Ars. Finance, Elmer Klapp, convenor, Merano Steckle, Clarence Parke, Sim- ing, an illness of several months. She en :Hoffman, John Jeffrey, Dennis was the daughter of the -late Barbara, Ducharme, Fred Haberer, Will Edi- and Andrew Birk, born in Hay Town- ghoffer, Arnold Meaner, Dr. Bryce, ship and married in the year 1886. George Dei•chert, J. W. Haberer, 'Le- Iter husband predeceased her in. the ray O'Brien, Ivan Yung:i:ut, Ted year 1929, also. one daughter (Alice Smith, Hy. Ga.ckstetter; Work Coni, Pearl). Mrs. John F. Moritz of Cav- Mrs. M. Oesch, . convenor, Mrs. G. alier, N. Dale., in the year i9i8.. This Koehler, Mrs. Geo. Deichett, Mrs. Lee;, union was blessed with one son Ar - Hoffman, Miss Pearl Wurtz, Miss O.!.,.thur of Toronto, and four daughters, O'Brien, Miss Balkwill, bLss Statham; (Dorothy) .Mrs. Wm. S. Johnston; Cuttin con., Miss A. Datars woven- (Alberta) Mrs. Milne Rader; (Tus- or, Mrs. Feed Haberer, Mrs. Herb. nelda) Mas.. Theodore Rader; also an Krueger,on Whitney .Mxs, . edE. SchGascho, Mrs. whom s. adopted departed raised fromhine- N. Gascho, Mrs. 3. E. .Gascho, G. Hess, Miss Dolly Hagan, Mrs, fancy. She was in her 8.Ist year and Iva Deters; Inspection co:--, :firs. L. the eldest of a family of ten chil- Prang convenor, Mrs. D. Ducharme; •dren, five brothers and five sisters, Mrs. H. Mousseau, Mrs. I. Yungblut and out of this family only one bro- Mrs. R. Stade, Mas. T. L. Williams.' thea remains, Samuel of Maxbass, N. Mrs. E. Haberer, Mrs. E. Turkheim; Dak., also six grandsons and one Sewing coin., Mrs. T. Meyers convefl grind-daugl ens were four grandsons, or, Mrs, J. Manson, Mrs. J. W. ner, Miss W. Battler, Mas. S.HO; William Truemner, John Truemner, Mrs. B. Peck, ;Mrs. F. Siemoii. Mrs, Harold Rader, Lorne Rader and Jack E. M. Daag, Mrs. P. Masse, �Irs. bearers ande Robert MargaSold.n. FAwea ss Krueger, Mrs, W. Turner; Shipping. ILa.lbflcisch con'W venor, ein; LeRoy Rader, Roger Truemn- OBITUARY OpticaI Repair Service AM IN A POSITION TO DUPLIC- ATE YOUR BROKEN SPECTACLE . LENSES. PROMPTLY AND ACCURATELY AND AT PRICES MUCH LESS THAN THE LARGER CENTRES LET US SHOW YOU THE MOST :ODERN IN SPECTACLES. A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN • i For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracic ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling C. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid foe .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensall .�•••••••4'•4•aeee•o•o•••a•ooaeo••o•oa•osaoe000•4m•00 �e. 0 •e ° • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • Sup... Fall Overaoatings These are the finest range of Suitings and Over - coatings we have ever shown, and prices the lowest Two of the largest and Best Firms in Canada. W. R. Johnston, and House of Hobberlin. Over 600 Patterns to choose from. Made to styte you want. OUR SUITS FOR $22.00 Made to Measure, are the best Bargains we have ever had. LOOK OVER OUR RANGE 0 •" 1-1; o an titi 411. EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS coin., Mr. A. Mr. T. L. Williams, Mr. A. F. Fess. er, Helen O'Brien and Wilmer Wle Wen Hospital coin„ .PJ O' DwverMeniorialservicewa.i- coivetor, Mis. J. W. Haberer, grg an ell a/ church, interment followed fi•ERNER Fritz, Mrs, E. T+ui=]c•n, 141's,' in the E angelical Cenctcry,GoShpin Phone �� M Heideman, Mrs. G. Farwell, Mrs Her pastor, Rev. L Attic, Oeckentloril ,+ �l Odom ofiiela'ting. . BUY NOW! And Make Big Savings With the Upward Trend of Prices, We advise the Public to Buy Now! We have a full stock of Goods usually found.. in a Country Store:.. Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware, Boots and..Shoes, and Harness Repairs, Etc. F.' Fresh Groceries Always on Hand TfEJ S STORE 97' BLAKE